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RE: Miserable in Albuquerque

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Welcome to the group, this knowledgeable bunch of guys will help you; they will

guide you to the correct labs to get the correct conclusions--with proper s*x

hormone testing--I am here seeking help for husband..

My cat's vet knows more about thyroid issues than any MD I have ever seen :)

----so, from a testing standpoint,you may need more for thyroid (Free T3, Free

T4 a place to start, lack of T3 leads to bad depression--shrinks should know

that :) ..you can read about that link here:


Also, you can saliva test for adrenal status: I use ZRT but there are others:


Hang in there! You are in the right place to get some help figuring this all

out...we are all here because medical docs don't get it..El

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Welcome to the forum. You'll get more answers here than you will ever get at a

regular GP's office. Here you'll be educated on the hormones and be directed to

doctors that know what their talking about when it comes to a guys hormones.

Good luck as you will start to feel better.


> Hello all. I have read with great interest many of the stories posted here

and am hoping that I have come to the right place for advice and support.


> I am a 51 year old male. I have been suffering from depression of varying

severity my entire life, including childhood, and have always felt that

something is fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression, as I

have been minimally responsive to a wide range of antidepressant medications

(and have had some of the worst experiences of my life with some of them).


> My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few years that I don't

even know where to begin and don't want to take up too much of your time going

into the details of my symptoms. Suffice it to say that I have recently figured

out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and probably have been for most of my

life. I feel like I never really completed puberty. I have had low libido my

entire adult life and in the last few years it has become almost non-existent.

I have never been married and have had very few sexual relationships in my life,

none in the last 15 years. I have been led to believe that my chronic

depression is at the root of this, but until lately have not been aware of an

underlying cause for the depression, though I have been told that it may be

genetic, related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc. I feel like I have been

harmed by the treatment of various psychiatrists and neglected by primary care



> I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and have been unable to

hold a full-time job since then mainly due to declining health and poor control

over my moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in the last two years with

a concurrent loss of energy and increasing exercise intolerance. My mind is a

shell of what it used to be. I have hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have

to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my

bladder during the day, among other problems. Although I have little interest

in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I masturbate maybe

once or twice a month, mainly just to see if everything still works " down

there " . My depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly unbearable,

and I don't think a day has gone by in the last few years where thoughts of

suicide haven't entered my mind.


> Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of male hypogonadism.

I told my psychiatrist (who I see through a local university health care system)

what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were

unremarkable other than borderline high cholesterol and glucose. He added on

tests for total and free testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:


> testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal range 2.2-8.4)

> testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)

> tsh 0.755 (lab normal range 0.4-4.5)

> glucose (fasting) 140 (lab normal <140)


> I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

recommended I start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my primary care

physician comes back from vacation in a month. He also ordered an endocrinology

consult but said that it may be months before I can be seen. So I went in to

the clinic today to get the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels before he would let me

start on testosterone. This time he ordered a prolactin level as well.


> I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and why

he ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I need to

find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my shrink admits that

he has never heard of a connection between low testosterone and depression).


> My main question to this group is, does anyone know a specialist within the

University of New Mexico health care system who is familiar with hypogonadism

treatment? If not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque that

would be worth spending what amounts to what little is left of my life savings

to see?


> I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it took me so many years

to figure out what is basically wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope

emotionally, socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I can hang

on much longer.


> I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed without wasting a

lot of time and money. I am not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that

I am having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office staff

misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I would appreciate any support that I

can get, especially of the " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I

am ready to die but desperately don't want to.


> Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to some

day feel well enough to offer my support to others with this insidious, cruel



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Hi amosnonore and welcome,

Your in the right place here the first 5 yrs I was sick after some testing they

told me I suffer from Major Depression and for the next 5 yrs I was on every dam

AD med on the market they tried one after the other it's a long story you can

read it at this link. Bottom line I was on Depressed but have low Testosterone

and once I started treatment I was back to work full time after being off work

on sick leave more then I was there.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

I feel your lucky your Psychiatrist did not give you Testosterone and wanted

more tests he is a smart Dr. As you can see in my story I went 23 yrs. on TRT

and not feeling 100% 4 yrs ago I figured out I am not Primary. Like all the dam

Dr.'s I have seen and there are a lot of them the worst ones were Endo's. I am

Secondary do to a head injury some 27 yrs ago in a auto accident. Now I treat

my other hormones that showed up for yrs as in the low normal range. I treat my

low Cortisol levels, Thyroid, Ferritin, Iron and Aldosterone.

Your Dr. wants to see if your Secondary meaning your Pituitary is not tell your

body to make hormones. So he ordered a Prolactin test if your high then you

would need an MRI on your pituitary to rule out a tumor this is rare to be


You have lasted this long a few weeks more so you know why your so low is well

worth it. Most Dr. see men low like this and just put them on TRT not checking

to see why they are so dam low. I feel this is criminal.

Once they find out why your low be it your testis don't work or your pituitary

is bad and you go on treatment you will be fine. You need to test your LH and

FSH levels with a morning fasting Cortisol blood test men sick as long as you

have been have over worked Adrenals and need them treated this problem also goes

hand and hand with Thyroud and your TSH is low telling me your Pituitary might

be your problem. TSH is sent to your Thyroid to tell it to make more hormone.

So you also need more labs on your Thyroid get the following done.

That are in this link adding to it Total T4 and T3 for Thyroid.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=7059

To learn about how to do TRT goto Dr. 's site www.allthingsmale.com and Read

TRT: A Recipe for Success and read his HCG update he puts this out there free

for you and your Dr.

I if you can't find a Dr. that treats a lot of men for this problem. There are

Dr.'s you can fly out to see they only need to see you once then the rest they

do by phone. Or Dr. will work with your Dr. over the phone to test and

treat you. But lets see how things go with the Dr. you working with now to me

he sounds like he is a smart Dr.

We have a links and files section full of info like this link I am giving you to

read learn about this so you know your getting the right help.


And don't let a Dr. give you shots every 2 or 4 weeks this is old and dose not

work in the AACE Guildlines it states on page 11 to do shots every 7 to 10 days

some of us do them 2x's a week to keep more leveled and to hold down Estradiol



What you need to do when you go on TRT is to get your Total T levels up onto the

upper 1/3 of your labs range and to keep your Estradiol down to about 20 pg/ml

this works to keep you feeling good. And if your Cortisol levels are low 15 or

lower do a 4x's in a day Saliva Test to see what your rithum looks like.

If you need to treat your adrenals and Thyroid read this link on how I got

started doing this.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=24

One dam good Dr. you could see is in Ca. Dr. nco he is a psychiatrist but

feels most mental problems are due to Hormones. He only needs to see you once

and will do the rest by phone. I feel this guy is your best bet. He has a

fourm that is new.


Go there and read it also in the files section Hardasnails has a file full of

his posts to men at a forum for Men's Health most of the men there have low T

and he came there of info from them men about there hormones for his new book.

So because they helped him he helped them his posts could be a book.

Romeo no, M.D. (831) 375-6655 395 Del Monte Ctr #305 Monterey, CA 93940

262 Eldorado Street #100 physician, psychiatrist,Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

and Immunology (831) 626-9094 fax

Being a veterinarian your one up on most of us here and should not have a hard

time learning about this.

Once again welcome your in the right place.



> From: amosnomore <amosnomore@...>

> Subject: Miserable in Albuquerque


> Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 8:46 PM

> Hello all.  I have read with

> great interest many of the stories posted here and am hoping

> that I have come to the right place for advice and support.


> I am a 51 year old male.  I have been suffering from

> depression of varying severity my entire life, including

> childhood, and have always felt that something is

> fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression,

> as I have been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> antidepressant medications (and have had some of the worst

> experiences of my life with some of them). 


> My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few

> years that I don't even know where to begin and don't want

> to take up too much of your time going into the details of

> my symptoms.  Suffice it to say that I have recently

> figured out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and

> probably have been for most of my life.  I feel like I

> never really completed puberty.  I have had low libido

> my entire adult life and in the last few years it has become

> almost non-existent.  I have never been married and

> have had very few sexual relationships in my life, none in

> the last 15 years.  I have been led to believe that my

> chronic depression is at the root of this, but until lately

> have not been aware of an underlying cause for the

> depression, though I have been told that it may be genetic,

> related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc.  I feel

> like I have been harmed by the treatment of various

> psychiatrists and neglected by primary care providers.


> I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and

> have been unable to hold a full-time job since then mainly

> due to declining health and poor control over my

> moods.  I have gained an awful lot of weight in the

> last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and

> increasing exercise intolerance.  My mind is a shell of

> what it used to be.  I have hot flashes frequently,

> ache all over, have to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at

> night and have trouble controlling my bladder during the

> day, among other problems.  Although I have little

> interest in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to

> maintain.  I masturbate maybe once or twice a month,

> mainly just to see if everything still works " down

> there " .  My depression waxes and wanes but lately has

> been nearly unbearable, and I don't think a day has gone by

> in the last few years where thoughts of suicide haven't

> entered my mind.


> Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of

> male hypogonadism.  I told my psychiatrist (who I see

> through a local university health care system) what I

> thought and he ordered some bloodwork.  My CBC and chem

> panel were unremarkable other than borderline high

> cholesterol and glucose.  He added on tests for total

> and free testosterone, as well as TSH.  My results:


> testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL    (lab normal

> range 2.2-8.4)

> testosterone (free)  3.37 pg/mL   (lab

> normal range 7.3-25)

> tsh               

>   0.755        (lab normal range

> 0.4-4.5)

> glucose (fasting)    140     

>     (lab normal <140)


> I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several weeks

> ago and he recommended I start with a testosterone injection

> (200mg) until my primary care physician comes back from

> vacation in a month.  He also ordered an endocrinology

> consult but said that it may be months before I can be

> seen.  So I went in to the clinic today to get the

> injection, but was told that it wasn't available and that

> the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels before he

> would let me start on testosterone.  This time he

> ordered a prolactin level as well.


> I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is

> going on and why he ordered the prolactin test rather than

> LH, FSH, estradiol, etc.  I need to find a doctor who

> is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my shrink admits

> that he has never heard of a connection between low

> testosterone and depression).


> My main question to this group is, does anyone know a

> specialist within the University of New Mexico health care

> system who is familiar with hypogonadism treatment?  If

> not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque

> that would be worth spending what amounts to what little is

> left of my life savings to see?


> I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it

> took me so many years to figure out what is basically wrong

> with me.  I am at the end of my rope emotionally,

> socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I

> can hang on much longer.


> I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed

> without wasting a lot of time and money.  I am not

> thinking well and get so easily frustrated that I am having

> difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office staff

> misunderstandings, etc.  Other than that, I would

> appreciate any support that I can get, especially of the

> " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I am

> ready to die but desperately don't want to.


> Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your

> thoughts.  I hope to some day feel well enough to offer

> my support to others with this insidious, cruel disorder.











> ------------------------------------



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Well said Most Dr's just don't get it.



> From: mbmom123 <dbkczar@...>

> Subject: Re: Miserable in Albuquerque


> Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 4:57 AM

> Welcome to the group, this

> knowledgeable bunch of guys will help you; they will guide

> you to the correct labs to get the correct conclusions--with

> proper s*x hormone testing--I am here seeking help for

> husband..


> My cat's vet knows more about thyroid issues than any MD I

> have ever seen :) ----so, from a testing standpoint,you may

> need more for thyroid (Free T3, Free T4 a place to start,

> lack of T3 leads to bad depression--shrinks should know that

> :) ..you can read about that link here:


> http://www.thyroid.ca/Articles/EngE10F.html


> Also, you can saliva test for adrenal status: I use ZRT but

> there are others: www.canaryclub.org


> Hang in there! You are in the right place to get some help

> figuring this all out...we are all here because medical docs

> don't get it..El





> ------------------------------------



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Amos, you seem to have fallen victim of the medical system, I was


healthy until ten years ago, leukemia blind sided me, and the chemo



with my mind and body. But it gave me life, I first came

here some seven

years ago, got my testosterone and estrogen in balance. It's

a two way


Not only must you get your T up, but E must be in

balance w/ the T. Most

say thirty to one ratio is best for men, and that is

when I feel my best.

The medical system breaks down as they do not understand

how the two

hormones work together. I can recall one of docters actually

laughed at me,

when I asked for an estrogen test. Fortunaely in my case, I


developing breasts, now a known side affect, and that alarmed me, I


weak, hot flashes, and would tear up over nothing, I developed a voice

in my

head, that kept telling me, why go on??

In my personal opinion,

therapy, had three years and anti depressants are

good band aids, but not the


I had to take neupogen, a daily shot to boost my immune system,


trial and error, missing a shot here and there, I found my mood


flucated dramatically, from totally empty to feeling on top of the


By luck, I found Naltraxone, a drug normally given to alcoholics in 50


100mg dosages, it covers opiate receptors, hence no drugs have any


and assists drug addicts to find there way out. However, a couple

God Sent

Docks discovered, if we take very tiny amounts daily, it upregulates


immune system.

I read all the lit, ordered some from ADC, an wahoo, my

whole life changed.

It comes in 50mg tabs, I dissolve in 12 cc's of bac

water, which is ninety

eight percent water and the remainder consumable

alcohol, I use everclear,

to keep bacteria and fungus at bay.

I take 1cc

of water ie, 4mgs N nightly, most folks start out at a lower

dose, using

headaches as an indicator of overdose, and work up. Max dose is

4.5mg, LDN,

low dose naltraxone, is awesome, I went through some emotional


coasters, anxiety, depression, and little things I cannot explain.

But I

noticed I was socializing more, and felt more energetic after a


weeks. All sides were minor, and most folks never have any, so I

read. I

was looking for them, and I found them.

I had psorisis, COPD,

blood glucose problems, low white and red blood

counts, bleeding gums, 5500

cancer marker readings, using arimidex to keep

estrogen down.

yeast and

fungal infection were the norm. But my tallywhacker was fine as I

keep my T

and E at a thirty to one ratio. I was taking wellbutrim, effexor,


provogil AD's.

Six months from starting, my psorisis is gone, gums are tight,

no bleeding,

so heart is protected from oral bacteria, cancer markers are

down to 3300,

still take 100 T shot once a week, but need no arimidex to keep

E down. My

blood glucose levels are very normal, I no longer require insulin

for type

II diabeties. Blood oxygen levels have increased from high eighties


ninety seven. I have my own meter. My white and red blood cell levels


still down, but my neutrophils are abover average. Leukemia causes the


marrow to turn into something that looks like a hard spider web, and


course cannot produce blood products.

But I have had no illness over

the last six months. I keep HGH in the

fridge, very, very expensive, which

dramatically increases my blood count. I

now take one effexor, one wellbutrim

and no provigil. I no longer require

celebrex for OA, but still need

ibeprophen on occasion. I may be able to do

away with them, but I have an

overt fear of those self harming feelings, My

oncologist think I am crazy to

take HGH with cancer. Oh how we fall victim

to street talk about abuse of

steriods, and growth hormones.

A general warning, if you take thyroid

medications when taking LDN, you will

find yourself reducing your dosage

dramatically, LDN balances hormones, and

also thyroid production. LDN

increases the growth of fungus/yeast, so I

take a generic anti-fungal

medication every other day, which I get from ADC.

I also began taking

ALA, alpha lopoic acid, " NOW " brand, a kick in the

pants, I felt it like a

nostril full of cocaine, all over my body, it is

purported to help at the

cellular level, mitchondria,

with glucose conversion to energy. I began

prespiring after the first dose,

and that kept up for two days, and went

away, all I am left with is more


killer stuff as they say on the


LDN is awesome for any autoimmune disease, has a great following

among some

docks, even fertility docks praise it, as it stops PG diabeties,

and the

child is born healthy.

I read on MED PUB, in order for lungs to

heal, there has to be an increase

in that part of the immune system, that

protects the body, from the immune

sysem itself.

which goes along with

LDN protects from autoimmune diseases, RA, OA,

crohn's, IBS, MS and on and


Costs of all this is about twenty five bux a month, most of the costs


ALA. Plug in LDN in google, join the LDN groups to learn


I am at dhallgar@...

if I can answer any questions.

kind regards david

----- Original

Message -----

From: " amosnomore " <amosnomore@...>


< >


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:46 PM

Subject: Miserable in


> Hello all. I have read with great interest many of

the stories posted

> here and am hoping that I have come to the right

place for advice and

> support.


> I am a 51 year old male.

I have been suffering from depression of varying

> severity my entire

life, including childhood, and have always felt that

> something is

fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression, as

> I have

been minimally responsive to a wide range of antidepressant

> medications

(and have had some of the worst experiences of my life with

> some of



> My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few

years that I

> don't even know where to begin and don't want to take up

too much of your

> time going into the details of my symptoms. Suffice it

to say that I have

> recently figured out that I am suffering from

hypogonadism and probably

> have been for most of my life. I feel like I

never really completed

> puberty. I have had low libido my entire adult

life and in the last few

> years it has become almost non-existent. I

have never been married and

> have had very few sexual relationships in my

life, none in the last 15

> years. I have been led to believe that my

chronic depression is at the

> root of this, but until lately have not

been aware of an underlying cause

> for the depression, though I have been

told that it may be genetic,

> related to poor diet and exercise habits,

etc. I feel like I have been

> harmed by the treatment of various

psychiatrists and neglected by primary

> care providers.


> I

lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and have been


unable to hold a full-time job since then mainly due to declining health


and poor control over my moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in


the last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and increasing


exercise intolerance. My mind is a shell of what it used to be. I have


hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have to wake up to urinate every


1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my bladder during the


> among other problems. Although I have little interest in sex, I

can get

> an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I masturbate maybe

once or twice

> a month, mainly just to see if everything still works

" down there " . My

> depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly

unbearable, and I

> don't think a day has gone by in the last few years

where thoughts of

> suicide haven't entered my mind.



Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of male


hypogonadism. I told my psychiatrist (who I see through a local


university health care system) what I thought and he ordered some


bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were unremarkable other than


> high cholesterol and glucose. He added on tests for total

and free

> testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:



testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal range 2.2-8.4)


testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)


tsh 0.755 (lab normal range 0.4-4.5)

> glucose

(fasting) 140 (lab normal <140)


> I discussed the

results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

> recommended I

start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my primary

> care

physician comes back from vacation in a month. He also ordered an


endocrinology consult but said that it may be months before I can be


> So I went in to the clinic today to get the injection, but was

told that

> it wasn't available and that the doctor wanted to repeat my


> levels before he would let me start on testosterone. This

time he ordered

> a prolactin level as well.


> I can't get a

hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and

> why he

ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I

> need

to find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my

> shrink

admits that he has never heard of a connection between low

> testosterone

and depression).


> My main question to this group is, does anyone

know a specialist within

> the University of New Mexico health care system

who is familiar with

> hypogonadism treatment? If not, can anyone refer

me to a doctor in or

> near Albuquerque that would be worth spending what

amounts to what little

> is left of my life savings to



> I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it

took me so many

> years to figure out what is basically wrong with me. I

am at the end of

> my rope emotionally, socially, spiritually and

financially and don't know

> if I can hang on much longer.



I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed without


> a lot of time and money. I am not thinking well and get so


> frustrated that I am having difficulty just dealing with the

obstacles of

> office staff misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I

would appreciate

> any support that I can get, especially of the " light at

the end of the

> tunnel " variety, as I feel I am ready to die but

desperately don't want

> to.


> Thank you for reading this,

and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to

> some day feel well enough to

offer my support to others with this

> insidious, cruel






















( ID required)



mailto: -fullfeatured






> From: amosnomore@...

> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:46:57 +0000

> Subject: Miserable in Albuquerque


> Hello all. I have read with great interest many of the stories posted here

and am hoping that I have come to the right place for advice and support.


> I am a 51 year old male. I have been suffering from depression of varying

severity my entire life, including childhood, and have always felt that

something is fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression, as I

have been minimally responsive to a wide range of antidepressant medications

(and have had some of the worst experiences of my life with some of them).


> My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few years that I don't

even know where to begin and don't want to take up too much of your time going

into the details of my symptoms. Suffice it to say that I have recently figured

out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and probably have been for most of my

life. I feel like I never really completed puberty. I have had low libido my

entire adult life and in the last few years it has become almost non-existent.

I have never been married and have had very few sexual relationships in my life,

none in the last 15 years. I have been led to believe that my chronic

depression is at the root of this, but until lately have not been aware of an

underlying cause for the depression, though I have been told that it may be

genetic, related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc. I feel like I have been

harmed by the treatment of various psychiatrists and neglected by primary care



> I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and have been unable to

hold a full-time job since then mainly due to declining health and poor control

over my moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in the last two years with

a concurrent loss of energy and increasing exercise intolerance. My mind is a

shell of what it used to be. I have hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have

to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my

bladder during the day, among other problems. Although I have little interest

in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I masturbate maybe

once or twice a month, mainly just to see if everything still works " down

there " . My depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly unbearable,

and I don't think a day has gone by in the last few years where thoughts of

suicide haven't entered my mind.


> Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of male hypogonadism.

I told my psychiatrist (who I see through a local university health care system)

what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were

unremarkable other than borderline high cholesterol and glucose. He added on

tests for total and free testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:


> testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal range 2.2-8.4)

> testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)

> tsh 0.755 (lab normal range 0.4-4.5)

> glucose (fasting) 140 (lab normal <140)


> I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

recommended I start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my primary care

physician comes back from vacation in a month. He also ordered an endocrinology

consult but said that it may be months before I can be seen. So I went in to

the clinic today to get the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels before he would let me

start on testosterone. This time he ordered a prolactin level as well.


> I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and why

he ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I need to

find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my shrink admits that

he has never heard of a connection between low testosterone and depression).


> My main question to this group is, does anyone know a specialist within the

University of New Mexico health care system who is familiar with hypogonadism

treatment? If not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque that

would be worth spending what amounts to what little is left of my life savings

to see?


> I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it took me so many years

to figure out what is basically wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope

emotionally, socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I can hang

on much longer.


> I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed without wasting a

lot of time and money. I am not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that

I am having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office staff

misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I would appreciate any support that I

can get, especially of the " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I

am ready to die but desperately don't want to.


> Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to some

day feel well enough to offer my support to others with this insidious, cruel












> ------------------------------------



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Some have already given some solid advice.  Lots of good people on this site

with great experience.


My experience has been that most doctors just don't relate to this stuff and do

not delve deep enough into the cause/effect area.  Many physicians do not

consider the psychological trauma this stuff causes, let alone the serious

physical issues that can develop.


The best thing you can do is educate yourself and align yourself with the right



I've been going to my endo for many years and consider him very open-minded but

I still have to really drive the major things and make suggestions.  I called

him yesterday and asked why I hadn't ever had a chromosome analysis because my

symptoms are identical with that of Klinefelter's Syndrome, and he said it was

an excellent idea.  KS isn't exactly a big secret, and if it turns out I have

it, my treatment will change.  Seems like a pretty important detail that has

been skipped over for almost 20 years.


Heck, my insurance carrier wouldn't even approve for me to have a bone density

scan despite the medical community considers it a requisite test for anyone

diagnosed with hypogonadism.  They'd rather me develop a serious health issue

years down the road and then spend tons of money addressing the urgent situation

rather than preventing it at minimal cost.


The first doctor I approached many years ago told me nothing was wrong and that

I was totally normal....until I freaked out and insisted on getting my

testosterone tested and it turned out to be 90 using a range with maximum normal

being 900.  Let's not even consider the fact my voice hadn't changed at age

24.....fun times in high school and college!


Ok...less about me and more about you.  Just really pay attention to your

symptoms.  You are your best advocate.  When I started testosterone treatment,

my life changed.  Way more stamina, sex stuff was better, my feeling of

well-being improved tremendously, I leaned-up much more, gained a bit of weight

(I was a bean pole and still am a bit too thin), and I looked more like a

regular guy (e.g., secondary male sexual characteristics like whiskers).

From: amosnomore <amosnomore@...>

Subject: Miserable in Albuquerque

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 5:46 PM


Hello all. I have read with great interest many of the stories posted here and

am hoping that I have come to the right place for advice and support.

I am a 51 year old male. I have been suffering from depression of varying

severity my entire life, including childhood, and have always felt that

something is fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression, as I

have been minimally responsive to a wide range of antidepressant medications

(and have had some of the worst experiences of my life with some of them).

My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few years that I don't even

know where to begin and don't want to take up too much of your time going into

the details of my symptoms. Suffice it to say that I have recently figured out

that I am suffering from hypogonadism and probably have been for most of my

life. I feel like I never really completed puberty. I have had low libido my

entire adult life and in the last few years it has become almost non-existent. I

have never been married and have had very few sexual relationships in my life,

none in the last 15 years. I have been led to believe that my chronic depression

is at the root of this, but until lately have not been aware of an underlying

cause for the depression, though I have been told that it may be genetic,

related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc. I feel like I have been harmed by

the treatment of various psychiatrists and neglected by primary care providers.

I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian) , and have been unable to

hold a full-time job since then mainly due to declining health and poor control

over my moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in the last two years with a

concurrent loss of energy and increasing exercise intolerance. My mind is a

shell of what it used to be. I have hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have

to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my

bladder during the day, among other problems. Although I have little interest in

sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I masturbate maybe once

or twice a month, mainly just to see if everything still works " down there " . My

depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly unbearable, and I don't

think a day has gone by in the last few years where thoughts of suicide haven't

entered my mind.

Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of male hypogonadism. I

told my psychiatrist (who I see through a local university health care system)

what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were

unremarkable other than borderline high cholesterol and glucose. He added on

tests for total and free testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:

testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal range 2.2-8.4)

testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)

tsh 0.755 (lab normal range 0.4-4.5)

glucose (fasting) 140 (lab normal <140)

I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

recommended I start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my primary care

physician comes back from vacation in a month. He also ordered an endocrinology

consult but said that it may be months before I can be seen. So I went in to the

clinic today to get the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels before he would let me

start on testosterone. This time he ordered a prolactin level as well.

I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and why he

ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I need to find a

doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my shrink admits that he has

never heard of a connection between low testosterone and depression).

My main question to this group is, does anyone know a specialist within the

University of New Mexico health care system who is familiar with hypogonadism

treatment? If not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque that

would be worth spending what amounts to what little is left of my life savings

to see?

I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it took me so many years to

figure out what is basically wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope

emotionally, socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I can hang

on much longer.

I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed without wasting a lot

of time and money. I am not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that I am

having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office staff

misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I would appreciate any support that I

can get, especially of the " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I

am ready to die but desperately don't want to.

Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to some day

feel well enough to offer my support to others with this insidious, cruel


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Take hope. Things are on their way to getting better.

First and foremost - do not start taking T yet. You need a few more

tests before they should start. Chief among these are prolactin and


If they start you right away the first endocrinologist you get to will

tell you to stop for four to six weeks and wait to see your natural

hormonal levels across the board. You'll lose months.

As a scientist and health professional you'll find most of what you

need here:


Be aware thought that newer research and the experience of the 3000

men here in this group is that these guidelines are not up to date on

the powerful influence of E2 on testosterone replacement therapy.

Many of us were told we were depressed before they discovered the

underlying issue was really low T.

You will need to educate yourself. Most doctors, GP, PCP, and even

endos are woefully ignorant of proper treatment for this condition.

This is a great place to come for advice, education and news of the

latest developments. Your challenge will be 1. getting educated to

know what you need, and 2. finding a doctor who will let you share

your learning with him without being threatened.

But take heart. T will change your life for the better. You are just 2

or 3 months away from feeling really much better.

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:46:57 -0000, you wrote:

>Hello all. I have read with great interest many of the stories posted here and

am hoping that I have come to the right place for advice and support.


>I am a 51 year old male. I have been suffering from depression of varying

severity my entire life, including childhood, and have always felt that

something is fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression, as I

have been minimally responsive to a wide range of antidepressant medications

(and have had some of the worst experiences of my life with some of them).


>My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last few years that I don't

even know where to begin and don't want to take up too much of your time going

into the details of my symptoms. Suffice it to say that I have recently figured

out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and probably have been for most of my

life. I feel like I never really completed puberty. I have had low libido my

entire adult life and in the last few years it has become almost non-existent.

I have never been married and have had very few sexual relationships in my life,

none in the last 15 years. I have been led to believe that my chronic

depression is at the root of this, but until lately have not been aware of an

underlying cause for the depression, though I have been told that it may be

genetic, related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc. I feel like I have been

harmed by the treatment of various psychiatrists and neglected by primary care



>I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and have been unable to

hold a full-time job since then mainly due to declining health and poor control

over my moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in the last two years with

a concurrent loss of energy and increasing exercise intolerance. My mind is a

shell of what it used to be. I have hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have

to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my

bladder during the day, among other problems. Although I have little interest

in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I masturbate maybe

once or twice a month, mainly just to see if everything still works " down

there " . My depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly unbearable,

and I don't think a day has gone by in the last few years where thoughts of

suicide haven't entered my mind.


>Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of male hypogonadism.

I told my psychiatrist (who I see through a local university health care system)

what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were

unremarkable other than borderline high cholesterol and glucose. He added on

tests for total and free testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:


>testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal range 2.2-8.4)

>testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)

>tsh 0.755 (lab normal range 0.4-4.5)

>glucose (fasting) 140 (lab normal <140)


>I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

recommended I start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my primary care

physician comes back from vacation in a month. He also ordered an endocrinology

consult but said that it may be months before I can be seen. So I went in to

the clinic today to get the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels before he would let me

start on testosterone. This time he ordered a prolactin level as well.


>I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and why he

ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I need to find

a doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my shrink admits that he

has never heard of a connection between low testosterone and depression).


>My main question to this group is, does anyone know a specialist within the

University of New Mexico health care system who is familiar with hypogonadism

treatment? If not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque that

would be worth spending what amounts to what little is left of my life savings

to see?


>I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that it took me so many years

to figure out what is basically wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope

emotionally, socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I can hang

on much longer.


>I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed without wasting a lot

of time and money. I am not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that I

am having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office staff

misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I would appreciate any support that I

can get, especially of the " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I

am ready to die but desperately don't want to.


>Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to some

day feel well enough to offer my support to others with this insidious, cruel









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it's great to hear your doing so great about HGH what do you take and how

much I am going on it when I see my Dr. next Tue.



> From: david hallgarth <dhallgar@...>

> Subject: RE: Miserable in Albuquerque


> Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:48 AM


> Amos, you seem to have fallen victim of the medical system,

> I was

> very

> healthy until ten years ago, leukemia blind sided me, and

> the chemo

> played

> havoc

> with my mind and body.  But it gave me life, I first

> came

> here some seven

> years ago, got my testosterone and estrogen in

> balance.  It's

> a two way

> street.

> Not only must you get your T up, but E must be in

> balance w/ the T.  Most

> say thirty to one ratio is best for men, and that is

> when I feel my best.

> The medical system breaks down as they do not understand

> how the two

> hormones work together.  I can recall one of docters

> actually

> laughed at me,

> when I asked for an estrogen test.  Fortunaely in my

> case, I

> began

> developing breasts, now a known side affect, and that

> alarmed me, I

> felt

> weak, hot flashes, and would tear up over nothing, I

> developed a voice

> in my

> head, that kept telling me, why go on??

> In my personal opinion,

> therapy, had three years and anti depressants are

> good band aids, but not the

> answer.

> I had to take neupogen, a daily shot to boost my immune

> system,

> through

> trial and error, missing a shot here and there, I found my

> mood

> levels

> flucated dramatically, from totally empty to feeling on top

> of the

> world.

> By luck, I found Naltraxone, a drug normally given to

> alcoholics in 50

> and

> 100mg dosages, it covers opiate receptors, hence no drugs

> have any

> affect,

> and assists drug addicts to find there way out. 

> However, a couple

> God Sent

> Docks discovered, if we take very tiny amounts daily, it

> upregulates

> the

> immune system.

> I read all the lit, ordered some from ADC, an wahoo, my

> whole life changed.

> It comes in 50mg tabs, I dissolve in 12 cc's of bac

> water, which is ninety

> eight percent water and the remainder consumable

> alcohol, I use everclear,

> to keep bacteria and fungus at bay.

> I take 1cc

> of water ie, 4mgs N nightly,  most folks start out at

> a lower

> dose, using

> headaches as an indicator of overdose, and work up. 

> Max dose is

> 4.5mg, LDN,

> low dose naltraxone, is awesome, I went through some

> emotional

> roller

> coasters, anxiety, depression, and little things I cannot

> explain.

> But I

> noticed I was socializing more, and felt more energetic

> after a

> couple

> weeks.  All sides were minor, and most folks never

> have any, so I

> read. I

> was looking for them, and I found them.

> I had psorisis, COPD,

> blood glucose problems, low white and red blood

> counts, bleeding gums, 5500

> cancer marker readings, using arimidex to keep

> estrogen down.

> yeast and

> fungal infection were the norm.  But my tallywhacker

> was fine as I

> keep my T

> and E at a thirty to one ratio.  I was taking

> wellbutrim, effexor,

> and

> provogil AD's.

> Six months from starting, my psorisis is gone, gums are

> tight,

> no bleeding,

> so heart is protected from oral bacteria, cancer markers

> are

> down to 3300,

> still take 100 T shot once a week, but need no arimidex to

> keep

> E down.  My

> blood glucose levels are very normal, I no longer require

> insulin

> for type

> II diabeties.  Blood oxygen levels have increased from

> high eighties

> to

> ninety seven.  I have my own meter.  My white and

> red blood cell levels

> are

> still down, but my neutrophils are abover average. 

> Leukemia causes the

> bone

> marrow to turn into something that looks like a hard spider

> web, and

> of

> course cannot produce blood products.

> But I have had no illness over

> the last six months.  I keep HGH in the

> fridge, very, very expensive, which

> dramatically increases my blood count. I

> now take one effexor, one wellbutrim

> and no provigil. I no longer require

> celebrex for OA, but still need

> ibeprophen on occasion. I may be able to do

> away with them, but I have an

> overt fear of those self harming feelings, My

> oncologist think I am crazy to

> take HGH with cancer.  Oh how we fall victim

> to street talk about abuse of

> steriods, and growth hormones.


> A general warning, if you take thyroid

> medications when taking LDN, you will

> find yourself reducing your dosage

> dramatically, LDN balances hormones, and

> also thyroid production.  LDN

> increases the growth of fungus/yeast, so I

> take a generic anti-fungal

> medication every other day, which I get from ADC.


> I also began taking

> ALA, alpha lopoic acid, " NOW " brand, a kick in the

> pants, I felt it like a

> nostril full of cocaine, all over my body, it is

> purported to help at the

> cellular level, mitchondria,

> with glucose conversion to energy.  I began

> prespiring after the first dose,

> and that kept up for two days, and went

> away, all I am left with is more

> energy.

> killer stuff as they say on the

> street.

> LDN is awesome for any autoimmune disease, has a great

> following

> among some

> docks, even fertility docks praise it, as it stops PG

> diabeties,

> and the

> child is born healthy.

> I read on MED PUB, in order for lungs to

> heal, there has to be an increase

> in that part of the immune system, that

> protects the body, from the immune

> sysem itself.

> which goes along with 

> LDN protects from autoimmune diseases, RA, OA,

> crohn's, IBS, MS and on and

> on.

> Costs of all this is about twenty five bux a month, most of

> the costs

> is

> ALA.  Plug in LDN in google, join the LDN groups

> to learn

> more.


> I am at dhallgar@...


> if I can answer any questions.

> kind regards david



> ----- Original

> Message -----

> From: " amosnomore " <amosnomore@...>

> To:

> < >

> Sent:

> Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:46 PM

> Subject: Miserable in

> Albuquerque



> > Hello all.  I have read with great interest many

> of

> the stories posted

> > here and am hoping that I have come to the right

> place for advice and

> > support.

> >

> > I am a 51 year old male. 

> I have been suffering from depression of varying

> > severity my entire

> life, including childhood, and have always felt that

> > something is

> fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression,

> as

> > I have

> been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> antidepressant

> > medications

> (and have had some of the worst experiences of my life

> with

> > some of

> them).

> >

> > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last

> few

> years that I

> > don't even know where to begin and don't want to take

> up

> too much of your

> > time going into the details of my symptoms. 

> Suffice it

> to say that I have

> > recently figured out that I am suffering from

> hypogonadism and probably

> > have been for most of my life.  I feel like I

> never really completed

> > puberty.  I have had low libido my entire adult

> life and in the last few

> > years it has become almost non-existent.  I

> have never been married and

> > have had very few sexual relationships in my

> life, none in the last 15

> > years.  I have been led to believe that my

> chronic depression is at the

> > root of this, but until lately have not

> been aware of an underlying cause

> > for the depression, though I have been

> told that it may be genetic,

> > related to poor diet and exercise habits,

> etc.  I feel like I have been

> > harmed by the treatment of various

> psychiatrists and neglected by primary

> > care providers.

> >

> > I

> lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and

> have been

> >

> unable to hold a full-time job since then mainly due to

> declining health

> >

> and poor control over my moods.  I have gained an

> awful lot of weight in

> >

> the last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and

> increasing

> >

> exercise intolerance.  My mind is a shell of what it

> used to be.  I have

> >

> hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have to wake up to

> urinate every

> >

> 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my bladder

> during the

> day,

> > among other problems.  Although I have little

> interest in sex, I

> can get

> > an erection, but it is hard to maintain.  I

> masturbate maybe

> once or twice

> > a month, mainly just to see if everything still works


> " down there " .  My

> > depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly


> unbearable, and I

> > don't think a day has gone by in the last few years

> where thoughts of

> > suicide haven't entered my mind.

> >

> >

> Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of

> male

> >

> hypogonadism.  I told my psychiatrist (who I see

> through a local

> >

> university health care system) what I thought and he

> ordered some

> >

> bloodwork.  My CBC and chem panel were unremarkable

> other than

> borderline

> > high cholesterol and glucose.  He added on tests

> for total

> and free

> > testosterone, as well as TSH.  My results:

> >

> >

> testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL    (lab normal

> range 2.2-8.4)

> >

> testosterone (free)  3.37 pg/mL   (lab

> normal range 7.3-25)

> >

> tsh               

>   0.755        (lab normal range

> 0.4-4.5)

> > glucose

> (fasting)    140       

>   (lab normal <140)

> >

> > I discussed the

> results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

> > recommended I

> start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my

> primary

> > care

> physician comes back from vacation in a month.  He

> also ordered an

> >

> endocrinology consult but said that it may be months before

> I can be

> seen.

> > So I went in to the clinic today to get the injection,

> but was

> told that

> > it wasn't available and that the doctor wanted to

> repeat my

> testosterone

> > levels before he would let me start on

> testosterone.  This

> time he ordered

> > a prolactin level as well.

> >

> > I can't get a

> hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and

> > why he

> ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol,

> etc.  I

> > need

> to find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with

> hypogonadism (my

> > shrink

> admits that he has never heard of a connection between low

> > testosterone

> and depression).

> >

> > My main question to this group is, does anyone

> know a specialist within

> > the University of New Mexico health care system

> who is familiar with

> > hypogonadism treatment?  If not, can anyone refer


> me to a doctor in or

> > near Albuquerque that would be worth spending what

> amounts to what little

> > is left of my life savings to

> see?

> >

> > I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that

> it

> took me so many

> > years to figure out what is basically wrong with

> me.  I

> am at the end of

> > my rope emotionally, socially, spiritually and

> financially and don't know

> > if I can hang on much longer.

> >

> >

> I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed

> without

> wasting

> > a lot of time and money.  I am not thinking well

> and get so

> easily

> > frustrated that I am having difficulty just dealing

> with the

> obstacles of

> > office staff misunderstandings, etc.  Other than

> that, I

> would appreciate

> > any support that I can get, especially of the " light

> at

> the end of the

> > tunnel " variety, as I feel I am ready to die but

> desperately don't want

> > to.

> >

> > Thank you for reading this,

> and thank you for your thoughts.  I hope to

> > some day feel well enough to

> offer my support to others with this

> > insidious, cruel

> disorder.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ------------------------------------

> >

> >

> Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >   

> ( ID required)

> >

> >   

> mailto: -fullfeatured

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >

> > From: amosnomore@...

> > Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:46:57 +0000

> > Subject: Miserable in Albuquerque

> >

> > Hello all.  I have read with great interest many

> of the stories posted here and am hoping that I have come to

> the right place for advice and support.

> >

> > I am a 51 year old male.  I have been suffering

> from depression of varying severity my entire life,

> including childhood, and have always felt that something is

> fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression,

> as I have been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> antidepressant medications (and have had some of the worst

> experiences of my life with some of them). 

> >

> > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last

> few years that I don't even know where to begin and don't

> want to take up too much of your time going into the details

> of my symptoms.  Suffice it to say that I have recently

> figured out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and

> probably have been for most of my life.  I feel like I

> never really completed puberty.  I have had low libido

> my entire adult life and in the last few years it has become

> almost non-existent.  I have never been married and

> have had very few sexual relationships in my life, none in

> the last 15 years.  I have been led to believe that my

> chronic depression is at the root of this, but until lately

> have not been aware of an underlying cause for the

> depression, though I have been told that it may be genetic,

> related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc.  I feel

> like I have been harmed by the treatment of various

> psychiatrists and neglected by primary care providers.

> >

> > I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian),

> and have been unable to hold a full-time job since then

> mainly due to declining health and poor control over my

> moods.  I have gained an awful lot of weight in the

> last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and

> increasing exercise intolerance.  My mind is a shell of

> what it used to be.  I have hot flashes frequently,

> ache all over, have to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at

> night and have trouble controlling my bladder during the

> day, among other problems.  Although I have little

> interest in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to

> maintain.  I masturbate maybe once or twice a month,

> mainly just to see if everything still works " down

> there " .  My depression waxes and wanes but lately has

> been nearly unbearable, and I don't think a day has gone by

> in the last few years where thoughts of suicide haven't

> entered my mind.

> >

> > Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with

> those of male hypogonadism.  I told my psychiatrist

> (who I see through a local university health care system)

> what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork.  My CBC

> and chem panel were unremarkable other than borderline high

> cholesterol and glucose.  He added on tests for total

> and free testosterone, as well as TSH.  My results:

> >

> > testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL    (lab

> normal range 2.2-8.4)

> > testosterone (free)  3.37

> pg/mL   (lab normal range 7.3-25)

> > tsh             

>     0.755        (lab normal

> range 0.4-4.5)

> > glucose (fasting)    140     

>     (lab normal <140)

> >

> > I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several

> weeks ago and he recommended I start with a testosterone

> injection (200mg) until my primary care physician comes back

> from vacation in a month.  He also ordered an

> endocrinology consult but said that it may be months before

> I can be seen.  So I went in to the clinic today to get

> the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

> that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels

> before he would let me start on testosterone.  This

> time he ordered a prolactin level as well.

> >

> > I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he

> thinks is going on and why he ordered the prolactin test

> rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc.  I need to find a

> doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my

> shrink admits that he has never heard of a connection

> between low testosterone and depression).

> >

> > My main question to this group is, does anyone know a

> specialist within the University of New Mexico health care

> system who is familiar with hypogonadism treatment?  If

> not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque

> that would be worth spending what amounts to what little is

> left of my life savings to see?

> >

> > I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that

> it took me so many years to figure out what is basically

> wrong with me.  I am at the end of my rope emotionally,

> socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I

> can hang on much longer.

> >

> > I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to

> proceed without wasting a lot of time and money.  I am

> not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that I am

> having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office

> staff misunderstandings, etc.  Other than that, I would

> appreciate any support that I can get, especially of the

> " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I am

> ready to die but desperately don't want to.

> >

> > Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your

> thoughts.  I hope to some day feel well enough to offer

> my support to others with this insidious, cruel disorder.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Wow. I had a long day at work today and came home to all of these wonderful

messages of support and references to great information - I am a little

overwhelmed! Thank you all so much - I am so glad that I found this group! I

also got a message on my machine from the endocrinologist's office saying that

they had ordered a battery of blood tests and will make an appointment to see me

as soon as the results are in. I will keep you all informed of my progress and

am confident that I will be getting the right treatment and feeling better soon.

Thanks again!

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Hello Phil, I am taking one unit a day, the minimum recommended I read is

two to three units just before going to bed. The one unit a day doubled my

white and red blood cell count, and put me in the middle of most normal

folks. This exciting Phil, I was almost euphoric

the first seven to ten

days when I started, my energy level went up, no

longer required a nap in

the afternoon. I hope you get the same results.

Again, thank you for being such a guiding light for so many, I know it must get

tiring at times.

kind regards and a ton of respect, david


> From: pmgamer18@...

> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:55:54 -0700

> Subject: RE: Miserable in Albuquerque


> it's great to hear your doing so great about HGH what do you take and

how much I am going on it when I see my Dr. next Tue.


> Co-Moderator

> Phil





> > From: david hallgarth <dhallgar@...>

> > Subject: RE: Miserable in Albuquerque

> >

> > Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:48 AM

> >

> > Amos, you seem to have fallen victim of the medical system,

> > I was

> > very

> > healthy until ten years ago, leukemia blind sided me, and

> > the chemo

> > played

> > havoc

> > with my mind and body. But it gave me life, I first

> > came

> > here some seven

> > years ago, got my testosterone and estrogen in

> > balance. It's

> > a two way

> > street.

> > Not only must you get your T up, but E must be in

> > balance w/ the T. Most

> > say thirty to one ratio is best for men, and that is

> > when I feel my best.

> > The medical system breaks down as they do not understand

> > how the two

> > hormones work together. I can recall one of docters

> > actually

> > laughed at me,

> > when I asked for an estrogen test. Fortunaely in my

> > case, I

> > began

> > developing breasts, now a known side affect, and that

> > alarmed me, I

> > felt

> > weak, hot flashes, and would tear up over nothing, I

> > developed a voice

> > in my

> > head, that kept telling me, why go on??

> > In my personal opinion,

> > therapy, had three years and anti depressants are

> > good band aids, but not the

> > answer.

> > I had to take neupogen, a daily shot to boost my immune

> > system,

> > through

> > trial and error, missing a shot here and there, I found my

> > mood

> > levels

> > flucated dramatically, from totally empty to feeling on top

> > of the

> > world.

> > By luck, I found Naltraxone, a drug normally given to

> > alcoholics in 50

> > and

> > 100mg dosages, it covers opiate receptors, hence no drugs

> > have any

> > affect,

> > and assists drug addicts to find there way out.

> > However, a couple

> > God Sent

> > Docks discovered, if we take very tiny amounts daily, it

> > upregulates

> > the

> > immune system.

> > I read all the lit, ordered some from ADC, an wahoo, my

> > whole life changed.

> > It comes in 50mg tabs, I dissolve in 12 cc's of bac

> > water, which is ninety

> > eight percent water and the remainder consumable

> > alcohol, I use everclear,

> > to keep bacteria and fungus at bay.

> > I take 1cc

> > of water ie, 4mgs N nightly, most folks start out at

> > a lower

> > dose, using

> > headaches as an indicator of overdose, and work up.

> > Max dose is

> > 4.5mg, LDN,

> > low dose naltraxone, is awesome, I went through some

> > emotional

> > roller

> > coasters, anxiety, depression, and little things I cannot

> > explain.

> > But I

> > noticed I was socializing more, and felt more energetic

> > after a

> > couple

> > weeks. All sides were minor, and most folks never

> > have any, so I

> > read. I

> > was looking for them, and I found them.

> > I had psorisis, COPD,

> > blood glucose problems, low white and red blood

> > counts, bleeding gums, 5500

> > cancer marker readings, using arimidex to keep

> > estrogen down.

> > yeast and

> > fungal infection were the norm. But my tallywhacker

> > was fine as I

> > keep my T

> > and E at a thirty to one ratio. I was taking

> > wellbutrim, effexor,

> > and

> > provogil AD's.

> > Six months from starting, my psorisis is gone, gums are

> > tight,

> > no bleeding,

> > so heart is protected from oral bacteria, cancer markers

> > are

> > down to 3300,

> > still take 100 T shot once a week, but need no arimidex to

> > keep

> > E down. My

> > blood glucose levels are very normal, I no longer require

> > insulin

> > for type

> > II diabeties. Blood oxygen levels have increased from

> > high eighties

> > to

> > ninety seven. I have my own meter. My white and

> > red blood cell levels

> > are

> > still down, but my neutrophils are abover average.

> > Leukemia causes the

> > bone

> > marrow to turn into something that looks like a hard spider

> > web, and

> > of

> > course cannot produce blood products.

> > But I have had no illness over

> > the last six months. I keep HGH in the

> > fridge, very, very expensive, which

> > dramatically increases my blood count. I

> > now take one effexor, one wellbutrim

> > and no provigil. I no longer require

> > celebrex for OA, but still need

> > ibeprophen on occasion. I may be able to do

> > away with them, but I have an

> > overt fear of those self harming feelings, My

> > oncologist think I am crazy to

> > take HGH with cancer. Oh how we fall victim

> > to street talk about abuse of

> > steriods, and growth hormones.

> >

> > A general warning, if you take thyroid

> > medications when taking LDN, you will

> > find yourself reducing your dosage

> > dramatically, LDN balances hormones, and

> > also thyroid production. LDN

> > increases the growth of fungus/yeast, so I

> > take a generic anti-fungal

> > medication every other day, which I get from ADC.

> >

> > I also began taking

> > ALA, alpha lopoic acid, " NOW " brand, a kick in the

> > pants, I felt it like a

> > nostril full of cocaine, all over my body, it is

> > purported to help at the

> > cellular level, mitchondria,

> > with glucose conversion to energy. I began

> > prespiring after the first dose,

> > and that kept up for two days, and went

> > away, all I am left with is more

> > energy.

> > killer stuff as they say on the

> > street.

> > LDN is awesome for any autoimmune disease, has a great

> > following

> > among some

> > docks, even fertility docks praise it, as it stops PG

> > diabeties,

> > and the

> > child is born healthy.

> > I read on MED PUB, in order for lungs to

> > heal, there has to be an increase

> > in that part of the immune system, that

> > protects the body, from the immune

> > sysem itself.

> > which goes along with

> > LDN protects from autoimmune diseases, RA, OA,

> > crohn's, IBS, MS and on and

> > on.

> > Costs of all this is about twenty five bux a month, most of

> > the costs

> > is

> > ALA. Plug in LDN in google, join the LDN groups

> > to learn

> > more.

> >

> > I am at dhallgar@...

> >

> > if I can answer any questions.

> > kind regards david

> >

> >

> > ----- Original

> > Message -----

> > From: " amosnomore " <amosnomore@...>

> > To:

> > < >

> > Sent:

> > Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:46 PM

> > Subject: Miserable in

> > Albuquerque

> >

> >

> > > Hello all. I have read with great interest many

> > of

> > the stories posted

> > > here and am hoping that I have come to the right

> > place for advice and

> > > support.

> > >

> > > I am a 51 year old male.

> > I have been suffering from depression of varying

> > > severity my entire

> > life, including childhood, and have always felt that

> > > something is

> > fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression,

> > as

> > > I have

> > been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> > antidepressant

> > > medications

> > (and have had some of the worst experiences of my life

> > with

> > > some of

> > them).

> > >

> > > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last

> > few

> > years that I

> > > don't even know where to begin and don't want to take

> > up

> > too much of your

> > > time going into the details of my symptoms.

> > Suffice it

> > to say that I have

> > > recently figured out that I am suffering from

> > hypogonadism and probably

> > > have been for most of my life. I feel like I

> > never really completed

> > > puberty. I have had low libido my entire adult

> > life and in the last few

> > > years it has become almost non-existent. I

> > have never been married and

> > > have had very few sexual relationships in my

> > life, none in the last 15

> > > years. I have been led to believe that my

> > chronic depression is at the

> > > root of this, but until lately have not

> > been aware of an underlying cause

> > > for the depression, though I have been

> > told that it may be genetic,

> > > related to poor diet and exercise habits,

> > etc. I feel like I have been

> > > harmed by the treatment of various

> > psychiatrists and neglected by primary

> > > care providers.

> > >

> > > I

> > lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian), and

> > have been

> > >

> > unable to hold a full-time job since then mainly due to

> > declining health

> > >

> > and poor control over my moods. I have gained an

> > awful lot of weight in

> > >

> > the last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and

> > increasing

> > >

> > exercise intolerance. My mind is a shell of what it

> > used to be. I have

> > >

> > hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have to wake up to

> > urinate every

> > >

> > 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling my bladder

> > during the

> > day,

> > > among other problems. Although I have little

> > interest in sex, I

> > can get

> > > an erection, but it is hard to maintain. I

> > masturbate maybe

> > once or twice

> > > a month, mainly just to see if everything still works

> >

> > " down there " . My

> > > depression waxes and wanes but lately has been nearly

> >

> > unbearable, and I

> > > don't think a day has gone by in the last few years

> > where thoughts of

> > > suicide haven't entered my mind.

> > >

> > >

> > Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with those of

> > male

> > >

> > hypogonadism. I told my psychiatrist (who I see

> > through a local

> > >

> > university health care system) what I thought and he

> > ordered some

> > >

> > bloodwork. My CBC and chem panel were unremarkable

> > other than

> > borderline

> > > high cholesterol and glucose. He added on tests

> > for total

> > and free

> > > testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:

> > >

> > >

> > testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab normal

> > range 2.2-8.4)

> > >

> > testosterone (free) 3.37 pg/mL (lab

> > normal range 7.3-25)

> > >

> > tsh

> > 0.755 (lab normal range

> > 0.4-4.5)

> > > glucose

> > (fasting) 140

> > (lab normal <140)

> > >

> > > I discussed the

> > results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago and he

> > > recommended I

> > start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until my

> > primary

> > > care

> > physician comes back from vacation in a month. He

> > also ordered an

> > >

> > endocrinology consult but said that it may be months before

> > I can be

> > seen.

> > > So I went in to the clinic today to get the injection,

> > but was

> > told that

> > > it wasn't available and that the doctor wanted to

> > repeat my

> > testosterone

> > > levels before he would let me start on

> > testosterone. This

> > time he ordered

> > > a prolactin level as well.

> > >

> > > I can't get a

> > hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is going on and

> > > why he

> > ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH, estradiol,

> > etc. I

> > > need

> > to find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with

> > hypogonadism (my

> > > shrink

> > admits that he has never heard of a connection between low

> > > testosterone

> > and depression).

> > >

> > > My main question to this group is, does anyone

> > know a specialist within

> > > the University of New Mexico health care system

> > who is familiar with

> > > hypogonadism treatment? If not, can anyone refer

> >

> > me to a doctor in or

> > > near Albuquerque that would be worth spending what

> > amounts to what little

> > > is left of my life savings to

> > see?

> > >

> > > I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that

> > it

> > took me so many

> > > years to figure out what is basically wrong with

> > me. I

> > am at the end of

> > > my rope emotionally, socially, spiritually and

> > financially and don't know

> > > if I can hang on much longer.

> > >

> > >

> > I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to proceed

> > without

> > wasting

> > > a lot of time and money. I am not thinking well

> > and get so

> > easily

> > > frustrated that I am having difficulty just dealing

> > with the

> > obstacles of

> > > office staff misunderstandings, etc. Other than

> > that, I

> > would appreciate

> > > any support that I can get, especially of the " light

> > at

> > the end of the

> > > tunnel " variety, as I feel I am ready to die but

> > desperately don't want

> > > to.

> > >

> > > Thank you for reading this,

> > and thank you for your thoughts. I hope to

> > > some day feel well enough to

> > offer my support to others with this

> > > insidious, cruel

> > disorder.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

> > Links

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ( ID required)

> > >

> > >

> > mailto: -fullfeatured

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > From: amosnomore@...

> > > Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:46:57 +0000

> > > Subject: Miserable in Albuquerque

> > >

> > > Hello all. I have read with great interest many

> > of the stories posted here and am hoping that I have come to

> > the right place for advice and support.

> > >

> > > I am a 51 year old male. I have been suffering

> > from depression of varying severity my entire life,

> > including childhood, and have always felt that something is

> > fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the depression,

> > as I have been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> > antidepressant medications (and have had some of the worst

> > experiences of my life with some of them).

> > >

> > > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in the last

> > few years that I don't even know where to begin and don't

> > want to take up too much of your time going into the details

> > of my symptoms. Suffice it to say that I have recently

> > figured out that I am suffering from hypogonadism and

> > probably have been for most of my life. I feel like I

> > never really completed puberty. I have had low libido

> > my entire adult life and in the last few years it has become

> > almost non-existent. I have never been married and

> > have had very few sexual relationships in my life, none in

> > the last 15 years. I have been led to believe that my

> > chronic depression is at the root of this, but until lately

> > have not been aware of an underlying cause for the

> > depression, though I have been told that it may be genetic,

> > related to poor diet and exercise habits, etc. I feel

> > like I have been harmed by the treatment of various

> > psychiatrists and neglected by primary care providers.

> > >

> > > I lost my job several years ago (I am a veterinarian),

> > and have been unable to hold a full-time job since then

> > mainly due to declining health and poor control over my

> > moods. I have gained an awful lot of weight in the

> > last two years with a concurrent loss of energy and

> > increasing exercise intolerance. My mind is a shell of

> > what it used to be. I have hot flashes frequently,

> > ache all over, have to wake up to urinate every 1-2 hours at

> > night and have trouble controlling my bladder during the

> > day, among other problems. Although I have little

> > interest in sex, I can get an erection, but it is hard to

> > maintain. I masturbate maybe once or twice a month,

> > mainly just to see if everything still works " down

> > there " . My depression waxes and wanes but lately has

> > been nearly unbearable, and I don't think a day has gone by

> > in the last few years where thoughts of suicide haven't

> > entered my mind.

> > >

> > > Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms with

> > those of male hypogonadism. I told my psychiatrist

> > (who I see through a local university health care system)

> > what I thought and he ordered some bloodwork. My CBC

> > and chem panel were unremarkable other than borderline high

> > cholesterol and glucose. He added on tests for total

> > and free testosterone, as well as TSH. My results:

> > >

> > > testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL (lab

> > normal range 2.2-8.4)

> > > testosterone (free) 3.37

> > pg/mL (lab normal range 7.3-25)

> > > tsh

> > 0.755 (lab normal

> > range 0.4-4.5)

> > > glucose (fasting) 140

> > (lab normal <140)

> > >

> > > I discussed the results with my psychiatrist several

> > weeks ago and he recommended I start with a testosterone

> > injection (200mg) until my primary care physician comes back

> > from vacation in a month. He also ordered an

> > endocrinology consult but said that it may be months before

> > I can be seen. So I went in to the clinic today to get

> > the injection, but was told that it wasn't available and

> > that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone levels

> > before he would let me start on testosterone. This

> > time he ordered a prolactin level as well.

> > >

> > > I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him what he

> > thinks is going on and why he ordered the prolactin test

> > rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc. I need to find a

> > doctor who is skilled at dealing with hypogonadism (my

> > shrink admits that he has never heard of a connection

> > between low testosterone and depression).

> > >

> > > My main question to this group is, does anyone know a

> > specialist within the University of New Mexico health care

> > system who is familiar with hypogonadism treatment? If

> > not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near Albuquerque

> > that would be worth spending what amounts to what little is

> > left of my life savings to see?

> > >

> > > I am embarrassed (being a medical professional) that

> > it took me so many years to figure out what is basically

> > wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope emotionally,

> > socially, spiritually and financially and don't know if I

> > can hang on much longer.

> > >

> > > I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to

> > proceed without wasting a lot of time and money. I am

> > not thinking well and get so easily frustrated that I am

> > having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles of office

> > staff misunderstandings, etc. Other than that, I would

> > appreciate any support that I can get, especially of the

> > " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I feel I am

> > ready to die but desperately don't want to.

> > >

> > > Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your

> > thoughts. I hope to some day feel well enough to offer

> > my support to others with this insidious, cruel disorder.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Great I pray all works out for you keep us posted how your doing.



> From: amosnomore <amosnomore@...>

> Subject: Re: Miserable in Albuquerque


> Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 9:19 PM

> Wow.  I had a long day at work

> today and came home to all of these wonderful messages of

> support and references to great information - I am a little

> overwhelmed!  Thank you all so much - I am so glad that

> I found this group!  I also got a message on my machine

> from the endocrinologist's office saying that they had

> ordered a battery of blood tests and will make an

> appointment to see me as soon as the results are in.  I

> will keep you all informed of my progress and am confident

> that I will be getting the right treatment and feeling

> better soon.  Thanks again!




> ------------------------------------



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Thank you david I am looking at a lot of posts by guys on HGH at Dr. 's

forum and getting a lot of good info on this.

http://www.musclechatroom.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s= & daysprune= & f=2



> >

> > > From: david hallgarth <dhallgar@...>

> > > Subject: RE: Miserable in

> Albuquerque

> > >

> > > Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:48 AM

> > >

> > > Amos, you seem to have fallen victim of the

> medical system,

> > > I was

> > > very

> > > healthy until ten years ago, leukemia blind sided

> me, and

> > > the chemo

> > > played

> > > havoc

> > > with my mind and body.  But it gave me life,

> I first

> > > came

> > > here some seven

> > > years ago, got my testosterone and estrogen in

> > > balance.  It's

> > > a two way

> > > street.

> > > Not only must you get your T up, but E must be in


> > > balance w/ the T.  Most

> > > say thirty to one ratio is best for men, and that

> is

> > > when I feel my best.

> > > The medical system breaks down as they do not

> understand

> > > how the two

> > > hormones work together.  I can recall one of

> docters

> > > actually

> > > laughed at me,

> > > when I asked for an estrogen test. 

> Fortunaely in my

> > > case, I

> > > began

> > > developing breasts, now a known side affect, and

> that

> > > alarmed me, I

> > > felt

> > > weak, hot flashes, and would tear up over

> nothing, I

> > > developed a voice

> > > in my

> > > head, that kept telling me, why go on??

> > > In my personal opinion,

> > > therapy, had three years and anti depressants

> are

> > > good band aids, but not the

> > > answer.

> > > I had to take neupogen, a daily shot to boost my

> immune

> > > system,

> > > through

> > > trial and error, missing a shot here and there, I

> found my

> > > mood

> > > levels

> > > flucated dramatically, from totally empty to

> feeling on top

> > > of the

> > > world.

> > > By luck, I found Naltraxone, a drug normally

> given to

> > > alcoholics in 50

> > > and

> > > 100mg dosages, it covers opiate receptors, hence

> no drugs

> > > have any

> > > affect,

> > > and assists drug addicts to find there way out.

> > > However, a couple

> > > God Sent

> > > Docks discovered, if we take very tiny amounts

> daily, it

> > > upregulates

> > > the

> > > immune system.

> > > I read all the lit, ordered some from ADC, an

> wahoo, my

> > > whole life changed.

> > > It comes in 50mg tabs, I dissolve in 12 cc's of

> bac

> > > water, which is ninety

> > > eight percent water and the remainder consumable


> > > alcohol, I use everclear,

> > > to keep bacteria and fungus at bay.

> > > I take 1cc

> > > of water ie, 4mgs N nightly,  most folks

> start out at

> > > a lower

> > > dose, using

> > > headaches as an indicator of overdose, and work

> up.

> > > Max dose is

> > > 4.5mg, LDN,

> > > low dose naltraxone, is awesome, I went through

> some

> > > emotional

> > > roller

> > > coasters, anxiety, depression, and little things

> I cannot

> > > explain.

> > > But I

> > > noticed I was socializing more, and felt more

> energetic

> > > after a

> > > couple

> > > weeks.  All sides were minor, and most folks

> never

> > > have any, so I

> > > read. I

> > > was looking for them, and I found them.

> > > I had psorisis, COPD,

> > > blood glucose problems, low white and red blood

> > > counts, bleeding gums, 5500

> > > cancer marker readings, using arimidex to keep

> > > estrogen down.

> > > yeast and

> > > fungal infection were the norm.  But my

> tallywhacker

> > > was fine as I

> > > keep my T

> > > and E at a thirty to one ratio.  I was

> taking

> > > wellbutrim, effexor,

> > > and

> > > provogil AD's.

> > > Six months from starting, my psorisis is gone,

> gums are

> > > tight,

> > > no bleeding,

> > > so heart is protected from oral bacteria, cancer

> markers

> > > are

> > > down to 3300,

> > > still take 100 T shot once a week, but need no

> arimidex to

> > > keep

> > > E down.  My

> > > blood glucose levels are very normal, I no longer

> require

> > > insulin

> > > for type

> > > II diabeties.  Blood oxygen levels have

> increased from

> > > high eighties

> > > to

> > > ninety seven.  I have my own meter.  My

> white and

> > > red blood cell levels

> > > are

> > > still down, but my neutrophils are abover

> average.

> > > Leukemia causes the

> > > bone

> > > marrow to turn into something that looks like a

> hard spider

> > > web, and

> > > of

> > > course cannot produce blood products.

> > > But I have had no illness over

> > > the last six months.  I keep HGH in the

> > > fridge, very, very expensive, which

> > > dramatically increases my blood count. I

> > > now take one effexor, one wellbutrim

> > > and no provigil. I no longer require

> > > celebrex for OA, but still need

> > > ibeprophen on occasion. I may be able to do

> > > away with them, but I have an

> > > overt fear of those self harming feelings, My

> > > oncologist think I am crazy to

> > > take HGH with cancer.  Oh how we fall

> victim

> > > to street talk about abuse of

> > > steriods, and growth hormones.

> > >

> > > A general warning, if you take thyroid

> > > medications when taking LDN, you will

> > > find yourself reducing your dosage

> > > dramatically, LDN balances hormones, and

> > > also thyroid production.  LDN

> > > increases the growth of fungus/yeast, so I

> > > take a generic anti-fungal

> > > medication every other day, which I get from

> ADC.

> > >

> > > I also began taking

> > > ALA, alpha lopoic acid, " NOW " brand, a kick in

> the

> > > pants, I felt it like a

> > > nostril full of cocaine, all over my body, it is

> > > purported to help at the

> > > cellular level, mitchondria,

> > > with glucose conversion to energy.  I began


> > > prespiring after the first dose,

> > > and that kept up for two days, and went

> > > away, all I am left with is more

> > > energy.

> > > killer stuff as they say on the

> > > street.

> > > LDN is awesome for any autoimmune disease, has a

> great

> > > following

> > > among some

> > > docks, even fertility docks praise it, as it

> stops PG

> > > diabeties,

> > > and the

> > > child is born healthy.

> > > I read on MED PUB, in order for lungs to

> > > heal, there has to be an increase

> > > in that part of the immune system, that

> > > protects the body, from the immune

> > > sysem itself.

> > > which goes along with 

> > > LDN protects from autoimmune diseases, RA, OA,

> > > crohn's, IBS, MS and on and

> > > on.

> > > Costs of all this is about twenty five bux a

> month, most of

> > > the costs

> > > is

> > > ALA.  Plug in LDN in google, join the

> LDN groups

> > > to learn

> > > more.

> > >

> > > I am at dhallgar@...

> > >

> > > if I can answer any questions.

> > > kind regards david

> > >

> > >

> > > ----- Original

> > > Message -----

> > > From: " amosnomore " <amosnomore@...>

> > > To:

> > > < >

> > > Sent:

> > > Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:46 PM

> > > Subject: Miserable in

> > > Albuquerque

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hello all.  I have read with great

> interest many

> > > of

> > > the stories posted

> > > > here and am hoping that I have come to the

> right

> > > place for advice and

> > > > support.

> > > >

> > > > I am a 51 year old male. 

> > > I have been suffering from depression of varying

> > > > severity my entire

> > > life, including childhood, and have always felt

> that

> > > > something is

> > > fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the

> depression,

> > > as

> > > > I have

> > > been minimally responsive to a wide range of

> > > antidepressant

> > > > medications

> > > (and have had some of the worst experiences of my

> life

> > > with

> > > > some of

> > > them).

> > > >

> > > > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in

> the last

> > > few

> > > years that I

> > > > don't even know where to begin and don't

> want to take

> > > up

> > > too much of your

> > > > time going into the details of my symptoms.


> > > Suffice it

> > > to say that I have

> > > > recently figured out that I am suffering

> from

> > > hypogonadism and probably

> > > > have been for most of my life.  I feel

> like I

> > > never really completed

> > > > puberty.  I have had low libido my

> entire adult

> > > life and in the last few

> > > > years it has become almost

> non-existent.  I

> > > have never been married and

> > > > have had very few sexual relationships in my


> > > life, none in the last 15

> > > > years.  I have been led to believe that

> my

> > > chronic depression is at the

> > > > root of this, but until lately have not

> > > been aware of an underlying cause

> > > > for the depression, though I have been

> > > told that it may be genetic,

> > > > related to poor diet and exercise habits,

> > > etc.  I feel like I have been

> > > > harmed by the treatment of various

> > > psychiatrists and neglected by primary

> > > > care providers.

> > > >

> > > > I

> > > lost my job several years ago (I am a

> veterinarian), and

> > > have been

> > > >

> > > unable to hold a full-time job since then mainly

> due to

> > > declining health

> > > >

> > > and poor control over my moods.  I have

> gained an

> > > awful lot of weight in

> > > >

> > > the last two years with a concurrent loss of

> energy and

> > > increasing

> > > >

> > > exercise intolerance.  My mind is a shell of

> what it

> > > used to be.  I have

> > > >

> > > hot flashes frequently, ache all over, have to

> wake up to

> > > urinate every

> > > >

> > > 1-2 hours at night and have trouble controlling

> my bladder

> > > during the

> > > day,

> > > > among other problems.  Although I have

> little

> > > interest in sex, I

> > > can get

> > > > an erection, but it is hard to

> maintain.  I

> > > masturbate maybe

> > > once or twice

> > > > a month, mainly just to see if everything

> still works

> > >

> > > " down there " .  My

> > > > depression waxes and wanes but lately has

> been nearly

> > >

> > > unbearable, and I

> > > > don't think a day has gone by in the last

> few years

> > > where thoughts of

> > > > suicide haven't entered my mind.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > Anyways, I finally matched all of my symptoms

> with those of

> > > male

> > > >

> > > hypogonadism.  I told my psychiatrist (who I

> see

> > > through a local

> > > >

> > > university health care system) what I thought and

> he

> > > ordered some

> > > >

> > > bloodwork.  My CBC and chem panel were

> unremarkable

> > > other than

> > > borderline

> > > > high cholesterol and glucose.  He added

> on tests

> > > for total

> > > and free

> > > > testosterone, as well as TSH.  My

> results:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL    (lab

> normal

> > > range 2.2-8.4)

> > > >

> > > testosterone (free)  3.37

> pg/mL   (lab

> > > normal range 7.3-25)

> > > >

> > > tsh           


> > >   0.755       

> (lab normal range

> > > 0.4-4.5)

> > > > glucose

> > > (fasting)    140   


> > >   (lab normal <140)

> > > >

> > > > I discussed the

> > > results with my psychiatrist several weeks ago

> and he

> > > > recommended I

> > > start with a testosterone injection (200mg) until

> my

> > > primary

> > > > care

> > > physician comes back from vacation in a

> month.  He

> > > also ordered an

> > > >

> > > endocrinology consult but said that it may be

> months before

> > > I can be

> > > seen.

> > > > So I went in to the clinic today to get the

> injection,

> > > but was

> > > told that

> > > > it wasn't available and that the doctor

> wanted to

> > > repeat my

> > > testosterone

> > > > levels before he would let me start on

> > > testosterone.  This

> > > time he ordered

> > > > a prolactin level as well.

> > > >

> > > > I can't get a

> > > hold of this Dr. to ask him what he thinks is

> going on and

> > > > why he

> > > ordered the prolactin test rather than LH, FSH,

> estradiol,

> > > etc.  I

> > > > need

> > > to find a doctor who is skilled at dealing with

> > > hypogonadism (my

> > > > shrink

> > > admits that he has never heard of a connection

> between low

> > > > testosterone

> > > and depression).

> > > >

> > > > My main question to this group is, does

> anyone

> > > know a specialist within

> > > > the University of New Mexico health care

> system

> > > who is familiar with

> > > > hypogonadism treatment?  If not, can

> anyone refer

> > >

> > > me to a doctor in or

> > > > near Albuquerque that would be worth

> spending what

> > > amounts to what little

> > > > is left of my life savings to

> > > see?

> > > >

> > > > I am embarrassed (being a medical

> professional) that

> > > it

> > > took me so many

> > > > years to figure out what is basically wrong

> with

> > > me.  I

> > > am at the end of

> > > > my rope emotionally, socially, spiritually

> and

> > > financially and don't know

> > > > if I can hang on much longer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to

> proceed

> > > without

> > > wasting

> > > > a lot of time and money.  I am not

> thinking well

> > > and get so

> > > easily

> > > > frustrated that I am having difficulty just

> dealing

> > > with the

> > > obstacles of

> > > > office staff misunderstandings, etc. 

> Other than

> > > that, I

> > > would appreciate

> > > > any support that I can get, especially of

> the " light

> > > at

> > > the end of the

> > > > tunnel " variety, as I feel I am ready to die

> but

> > > desperately don't want

> > > > to.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for reading this,

> > > and thank you for your thoughts.  I hope to

> > > > some day feel well enough to

> > > offer my support to others with this

> > > > insidious, cruel

> > > disorder.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

> > > Links

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >   

> > > ( ID required)

> > > >

> > > >   

> > > mailto: -fullfeatured

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > From: amosnomore@...

> > > > Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:46:57 +0000

> > > > Subject: Miserable in

> Albuquerque

> > > >

> > > > Hello all.  I have read with great

> interest many

> > > of the stories posted here and am hoping that I

> have come to

> > > the right place for advice and support.

> > > >

> > > > I am a 51 year old male.  I have been

> suffering

> > > from depression of varying severity my entire

> life,

> > > including childhood, and have always felt that

> something is

> > > fundamentally wrong with me that underlies the

> depression,

> > > as I have been minimally responsive to a wide

> range of

> > > antidepressant medications (and have had some of

> the worst

> > > experiences of my life with some of them). 


> > > >

> > > > My life has deteriorated in so many ways in

> the last

> > > few years that I don't even know where to begin

> and don't

> > > want to take up too much of your time going into

> the details

> > > of my symptoms.  Suffice it to say that I

> have recently

> > > figured out that I am suffering from hypogonadism

> and

> > > probably have been for most of my life.  I

> feel like I

> > > never really completed puberty.  I have had

> low libido

> > > my entire adult life and in the last few years it

> has become

> > > almost non-existent.  I have never been

> married and

> > > have had very few sexual relationships in my

> life, none in

> > > the last 15 years.  I have been led to

> believe that my

> > > chronic depression is at the root of this, but

> until lately

> > > have not been aware of an underlying cause for

> the

> > > depression, though I have been told that it may

> be genetic,

> > > related to poor diet and exercise habits,

> etc.  I feel

> > > like I have been harmed by the treatment of

> various

> > > psychiatrists and neglected by primary care

> providers.

> > > >

> > > > I lost my job several years ago (I am a

> veterinarian),

> > > and have been unable to hold a full-time job

> since then

> > > mainly due to declining health and poor control

> over my

> > > moods.  I have gained an awful lot of weight

> in the

> > > last two years with a concurrent loss of energy

> and

> > > increasing exercise intolerance.  My mind is

> a shell of

> > > what it used to be.  I have hot flashes

> frequently,

> > > ache all over, have to wake up to urinate every

> 1-2 hours at

> > > night and have trouble controlling my bladder

> during the

> > > day, among other problems.  Although I have

> little

> > > interest in sex, I can get an erection, but it is

> hard to

> > > maintain.  I masturbate maybe once or twice

> a month,

> > > mainly just to see if everything still works

> " down

> > > there " .  My depression waxes and wanes but

> lately has

> > > been nearly unbearable, and I don't think a day

> has gone by

> > > in the last few years where thoughts of suicide

> haven't

> > > entered my mind.

> > > >

> > > > Anyways, I finally matched all of my

> symptoms with

> > > those of male hypogonadism.  I told my

> psychiatrist

> > > (who I see through a local university health care

> system)

> > > what I thought and he ordered some

> bloodwork.  My CBC

> > > and chem panel were unremarkable other than

> borderline high

> > > cholesterol and glucose.  He added on tests

> for total

> > > and free testosterone, as well as TSH.  My

> results:

> > > >

> > > > testosterone (total) 1.9 ng/mL   

> (lab

> > > normal range 2.2-8.4)

> > > > testosterone (free)  3.37

> > > pg/mL   (lab normal range 7.3-25)

> > > > tsh         


> > >     0.755     

>   (lab normal

> > > range 0.4-4.5)

> > > > glucose (fasting)    140 


> > >     (lab normal <140)

> > > >

> > > > I discussed the results with my psychiatrist

> several

> > > weeks ago and he recommended I start with a

> testosterone

> > > injection (200mg) until my primary care physician

> comes back

> > > from vacation in a month.  He also ordered

> an

> > > endocrinology consult but said that it may be

> months before

> > > I can be seen.  So I went in to the clinic

> today to get

> > > the injection, but was told that it wasn't

> available and

> > > that the doctor wanted to repeat my testosterone

> levels

> > > before he would let me start on

> testosterone.  This

> > > time he ordered a prolactin level as well.

> > > >

> > > > I can't get a hold of this Dr. to ask him

> what he

> > > thinks is going on and why he ordered the

> prolactin test

> > > rather than LH, FSH, estradiol, etc.  I need

> to find a

> > > doctor who is skilled at dealing with

> hypogonadism (my

> > > shrink admits that he has never heard of a

> connection

> > > between low testosterone and depression).

> > > >

> > > > My main question to this group is, does

> anyone know a

> > > specialist within the University of New Mexico

> health care

> > > system who is familiar with hypogonadism

> treatment?  If

> > > not, can anyone refer me to a doctor in or near

> Albuquerque

> > > that would be worth spending what amounts to what

> little is

> > > left of my life savings to see?

> > > >

> > > > I am embarrassed (being a medical

> professional) that

> > > it took me so many years to figure out what is

> basically

> > > wrong with me.  I am at the end of my rope

> emotionally,

> > > socially, spiritually and financially and don't

> know if I

> > > can hang on much longer.

> > > >

> > > > I am hoping someone can help me figure out

> how to

> > > proceed without wasting a lot of time and

> money.  I am

> > > not thinking well and get so easily frustrated

> that I am

> > > having difficulty just dealing with the obstacles

> of office

> > > staff misunderstandings, etc.  Other than

> that, I would

> > > appreciate any support that I can get, especially

> of the

> > > " light at the end of the tunnel " variety, as I

> feel I am

> > > ready to die but desperately don't want to.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for reading this, and thank you

> for your

> > > thoughts.  I hope to some day feel well

> enough to offer

> > > my support to others with this insidious, cruel

> disorder.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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