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Faith Healers

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Dear Elissa and the rest of the group,

I, too, was skeptical about the spiritual healer posting.... while I

respect others' beliefs about these things, I do not think that this is

the place where specific information on spiritual healers (particularly

those who heal for a fee) should be given. I don't want to sound bossy or

like a " know-it-all " - I just feel that the scope of this group is more

support, support and more support, as well as practical, non-medical

information. I know the posting was sent in good faith and don't want to

" dis " the person who sent it: I just feel that it is inappropriate for our

group. What about the rest of you? What do you think? This is an important

issue to me, so all the feedback you can give would be appreciated.


from Italy

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Hello ,

I agree with you. I am truly happy for anyone who gets relief from

alternative (spiritual) means, but this is not the forum for that.

It makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't want to feel like my

pain is all in my head. I'm not suggesting that's what the poster

meant, but I think this subject matter leads down an uncertain


> Dear Elissa and the rest of the group,


> I, too, was skeptical about the spiritual healer posting....

while I

> respect others' beliefs about these things, I do not think that

this is

> the place where specific information on spiritual healers


> those who heal for a fee) should be given. I don't want to sound

bossy or

> like a " know-it-all " - I just feel that the scope of this group is


> support, support and more support, as well as practical, non-


> information. I know the posting was sent in good faith and don't

want to

> " dis " the person who sent it: I just feel that it is inappropriate

for our

> group. What about the rest of you? What do you think? This is an


> issue to me, so all the feedback you can give would be appreciated.

> Best,

> from Italy

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I have two words about the $144.00, over the phone line spiritual healer:


from Texas


> Hello ,


> I agree with you. I am truly happy for anyone who gets relief from

> alternative (spiritual) means, but this is not the forum for that.

> It makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't want to feel like my

> pain is all in my head. I'm not suggesting that's what the poster

> meant, but I think this subject matter leads down an uncertain

> path.





> > Dear Elissa and the rest of the group,

> >

> > I, too, was skeptical about the spiritual healer posting....

> while I

> > respect others' beliefs about these things, I do not think that

> this is

> > the place where specific information on spiritual healers

> (particularly

> > those who heal for a fee) should be given. I don't want to sound

> bossy or

> > like a " know-it-all " - I just feel that the scope of this group is

> more

> > support, support and more support, as well as practical, non-

> medical

> > information. I know the posting was sent in good faith and don't

> want to

> > " dis " the person who sent it: I just feel that it is inappropriate

> for our

> > group. What about the rest of you? What do you think? This is an

> important

> > issue to me, so all the feedback you can give would be appreciated.

> > Best,

> > from Italy



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