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Re: 38y/o - Fatigue, ED, depression - Test Results , History and advice on treatment

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On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 17:03:40 -0000, you wrote:

>So, I got my extended test results back and want some input on treatment




>38 y/o


>5'11 "

>work out, lift weights 3-6 time per week


>Been suffering from low energy, fatigue, depression, anxiety and ED for about 9



>Have had T-levels check before and I was always told it was normal, but the

range was always around 200-400. I think 9 year ago it was 380 about six it was

400?... past few years it has been in the 200 range. I rarely awake with morning



>Worked with my GP family Dr. and Tried androgel over the years ranging from 5

to 10mg daily. most recently the doctor prescribe 7.5 and I upped it to 10...

the test results came in at 410 total, he did not get a full panel. The first

few weeks, I could feel a definite enrgy spurt and ED got better. However after

just a few weeks, the ED, and lack energy came back, my balls started to shrink.

I suspected higher E2... so I got off everything for 4 weeks and asked doctor

for extended bloodwork to get a good baseline. Here is what I have


>Testosterone Total - 316 ng/dl range 400-1080

>Testosterone Free - 84 pg/ml range 47-244

>Testosterone Bio - 219 ng/dl range 131-682

>Testosterone %FR 2.7 range 1.6-2.9

>Sex Hormone Bind GLO - 15nmol/L range 11-80


>Estradiol E2 - 24 pg/mL range 5-66

>Prolactin 15.1ng/mL range 3.7-18.0


>Thyroid Profile

>T4, Free - 1.10ng/dL range 0.74-1.83

>TSH - 1.960 uIU/mL range 0.46-4.70


>DHEA,Serum - 7.3 ng/dL range 1.9-7.6

>Insulin Like Growth - 171 rnage 77-323


>Based off the above numbers, and prior experience and reaction. I was thinking

of asking the dr for 250mg injection weekly and 1/4mg Arimidex weekly. My Dr.

has indicated he would prefer to refer me to an endo as he is reaching the

boundaries of his knowledge or willingness to help. He also indicated the Endo's

here in Columbia, SC will most likely say I am within range and shun me... The

Endo can't fit me in until June!!! but was gonna float the above regimen by my

GP Dr. and see if he is willing. Also, I am very much a gym RAT, although I have

not the muscle mass and a mid-section belly I cannot get rid of. I recently got

a contact to do a cycle of 500mg Test and 300Deca for 8 weeks, followed by

clomid for 3 weeks. Given my current hormonal state, I dont wanna screw things

up permanently, but I am tired or being tired and think for the first time in my

life, I am on to something as far as getting my life back to normal... I would

like input from the experience posters here on

>whether I am on the right track and what direction I should take? Float regimen

by GP Dr., wait for Endo, or do AAS Cyscle???

Most of us do injections of 100 mg a week.

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ok, this is going to sound totally stupid and off the wall, but

sometimes the simplest things provide the best answers.

try a b-complex long-release vitamin coupled with a 1-a-day vitamin &


I've got quite similar symptoms & this helped me. Quite a lot.

Next, change your gym routine. I'm guessing, but I bet that " a

mid-section belly I cannot get rid of " comes from lots of cardio which

doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. Try something radical - cut

the cardio in half, and instead do 5 sets per body part once a week

including 1 warm up set and 1 cool down set. If you can't handle the

weights (get too tired) then cut down the cardio by another half. you

may gain a bit of weight in the short term, but the point of having

muscle is that it raises the body's metabolism, which then burns

calories all the time, not just when you're working out. also, people

will tell you that you can do a body part more than once a week, but I'd

urge you to resist that notion. instead, do legs too as one of your body

parts. but... take it easy. don't become the hulk in 6 months or even a

year. get the " defined " look, not the " bulk " look.

you didn't say anything about your sleeping patterns. if you snore a

lot, then it might be an idea to see a sleep specialist. you might have

sleep apnea... and if you do, then no amount of T will ever fix it.

nor did you say anything about your eating patterns, which matter a lot.

are you eating 6 meals a day? Low GI?

oh, and I'd rule out the stack no matter what you do. if normal T isn't

fixing the problem, then extra T is only going to make things worse.

been there, got the t-shirt on that one.

as for the rest of your symptoms, perhaps even including the ED, I would

suspect that if you got your tiredness fixed, then the depression and

anxiety would (slowly) go away over time. if you do not agree, then

you'd be better off finding a psychologist & figuring out whatever it is

that's making you angry with yourself (which is all depression is, btw).

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I do two different basic routines and switch them every 3 months. 5 sets, 10

reps. 72 hours of rest per group, not a week, between tearing the muscle back



Mon - chest, back

Tue - Shoulders, tri's, bi's

Wed - Legs

Thur - chest, back

Fri - Shoulders, tri's, bi's

Sat - Legs


Mon - chest, tri's

Tue - Shoulders, bi's

Wed - Legs, back

Thur - chest, tri's

Fri - Shoulders, bi's

Sat - Legs, back

5/20 crunches soon to start once some of the fat starts to go.

30 minutes elliptical/treadmill


> ok, this is going to sound totally stupid and off the wall, but

> sometimes the simplest things provide the best answers.


> try a b-complex long-release vitamin coupled with a 1-a-day vitamin &

> minerals.


> I've got quite similar symptoms & this helped me. Quite a lot.


> Next, change your gym routine. I'm guessing, but I bet that " a

> mid-section belly I cannot get rid of " comes from lots of cardio which

> doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. Try something radical - cut

> the cardio in half, and instead do 5 sets per body part once a week

> including 1 warm up set and 1 cool down set. If you can't handle the

> weights (get too tired) then cut down the cardio by another half. you

> may gain a bit of weight in the short term, but the point of having

> muscle is that it raises the body's metabolism, which then burns

> calories all the time, not just when you're working out. also, people

> will tell you that you can do a body part more than once a week, but I'd

> urge you to resist that notion. instead, do legs too as one of your body

> parts. but... take it easy. don't become the hulk in 6 months or even a

> year. get the " defined " look, not the " bulk " look.


> you didn't say anything about your sleeping patterns. if you snore a

> lot, then it might be an idea to see a sleep specialist. you might have

> sleep apnea... and if you do, then no amount of T will ever fix it.


> nor did you say anything about your eating patterns, which matter a lot.

> are you eating 6 meals a day? Low GI?


> oh, and I'd rule out the stack no matter what you do. if normal T isn't

> fixing the problem, then extra T is only going to make things worse.

> been there, got the t-shirt on that one.


> as for the rest of your symptoms, perhaps even including the ED, I would

> suspect that if you got your tiredness fixed, then the depression and

> anxiety would (slowly) go away over time. if you do not agree, then

> you'd be better off finding a psychologist & figuring out whatever it is

> that's making you angry with yourself (which is all depression is, btw).


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not stupid at all. hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, clean water/air,

sleep, diet, exercise and sex will get you there....

only tweak is that pill form vitamins and minerals are only absorbed to a small

percentage and minerals should be collodial or angstrom.........


> ok, this is going to sound totally stupid and off the wall, but

> sometimes the simplest things provide the best answers.


> try a b-complex long-release vitamin coupled with a 1-a-day vitamin &

> minerals.


> I've got quite similar symptoms & this helped me. Quite a lot.


> Next, change your gym routine. I'm guessing, but I bet that " a

> mid-section belly I cannot get rid of " comes from lots of cardio which

> doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. Try something radical - cut

> the cardio in half, and instead do 5 sets per body part once a week

> including 1 warm up set and 1 cool down set. If you can't handle the

> weights (get too tired) then cut down the cardio by another half. you

> may gain a bit of weight in the short term, but the point of having

> muscle is that it raises the body's metabolism, which then burns

> calories all the time, not just when you're working out. also, people

> will tell you that you can do a body part more than once a week, but I'd

> urge you to resist that notion. instead, do legs too as one of your body

> parts. but... take it easy. don't become the hulk in 6 months or even a

> year. get the " defined " look, not the " bulk " look.


> you didn't say anything about your sleeping patterns. if you snore a

> lot, then it might be an idea to see a sleep specialist. you might have

> sleep apnea... and if you do, then no amount of T will ever fix it.


> nor did you say anything about your eating patterns, which matter a lot.

> are you eating 6 meals a day? Low GI?


> oh, and I'd rule out the stack no matter what you do. if normal T isn't

> fixing the problem, then extra T is only going to make things worse.

> been there, got the t-shirt on that one.


> as for the rest of your symptoms, perhaps even including the ED, I would

> suspect that if you got your tiredness fixed, then the depression and

> anxiety would (slowly) go away over time. if you do not agree, then

> you'd be better off finding a psychologist & figuring out whatever it is

> that's making you angry with yourself (which is all depression is, btw).


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and sun - small doses 3-4 times a week

> >

> > ok, this is going to sound totally stupid and off the wall, but

> > sometimes the simplest things provide the best answers.

> >

> > try a b-complex long-release vitamin coupled with a 1-a-day vitamin &

> > minerals.

> >

> > I've got quite similar symptoms & this helped me. Quite a lot.

> >

> > Next, change your gym routine. I'm guessing, but I bet that " a

> > mid-section belly I cannot get rid of " comes from lots of cardio which

> > doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. Try something radical - cut

> > the cardio in half, and instead do 5 sets per body part once a week

> > including 1 warm up set and 1 cool down set. If you can't handle the

> > weights (get too tired) then cut down the cardio by another half. you

> > may gain a bit of weight in the short term, but the point of having

> > muscle is that it raises the body's metabolism, which then burns

> > calories all the time, not just when you're working out. also, people

> > will tell you that you can do a body part more than once a week, but I'd

> > urge you to resist that notion. instead, do legs too as one of your body

> > parts. but... take it easy. don't become the hulk in 6 months or even a

> > year. get the " defined " look, not the " bulk " look.

> >

> > you didn't say anything about your sleeping patterns. if you snore a

> > lot, then it might be an idea to see a sleep specialist. you might have

> > sleep apnea... and if you do, then no amount of T will ever fix it.

> >

> > nor did you say anything about your eating patterns, which matter a lot.

> > are you eating 6 meals a day? Low GI?

> >

> > oh, and I'd rule out the stack no matter what you do. if normal T isn't

> > fixing the problem, then extra T is only going to make things worse.

> > been there, got the t-shirt on that one.

> >

> > as for the rest of your symptoms, perhaps even including the ED, I would

> > suspect that if you got your tiredness fixed, then the depression and

> > anxiety would (slowly) go away over time. if you do not agree, then

> > you'd be better off finding a psychologist & figuring out whatever it is

> > that's making you angry with yourself (which is all depression is, btw).

> >


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Okay, I have been on prosac, wellbutrin, zoloft and stratera, I am not depressed

in a clinical sense. I am depressed from a standpoint as in I dont have a zest

for life. I am tired or being tired. I used to think sleep was the problem. I

got on ambien and have been getting 8 hours per day. My diet is clean, very

clean. I am a health nut, lots of whole grains, fresh veggies, lean meats,

protein supplements. I take a good multi-vitamin with b12. My gym routing

consist of weight lifting 3-5 times per week with light cardio 1-2 per week. I

wouldn't be on this forum if i hadn't already gotten these straight. Doing the

cycle was in reference to the fact that I am quite small. I would like to have

more size and muscle mass. However I do not want to do this at the expense of

screwing up my natural T production. Based on my test results. Do I need to

tweak my T-levels, either with TRT and arimidex and/or with HCG? If so, how


> > >

> > > ok, this is going to sound totally stupid and off the wall, but

> > > sometimes the simplest things provide the best answers.

> > >

> > > try a b-complex long-release vitamin coupled with a 1-a-day vitamin &

> > > minerals.

> > >

> > > I've got quite similar symptoms & this helped me. Quite a lot.

> > >

> > > Next, change your gym routine. I'm guessing, but I bet that " a

> > > mid-section belly I cannot get rid of " comes from lots of cardio which

> > > doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. Try something radical - cut

> > > the cardio in half, and instead do 5 sets per body part once a week

> > > including 1 warm up set and 1 cool down set. If you can't handle the

> > > weights (get too tired) then cut down the cardio by another half. you

> > > may gain a bit of weight in the short term, but the point of having

> > > muscle is that it raises the body's metabolism, which then burns

> > > calories all the time, not just when you're working out. also, people

> > > will tell you that you can do a body part more than once a week, but I'd

> > > urge you to resist that notion. instead, do legs too as one of your body

> > > parts. but... take it easy. don't become the hulk in 6 months or even a

> > > year. get the " defined " look, not the " bulk " look.

> > >

> > > you didn't say anything about your sleeping patterns. if you snore a

> > > lot, then it might be an idea to see a sleep specialist. you might have

> > > sleep apnea... and if you do, then no amount of T will ever fix it.

> > >

> > > nor did you say anything about your eating patterns, which matter a lot.

> > > are you eating 6 meals a day? Low GI?

> > >

> > > oh, and I'd rule out the stack no matter what you do. if normal T isn't

> > > fixing the problem, then extra T is only going to make things worse.

> > > been there, got the t-shirt on that one.

> > >

> > > as for the rest of your symptoms, perhaps even including the ED, I would

> > > suspect that if you got your tiredness fixed, then the depression and

> > > anxiety would (slowly) go away over time. if you do not agree, then

> > > you'd be better off finding a psychologist & figuring out whatever it is

> > > that's making you angry with yourself (which is all depression is, btw).

> > >

> >


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