Guest guest Posted April 25, 2009 Report Share Posted April 25, 2009 Crap I made some mistakes in my last post. When I said " being harassed by a lab who didn't want to stop chit-chatting with a waiting room full of people " I meant " being harassed by a lab techs who didn't want to stop chit-chatting with each other when they had a waiting room full of people " When I said " I also have sex organs. " I meant was " I also have NO sex organs " Also I figured I had low b12 and started shots the day after the test which helped with some things like appetiate and awareness when I wake up in the morning. trannyboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2009 Report Share Posted April 25, 2009 Good to hear from you again, trannyboy. Hope you're doing better now after that ordeal. Thoughts- *Your TSH is at a level " suspicious " for hypothyroidism, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists revision (from 5.0 to 3.0 miu/mL - Yet your free T4 looks good & your free T3 looks high. Not sure how long it would take stress to affect TSH, but it definitely affects the thyroid hormones more quickly. Since sleep deprivation seems to mess everything up (lowering hGH & total testosterone, etc.), how would your current results for thyroid tests compare to test results without this stress ( & the others you mentioned)? *Regarding cortisol- Inflammation from both your abscess & other stress would increase cortisol & decrease DHEA, but then it gets tricky. Your cortisol in the morning is much lower than mine was (different reference range though) when I took an AM blood test & had no infection/illness (but for me, fasting is a huge stress). The combined stressors may account for all of your adrenal results, & may not be your usual levels. But are you still having difficulty sleeping? Probably not as helpful as Mike or Phil, but my two cents. ~Xian > > Hi guys, I am back with some new test results. For almost the last year I haven't had proper doctors/ insurance, so I have been waiting a long time for this blood work. I have had signs of thyroid and adrenal issues all my life and been on HRT for about 11 years and test pellets for about 9 months but this is the first time I was able to get a fuller panel then liver, cbc, testosterone and the bare basics. I got some of my labs back but not all, so I will have to call the lab on Monday to figure out where they are and when I will have. I thought I would post what I have now though. Please keep in mind that I had been up for over 31 hours and under major stress because I was in pain from an abcessed tooth, late for my emergency dental appointment, being harassed by a lab who didn't want to stop chit-chatting with a waiting room full of people and was confused by and giving me problems every other line on the blood req. I was so stressed that I couldn't control my muscle trembling. I swear my BP goes up just thinking about those idiots. I am also at the end of my pellet life and need new ones. I also have sex organs. > > My CBC is fine if you remember I have an infection. > Test Result Range > B12 98pmol/L 198-615 > eGFR 97 no range or unit of measurement > Cholesterol 405mmol/L no range > LDL 2.7mmol/L no range > HDL 0.83mmol/L no range > Cholesterol HDL ratio 4.9 no range > Triglycerides 1.07mmol/L no range > Albumin 50g/L 35-50 > Total Testosterone 12.5nmol/L 8.4-28.7 > Free testosterone 30.3pmol/L 31-94 > Free T3 7.6pmol/L 3.5-6.5 > Free T4 17pmol/L 9-23 > Sensitive TSH 3.13MIU/L 0.35-5.0 > Anti-TPO <10IU/ml less then 35 > Anti-TG <20IU/ml less then 40 > DHEA-S 3.3umol/L 7.6- 17.4 > Ferritin 62UG/L 22-322 > Progesterone 3nmol/L less then 4 > E2 181pmol/L 43- 151 > Corisol 473nmol/L AM 170-720nmol/L PM up to one half of patients AM levels after being up for over 31hrs under serious stress (see above). > > > I left out some that were fine or I know are irrelevant and I am missing quite a few test results but the results I have say that " further reports to follow... " So what do you guys think of this, especially the corisol. > > trannyboy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2009 Report Share Posted April 25, 2009 Nice to hear from you too, it has been a while getting insurance set up and recovering from surgery, I really did a number on my body by the last surgery I wasn't staying warm under an electric blanket... Anyways I am always stressed with one thing or another because well my life hasn't ever given me something not to be stressed about. I have lost alot of weight recently over 30% of my body weight and I am throwing up all the time. Sleep has always been a major issue for me. I only get at best 5 hours a night of sleep and sleep starts around 6-7AM and I wake up around 12-1PM, I swear that is my normal cycle. My entire family on my mom's side (except for my mom) sleeps like that. I have all my life had periods of times were I couldn't sleep for days at a time (longest was 6 days), I never make up that sleep debt, and for a long time I was forced to lose out on the time I could sleep because of school, work or other commitments. Now I try not to plan anything in the mornings so I can get some sleep. I imagine that would do a number to the body but I don't have a normal result (without sleep depervation) to compare it to and probably never will. Before B12 I used to struggle to wake up mentally for the first abbout 4 hours I was up but since the B12 I am wide awake the minute my eyes open for the first time in my life. My only other thyroid testing was about 9 months ago and consisted of a single TSH level of a little over 4. They did no other testing and my GP said I was " in range " (I hate that phrase). This time to be honest I just asked for a blank lab req from my endo and wrote down what I wanted on the lab req instead of asking and I don't feel guilty about it. I have never had proper blood testing despite obvious warning signs i.e. going from moon face to skin and bones and back over and over again as a child, my eyelashes and brows are incrediably thick but fall out constantly in bunches, no energy, chronic low grade depression, periods were the only way I could stop shivering was in a hot bath or electric blanket, shaking like a leaf at the slightest stress, etc. I felt a bit better on topical HC but stopped that a while ago because I never could remember to use it. Now when I get a chance to get blood work I have high T3, what appears to be normal T4 and I can't begin to explain my cortisol or TSH. My thyroid antibodies appear fine so thats I have to say these results have just confused me more. I am guessing I need to repeat the cortisol and thyroid tests when I haven't been up for 31hrs. Thanks for taking the time to respond, I do appretiate it. I know phil isn't well but I hope he weighs in because I don't know what to make of this. I thought my T3 was going to be low but it is high?? Oh and all abnormal tests were repeated and confirmed by the lab. trannyboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2009 Report Share Posted April 26, 2009 Good grief. With all this going on, you'd think docs would want to do case studies on you & give you free medical treatment. The fact that you found some improvement on HC could be worth exploring... It appears that hydrocortisone can be implanted into animals (, so I wonder- are there also hydrocortisone pellets available for humans? It would be great if they were available, safe, & effective, as you wouldn't need to remember to apply anything daily. & they wouldn't be as immunosuppressive as prednisone or dexamethasone. ~Xian > > Nice to hear from you too, it has been a while getting insurance set up and recovering from surgery, I really did a number on my body by the last surgery I wasn't staying warm under an electric blanket... Anyways I am always stressed with one thing or another because well my life hasn't ever given me something not to be stressed about. I have lost alot of weight recently over 30% of my body weight and I am throwing up all the time. > > Sleep has always been a major issue for me. I only get at best 5 hours a night of sleep and sleep starts around 6-7AM and I wake up around 12-1PM, I swear that is my normal cycle. My entire family on my mom's side (except for my mom) sleeps like that. I have all my life had periods of times were I couldn't sleep for days at a time (longest was 6 days), I never make up that sleep debt, and for a long time I was forced to lose out on the time I could sleep because of school, work or other commitments. Now I try not to plan anything in the mornings so I can get some sleep. I imagine that would do a number to the body but I don't have a normal result (without sleep depervation) to compare it to and probably never will. Before B12 I used to struggle to wake up mentally for the first abbout 4 hours I was up but since the B12 I am wide awake the minute my eyes open for the first time in my life. > > My only other thyroid testing was about 9 months ago and consisted of a single TSH level of a little over 4. They did no other testing and my GP said I was " in range " (I hate that phrase). This time to be honest I just asked for a blank lab req from my endo and wrote down what I wanted on the lab req instead of asking and I don't feel guilty about it. I have never had proper blood testing despite obvious warning signs i.e. going from moon face to skin and bones and back over and over again as a child, my eyelashes and brows are incrediably thick but fall out constantly in bunches, no energy, chronic low grade depression, periods were the only way I could stop shivering was in a hot bath or electric blanket, shaking like a leaf at the slightest stress, etc. I felt a bit better on topical HC but stopped that a while ago because I never could remember to use it. Now when I get a chance to get blood work I have high T3, what appears to be normal T4 and I can't begin to explain my cortisol or TSH. My thyroid antibodies appear fine so thats I have to say these results have just confused me more. I am guessing I need to repeat the cortisol and thyroid tests when I haven't been up for 31hrs. > > Thanks for taking the time to respond, I do appretiate it. I know phil isn't well but I hope he weighs in because I don't know what to make of this. I thought my T3 was going to be low but it is high?? Oh and all abnormal tests were repeated and confirmed by the lab. > > trannyboy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2009 Report Share Posted April 26, 2009 Acttally Xian, You are really close to my thoughts on this matter, epecially prior to my current blood work. I was going to compound cortisol into my testosterone pellets to deliver the cortisol without the need for any action on my part. This system of delivery could work for any hormone and many drugs. However since I got my results back I am afraid to proceed. However time is limited because my current pellet is running out. My decision recently was to add the testosterone pellets I have left to buy myself some time to figure this out. Sadly my endo is the only one who is interested and this is out of his depth, he is willing to help by prescribing what I need but I am in deep uncharted waters. All I can say is that the testosterone pellets and DHT gel have made my life hugely better. Just not the stuff that I thought was related to thyroid or other hormones. I had minor weight loss prior to the hysto that was controlled by the testosterone but post hysto nothing I did was stopping the slow march of weight loss. After I got on the pellets I learned about a hormone called nor-testosterone, it appears that it is largely related to muscle strength and bone density. I decided that once the current pellet cycle was done I would add a drug called trenbolone to my pellets. It is a nor-testosterone that can`t convert to estrogen or DHT and is believed to be found in small amount in the sex organs of femaled bodied people. They have only found it in the sex organs of female cows but this is the closest they have come to identifying and studying nor-testosterone. Trenbolone is also fairly safe compared to many anabolic steroids. Many bodybuilders use it but in much higher amounts then I would need for supplementation. Your comment about not being as suppressive is right on the money, the pellet route is a majorly better method of delivery. You need a fraction of the amount that other methods of delivery use including injects to get the same levels, there is no need to inject carrier oils into the blood stream, less work for the liver because it is a base hormone instead of an esterfied hormone, and above all that it is the closest to natal male hormone products because it relies on body temperature. With normal testicle the testosterone production rises in response to what is going on around you, which most often coincides with a body temperature elevation which with pellets increases your overall dosage, cool eh? With the right pellet geometery you can control doses for each patient on the compounding level. Since I have started on the pellets my liver enzymes dropped, my cholestrol improved and I feel a thousand times better then before. So it looks like we are thinking on the same level. If we ever sort out my thyroid I can proceed onto the next step of creating a three or five year implant capable of delivering the exact level of all hormones I need. As for you kipp, I am sorry I lost my temper with you last night. I was really frustrated to see it but I could have been calmer about it. I really do think you need to lower your dosage just a bit and things will get better. It is a normal side effect of elevating the levels too high. Otherwise your partner could take small doses of testosterone to raise her sex drive if that is what she is interested in. trannyboy trannyboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2009 Report Share Posted April 26, 2009 Good to know we're thinking on a similar page. I'd like to learn more about controlling doses via the geometry of the pellet. How does pellet size/shape affect diffusion rate? I recall you mentioned something that accounted for your sleep schedule in another post. You said your melatonin cycle was produced in reverse. I can only imagine how this might contribute to unusual cortisol production/fluctuations, as melatonin curbs cortisol to aid in sleep. I think your first impression may have been right- that you would benefit from compounding cortisol into your pellets. Though you'd reduce adrenal production of cortisol further by cortisol replacement & potentially become dependent upon cortisol replacement for life, no? Thought of a non-doctor who's still learning. ~Xian > > Acttally Xian, You are really close to my thoughts on this matter, epecially prior to my current blood work. I was going to compound cortisol into my testosterone pellets to deliver the cortisol without the need for any action on my part. This system of delivery could work for any hormone and many drugs. However since I got my results back I am afraid to proceed. However time is limited because my current pellet is running out. My decision recently was to add the testosterone pellets I have left to buy myself some time to figure this out. Sadly my endo is the only one who is interested and this is out of his depth, he is willing to help by prescribing what I need but I am in deep uncharted waters. All I can say is that the testosterone pellets and DHT gel have made my life hugely better. Just not the stuff that I thought was related to thyroid or other hormones. > > I had minor weight loss prior to the hysto that was controlled by the testosterone but post hysto nothing I did was stopping the slow march of weight loss. After I got on the pellets I learned about a hormone called nor-testosterone, it appears that it is largely related to muscle strength and bone density. I decided that once the current pellet cycle was done I would add a drug called trenbolone to my pellets. It is a nor-testosterone that can`t convert to estrogen or DHT and is believed to be found in small amount in the sex organs of femaled bodied people. They have only found it in the sex organs of female cows but this is the closest they have come to identifying and studying nor-testosterone. Trenbolone is also fairly safe compared to many anabolic steroids. Many bodybuilders use it but in much higher amounts then I would need for supplementation. > > Your comment about not being as suppressive is right on the money, the pellet route is a majorly better method of delivery. You need a fraction of the amount that other methods of delivery use including injects to get the same levels, there is no need to inject carrier oils into the blood stream, less work for the liver because it is a base hormone instead of an esterfied hormone, and above all that it is the closest to natal male hormone products because it relies on body temperature. With normal testicle the testosterone production rises in response to what is going on around you, which most often coincides with a body temperature elevation which with pellets increases your overall dosage, cool eh? With the right pellet geometery you can control doses for each patient on the compounding level. Since I have started on the pellets my liver enzymes dropped, my cholestrol improved and I feel a thousand times better then before. > > So it looks like we are thinking on the same level. If we ever sort out my thyroid I can proceed onto the next step of creating a three or five year implant capable of delivering the exact level of all hormones I need. > > As for you kipp, I am sorry I lost my temper with you last night. I was really frustrated to see it but I could have been calmer about it. I really do think you need to lower your dosage just a bit and things will get better. It is a normal side effect of elevating the levels too high. Otherwise your partner could take small doses of testosterone to raise her sex drive if that is what she is interested in. > > trannyboy > > trannyboy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2009 Report Share Posted April 26, 2009 Pellet Geometery is a pretty simple and yet complex subject but the most important relationships are melting temperature of the hormones, surface area exposed to blood and other bodily fluids and body temperature. It is important to choose a pellet shape that will provide the same surface area at the beginning of treatment as at the end of treatment to control dosage. Currently they use small cylinders which provide a similar surface area for most of treatment but not the same. As the time line progresses you get less each day and higher doses at the very beginning. This is unacceptable to me so I have changed the pellet shape to ensure that it continues providing the same dosage at the end of treatment as it provides at the beginning. I am creating pellets that are encased partially in anatomically correct silicone testicle prostheses. It is the perfect place to contain a larger implant that will last a longer time then the current pellets are lasting (9 months). Since I know that every pellet has an initial surface area of 200 square millimeters and I need 5 pellets to reach perfect levels that means I need 1000 square millimeter to provide the correct dosage of testosterone. As long as whatever shape I chose provides a surface area of 1000 sq mm I am good to go. I used to take a 125mg a week of testosterone cypionate IM. The testosterone provided in the pellets is testosterone base without an ester. So I must find my injectable dose without the ester weight. The cypionate ester accounts for about 30.09666% of the total testosterone dosage which means that my base testosterone dosage by injection was roughly 87.4mg per week or 12.5mg per day. On the pellets I am getting roughly 4mg a day of base testosterone and that gets me to the same hormonal levels as the shots did. That means that I need about a third of the injected dosage with pellets. It also means that every 250 square millimeters of pellet surface area provides 1mg of testosterone every day for me. I have also confirmed this by weight of rejected pellets. So if I wanted to increase my dosage to 5mgs a day I would need a surface area of 1250 sq mm. Do you understand so far? The pellets currently implanted have a diameter of 4.5mm and length of 12mm. The smallest measurement decides the lifespan of the pellets. Since in my case it has lasted 9 months it means every month 0.5mm of pellet is worn away. Now another factor is both sides are currently being exposed and worn down. If only one side of the pellet is exposed then it will be reduced to 0.25mm a month. So to get a pellet with one side exposed to lasts 5 years I need to mutiply 0.25mm by 60 months to get a measurement of 15mm pellet at it's smallest measurement if one side is being exposed; if both sides are being exposed then I would need 30mm for five years. From there we know that testosterone base has a melting temperature of 155 degree celcius and my body temperature is on average 97 degree fahrenheit. So for example since I am compounding into the pellets 1 mg a day of DHT which has a melting temperature of 177- 183 degrees celcius I would need a surface area of 1250 sq mm at least but now we also have to account for the higher overall melting temperature of the total drug formulation which means I need a large surface area to provide the same dosage. This is where things become more difficult. If I were to add cortisol to the mix my body temperature should rise which also would effect the pellet geometry. From here things only get more complex. If you want me to explain it I will but keep in mind after this point much of it become theoretically especially because I haven't taken that step. Before I could I would need to discover a stable dosage which I fear may not be possible with cortisol. In a week or two I will be starting a new treatment of trenbolone to determine dosage, safety and prove my theory that it will halt the muscle wasting and re-establish healthy nor-testosterone levels. I will let people know as it progresses. As for my melatonin, yes my body produces it in response to light and lack of light lowers it. This is the opposite of what a normal body does. No one has ever been able to answer why that occurs but it has made my life all that more difficult. I wasn't aware of the relation to cortisol though. You have given me something to consider and research, thanks. It might even explain the bizzare cortisol levels I got. I am getting proper cortisol testing as soon as I can find a better lab nearby to get it done at. I refuse to return to the other lab, they are just too frustrating. I will also get a 24hr urine cortisol done to see what is happening on that front. You are absolutely correct that if I start altering my cortisol especially by means of pellets that I must expect to do this the rest of my life and it would be replacement and not supplementation which is giving me reason to pause, at least while I figure out the other parts. trannyboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 27, 2009 Report Share Posted April 27, 2009 You have got to be kidding. The pellets are placed in fatty tissue with a limited blood supply to the pellets. The amount of blood entering the area of the pellets and leaving to circulate into the body's blood supply is the gating factor, not the surface area of the pellets, IMHO. Have you done testing on blood levels of T in dozens of those on pellets to justify your hypothesis that the level of T drops linearly over the life of the pellets typically 4 months? I believe testing done over the past 5 decades shows this is not the case. A pioneer in the study of hormone therapy for both men and women was done by Dr. Greenblatt, Augusta GA beginning in the 50's if I remember correctly. As pellets are still having trouble being accepted as an alternative form of therapy after 50 years, I believe the cost and public response to your invention is a severe obstacle to overcome. ernestnolan > > Pellet Geometery is a pretty simple and yet complex subject but the most important relationships are melting temperature of the hormones, surface area exposed to blood and other bodily fluids and body temperature. > > It is important to choose a pellet shape that will provide the same surface area at the beginning of treatment as at the end of treatment to control dosage. Currently they use small cylinders which provide a similar surface area for most of treatment but not the same. As the time line progresses you get less each day and higher doses at the very beginning. This is unacceptable to me so I have changed the pellet shape to ensure that it continues providing the same dosage at the end of treatment as it provides at the beginning. I am creating pellets that are encased partially in anatomically correct silicone testicle prostheses. It is the perfect place to contain a larger implant that will last a longer time then the current pellets are lasting (9 months). > > Since I know that every pellet has an initial surface area of 200 square millimeters and I need 5 pellets to reach perfect levels that means I need 1000 square millimeter to provide the correct dosage of testosterone. As long as whatever shape I chose provides a surface area of 1000 sq mm I am good to go. > > I used to take a 125mg a week of testosterone cypionate IM. The testosterone provided in the pellets is testosterone base without an ester. So I must find my injectable dose without the ester weight. The cypionate ester accounts for about 30.09666% of the total testosterone dosage which means that my base testosterone dosage by injection was roughly 87.4mg per week or 12.5mg per day. On the pellets I am getting roughly 4mg a day of base testosterone and that gets me to the same hormonal levels as the shots did. That means that I need about a third of the injected dosage with pellets. It also means that every 250 square millimeters of pellet surface area provides 1mg of testosterone every day for me. I have also confirmed this by weight of rejected pellets. So if I wanted to increase my dosage to 5mgs a day I would need a surface area of 1250 sq mm. Do you understand so far? > > The pellets currently implanted have a diameter of 4.5mm and length of 12mm. The smallest measurement decides the lifespan of the pellets. Since in my case it has lasted 9 months it means every month 0.5mm of pellet is worn away. Now another factor is both sides are currently being exposed and worn down. If only one side of the pellet is exposed then it will be reduced to 0.25mm a month. So to get a pellet with one side exposed to lasts 5 years I need to mutiply 0.25mm by 60 months to get a measurement of 15mm pellet at it's smallest measurement if one side is being exposed; if both sides are being exposed then I would need 30mm for five years. > > From there we know that testosterone base has a melting temperature of 155 degree celcius and my body temperature is on average 97 degree fahrenheit. So for example since I am compounding into the pellets 1 mg a day of DHT which has a melting temperature of 177- 183 degrees celcius I would need a surface area of 1250 sq mm at least but now we also have to account for the higher overall melting temperature of the total drug formulation which means I need a large surface area to provide the same dosage. This is where things become more difficult. > > If I were to add cortisol to the mix my body temperature should rise which also would effect the pellet geometry. From here things only get more complex. If you want me to explain it I will but keep in mind after this point much of it become theoretically especially because I haven't taken that step. Before I could I would need to discover a stable dosage which I fear may not be possible with cortisol. > > In a week or two I will be starting a new treatment of trenbolone to determine dosage, safety and prove my theory that it will halt the muscle wasting and re-establish healthy nor-testosterone levels. I will let people know as it progresses. As for my melatonin, yes my body produces it in response to light and lack of light lowers it. This is the opposite of what a normal body does. No one has ever been able to answer why that occurs but it has made my life all that more difficult. > > I wasn't aware of the relation to cortisol though. You have given me something to consider and research, thanks. It might even explain the bizzare cortisol levels I got. I am getting proper cortisol testing as soon as I can find a better lab nearby to get it done at. I refuse to return to the other lab, they are just too frustrating. I will also get a 24hr urine cortisol done to see what is happening on that front. You are absolutely correct that if I start altering my cortisol especially by means of pellets that I must expect to do this the rest of my life and it would be replacement and not supplementation which is giving me reason to pause, at least while I figure out the other parts. > > trannyboy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 27, 2009 Report Share Posted April 27, 2009 Phil I happen to agree with you about corisol, considering that it is best to have variable levels throughout the day and pellets are about stable levels that would appear that pellets aren't the right way to dose cortisol, I am in general talking about adding other hormones that need to be stable like trenbolone, DHT and such to the pellets. The only way I would even condsider adding cortisol to my pellets is if I found a base dose I need all the time and then supplement at the times I need higher doses. Adding cortisol to my pellets is probably about three- five years away if it will be done at all. The other problem is the amount of cortisol would greatly increase the size of the pellets which has an inherant size limit i.e. the size of testicle I am willing to have. I am sorry to hear about your struggles getting to the right dosage of cortisol. Thanks for the info about stress dosing and others. You are absolutely right about the need for more or less depending on what is happening in your life. I learned the difference it made when I started getting dexamethasone shots prior to surgery, suddenly I wasn't in trouble with my body temp nearly as much as prior. I know things are hard for you but I really respect your opinion, would you look at my blood work and give me your opinion of what it means? I posted it in my first post. Is my cortisol low given the circumstances. I got told that it was in range and nothing else which I hate hearing. I was under enourmous stress at the time of the blood draw and had been up for 31 hrs at that point. Thanks so much for all of your help so far you really are an inspiration for me. You made me step up to the plate and take my health into my own hands instead of waiting for doctor's to help me, I wouldn't be where I am today with you and other people's of this and other forums help. So thanks. Btw I tried going to mesomorphosis's forums and posted in the body builders section. Big mistake because they were generally rude, unhelpful and I got quite a few private messages just flaming me. Is it better in the men's health section or should I just not return? A couple of people weren't bad but most were just asses. trannyboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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