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Re: diuretics and ED

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I think V, L, or C could help some, but not as much as going off the diuretic.

At least that was my experience. HCTZ was the diuretic I was taking (25 mg),

and stopping it changed my life. I had been taking C along with it, with not

much effect.

Doctors love diuretics because they work, and they're cheap. And of course

because doctors are mostly just interested in the numbers, not your sex life.

Depending on what else you're taking, you might want to try another class of BP

drug in place of the diuretic - and ACE inhibitor, or angiotensin receptor

blocker, or calcium channel blocker. The bad ones for ED are mainly the

diuretics and beta blockers, although any BP med can potentially cause a



> Diuretics are infamous for causing ED; assuming E2 is in check will Viagra,

Levitra, and or Cialis help to deal with this side effect caused by diuretics?


> Anyone out there take diuretics? name? dose? ED problems? Does V C L help?


> thanks.


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I need a diuretic been on them from day one the day I went on TRT I started

holding water my feet and hands would swell up. I take Triamterene/HCTZ 37.5/25

mgs. Every 3 days.

Never had much of an ED problem on this as long as I keep my Estradiol levels

down. But now that I had heart bypass sugary and was put on other meds I can't

get it up for sex taking Viagra and all it dose is make me sick. I am on

Simvastatin(Zocor) 20 mg. bedtime for Cholestrol and on my labs my CHOL total is

below the normal range I never in my life had high CHOL levels yet they keep me

on this.

And I am on this Atenolol 50 mg. 1x/day morning for heart beta-blocker cut in

half 25 mgs. Yet in the hosp. they did a Ablation to make my heart beat right

and in the hosp. after this they took me off this med. Yet when I got out they

have us a list of meds I needed and this was on it. Now when I try to stop

taking it my heart rate goes up.

I have been having very low levels of BP and even passing out when I stand and

don't wait from my head to clear before walking. My BP was on this 80/40 I have

White Coat Fever every time a Dr. takes my BP they get a higher reading so I get

this low reading they get a good reading. I stopped this med 2 days ago and

feel much better. BP this morning was 117/75.

If I can't get off this crap I will need to get Trymix so I can have sex. The

Heart Dr. says there is nothing wrong with my heart due to the blockage and told

me to go back in the Gym and work out and walk but how can one do this if there

BP is going lower the more exercise I get.

I was back in the gym and walking for 2 months then my BP went low so the Dr.

said cut the pill in half this helped for about 4 weeks then my level went down

very low again. So bad I have not been to the gym in 2 weeks now I am not

taking this and feel good enough to go back to the gym.



> From: wayback44 <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: diuretics and ED


> Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 11:26 AM

> I think V, L, or C could help some,

> but not as much as going off the diuretic.  At least

> that was my experience.  HCTZ was the diuretic I was

> taking (25 mg), and stopping it changed my life.  I had

> been taking C along with it, with not much effect.


> Doctors love diuretics because they work, and they're

> cheap.  And of course because doctors are mostly just

> interested in the numbers, not your sex life.


> Depending on what else you're taking, you might want to try

> another class of BP drug in place of the diuretic - and ACE

> inhibitor, or angiotensin receptor blocker, or calcium

> channel blocker.  The bad ones for ED are mainly the

> diuretics and beta blockers, although any BP med can

> potentially cause a problem.




> >

> > Diuretics are infamous for causing ED; assuming E2 is

> in check will Viagra, Levitra, and or Cialis help to deal

> with this side effect caused by diuretics?

> >

> > Anyone out there take diuretics?  name?

> dose?  ED problems?  Does V C L help?

> >

> > thanks.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Here is a good reference on high BP drugs that rarely cause ED


I got this reference from the

Alt-Support-Impotence-ASI/ group

> > >

> > > Diuretics are infamous for causing ED; assuming E2 is

> > in check will Viagra, Levitra, and or Cialis help to deal

> > with this side effect caused by diuretics?

> > >

> > > Anyone out there take diuretics?  name?

> > dose?  ED problems?  Does V C L help?

> > >

> > > thanks.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Thanks I am a member there but missed this one. I am off the BP meds and doing

fine my BP is still on the lower side but I don't feel dizzy anymore standing.

I don't need the beta-blocker but when I stop it my heart beats faster not bad

but I need to talk to the Dr. about coming off this. Dam good link.



> From: mqsymth <alphadennis@...>

> Subject: Re: diuretics and ED


> Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 8:44 PM

> Here is a good reference on high BP

> drugs that rarely cause ED


> http://www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/guide/blood-pressure-medication-and-ed


> I got this reference from the


> group



> > > >

> > > > Diuretics are infamous for causing ED;

> assuming E2 is

> > > in check will Viagra, Levitra, and or Cialis help

> to deal

> > > with this side effect caused by diuretics?

> > > >

> > > > Anyone out there take diuretics?  name?

> > > dose?  ED problems?  Does V C L help?

> > > >

> > > > thanks.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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