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Liposomal Vitamin C

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Bill recommends liposomal vitamin C - brand is lypo-spheric sold by

livonlabs.com - it's not cheap. I found liposomal vit. also on letstalkhealth -

would anybody know if this is also as good?

Thank you.



s <krn_matthews@ ...> wrote:

> Could someone tell me why Green Tea needs to be caffeinated to be useful in

fighting cancer?

It doesn't NEED to be caffeinated; caffeinated green tea's just more effective,

because (as best I recall) the caffeine's synergistic.

Green tea has only about 20% the caffeine of black tea. That's all I know re:

the caffeine.

>I have High blood pressure

Hypertension remedies that are also cancer-healing:

OATS, celery, onions, grapes

(www.drlam.com/ news/news00016. asp), fatty fish, kelp, garlic

Vits. C (w/flavanoids) , D3 (cholecalciferol) , & E; flax & FISH oils, GLA,


Nonchloride forms of potassium, magnesium, zinc pincolinate (15-30mg)

cayenne, eleuthero, ginseng, MAITAKE & reishi mushrooms

Chlorella (www.klinghardtacad emy.com/images/ stories/Heavy_ Metal_Toxicity/

Chlorella/ chlorella% 20and%20colitis. pdf)

AVOID table salt (sea salt’s safer), coffee.

" potassium…coconut…and cod liver oil…[AVOID] sugar and refined


[instead eat] cruciferous vegetables.. .non-farmed fish...[and kombucha]

Vitamin D and CoQ10 "

www.westonaprice. org/bookreviews/ high-blood- pressure- hoax.html

(review of _High Blood Pressure Hoax_ by Sherry , M.D.)

For more info,

www.lef.org/ protocols/ heart_circulator y/high_blood_ pressure_ 01.htm

www.doctormurray. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article &

id=158 & Itemid= 85

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