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Re: Re: Gall Bladder Attack or no?

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> I am just a little skeptical of the whole flush. I am trying to get

> a handle on it. I have a chiropractor and nutritionist telling me

> that it works and a gastroenterologist telling me its hooey. Plus

> you have Dr. Weil saying its hooey, and he is one that you can

> usually count on for alternative opinions.

I am a skeptic by nature, to, which is good and bad. Good as

it keeps you careful, bad because sometimes it keeps you

from trying something that is good for you. I don't know why

some say thay pass thousands of stones, that's never been

my experience, and I have no idea where that many could

possibly come from. Over years maybe, but not from

flushing every couple of weeks over a short period of

time...but I'm only speaking from my own experience.

I am 100% sure, however, that " stones " that I pass are from

my gallbladder/liver...this last time I had waited years to do

a flush until I was almost miserable. So the stones had

been packed in there for some time. When some came out

in clumps, they were packed together and fell apart, shaped

in such a way that you could see they had been that way

for some time. There's a picture of some of those at my

web page. But the next flush, they were brighter green,

softer stones and a lot of sludge. So that leads me to believe

that there may indeed be stones in the liver...where

else could they come from? and I don't buy the olive oil/

bile etc. reaction causing what looks like stones that Dr.

Wiel pushes at all. I don't know where the color would

come from, and some of my stones have contained

calcium deposits...at least that's what I belive what the

white part of the stones is...you can see small spots of

white on some of the stones in my picture. He is into

natural things, but still has a bit of a medical bias.

Anyway, nothing takes the skepticism away like proving

it to yourself by doing, and it's the extremely rare

MD/gastroenterologist that is ever going to tell you that

this is valid.

(I'm not a huge fan, think she's a bit extreme,

but I do like the flush procedure

she gives...but use flax seed oil with the olive oil as it

has anti-inflammatory properties. I'll also add that I

am not against medical doctors, they have helped with

many things in my life and the life of my family, but

it's a shame that some are so opposed to alternative

approaches. Us taking care of ourselves with herbs,

etc. doesn't pay their bills, I guess.)

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes



" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

Remember our military with your prayers and support!

" God bless America...(and all His people throughout

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i went through the same skepticism that you are going through. i had mri and

ultrasound performed. neither of which showed any stones. and yet i could

feel something like rocks under my right rib cage. the flaw with the tests

is that they only pick things up if they have a certain degree of density

like bone. stones are often soft and therefore will not show up on scans.

doctors actually know very little about how the human body works. this is

evidenced by the low rate of cures that they effect.

food coloring probably wont affect your cleanse, but there is no need for

it. just do a few more and you will see larger stones and you will feel it.

or you can take them to a lab and have them analyzed as others here have


i think you are right about dr clark. she tends to exaggerate complex

things. but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. she has alot of

great things to say, just like some doctors. bottom line is you have to make

your own decision.

as far as the volume of stones i have produced-- it is no surprise to me. in

fact, it is a relief because i have been suffering with a chronic illness

for many years. the volume of stones seems to correspond somehow with the

severity of my illness. had i only passed a few stones, i would have been

more skeptical. it does not defy the laws of physics in my case. as far as

autopsy, i think you are right. the problem is that i doubt autopsies are

even performed anymore. if they were, then stones would indeed be found. i

have often challenged doctors to come with me and perform an autopsy in

front of my eyes. i doubt that livers are meticulously sliced open during

autopsy anymore.

a friend of mine was a pathologist and reluctantly agreed with me that most

colons are severely impacted. he is a bit overweight and i asked him about

his. he said, oh no, mine is fine i had a colonoscopy and its perfectly

clean. i laughed because i have been colon cleansing for a long time and

dumped tons of waste. the coloscopy test is also flawed because it can only

look at the outer surface of the intestine and the waste lies underneath

this layer of mucous. anyway, he was in denial like most people are.

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I had my GB out last Sept. and my Dr. told me that I could start having

the same symptoms in a couple of years because the liver produces gall

stones and then you can pass them and have pain when they either go

through or get stuck in the bile duct.



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Hi ,

It is true that you can have stones in the liver and suffer after the gall

bladder is gone. I have had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago. I still have

gall bladder pain. It is stones

that are either in the duct or in the liver. About a month ago I had a sever

pain. The worst than any gall bladder attack that I had previously. I laid

down and in half an hour it all

passed. I finally had felt better than I had in weeks (immediately). I know I

passed a stone as the pain radiated from my right side to my back just like with

my gall bladder. I felt

good for a few weeks, but now I am feeling the heaviness in my chest like before

so I know I should do a cleanse. I need to work on a bowel and parasite cleanse

first though.

I am waiting on the results from my ultrasound that I had yesterday. I have an

enlarged spleen and need it looked at again. I believe that the liver is all

blocked up causing some bad

stuff to build up. they took many pictures of my liver and area so hopefully

they can tell me something new. The lab tech that ran the ultra sound said if

there were stones that the

ultrasound would pick them up in the liver. I suppose it would only be a

certain type that is visible? I'll have to wait until late next week for any



> I'm glad to hear all of you are such strong supporters, and am a ittle

disturbed by the response

> one of you got from the doctor that you may get more stones stuck

> even after the gb is removed. That seems to put you back at square

> one, which stinks! While it makes some sense, it is mind boggling,

> cause what then, even from an operation first type doctor. They

> can't remove the duct, you would die. Its also so puzzling, but i

> guess that is nature. We can't figure anything out completely.


> I ahve seen many different suggestions for folks once an attack

> happens, but have you folks discovered any sure fire ways to ease an

> attack. Currently I drink some tea, relax, pace when i am drowning

> in pain,and just wait. The warm shower doesnt seem to help me.


> My nutritionist suggested downing more of these pills that i

> currently take, beta something. i think they are to help with bile

> salts or liver function or something, but nothing seems to do the

> trick. I dont have any pain meds, but i know that is just a mask

> anyway.


> Thanks for all the advice,



> > > I am just a little skeptical of the whole flush. I am trying to

> get

> > > a handle on it. I have a chiropractor and nutritionist telling

> me

> > > that it works and a gastroenterologist telling me its hooey.

> Plus

> > > you have Dr. Weil saying its hooey, and he is one that you can

> > > usually count on for alternative opinions.

> >

> > I am a skeptic by nature, to, which is good and bad. Good as

> > it keeps you careful, bad because sometimes it keeps you

> > from trying something that is good for you. I don't know why

> > some say thay pass thousands of stones, that's never been

> > my experience, and I have no idea where that many could

> > possibly come from. Over years maybe, but not from

> > flushing every couple of weeks over a short period of

> > time...but I'm only speaking from my own experience.

> >

> > I am 100% sure, however, that " stones " that I pass are from

> > my gallbladder/liver...this last time I had waited years to do

> > a flush until I was almost miserable. So the stones had

> > been packed in there for some time. When some came out

> > in clumps, they were packed together and fell apart, shaped

> > in such a way that you could see they had been that way

> > for some time. There's a picture of some of those at my

> > web page. But the next flush, they were brighter green,

> > softer stones and a lot of sludge. So that leads me to believe

> > that there may indeed be stones in the liver...where

> > else could they come from? and I don't buy the olive oil/

> > bile etc. reaction causing what looks like stones that Dr.

> > Wiel pushes at all. I don't know where the color would

> > come from, and some of my stones have contained

> > calcium deposits...at least that's what I belive what the

> > white part of the stones is...you can see small spots of

> > white on some of the stones in my picture. He is into

> > natural things, but still has a bit of a medical bias.

> >

> > Anyway, nothing takes the skepticism away like proving

> > it to yourself by doing, and it's the extremely rare

> > MD/gastroenterologist that is ever going to tell you that

> > this is valid.

> >

> > (I'm not a huge fan, think she's a bit extreme,

> > but I do like the flush procedure

> > she gives...but use flax seed oil with the olive oil as it

> > has anti-inflammatory properties. I'll also add that I

> > am not against medical doctors, they have helped with

> > many things in my life and the life of my family, but

> > it's a shame that some are so opposed to alternative

> > approaches. Us taking care of ourselves with herbs,

> > etc. doesn't pay their bills, I guess.)

> >

> > L. Meydrech, CN

> > http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes

> > http://www.mynsp.com/meydrech

> > mailto:claudiameydrech@c...

> > " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

> > Remember our military with your prayers and support!

> > " God bless America...(and all His people throughout

> > the world)...stand beside us, and guide us "



> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


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> Have a nice day !



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Hi Glenda,

Yes unfortunately it is only the densest

stones that are picked up on all tests unless they

cast a shadow of some sort. I have stones and they

didn't show up on ultra sound or mri.

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Dear ,

My doctor is VERY conservative and honest. She is not usually into alternative

medicine. When I told her I was thinking of doing a liver flush she said it is

not unusual for a person to have stones and sludge in their liver, even after

having the gall-bladder out.

My husband and I have now done 6 flushes since January. We have had lots of

stones come out and certainly feel better for it. None of these stones showed

up on x-ray or ultra-sound, despite me having bad attacks which sent me to

hospital. I would encourage you to try the flush. It is easy, cheap and can be

done in the privacy of your own home.

Warm regards,


----- Original Message -----

From: Morese


Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:55 AM

Subject: Re: Gall Bladder Attack or no?

Thanks for the response. I am not so worried about the reflux

anymore, the attacks are 100 times worse than anything I used to go

through, and now that I have changed my diet the heartburn is down

about 80%. I still smoke though, and I know that is no good for the

digestion too.

I am just a little skeptical of the whole flush. I am trying to get

a handle on it. I have a chiropractor and nutritionist telling me

that it works and a gastroenterologist telling me its hooey. Plus

you have Dr. Weil saying its hooey, and he is one that you can

usually count on for alternative opinions.

I have such a hard time grasping how so many intelligent and

experienced people could have differing opinions on such a simple

thing. It either works or it doesnt. Stones are either produced in

liver or not, if they are I would think over the years with all the

autopsies, it wouldnt be hard to establish this. Every time you cut

into a liver it would be full with stones, at least some, by the

account of . That would be undeniable in western medicine if

it were true.

I don't know, I am just sick of the pain and the fear of an

impending attack all the time.

Thanks, for the advice.

> Dr.'s books are where you will find relief!reflux is bacteria

feeding on your bile.Do a bowel cleanse/parasite/kidney cleanse.then

liver cleanses. it's in the book!

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