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Re: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat - warm flashes

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I have from time to time. I assumed it was test conversion to E2 but not sure??

TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat -

" warm " flashes

Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I did

not notice it as much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to have the air

conditioner more on in the car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the

heat and having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)

Anyone else experiencing this?


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I have always been kind of warm all the time but since starting TRT 1-1/2 years

ago I am extra hot. I need a fan all the time. It is either that or getting my

Thyroid hormones up to the upper 1/4 of range.


From: " kkmosco@... " <kkmosco@...>

Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:29:54 PM

Subject: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat -

" warm " flashes

Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I did

not notice it as much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to have the air

conditioner more on in the car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the

heat and having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)

Anyone else experiencing this?

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It sounds like your Estradiol E2 levels are going up this happens to us on TRT

test this if it above 30 pg/ml ask your Dr. for some Arimidex take .25 mgs every

3 to 3 days. If you can't get your Dr. to give you this then get some

Indoplex/DIM and take on at dinner them also get some TMG take this at bed time

this helps your liver wash out the E's that get converted using Indoplex/DIM.


Read the other posts I did this morning on what happens and how to take this.



> From: kkmosco@... <kkmosco@...>

> Subject: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat -

" warm " flashes


> Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 12:29 AM

> Has anyone noticed a change in their

> tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I did not notice it as

> much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

> noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as

> extreme as my wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush

> feelings...seem to have the air conditioner more on in the

> car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the heat and

> having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the

> heat)


> Anyone else experiencing this?




> ------------------------------------



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It can be your Adrenals are over worked and your dumping your sodium read this

link and get this tested.



Also try adding a 1/2 to full tsp full of some good Sea Salt to a glass of water

first thing in the morning this helps.




> From: Thornton <brianee93@...>

> Subject: Re: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat

- " warm " flashes


> Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 10:07 AM

> I have always been kind of warm all

> the time but since starting TRT 1-1/2 years ago I am extra

> hot. I need a fan all the time. It is either that or getting

> my Thyroid hormones up to the upper 1/4 of range.





> ________________________________

> From: " kkmosco@... "

> <kkmosco@...>


> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:29:54 PM

> Subject: TRT side effects - androgel -

> intolerance to heat - " warm " flashes






> Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat

> after starting TRT? I did not notice it as much when I was

> doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely noticeable at 10

> gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

> wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to

> have the air conditioner more on in the car and have a lot

> more trouble exercising in the heat and having a heat

> tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)


> Anyone else experiencing this?






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On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 04:29:54 -0000, you wrote:

>Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I

did not notice it as much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to have the air

conditioner more on in the car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the

heat and having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)


>Anyone else experiencing this?

I have. It's not so much a hot flash as heat intolerance for me. I'll

be in a coat or sweater and just suddenly feel uncomfortably warm.

It's almost like prickly heat. Very irritable feeling but no sweating.

I was looking into this and parathyroid problems can cause such and

they call it " heat intolerance " which describes what I feel more

accurately. I've tested for parathyroid and its come back normal

though. Interesting if its a T or E2 issue.

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I can identify with this side effect.  It is one of the more significant effects

from Androgel.   I have told my new endo of this problem but doesnt seem to

understand what I am talking about.   In my experience, it feels like swimming

in 90 degree water and doing 50 laps.    You get heated but the water isnt

cooling you down.  I find myself wearing less clothing especially now that it is

warmer weather.  However, the biggest problem I dont feel better with the higher

dosage of Androgel.   I was on 5g until 3 months ago when it was discovered my T

level was very low.   I am now on 10g each day.  I will find out soon if the

level has increased.   I think I need to go back to shots like I was on 5 years

ago.   That seemed to work but I had developed cellulitis in  my leg and wound

up in the hospital for a week with IV's because of the infection.   In the long

run, hypo really pisses me off.   The low T and the medications are a

hassle.   But it is what it is, hypogonadism.

From: kkmosco@... <kkmosco@...>

Subject: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat -

" warm " flashes

Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 4:29 AM

Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I did

not notice it as much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to have the air

conditioner more on in the car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the

heat and having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)

Anyone else experiencing this?

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Re: TRT side effects - androgel - intolerance to heat -

" warm " flashes

On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 04:29:54 -0000, you wrote:

>Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat after starting TRT? I

did not notice it as much when I was doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely

noticeable at 10 gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to have the air

conditioner more on in the car and have a lot more trouble exercising in the

heat and having a heat tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)


>Anyone else experiencing this?

I have. It's not so much a hot flash as heat intolerance for me. I'll

be in a coat or sweater and just suddenly feel uncomfortably warm.

It's almost like prickly heat. Very irritable feeling but no sweating.

I was looking into this and parathyroid problems can cause such and

they call it " heat intolerance " which describes what I feel more

accurately. I've tested for parathyroid and its come back normal

though. Interesting if its a T or E2 issue.

I think, but don't know, it is an E2 issue. I am interested in your findings.

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Believe me it's the high Estrada doing this to you you feel like this because

some if not most men get higher levels of Estrada E2 because of the Testosterone

going through the skin. Go back to shots do them in your thigh using a small

27g 1ml x 1/2 " lg. needle read this link on how to do this using the small

needle works dam good I have been doing this 6 yrs now. Also get your Dr. to

add in HG this will keep you leveled off before your next shot. If you keep

having a problem with high E2 levels get on some Aromatics cut the pills in to

1/4 parts and take .25Mg's every 2 to 3 days. The fist thing to happen is your

night time and morning wood will become so strong it will wake you up keep

taking this but if your wood stops your going down to low. So just stop until

it comes back then that day go back on it but do .25Mg's every 3 days this is

what works the best for us men gaging your levels or E2 by your wood and labs.


If you go back to shots get 200Mg's/ml of Depot T use the 27g needle the oil

comes out slow using this size so just pull the plunger all the way down and

hold it until you get more then your dose then push it with any air back into

the vile. I a swab on you thigh and the top of the vile to keep things clean so

you don't get an infection. I have been at this a long time never go a


And later once your leveled off and have good levels of E2 say about 20 pg/ml

then get your Dr. to give you HG to add to your shots so you can keep your LG

cells and your testis working. Do 250 Au's in a shot the 2 days each just

before your next T shot.






> From: kkmosco@...

> <kkmosco@...>

> Subject: TRT side effects - androgel -

> intolerance to heat - " warm " flashes


> Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 4:29 AM









> Has anyone noticed a change in their tolerance to heat

> after starting TRT? I did not notice it as much when I was

> doing Androgel dosages in 5 gr..definitely noticeable at 10

> gr. I would not characterize what I have as extreme as my

> wife's hot flashes...but more warm flush feelings...seem to

> have the air conditioner more on in the car and have a lot

> more trouble exercising in the heat and having a heat

> tolerance (I always did very well in the heat)


> Anyone else experiencing this?


















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