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Re: What is the cause of delayed puberty except T?

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If your labs range for Testosterone is 3 to 10 and your at 7 on a morning test I

don't feel your low. But your units are in ng mine are in ng/dL and in my units

any men under 400 needs added Testosteone I think your levels in my units is 700

this is good. And you don't have problems with wood or sex going on

testosterone you might end up with them. Do have your estradiol levels checked

if your over 30 pg/ml get them down this will free up your free testosterone

levels and this might help. Did you have your Cortidol and Thyroid levels

checked this can make you feel dam bad. You say you have most of the symptoms

but they can be from other problems like your Cortisol levels are low Adrenal

Fatigue or a Thyroid problem.



> From: tinibou@... <tinibou@...>

> Subject: What is the cause of delayed puberty except T?


> Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 11:51 AM

> Hi all,


> After several other test blood i'm not diagnosed as

> " hypogonodal guy " .

> However, i have most of symptoms except erectil and sexual

> problem.


> My T level is 7ng (labo range 3 to 10). Previously the

> laboratory screwed up the results and i had the test in 2

> new differents lab'.


> I wonder if other hormones can be respondible for a very

> young apperance. I mean, i have no facial hair on the

> cheeks, a small " round face " , no chest hair. My general

> appearance is very young, i'm 28 y/o and i hate it. People

> think i'm 19! My testicle size are normal, an endo checked

> it.


> I've been told about DHT ? Is there anything else ?

> I need more informations, there's something wrong with me.

> My father could grow a beard at 40 y/o and i dont want to

> wait, i want to look more masucline and get rid of this late

> puberty!!!!!


> Help.

> Thank you very very much.




> ------------------------------------



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Thank you very much for your answer!

I checked my thyroid too, it's OK. LH and FSH as well.

Everything seems to be OK and however my physical appearance looks like the one

of a 19 y/o guy. I look pale, poor facial and body hair...

You talk about oestradiol, do you think it has something to do with delayed

puberty? I'm looking for something (hormonal) that could explain it. But I'm not

very competent with endocrinology. What could you advice me to check (only for

this kind appearance)?

Here my pic (i'm 28 !!!):


I feel insecure.

Best regards,


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Well I don't know my friend did not have to shave all his life and his brothers

did not need to shave. They felt the same way your feeling yet the were all dam

good looking like you and had all the girls.

You can try testing your Estradiol see is it's to high I hate shaving and I hate

the hair on my body so much so that 4 times a yr. I cut it all down off my chest

and belly and boys.



> From: tinibou@... <tinibou@...>

> Subject: Re: What is the cause of delayed puberty except T?


> Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 3:21 PM

> Thank you very much for your answer!


> I checked my thyroid too, it's OK. LH and FSH as well.

> Everything seems to be OK and however my physical

> appearance looks like the one of a 19 y/o guy. I look pale,

> poor facial and body hair...


> You talk about oestradiol, do you think it has something to

> do with delayed puberty? I'm looking for something

> (hormonal) that could explain it. But I'm not very competent

> with endocrinology. What could you advice me to check (only

> for this kind appearance)?


> Here my pic (i'm 28 !!!):


> http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2644/imageshackj.jpg


> I feel insecure.


> Best regards,

> Math




> ------------------------------------



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On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 15:51:20 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi all,


>After several other test blood i'm not diagnosed as " hypogonodal guy " .

>However, i have most of symptoms except erectil and sexual problem.


>My T level is 7ng (labo range 3 to 10). Previously the laboratory screwed up

the results and i had the test in 2 new differents lab'.


>I wonder if other hormones can be respondible for a very young apperance. I

mean, i have no facial hair on the cheeks, a small " round face " , no chest hair.

My general appearance is very young, i'm 28 y/o and i hate it. People think i'm

19! My testicle size are normal, an endo checked it.


>I've been told about DHT ? Is there anything else ?

>I need more informations, there's something wrong with me. My father could grow

a beard at 40 y/o and i dont want to wait, i want to look more masucline and get

rid of this late puberty!!!!!



>Thank you very very much.

Have you had an E2 test? I know others have mentioned also that there

is a mosaic pattern for klinefelters that can be missed in simple


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No I didnt check E2.

I have doubts about klinefiler cause my father and my brother had the same

delayed puberty problem.

My father could grow his beard at 40 y/o!.

I dont want to wait, i want to look more " adult " and I'm looking for which

hormonal imbalance (except T, my test is OK) Could be the reason for this " kid "


Thk you!

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