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Think these 8 foods are healthy? Wrong!

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Does this apply even if you are a programmer?

I used to drink at least 2 liters of Diet Coke a day. I'd wake up in

the morning and the first thing I'd do would be to pour myself a big

tumbler of Diet Coke and ice, even if it was snowing outside.

Many other programmers I knew were like me. I heard several

programmers in my time saying " I like my caffiene cold " , which was

another way of saying " I'm completely addicted to Diet Coke (or Diet

Pepsi). "

While I didn't like chips, I loved Snickers bars. If I really needed

a double whammy wake-up mix, it was the Diet Coke and pure chocolate,

such as in a Hershey's bar.

Fruits? Veggies? What are those?

But I knew I was safe from disease because I would also take a slew

of vitamins and 5 - 10 grams of powdered vitamin C each day. When

blood started showing up in my stool, I figured whatever the problem

was, I'd just increase my vitamin C intake. When my stool narrowed

to the width of a pencil, I figured I'd just up my intake of all

vitamins, and even if it was cancer, I'd just do IV C, and I'd be


When they hauled me away in the ambulance, after I had been vomiting

bile and blood due to a full colon blockage, I realized that maybe

this approach wasn't working.


> Kind of no-brainers. Interesting to see DIET SODA on the list (duh):


> Think these 8 foods are healthy? Wrong! - Diet and nutrition

> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28118024/


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Please keep your posting related to Iodine. Thank you!


Think these 8 foods are healthy? Wrong!

Think these 8 foods are healthy? Wrong!Great article from Prevention magazinehttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28118024/ Just wanted to share about an awesome site I found! When you post just 10 books for trade , you can then request 2 absolutely free and they will be on their way to you for enjoyable winter reading!I have gotten many homeschooling books, (even Abeka and Sonlight), great literature forthe whole family and one college textbook (saved over $50 with this onebook). I have never been disappointed in any of the books rec'd. Ihighly recommend the site!http://tinyurl.com/yrq5xj

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