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Re: Testoserone level goes from 125 to 487

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Hormones work in harmony with another and thyroid is needed to make testosterone

work at the cellular level. It is important to have dr check and recheck other

hormones. You need to find a trained HRT dr before you start. Even with 487 is

too low if you are measuring 2-4 hours after application. Reason why your T

levels went up having low thyroid can cause myodexema which a condition that

will prevent absorption of T gels due to thicken of the skin. Treating the

thyroid will help gels absorb better. It is a no brainer..


> Three years ago my testosterone level was 125. An endocrinologist recommended

Testim gel. It made no difference in how I felt and did not improve any blood

test numbers. I started thyroid replacement and the testosterone levels

improved. A recent test showed 487. This is the highest I have seen. Is this

sort of response typical? I am 69.


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I don't think your feeling your best at this level I can tell you this gels and

creams will not get through the skin on men with a thyroid problem. A bad

Thyroid makes the skin get thicker and the gels and creams can't get through

your skin. Your levels come up but how much Testim are you on and did you

shower first the morning of your labs and get your labs first if not your levels

can be spiked up not a true reading. One needs to not put the gel on and do

labs first after washing off the old gel from the day before. If you have any

gel on the spot this will also spike up your labs.

I feel you need to switch to shots have your Dr. show you how to do them your

self and if this Endo has you on Synthroid I am betting this is not working very

good. Most of us do better on Desiccated Thyroid like Armour, Thyroid-S,

WestThyroid and Nature Thyroid. Read this site.


I and a lot of others don't like Endo's for low Testosterone and Thyroid or even

Adrenals they are not good Dr. for this. It's rare for someone to post they

found a good one. All they are good for is diabetes.

You need to get your Total Testosterone levels up into the upper 1/3 of your

labs range for a young man and to keep your Estradiol down to about 20 pg/ml.

Read this link.


Also I have found men with low testosterone and a Thyroid problem have bad

Adrenals so do get your morning fasting Cortisol levels tested if your below 15

get a 4x's in a day Saliva test to see how your rhythm looks.

And go to www.allthingsmale.com and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and the HCG

update Dr. puts this out there free for you and your Dr.

Do not let your Dr. give you shots every 2 to 4 weeks in his office this is dam

old and does not work. Start with 100 mgs every week and test your Estradiol if

it's to high it takes away any good your Testosterone and Thyroid meds are

doing. If your high get on some Arimidex say .25mgs or 1/4 of a one mg. pill

every 2 to 3 days to get this down to about 20 pg/ml.






> From: rayr_us <ray89012@...>

> Subject: Testoserone level goes from 125 to 487


> Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 9:26 PM

> Three years ago my testosterone level

> was 125.  An endocrinologist recommended Testim

> gel.  It made no difference in how I felt and did not

> improve any blood test numbers.  I started thyroid

> replacement and the testosterone levels improved.  A

> recent test showed 487.  This is the highest I have

> seen.  Is this sort of response typical?  I am 69.





> ------------------------------------



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Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I am not on any testosterone replacement. The

testosterone level came up strictly on thyroid replacement. I am wondering if

that is typical.

> >

> > Three years ago my testosterone level was 125. An endocrinologist

recommended Testim gel. It made no difference in how I felt and did not improve

any blood test numbers. I started thyroid replacement and the testosterone

levels improved. A recent test showed 487. This is the highest I have seen.

Is this sort of response typical? I am 69.

> >


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Yes I see this all the time men with low Adrenals and Thyroid with low levels

like yours do come up but not high enough to feel good. One thing about the

testosterone levels from your body as to levels from being on TRT a level of say

500 from you body is = to 800 from TRT the testosterone from your body is very

powerful. And if you test your Estradiol levels and find they are on the high

side getting them down your Testosterone levels might go even higher. Some men

do fine at lower levels but you need to go by how you feel. If you have sore

joints and muscles feel like your depressed have a lot of fatigue you might do

better with higher levels.



> From: rayr_us <ray89012@...>

> Subject: Re: Testoserone level goes from 125 to 487


> Date: Friday, October 9, 2009, 11:58 AM


> Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I am not on any

> testosterone replacement.  The testosterone level came

> up strictly on thyroid replacement.  I am wondering if

> that is typical.





> > >

> > > Three years ago my testosterone level was

> 125.  An endocrinologist recommended Testim gel. 

> It made no difference in how I felt and did not improve any

> blood test numbers.  I started thyroid replacement and

> the testosterone levels improved.  A recent test showed

> 487.  This is the highest I have seen.  Is this

> sort of response typical?  I am 69.

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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