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, that's a common trait of many men, gay and straight. More

surprising to me about the gay men, since they are generally more obsessed

with sex than straights - though that's a big generalization.

Anyways, I can't fathom why any man wouldn't try to be as healthy as


>-----Original Message-----


>[mailto: ] On Behalf Of mdougherty22000

>Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:03 AM

>I suppose all of

>you here would be surprised to think a man wouldn't try to

>help himself and apparently does not give a damn about his

>partner's feelings.



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Mine was real high and I got that down with Arimidex .5 mgs. everyday. Then

started to use Indolplex/DIM to keep it down at the time Arimidex was to strong

to use to keep it down. But also I was not feeling a 100% at the time just

getting by. Upping my T levels to where they are not has me doing the best in

21 yrs. but at the cost of higher E2 levels so now I do .5 mg of Arimidex a day

with the 120 mg. tablet of Indolplex/DIM. You must have a different kind then I

use mine comes in 120 mg tablets. Here is a link on what kind I use.


The DR. is not up on TRT and high E2 in men I hope the book opens his eyes.


mdougherty22000 <M2Dougherty@...> wrote:

Once when he was on 100 mg. of the DIM Indoplex he made me think he

had morning wood but it turns out he had taken a Viagra without my

knowing. I wish he would read the posts here and converse with all of

you. He is somewhat interested in the information but seems unwilling

to really exert himself. I'll admit he has a lot going on at work.

I am just grateful he is willing to make any effort as so many of my

sister list members over at the ED support for partners list have men

who refuse to do a damn thing. I suppose all of you here would be

surprised to think a man wouldn't try to help himself and apparently

does not give a damn about his partner's feelings.


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On Fri, 06 Jan 2006 17:03:18 -0000, you wrote:

>I suppose all of you here would be

>surprised to think a man wouldn't try to help himself and apparently

>does not give a damn about his partner's feelings.

Not at all. It's the sinister effect of low T. You have low drive,

and low ambition, but can be content where you are. Also it's likely

turned the sexual arena into a stressful area that he likely would

rather avoid than confront.

I'd say getting E2 down with TRT is likely his best hope. And yours.

The bone density issue can get some of us slugs to take care of

ourselves. After cracking 8 ribs I was pretty serious about TRT.

- - - -

Just another albino black sheep

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I'm just curious as to how you think you know gay men are more

obsessed with sex than straight men, unless you are gay yourself. I

don't think its fair of you (or anyone for that matter) to

stereotype or make generalizations about men, whether gay or

straight or bi- unless you are basing it on your own knowledge

and/or experiences.


> , that's a common trait of many men, gay and straight.


> surprising to me about the gay men, since they are generally more


> with sex than straights - though that's a big generalization.


> Anyways, I can't fathom why any man wouldn't try to be as healthy


> possible.


> >-----Original Message-----

> >From:

> >[mailto: ] On Behalf Of


> >Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:03 AM


> >I suppose all of

> >you here would be surprised to think a man wouldn't try to

> >help himself and apparently does not give a damn about his

> >partner's feelings.

> >

> >Michele


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Well I am a gay man and I agree with Dave! Although I do have to say

that I believe it is more of an accessiblity issue than a blatant obession. Men

want sex, gay or straight, Women want it too, but for most of them they see it

as their only power. Whether they own up to it or not women use sex as a weapon

and a tool. To get what they want or need. There is an old saying that Men need

a place and Women need a reason for sex. Women teach their young straight sons

that they should respect the woman they are with which basically says in a

backhanded way not to expect sex unless you bring something to the table. Now

straight men believe that they are in control of the relationship, but as I am

sure you will agree she who holds the panty strings is in control of the

relationship, She just lets him think he is in control. With gay men we want sex

and we know how to get sex and I know for a fact we have way more sex than any

straight man ever thought he could! Without all the

begging and groveling that straight men seem to have to do. IMO




Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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well speak for yourself....im gay as well....but i'll end it here- i

dont want to get TOO off topic on this discussion board. thanks for

your input.



> Well I am a gay man and I agree with Dave! Although I do

have to say that I believe it is more of an accessiblity issue than

a blatant obession. Men want sex, gay or straight, Women want it

too, but for most of them they see it as their only power. Whether

they own up to it or not women use sex as a weapon and a tool. To

get what they want or need. There is an old saying that Men need a

place and Women need a reason for sex. Women teach their young

straight sons that they should respect the woman they are with which

basically says in a backhanded way not to expect sex unless you

bring something to the table. Now straight men believe that they are

in control of the relationship, but as I am sure you will agree she

who holds the panty strings is in control of the relationship, She

just lets him think he is in control. With gay men we want sex and

we know how to get sex and I know for a fact we have way more sex

than any straight man ever thought he could! Without all the

> begging and groveling that straight men seem to have to do. IMO

> S




> ---------------------------------

> Photos

> Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in

your hands ASAP.



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Joe I am not gay but my wife read my name in the subject and jokingly said so

now your GAY. But what we are is not what this group is about it is hormones.


joecav84 <joecav84@...> wrote:

well speak for yourself....im gay as well....but i'll end it here- i

dont want to get TOO off topic on this discussion board. thanks for

your input.



> Well I am a gay man and I agree with Dave! Although I do

have to say that I believe it is more of an accessiblity issue than

a blatant obession. Men want sex, gay or straight, Women want it

too, but for most of them they see it as their only power. Whether

they own up to it or not women use sex as a weapon and a tool. To

get what they want or need. There is an old saying that Men need a

place and Women need a reason for sex. Women teach their young

straight sons that they should respect the woman they are with which

basically says in a backhanded way not to expect sex unless you

bring something to the table. Now straight men believe that they are

in control of the relationship, but as I am sure you will agree she

who holds the panty strings is in control of the relationship, She

just lets him think he is in control. With gay men we want sex and

we know how to get sex and I know for a fact we have way more sex

than any straight man ever thought he could! Without all the

> begging and groveling that straight men seem to have to do. IMO

> S




> ---------------------------------

> Photos

> Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in

your hands ASAP.



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I'm gay. I used to be straight, then bi for a while while I wresteled with

the emotional trauma of coming out in my 30's. Now I identify as gay or

queer. Been with men only years now.

I think you're new to this board, so maybe you haven't seen my many posts in

the pas here where I've hinted or flat out stated my sexual preference and


Not an original line that I made up, but I like to say that " I am out, but

not way out. "

So, sorry to offend you if I did with my comments, which I did say were a

huge generalization, but so yes, I am speaking from experience.

I have very few gay friends that haven't tried to get me in the sack...for

many many gays (in my experience) sex is just sex and the more of it you can

get from the most people, the better off you are. We don't all think that

way, but that's just been my personal experience.

Are you gay?

> Re: Phil




>I'm just curious as to how you think you know gay men are more

>obsessed with sex than straight men, unless you are gay

>yourself. I don't think its fair of you (or anyone for that

>matter) to stereotype or make generalizations about men,

>whether gay or straight or bi- unless you are basing it on

>your own knowledge and/or experiences.






>> , that's a common trait of many men, gay and straight.


>> surprising to me about the gay men, since they are generally more


>> with sex than straights - though that's a big generalization.


>> Anyways, I can't fathom why any man wouldn't try to be as healthy


>> possible.


>> >-----Original Message-----

>> >From:

>> >[mailto: ] On Behalf Of


>> >Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:03 AM


>> >I suppose all of

>> >you here would be surprised to think a man wouldn't try to help

>> >himself and apparently does not give a damn about his partner's

>> >feelings.

>> >

>> >Michele











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Well, we certainly should have changed the topic title! ;-)

I think hormones are what make us what we are.

> Re: Phil


>Joe I am not gay but my wife read my name in the subject and

>jokingly said so now your GAY. But what we are is not what

>this group is about it is hormones.

> Phil


>joecav84 <joecav84@...> wrote:

> well speak for yourself....im gay as well....but i'll end it

>here- i dont want to get TOO off topic on this discussion

>board. thanks for your input.






>> Well I am a gay man and I agree with Dave! Although I do

>have to say that I believe it is more of an accessiblity issue

>than a blatant obession. Men want sex, gay or straight, Women

>want it too, but for most of them they see it as their only

>power. Whether they own up to it or not women use sex as a

>weapon and a tool. To get what they want or need. There is an

>old saying that Men need a place and Women need a reason for

>sex. Women teach their young straight sons that they should

>respect the woman they are with which basically says in a

>backhanded way not to expect sex unless you bring something to

>the table. Now straight men believe that they are in control

>of the relationship, but as I am sure you will agree she who

>holds the panty strings is in control of the relationship, She

>just lets him think he is in control. With gay men we want sex

>and we know how to get sex and I know for a fact we have way

>more sex than any straight man ever thought he could! Without all the

>> begging and groveling that straight men seem to have to do. IMO S




>> ---------------------------------

>> Photos

>> Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in

>your hands ASAP.



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  • 2 years later...

Thanks Roy I feel good about this and need all the help I can get thanks for the

praying. The Dr. said GOD was keeping me alive he can't understand how I am a




> From: Roy <rsimmons085@...>

> Subject: Phil


> Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> praying for you!


> God's blessings.


> Roy






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It's surprising that your doc said that. Nonetheless, thank God He

has sustained you. May He continue to do so & bless you as you have

blessed others.



> > From: Roy <rsimmons085@...>

> > Subject: Phil

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> > Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> > going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> > get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> > of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> > I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> > enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> > isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> > be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> > much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> > praying for you!

> >  

> > God's blessings.

> >  

> > Roy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Phil,

I know several people that have gone through bypass and countless more

that have been stented. All swear it was the best thing they ever did,

they all feel much better...all came through with no issues. Certainly

there is a longer recuperation with bypass, but I assume that when they

did your cath on Tuesday they found extensive multi vessel disease?

They told me if one or two arteries have narrowing they do stents, if

three are narrowed they do bypass. Was this the case in your situation?

Hope you feel well soon, I know you will be back here patiently helping

all of us!



philip georgian wrote:


> Thanks Roy I feel good about this and need all the help I can get

> thanks for the praying. The Dr. said GOD was keeping me alive he can't

> understand how I am a live.


> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: Roy <rsimmons085@...

> <mailto:rsimmons085%40>>

> > Subject: Phil

> >

> <mailto: %40>

> > Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> > Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> > going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> > get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> > of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> > I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> > enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> > isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> > be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> > much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> > praying for you!

> >

> > God's blessings.

> >

> > Roy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Neil wrote:

> Hi Phil,


> I know several people that have gone through bypass and countless more

> that have been stented. All swear it was the best thing they ever did,

> they all feel much better...all came through with no issues. Certainly

> there is a longer recuperation with bypass, but I assume that when they

> did your cath on Tuesday they found extensive multi vessel disease?


> They told me if one or two arteries have narrowing they do stents, if

> three are narrowed they do bypass. Was this the case in your situation?


> Hope you feel well soon, I know you will be back here patiently helping

> all of us!


> :-)

I had no insurance a decided to try stenting since the raw estimate for

the bypass was $250,000. The doctors placed 4 stents in two separate

procedures on a Friday and following Monday. They wanted to place 5.

The LAD couldn't be stented but a natural collateral was stentable and

opened up well. I was billed $90,000 for the work. Hospitals are known

to bill 3-5 times more for uninsured patents. That was 4 years ago. I

recently got my medical recorders in order to justify going into the

Utah Insurance Health Pool for the uninsurable and found the report on

the angiogram and the report on the stenting evaluation (done by two

different doctors) to be inconsistent as to what represents a blockage

and by how much but roughly I counted about 13 blockages, 4 of which

were stented, and 1 that received an angioplasty. Smaller blockages are

not necessarily stenting. Mine were 4 98% blockages and 1 70% blockage

that was worked on. I felt tons better a couple weeks after the

procedures, better than I had felt in decades.

I thought Phil had only one blockage if I remember correctly so I was

surprised he was getting a bypass. I was also surprised that with all

the research Phil does, that he hadn't yet discovered that mortality

outcomes on bypass versed prescription medication treatments are almost

identical. On the other hand, the way these problems are presented to

the patent seems to be magnify the " fear " factor and get them to make

the most expensive choices in short order without real time to review

and evaluate.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phil had open heart surgery for by passes and won't be back until he is up to

this again

From: tomubl <ubl@...>

Subject: Phil

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 4:50 PM

Where is Phil?


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How is he doing? anyone

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Roy <rsimmons085@...> wrote:

> Phil had open heart surgery for by passes and won't be back until he is

> up to this again




> From: tomubl <ubl@... <ubl%401cinc.com>>

> Subject: Phil

> < %40>

> Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 4:50 PM


> Where is Phil?


> ------------------------------------



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no word from Phil?

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 09:48:13 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Thanks Roy I feel good about this and need all the help I can get thanks for

the praying. The Dr. said GOD was keeping me alive he can't understand how I am

a live.








>> From: Roy <rsimmons085@...>

>> Subject: Phil


>> Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

>> Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

>> going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

>> get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

>> of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

>> I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

>> enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

>> isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

>> be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

>> much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

>> praying for you!


>> God's blessings.


>> Roy






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I've been out of touch for the last month or 6 weeks

due to 2 hospital stays and recovery. Just haven't been

up to doing more than checking email for bills & such.

How is Phil? If anyone is in touch with him, please send

him my best wishes. I apologize in advance if my posting

lacks lucidity. They have me doped up pretty well, and

I'm on some strong antibiotics.

Oh, I did stumble across something interesting. It looks

like testosterone impedes T cell response to some degree.

I always thought it bolstered it. Maybe there is some

perfect balance thing. I'll have to look for that reference

but I'm a little less than organized right now.

So, the first hospital stay was for a hernia. The second

was for flesh eating bacteria's little brother, fumerating

strep infection. One day I had a nice flat chest, 3 days

later I had abscesses and huge chest swellings and 104 fever.

106 before the hospital, they brought it down to 104.

Anyway, I can totally empathize with hospital stays and

recovery. I hope Phil is doing well.

Hell, I hope you all are doing well.


> >

> >> From: Roy <rsimmons085@...>

> >> Subject: Phil

> >>

> >> Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> >> Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> >> going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> >> get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> >> of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> >> I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> >> enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> >> isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> >> be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> >> much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> >> praying for you!

> >>  

> >> God's blessings.

> >>  

> >> Roy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Much like Phil, your contribution to our causes is missed Mike. Continue to get

well and healthier. Happy new year.

From: Mike Lawson <mlawson66@...>

Subject: Re: Phil

Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:21 PM


I've been out of touch for the last month or 6 weeks

due to 2 hospital stays and recovery. Just haven't been

up to doing more than checking email for bills & such.

How is Phil? If anyone is in touch with him, please send

him my best wishes. I apologize in advance if my posting

lacks lucidity. They have me doped up pretty well, and

I'm on some strong antibiotics.

Oh, I did stumble across something interesting. It looks

like testosterone impedes T cell response to some degree.

I always thought it bolstered it. Maybe there is some

perfect balance thing. I'll have to look for that reference

but I'm a little less than organized right now.

So, the first hospital stay was for a hernia. The second

was for flesh eating bacteria's little brother, fumerating

strep infection. One day I had a nice flat chest, 3 days

later I had abscesses and huge chest swellings and 104 fever.

106 before the hospital, they brought it down to 104.

Anyway, I can totally empathize with hospital stays and

recovery. I hope Phil is doing well.

Hell, I hope you all are doing well.


> >

> >> From: Roy <rsimmons085@ ...>

> >> Subject: Phil

> >>

> >> Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> >> Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> >> going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> >> get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> >> of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> >> I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> >> enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> >> isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> >> be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> >> much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> >> praying for you!

> >>  

> >> God's blessings.

> >>  

> >> Roy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Thanks! I really appreciate it. I miss talking with you guys too.

Just didn't have the energy.


> Much like Phil, your contribution to our causes is missed Mike.

Continue to get well and healthier. Happy new year.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes Mike we will miss you, get well soon man. Sounds like you are having a heck


a time. God Bless and get well soon. We all miss Phil the past weeks too, hope


are both ok soon.




From: Mike Lawson <mlawson66@...>

Subject: Re: Phil

Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:21 PM


I've been out of touch for the last month or 6 weeks

due to 2 hospital stays and recovery. Just haven't been

up to doing more than checking email for bills & such.

How is Phil? If anyone is in touch with him, please send

him my best wishes. I apologize in advance if my posting

lacks lucidity. They have me doped up pretty well, and

I'm on some strong antibiotics.

Oh, I did stumble across something interesting. It looks

like testosterone impedes T cell response to some degree.

I always thought it bolstered it. Maybe there is some

perfect balance thing. I'll have to look for that reference

but I'm a little less than organized right now.

So, the first hospital stay was for a hernia. The second

was for flesh eating bacteria's little brother, fumerating

strep infection. One day I had a nice flat chest, 3 days

later I had abscesses and huge chest swellings and 104 fever.

106 before the hospital, they brought it down to 104.

Anyway, I can totally empathize with hospital stays and

recovery. I hope Phil is doing well.

Hell, I hope you all are doing well.


> >

> >> From: Roy <rsimmons085@ ...>

> >> Subject: Phil

> >>

> >> Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 11:13 AM

> >> Phil if you are on yet today I wish you God's blessings

> >> going through your surgery. I know that you are anxious to

> >> get it over with. I was hoping that stents would take care

> >> of your probem but apparently it is more serious than that.

> >> I have a few stents in my heart because I caught it early

> >> enough that I didn't have complete blockage. This

> >> isn't a very good Thanksgiving gift is it? May the Lord

> >> be with you and bring you back to us as we need you very

> >> much, you have done so much for others. We will all be

> >> praying for you!

> >>  

> >> God's blessings.

> >>  

> >> Roy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I appreciate you journey. The cold brutal truth of reality has no favorites.

You are part of the backbone to this group and without you it is noticed.

Thanks for continuing to reach and don't ever give up, ever. Let me know if oyu

need me to do research for you if oyu get too tired or preoccupied. Best


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Guest guest

Thanks my recovery is going slow but getting better I just hope later I can help

out better later on. But for now my thinking is still not great yet. I am in

therapy for this.



> From: tomubl <ubl@...>

> Subject: Phil


> Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 11:39 AM

> I appreciate you journey. The cold brutal truth of reality

> has no favorites. You are part of the backbone to this

> group and without you it is noticed. Thanks for continuing

> to reach and don't ever give up, ever. Let me know if

> oyu need me to do research for you if oyu get too tired or

> preoccupied. Best Regards.....




> ------------------------------------



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Guest guest


I would do a search for cognitive enhancements and/or smart drugs. In

my opinion some of those options are not only beneficial to mental

functioning but improve physical resilience as well.


philip georgian wrote:

> Thanks my recovery is going slow but getting better I just hope later I can

help out better later on. But for now my thinking is still not great yet. I am

in therapy for this.


> Co-Moderator

> Phil


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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Guest guest

Yes thanks I do this I find doing work search works well the big thing that

helped was not doing my Tax's with Tubo Tax found it was not working right it

was not take the amount I rolled over in to an IRA off my AGI. So I did it the

long way and saved 2k doing this helped my thinking my friend check my work

before I sent it in.



> > Thanks my recovery is going slow but getting better I

> just hope later I can help out better later on. But for now

> my thinking is still not great yet. I am in therapy for

> this.

> >

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil


> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@...


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


> " If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

> to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford



> ------------------------------------



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


Your story is truly inspirational. I thank you for all of the help you have

given me. I haven't been hear too long, but was amazed at how selfless you are.

You have a lot of patience because I am sure I asked some dumb and redundant

questions, and you have always answered them.

> >

> > We are good now she went through hell 20 months ago I ended up having Heart

Bypass Surgery and was in a coma 17 weeks died 5 x's and had to be opened up

again and again because of infections. I owe her my life she was there for me

24/7 week after week with my 2 Daughters. You can read my story and the Heart

Up Date at this link. When I came to in the Hosp. Dr.'s were coming to see the

guy that lived through this they all said I was a living miracle.

> > http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil


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