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Re: Fwd: sky high test values.......can't be?????.

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Do have your thyroid checked TSH is low as to a low T4 this makes me thing your

Pituitary is not telling your thyroid to make more hormones but this will not up

your T levels that high.

Try to get these labs.

Estradiol sentive Code #4021

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X.

Homocysteine (Caridioviasular) Code #31789X.

Vit.D, 25-Hydroxy LC/MS/MS Code #17306X.


Free T4

Free T3

Total T3

Total T4


Total Iron

Iron Binding Capacity

Iron % Saturation





> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

> Subject: Fwd: sky high test values.......can't be?????.


> Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 8:46 AM

> In addition I had some other blood

> work done in September, results are as follows ranges follow

> my reading


> TSH (McIU/ml) = 0.86 (0.4-4.0)

> T4 free (ng/dl) = 0.65 (0.61-1.12)


> total cholesterol (mg/dl) = 146 (<200)

> triglycerides (mg/dl) =m140 (<150)

> HDL (mg/dl) = 32  (40-59)

> LDL (mg/dl) = 86 (<100)


> calcium, glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Protein serum total,

> albumin,bilirubin, AST, alkaline phosphatase,sodium,

> potassium, chloride, CO2 (ALL NORMAL AND ALMOST ALL ECACTLY









> ----- Forwarded Message -----

> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>


> Sent: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:17:19 -0500 (CDT)

> Subject: sky high test values.......can't be?????.


> I am a 59 YO male (soon to be 60) diagnosed as primary

> hypogonadic about 3 years ago.  I now take androgel

> (7.5 g/day) and have had very high testosterone values as of

> late (2009)  (see below).  I have been very

> careful to shower and wash my arms extremely well before

> blood was drawn (my point is that this is not an artifact of

> androgel on my skin that tainted my blood test.  All

> tests were done by Quest.  I apply andogel daily 

> (Shoulders, back and upper arms = testbook instructions) at

> 230 pm after a shower, I let dry for 30 minutes and go on

> with my day.  I typically get blood drawn 12+ hours

> AFTER my last androgel application but shower before blood

> is drawn.


> tests done in June, July, Sept 2009 (typed in that order)



> total test (ng/dl) = 866, 910, 1887


> free test (ng/dl)  = 201.8, 198.3, 526


> bioavailable test (ng/dl) = 414.9, 416.5, 1104


> SHBG (nmol/L) = 19, 21, 21


> E2 (pg/ml)= 95, 23, 30


> Please note June and July are close with exception of E2



> dose of androgel But I did take 1/4 mg of Armidex EOD

> because I had some ED and didn't know which E2 value (June

> or July) was accurate because they aren't close.


> My libido is great now and always has been, ED mostly gone

> but I do take Levitra now and then if the wife wants a

> really hard erection that last for quite awhile.  I am

> very strong (e.g. can flat bench 10 reps each of 60, 70s,

> 80s, 90s, 100s, and 110s with 90-120 seconds between sets)

> but have been quite strong my entire life.    I am

> 5'11, 218 lbs (up 12-16 lbs actually)  In addition I do

> 45-60 mins of hard cardio 5 days/week.  I feel great

> but I do get tired in the afternoons (I get up at 5 am daily

> for cardio and then lift for an hour 5 days/week-- I am

> retired).


> My question is simple.  Is it possible to have a

> testosterone readings as high as my most most recent blood

> test on androgel (7.5 grams/day)????  1887??? can you

> even get this on a steroid cycle? 



> I thought maybe the test results were

> bogus??   but the June and July test were

> quite close.


> My MD suggested reducing androgel dose to 5 g/day for 3

> months and retest.  I will do what he suggests; should

> I continue with  armidex??. 


> I am at a loss?????  I want my test values in the

> upper 33% BUT not what some crazy body builder might get

> from a cycle.   


> Email me privately if you like


> looking for advice!!! 


> Phil---- HELP!!!!!


> cheers


















> --


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Your triglycerides are very high and you HDL is very low. For your level of

working out your HDL should be 50-60.

Please get you blood pressure checked. Also check you DHT. Are you taking any

workout herbs/vitamins?

I was taking 100mg/day of compounded transdermal T creme fom Life extension

pharmacy and my T rose to 1250 after a few months. when I cut back to 75mg/day

my T dropped to 600.


> In addition I had some other blood work done in September, results are as

follows ranges follow my reading


> TSH (McIU/ml) = 0.86 (0.4-4.0)

> T4 free (ng/dl) = 0.65 (0.61-1.12)


> total cholesterol (mg/dl) = 146 (<200)

> triglycerides (mg/dl) =m140 (<150)

> HDL (mg/dl) = 32 (40-59)

> LDL (mg/dl) = 86 (<100)


> calcium, glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Protein serum total, albumin,bilirubin,

AST, alkaline phosphatase,sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2 (ALL NORMAL AND









> ----- Forwarded Message -----

> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>


> Sent: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:17:19 -0500 (CDT)

> Subject: sky high test values.......can't be?????.


> I am a 59 YO male (soon to be 60) diagnosed as primary hypogonadic about 3

years ago. I now take androgel (7.5 g/day) and have had very high testosterone

values as of late (2009) (see below). I have been very careful to shower and

wash my arms extremely well before blood was drawn (my point is that this is not

an artifact of androgel on my skin that tainted my blood test. All tests were

done by Quest. I apply andogel daily (Shoulders, back and upper arms =

testbook instructions) at 230 pm after a shower, I let dry for 30 minutes and go

on with my day. I typically get blood drawn 12+ hours AFTER my last androgel

application but shower before blood is drawn.


> tests done in June, July, Sept 2009 (typed in that order)



> total test (ng/dl) = 866, 910, 1887


> free test (ng/dl) = 201.8, 198.3, 526


> bioavailable test (ng/dl) = 414.9, 416.5, 1104


> SHBG (nmol/L) = 19, 21, 21


> E2 (pg/ml)= 95, 23, 30


> Please note June and July are close with exception of E2


> PLEASE NOTE SEPTEMBER = SKY HIGH!!!! Same dose of androgel But I did take

1/4 mg of Armidex EOD because I had some ED and didn't know which E2 value (June

or July) was accurate because they aren't close.


> My libido is great now and always has been, ED mostly gone but I do take

Levitra now and then if the wife wants a really hard erection that last for

quite awhile. I am very strong (e.g. can flat bench 10 reps each of 60, 70s,

80s, 90s, 100s, and 110s with 90-120 seconds between sets) but have been quite

strong my entire life. I am 5'11, 218 lbs (up 12-16 lbs actually) In

addition I do 45-60 mins of hard cardio 5 days/week. I feel great but I do get

tired in the afternoons (I get up at 5 am daily for cardio and then lift for an

hour 5 days/week-- I am retired).


> My question is simple. Is it possible to have a testosterone readings as high

as my most most recent blood test on androgel (7.5 grams/day)???? 1887??? can

you even get this on a steroid cycle?



results were bogus?? but the June and July test were quite close.


> My MD suggested reducing androgel dose to 5 g/day for 3 months and retest. I

will do what he suggests; should I continue with armidex??.


> I am at a loss????? I want my test values in the upper 33% BUT not what some

crazy body builder might get from a cycle.


> Email me privately if you like


> looking for advice!!!


> Phil---- HELP!!!!!


> cheers


















> --


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If your BP is okay then nothing to worry about.

With your high T you also need to check your Hemoglobin and Hematocrit.

Vits are ok. I only asked about herb/vits because many guys who lift weights

use some of the newer bodybuilding suppliments and some of these can create an

unbalance in your endoctrine system.

> >

> > In addition I had some other blood work done in September, results are as

follows ranges follow my reading

> >

> > TSH (McIU/ml) = 0.86 (0.4-4.0)

> > T4 free (ng/dl) = 0.65 (0.61-1.12)

> >

> > total cholesterol (mg/dl) = 146 (<200)

> > triglycerides (mg/dl) =m140 (<150)

> > HDL (mg/dl) = 32 (40-59)

> > LDL (mg/dl) = 86 (<100)

> >

> > calcium, glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Protein serum total, albumin,bilirubin,

AST, alkaline phosphatase,sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2 (ALL NORMAL AND


> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ----- Forwarded Message -----

> > From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@>

> >

> > Sent: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:17:19 -0500 (CDT)

> > Subject: sky high test values.......can't be?????.

> >

> > I am a 59 YO male (soon to be 60) diagnosed as primary hypogonadic about 3

years ago. I now take androgel (7.5 g/day) and have had very high testosterone

values as of late (2009) (see below). I have been very careful to shower and

wash my arms extremely well before blood was drawn (my point is that this is not

an artifact of androgel on my skin that tainted my blood test. All tests were

done by Quest. I apply andogel daily (Shoulders, back and upper arms =

testbook instructions) at 230 pm after a shower, I let dry for 30 minutes and go

on with my day. I typically get blood drawn 12+ hours AFTER my last androgel

application but shower before blood is drawn.

> >

> > tests done in June, July, Sept 2009 (typed in that order)

> >

> >

> > total test (ng/dl) = 866, 910, 1887

> >

> > free test (ng/dl) = 201.8, 198.3, 526

> >

> > bioavailable test (ng/dl) = 414.9, 416.5, 1104

> >

> > SHBG (nmol/L) = 19, 21, 21

> >

> > E2 (pg/ml)= 95, 23, 30

> >

> > Please note June and July are close with exception of E2

> >

> > PLEASE NOTE SEPTEMBER = SKY HIGH!!!! Same dose of androgel But I did take

1/4 mg of Armidex EOD because I had some ED and didn't know which E2 value (June

or July) was accurate because they aren't close.

> >

> > My libido is great now and always has been, ED mostly gone but I do take

Levitra now and then if the wife wants a really hard erection that last for

quite awhile. I am very strong (e.g. can flat bench 10 reps each of 60, 70s,

80s, 90s, 100s, and 110s with 90-120 seconds between sets) but have been quite

strong my entire life. I am 5'11, 218 lbs (up 12-16 lbs actually) In

addition I do 45-60 mins of hard cardio 5 days/week. I feel great but I do get

tired in the afternoons (I get up at 5 am daily for cardio and then lift for an

hour 5 days/week-- I am retired).

> >

> > My question is simple. Is it possible to have a testosterone readings as

high as my most most recent blood test on androgel (7.5 grams/day)???? 1887???

can you even get this on a steroid cycle?

> >


test results were bogus?? but the June and July test were quite close.

> >

> > My MD suggested reducing androgel dose to 5 g/day for 3 months and retest.

I will do what he suggests; should I continue with armidex??.

> >

> > I am at a loss????? I want my test values in the upper 33% BUT not what

some crazy body builder might get from a cycle.

> >

> > Email me privately if you like

> >

> > looking for advice!!!

> >

> > Phil---- HELP!!!!!

> >

> > cheers

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> >

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When applying the gel it can cause false readings of high because the absorption

may be on the arm that is having the blood drawn. So when it is high then I

would retest. Also talk to your dr about changing to a compounded gel 10% since

it drys faster, less volume with less e2 converstion. Please apply the gel 2-3

hours before the blood test so you can see the peak. If dr is up to date on

things he can use quest or lab corp do a 24 hour urine testosterone to see if

you are burning through it. Also your thyroid look a little low which can

affect your estrodial metabolism. Please have a proper evaluation of thyroid,

adrenals by a trained specialist.

> > >

> > > In addition I had some other blood work done in September, results are as

follows ranges follow my reading

> > >

> > > TSH (McIU/ml) = 0.86 (0.4-4.0)

> > > T4 free (ng/dl) = 0.65 (0.61-1.12)

> > >

> > > total cholesterol (mg/dl) = 146 (<200)

> > > triglycerides (mg/dl) =m140 (<150)

> > > HDL (mg/dl) = 32 (40-59)

> > > LDL (mg/dl) = 86 (<100)

> > >

> > > calcium, glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Protein serum total, albumin,bilirubin,

AST, alkaline phosphatase,sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2 (ALL NORMAL AND


> > >


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----- Forwarded Message -----

> > > From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@>

> > >

> > > Sent: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:17:19 -0500 (CDT)

> > > Subject: sky high test values.......can't be?????.

> > >

> > > I am a 59 YO male (soon to be 60) diagnosed as primary hypogonadic about 3

years ago. I now take androgel (7.5 g/day) and have had very high testosterone

values as of late (2009) (see below). I have been very careful to shower and

wash my arms extremely well before blood was drawn (my point is that this is not

an artifact of androgel on my skin that tainted my blood test. All tests were

done by Quest. I apply andogel daily (Shoulders, back and upper arms =

testbook instructions) at 230 pm after a shower, I let dry for 30 minutes and go

on with my day. I typically get blood drawn 12+ hours AFTER my last androgel

application but shower before blood is drawn.

> > >

> > > tests done in June, July, Sept 2009 (typed in that order)

> > >

> > >

> > > total test (ng/dl) = 866, 910, 1887

> > >

> > > free test (ng/dl) = 201.8, 198.3, 526

> > >

> > > bioavailable test (ng/dl) = 414.9, 416.5, 1104

> > >

> > > SHBG (nmol/L) = 19, 21, 21

> > >

> > > E2 (pg/ml)= 95, 23, 30

> > >

> > > Please note June and July are close with exception of E2

> > >

> > > PLEASE NOTE SEPTEMBER = SKY HIGH!!!! Same dose of androgel But I did

take 1/4 mg of Armidex EOD because I had some ED and didn't know which E2 value

(June or July) was accurate because they aren't close.

> > >

> > > My libido is great now and always has been, ED mostly gone but I do take

Levitra now and then if the wife wants a really hard erection that last for

quite awhile. I am very strong (e.g. can flat bench 10 reps each of 60, 70s,

80s, 90s, 100s, and 110s with 90-120 seconds between sets) but have been quite

strong my entire life. I am 5'11, 218 lbs (up 12-16 lbs actually) In

addition I do 45-60 mins of hard cardio 5 days/week. I feel great but I do get

tired in the afternoons (I get up at 5 am daily for cardio and then lift for an

hour 5 days/week-- I am retired).

> > >

> > > My question is simple. Is it possible to have a testosterone readings as

high as my most most recent blood test on androgel (7.5 grams/day)???? 1887???

can you even get this on a steroid cycle?

> > >


test results were bogus?? but the June and July test were quite close.

> > >

> > > My MD suggested reducing androgel dose to 5 g/day for 3 months and retest.

I will do what he suggests; should I continue with armidex??.

> > >

> > > I am at a loss????? I want my test values in the upper 33% BUT not what

some crazy body builder might get from a cycle.

> > >

> > > Email me privately if you like

> > >

> > > looking for advice!!!

> > >

> > > Phil---- HELP!!!!!

> > >

> > > cheers

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > >

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