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Can you tell me about the Thermagram??


artisticdltv <vasslt@...> wrote:

Thanks to everyone who sent nice welcomes. Several of you asked

about what I have tried so far, so here goes with a brief history

leading up to my present treatment.

I was first diagnosed when my Dr. in London was looking for the

reason my heart medications were not working, and he diagnosed

hypothyroidism, however, could not ascertain why, no goiter,

infection,etc. Was put on indreasing doses of thyroxyl, ending at

125, and told my thyroid was completely unfunctional, no hope of

improvement, stay on meds forever. I am also on nifedepine and

candasartan, for those who keep track.

Three years later, one plus years age, I return to US, Dr. here

gives me same stuff, no new blood tests, told same thing. I had been

feeling less and less well, thought it do to stress I was under,

when I meet my now fiance, a nutrtionist and healer himself, and I

go to an excellent Dr./ naturopath in Plano Tx., case any of you

nearby. Had hair analysis, bloodwork, and thermagram. Guess what,

thyroid marginally functional, could possibly come back online,

suffering extremely high level of chemical toxicisity, Dr. hates


So, I am still on major detox, major diet change then to follow, off

nifedepine, Dr. thinks I may eventually come off candasartan, on

natural thyroid therapy, not armour, thyroid support of a

homeopathic nature, sorry that's all bottle says, contains natural

T4 and T3, will get specifics for you, being monitored for T4 and T3

levels. The detox is a complete one, chemical and metal, with herbal

and vitamin supplements. End results not in,but my blood pressure

best it has been in 5 years on a constant basis. It is the

thermagram that told a lot of the story, anyone interested without

info I will gladly tell you about it.

Any questions, please ask. I certainly have learned a lot from you

all. Best of health and life to all,

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hi kim,

i just wanted to cry reading everything you've been through, the pain and

suffering you've endured for so long, and how you've been treated by the medical


No way do I think you're a nut. I don't think you're crazy. After reading this I

love you more. I think you're a sick puppy who needs a decent doctor to help you

get better and recover from all this.

Kim, you're on disability. do you not have Medicaid? i don't understand why

you're having to pay for your own tests and medical treatment.

i don't have answers, Kim. maybe we can all brainstorm.

The only idea I have is for you to copy what you've written to us and sent this

info to maybe Dr. Lowe & Dr. Honeyman. I think they respond to e-mails from

folks. maybe they can offer some advice, direction, and/or suggestions.

I've got to run girl...we're on our way out to meet friends.

don't give up hope! {{{very big hard}}}...hope I'm not chokin' ya...sheila

Girlie <kckim@...> wrote:

28/f/single/on disability..living with mom

Diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis in 2000 - A severe but non life

threatening bladder disease. After several invasive procedures I now am only

taking quercetin (a natural antihistamine as the bladder is severely

inflamed and thought maybe it is due to mast cells) and oxybutynin which is

a bladder antispasmodic.

Since being diagnosed with " IC " I have become severely alergic to EVERYTHING

which includes food beyong my IBD problems. IC patients cannot eat anything

acidic such as fruit spicey foods, food with tons of preservatives.. I find

even all the salt and preservatives in soup will make my bladder spasms

uncontrollably and painfully. After 12 years of being a vegetarian I started

eating meat (actually to lose weight along with health issues but it hasnt


When I was about 10 I developed severe abdominal pains. Didn't matter when I

ate. They were crippling and I lost a lot of school , people thought I was

faking it. After seeing doctors for 4 years my Mom finally demanded right

then and there an ultra sound which should I had 8 large gall stones and i

was attempting to pass one every other day. During those 4 years I took

tagament and zantac and every ulcer medicine there was which of course

didn't help. At 15 I had my Gallbladder removed... but the pains continued

which I made a habit of eating pepto everyday. I get these bad hot flashes

pains in my stomach but mostly near my belly button followed by diareah or

constiptaion and i get VERY emotional. Which may be understandable nad

scarey to go through this intense amount of pain where I literally want to

end it all, but I ahve been reading where the gut is our second brain and

how it also can cause people to become emotional, because even when i am

calm and cool aboutt he whole thing i burst into tears for no reason. The

pain comes when i first drink water in the morning to when i havent eaten

for awhil eat night to immediately evacuating food AS I eat it. Its also

seemed that when I eat beef I get food poisoning very easily and will be

vomiting all night. I am also very bloated to the point of being difficult

to walk as any jarring motion brings pain.

I also go into these seisures. I shake violently. Dr's blow it off to

anxiety (theys ay the same with the stomach ahcces).. but I KNOW when I am

anxious as I AM a very anxious depressed and scared individual. I am

panaphobis and agoraphobic (afraid of everything and elaving the house) BUT

I knwo when I am nervous nad have to go to the bathroom because I have a dr

appt and when i am just laying in bed playing a game and have to go to the

bathroom or start shaking. I noticed the shaking stopped when winter came

around. Last week I woke up sweating and went into this shaking fit. I was

calm (ok i was a lil scared cuz I cant stop the shaking) but it was when I

was sleeping. I woke up sweating and trembling and woke up my bf who held my

hand (oh and i get terribly nauseas 24/7 when i eat AND when I do) and he

sat there for the 30 minutes or so with me until the a/c finally got me

chilled and the shaking stopped. I amvery heat intolerant. My boyfriend

thinks I have random heat strokes. I just don't know but it was odd and

greatfully nice! that the shaking stuff stopped for the winter. I had

thought it was because I moved back home. Being almost 30 and on disability

that pays out 400$ a month doesnt gt you a lot of places to live and ive now

maxed out my credit card almost on top of that with these tests and pills i

ahve been trying so yea I am stressed. and my bf makes about as much as i do

with 10 times the debt :(

I am deathly afriad of pills. The only other pill I am taking is prevacid

which the gastro gave me (figures more ulcer medication) oh and fiber but i

am still contipated even taking the fiber and more bloated and more pained I

think and it hurts my bladder (hurts is a joke makes me wanna reach up my

urethra with a knife literally and yank all the offending aprts out its THAT

bad this stupid IC disease). My insurance wont cover prevacid which actually

was helping my bladder probably because it takes out the acid in food nad

since my bladder is raw and bleeding that helps a lot.. so I am sad they

wont give me prevacid.. they gave me prilosec?? instead which i have yet to

try as i am clinging to my prevacid samples for dear life.

After doing soem research I decided my gastro is also an idiot. He could do

a sinple blood test to check for celiac disease (which is what he is hoping

my pains are from which i dont i think its chrons depite my being super fat)

but he told me he doesnt test for alergies or anything like that and he

doesnt believe in xrays he only believes in looking for himself which to me

sounds like " i cant get money for blood tests but i dont need to buy

anything and charge you my time by sticking a tube down your throat " . So I

asked my internist (who is also a moron) and he said we dont test for that

stuff.. I also asked him for a tpo test nad he said no your normal dont need

that (my tsh was 5.05 retested it was 3.8 after going no soy and I LOVE soy

especially since being a vegetarian and all back growing up)

When I asked my internist for a tsh test he asked ME what the range was

suppose to be and i told him 5.05 was not normal so he said ok heres some

levoxyl. I took a half of the smallest dose and felt ok i went up to a third

and i got shakey and scared (i am terrible at taking meds ..IC patients are

known to be super sensitive so i always gotta try a lil at first especially

with my anxiety problem). First day on a third I got out of the hosue after

singing for 2 hours and pacing the house and drove. first of all i dont sing

anymore I use to sing as a kid and my IC prevents me from walking more than

5 paces (too much pressure on the bladder i guess)..so this was weird.. i

also could watch tv and zone out whcih was really weird since my thots in my

head are always going and dwelling.. and i didnt give a crap about anything

(i am always sad and worried about what others think of me and whats going

to happen in the future).. so i wa slike wow this is crazy.. now i drive a

bit more but NO more than 5 minutes from my house and when i do I gotta make

this bg preperation to get where i am going nad get my butt back asap. well

ihopped in the car and its weird its hard to describe.. instead of thinking

about how was i going to get home or where i was even going i was focused on

the road at that moment wasnt thinking about the past or future just

driving.. fearless (usually im crapping myself with worry).. well i felt

unsafe not worrying and kept thinking a sick eprson like me shouldnt be ont

he road so i went to the post and got home that night i had acheing alll

over my body worse than before and i got scared and quit taking it plus a

panick attack. I think i hurt cuz i hadnt moved that much in 5 years.

I used to walk 16 miles a day every day even at that i was suprememly fat.

Ive done EVERY diet. I did strict NO carbs and lost zero weight only did

that for 2 months as i was fainting from meat overloada nd couldnt evenget

the energy to walk to the bathroom where i was constipated anyway and yes i

did buy fiber. I went on a 1200-1400 calorie diet with protien shakes all of

2003 and at 275 pounds and was doing the best ive ever done at 3 pounds a

month with working out (walking and hour a day even though it KILLEd my

bladder and my exhaustion)

I then got ecoli poisoning and almost died my other dr told me it was

because i didnt walk enough. I thought um liver enzymes are skyrocketed (at

this time iw as on elmiron for my bladder which mucks up your liver

sometimes and which this and my other dr said no it wont and i demanded the

test) I wa slike um i am so dizzy i cant get tot he bathroom i quit eating

entirely because i had been vomitting severly for 6 weeks i couldnt even

drink water and at the time my bf was going thru a thing and would forget my

glass of water and so for a few days i was without water altogether! I went

to the er cuz i would go paralyzed and they said well you are severely

dehydrated go home and drink water bye.. seems to me if you were on the

severest level of dehydration in any other town they'd put you on some sort

of drip but no iw as kicked out. I was terrrified I couldnt even get up and

walk out on my loser bf and this loser community. I was the saddest thing

you ever saw.. me not being able to walk trying to carry my computer to my

car and dropping it half way there cuz i was just too tired. I finally

conviced him to drive me home to portland. I ordered my own damned urine

test (whichthe dr never did and by the time i was in the ER there was no

urine left in me so I doubt it would shown anything besides severe

dehydration)... i moved home to my moms and got my urine test back which

stated very clearly over 100k ecoli... took it to a new urine specialist and

got more antibiotics.

Sorry I am digressing its hard to write in order. so after the thyroid pill

i had been having severe muscle tiredness.. like I had been working out for

a year and they felt soo tired... i couldnt lift my arms and worse yet i did

not imagine arms could hurt THAT much.. i went tot he ER here and they told

me nothing was wrong and that i didnt deserve pain meds and kicked me out...

how can er people honestly think your lying when I was so desperate to come

in at midnight at wait till 5 am!!!! just to see someone.. so i went back to

my internist (meeker) and he said oh well its prob fibro and sent me home...

i was confused. I called the nurse nad was like ok shouldnt he do soemthing

for me.. she was like yea they send you to a special fibro clinic and the

pain meds but the clnic is booked for a eyar so dont even bother.. i was

like um ok but i never got pain meds! and she was all oh ills end ya some

and i got 800mg of ibuprofin. which i wont take cuz my mom has liver disease

and she swears thats how she got it was from all the advil she would take.

i believe fibro to be more than just fibro and i started researching it and

came across thsi guy dr lowe a chiropract i think and he has been doing

studies and believed fibro to be 80 % likely to be a thyroid condition.

which is what made me push for the thyroid tests which i only got a tsh

reading. I ordered the thyodine and took it for three days and didnt notice

anything but then stopped as my abs were so crmapign and i couldnt deal with

NAYTHING in my body let alone pills but when i stopped the thyodine i

started crying again.. for no damned reason. btw i also lost a pound every

day iw as on it 3! but as soon as i stopped i gained it all back.. could

have been a coinicidence tho as i can vary a good 5-10 pounds sadly.

oh which brings me back again to weight... only times i have EVER lsot

weight was when i walking 16 miles a day.. well is topped eating. I ate a

frozen burrito every third day. I was 13 ish. first tiem EVER did i lose

weight went from like 160 to 140!! i was also getting heat stroke a lot

probably.. I would wear out my DOG from walk 8 hours aday.. i coulda killed

her doing that so i tied her up on the baseball diamond in the shade and

walk around her. second time i EVER lost weight was when i lived in afrika

(and it should be mentioned i got mono at a concert there and no i wasnt

kissing anyone).. i was a vegetarian in namibia and ell the meat there is uh

well it sometimes sits out.. cuz its well afrika! and the desert and my

american roomates i think became vegetarians. me and the teacher were the

only vegetarians there which is how i got those meals.. thank GOD for my

hippy teacher!!! but my roommmates gave upt he meat and ate my meals and i

complained nad theyd stop for awhile and start back so i ended up not having

any food and going to the store and buying white bread rolls and cheese

whiz.. figured that would be easiest on my stomach cramps anyway. we also

lived at the bottom of this horendous hill so everytime we wanted to go

soemwhere we had to hike everyday up it and down the otherside and back up

again especially since im too cheap to pay for a cab and how lazy would THAT

have been?? in 4 months i think i went from 188 to 168.. when i got home i

was determined never to gain weight again...but i did even with trying :(

and then when i got sick with IC and couldnt hardly walk and then the

chronic fatigue which is disabling !!! not the oh i worked 8 hours not im

tired its i just woke up and im too damned tired to go pee!!! and this fibro

in my joints i still cant pick up things with my right arm like my muscle

has been torn off the bone. the most i can exercize is stretching very

gently at nite and to be pathetically honest that KILLS me nad it feels like

i did a whole work out!!! and im dead tired from stretch (while laying down)

so i do it at night where i can maybe sleep which i rarely sleep especially

with the stomach and bladder pain that and i just dont sleep... ugh im dead

sweating now and so nauseas i gotta go to my a/c soon....

oh so anyway when i got IC i went up to 273 went on a good year long diet

actually longer nad got down to 235.. got ecoli and that go me to 215 but

then when i couod drink water again i baloooned right back up to 235 :(

ok so to summerize if you read his far or even understood anything i typed

cuz my brain is a lil random..

I ahve interstitical cystis (bladder inflamation), chronic fatigue,

fibromaygia, prob hypothyroidism, i use to be a genius but now im dumber

than a bricka nd have trouble rememebr my own name let alone sentences.. i

believe thats called brain fog, depression, anxiety, suicidal, shaking,

trembling, hot flashes, IBD (irritable bowel of some sort) and uh...

i have been to a thousand and one dr's and none seem to give a rats ass.. i

even went to anaturo path who wanted me to hop on one foot nad do some sort

of karma dance with the bleach without touching it.. that was suppose to get

the toxins out nad paid a ton of money on pills i knew i couldnt take cuz of

my bladder but iw as dead sick and i couldnt do her voodoo stuff nayway cuz

it took every strength of my being to get to her office and almost had to be

carried in! (that was when i had that ecolie and entero stuff)

see its only noon and ive only had tea nad stomach is crmaping im nauseas

and sooo hot my cheeks are burning (on the other hand if im too cold it

feels like rzor blades)... and im EXHAUSTED i literally have to go to bed

now and my hands are numb from typing

Im sorry if i dont make sense ir eally did try to put my history outthere

tho i am sure i am forgetting soemthing but i ahve to go try not to throw up


if you read this and dont think im a nut and still love me thank god for

you... i really hope im not crazy ir eally feel its some hormone doing these

things or some mising link.

oh my mom told me that my great aunts were 400 pound and had my fat upper

arms.. i dont THINK i look my weight but my upper arms are severe overweight

...like abnorally..very sick looking tho i dont look my weight my upper arms

carry a LOT of the weight and that depresses me cuz i can only where loose

fitting long sleeved shirts nad i so want to wear a cute tank top... ive

never been able toe ar cute clothes and feel confident nad trust me this

would make ya vomit no way am i wearing a tank top outdoors so dont even

suggest it.. but it also goes to prove my whole family is fat that meat and

potatoes nad old styles of living does NOT make ya thin.. i get tired of

well look how healthy our forefathers were well mine werent..and i was

raised on tons of veggies and fresh fruit (i had to pick TONS as a child)

and im still fat :(..... i can honestly say id ont thinkits my fault im

fat.. F*** dr.phil

okokok im really sick lol.. i gotta go eat my burnt chicken as i am too

tired to even cook and i always forget im cooking...


Re: Audra - Hypothyroidism Remission-thx Shelia


> Kim what is so complicated about your illness is that we don't know

> what is going on with you--terrible stomach problems (that we know)

> but what else--are you sure you are hypo as well????


> If you were than taking thyodine should of made you feel better and I

> am very confused with you not being able to eat certain food groups

> such as fruits??


> I might have missed something because I can't read every detail but

> what is going on with you ??? besides the stomach???


> and bladder??


> tell us every drug you take--I know you have told us before but give

> us details because I am not sure how we are helping you here?


> If you had only thyroid that even over the counter supplements would

> work--so all this extensive expensive testing is not necessary and

> that is what is trying to tell you---to find out and take

> control of what is going on.


> But it's confusing to us---if you don't mind me saying so.


> WE really can't treat you or give you great advice because it's

> confusing to me as well.


> Very complicated cases have to be seen by GREAT doctors and I know

> there are few around---even my daughter has not found that doctor--so

> we can understand but at the same time we have a difficult time

> trying to help as well!!!! support seems to be about the best we have

> been able to do for you.


> please give us your age as well and any thing else---tina




> > > > I would like to say thanks to all of your great advise

> regarding my

> > > > question.

> > > >

> > > > Many of you had responded that I needed to have my blood work

> > > > retested.

> > > >

> > > > Since I was first diagnosed with this disease at the age of 15,

> > > over

> > > > 13 years ago, I don't remember much about my first tests. Is it

> > > > possible to get your own medical records from my 1st doctor to

> see

> > > > the numbers from when he first decided to put me on

> medication? I

> > > am

> > > > not sure the rules with the new HIPPA laws.

> > > >

> > > > As I stated in my previous message post, the reason that the

> doctor

> > > > took me off the medication is because my test had come back

> normal

> > > > after he decided to stop the medication. My T4 at the last test

> > > ran

> > > > at 10.2 and my TSH is at 1.65. The labs are stating that this

> is

> > > > within mormal ranges. Do your ranges very depending on where

> you

> > > are

> > > > at in your menstral cycle? I also have done research on basel

> > > temps

> > > > that are below 97.8 preovulatory are also an indication of

> > > > hypothyroidism. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Mine temps

> > > are

> > > > below 97.8.

> > > >

> > > > Has anyone else ever taken researched info to their doctor

> family

> > > or

> > > > OBGYN and had him/her look it over and not relied solely on lab

> > > > results?

> > > >

> > > > Again,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for all of your help.

> > > >

> > > > Audra

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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i have care oregon and medicare(or maybe its medicaid i always get it mixed

up) and they pay for everything but not when my dr says no no way will i

test for that..thats why i am ordering them on my own cuz its that or sit

here and die ya know?

thanks for writing me back means a lot to me everytime!!!!youve no idea

Re: Audra - Hypothyroidism Remission-thx Shelia



> >

> > Kim what is so complicated about your illness is that we don't know

> > what is going on with you--terrible stomach problems (that we know)

> > but what else--are you sure you are hypo as well????

> >

> > If you were than taking thyodine should of made you feel better and I

> > am very confused with you not being able to eat certain food groups

> > such as fruits??

> >

> > I might have missed something because I can't read every detail but

> > what is going on with you ??? besides the stomach???

> >

> > and bladder??

> >

> > tell us every drug you take--I know you have told us before but give

> > us details because I am not sure how we are helping you here?

> >

> > If you had only thyroid that even over the counter supplements would

> > work--so all this extensive expensive testing is not necessary and

> > that is what is trying to tell you---to find out and take

> > control of what is going on.

> >

> > But it's confusing to us---if you don't mind me saying so.

> >

> > WE really can't treat you or give you great advice because it's

> > confusing to me as well.

> >

> > Very complicated cases have to be seen by GREAT doctors and I know

> > there are few around---even my daughter has not found that doctor--so

> > we can understand but at the same time we have a difficult time

> > trying to help as well!!!! support seems to be about the best we have

> > been able to do for you.

> >

> > please give us your age as well and any thing else---tina

> >

> >

> >

> > > > > I would like to say thanks to all of your great advise

> > regarding my

> > > > > question.

> > > > >

> > > > > Many of you had responded that I needed to have my blood work

> > > > > retested.

> > > > >

> > > > > Since I was first diagnosed with this disease at the age of 15,

> > > > over

> > > > > 13 years ago, I don't remember much about my first tests. Is it

> > > > > possible to get your own medical records from my 1st doctor to

> > see

> > > > > the numbers from when he first decided to put me on

> > medication? I

> > > > am

> > > > > not sure the rules with the new HIPPA laws.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I stated in my previous message post, the reason that the

> > doctor

> > > > > took me off the medication is because my test had come back

> > normal

> > > > > after he decided to stop the medication. My T4 at the last test

> > > > ran

> > > > > at 10.2 and my TSH is at 1.65. The labs are stating that this

> > is

> > > > > within mormal ranges. Do your ranges very depending on where

> > you

> > > > are

> > > > > at in your menstral cycle? I also have done research on basel

> > > > temps

> > > > > that are below 97.8 preovulatory are also an indication of

> > > > > hypothyroidism. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Mine temps

> > > > are

> > > > > below 97.8.

> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone else ever taken researched info to their doctor

> > family

> > > > or

> > > > > OBGYN and had him/her look it over and not relied solely on lab

> > > > > results?

> > > > >

> > > > > Again,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for all of your help.

> > > > >

> > > > > Audra

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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is your prescription medication also paid for, Kim? Hugs, Sheila

Girlie <kckim@...> wrote:i have care oregon and medicare(or maybe its

medicaid i always get it mixed

up) and they pay for everything but not when my dr says no no way will i

test for that..thats why i am ordering them on my own cuz its that or sit

here and die ya know?

thanks for writing me back means a lot to me everytime!!!!youve no idea

Re: Audra - Hypothyroidism Remission-thx Shelia



> >

> > Kim what is so complicated about your illness is that we don't know

> > what is going on with you--terrible stomach problems (that we know)

> > but what else--are you sure you are hypo as well????

> >

> > If you were than taking thyodine should of made you feel better and I

> > am very confused with you not being able to eat certain food groups

> > such as fruits??

> >

> > I might have missed something because I can't read every detail but

> > what is going on with you ??? besides the stomach???

> >

> > and bladder??

> >

> > tell us every drug you take--I know you have told us before but give

> > us details because I am not sure how we are helping you here?

> >

> > If you had only thyroid that even over the counter supplements would

> > work--so all this extensive expensive testing is not necessary and

> > that is what is trying to tell you---to find out and take

> > control of what is going on.

> >

> > But it's confusing to us---if you don't mind me saying so.

> >

> > WE really can't treat you or give you great advice because it's

> > confusing to me as well.

> >

> > Very complicated cases have to be seen by GREAT doctors and I know

> > there are few around---even my daughter has not found that doctor--so

> > we can understand but at the same time we have a difficult time

> > trying to help as well!!!! support seems to be about the best we have

> > been able to do for you.

> >

> > please give us your age as well and any thing else---tina

> >

> >

> >

> > > > > I would like to say thanks to all of your great advise

> > regarding my

> > > > > question.

> > > > >

> > > > > Many of you had responded that I needed to have my blood work

> > > > > retested.

> > > > >

> > > > > Since I was first diagnosed with this disease at the age of 15,

> > > > over

> > > > > 13 years ago, I don't remember much about my first tests. Is it

> > > > > possible to get your own medical records from my 1st doctor to

> > see

> > > > > the numbers from when he first decided to put me on

> > medication? I

> > > > am

> > > > > not sure the rules with the new HIPPA laws.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I stated in my previous message post, the reason that the

> > doctor

> > > > > took me off the medication is because my test had come back

> > normal

> > > > > after he decided to stop the medication. My T4 at the last test

> > > > ran

> > > > > at 10.2 and my TSH is at 1.65. The labs are stating that this

> > is

> > > > > within mormal ranges. Do your ranges very depending on where

> > you

> > > > are

> > > > > at in your menstral cycle? I also have done research on basel

> > > > temps

> > > > > that are below 97.8 preovulatory are also an indication of

> > > > > hypothyroidism. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Mine temps

> > > > are

> > > > > below 97.8.

> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone else ever taken researched info to their doctor

> > family

> > > > or

> > > > > OBGYN and had him/her look it over and not relied solely on lab

> > > > > results?

> > > > >

> > > > > Again,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for all of your help.

> > > > >

> > > > > Audra

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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yea.. most of the time

Re: Audra - Hypothyroidism Remission-thx


> >

> >

> > >

> > > Kim what is so complicated about your illness is that we don't know

> > > what is going on with you--terrible stomach problems (that we know)

> > > but what else--are you sure you are hypo as well????

> > >

> > > If you were than taking thyodine should of made you feel better and I

> > > am very confused with you not being able to eat certain food groups

> > > such as fruits??

> > >

> > > I might have missed something because I can't read every detail but

> > > what is going on with you ??? besides the stomach???

> > >

> > > and bladder??

> > >

> > > tell us every drug you take--I know you have told us before but give

> > > us details because I am not sure how we are helping you here?

> > >

> > > If you had only thyroid that even over the counter supplements would

> > > work--so all this extensive expensive testing is not necessary and

> > > that is what is trying to tell you---to find out and take

> > > control of what is going on.

> > >

> > > But it's confusing to us---if you don't mind me saying so.

> > >

> > > WE really can't treat you or give you great advice because it's

> > > confusing to me as well.

> > >

> > > Very complicated cases have to be seen by GREAT doctors and I know

> > > there are few around---even my daughter has not found that doctor--so

> > > we can understand but at the same time we have a difficult time

> > > trying to help as well!!!! support seems to be about the best we have

> > > been able to do for you.

> > >

> > > please give us your age as well and any thing else---tina

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > > > I would like to say thanks to all of your great advise

> > > regarding my

> > > > > > question.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Many of you had responded that I needed to have my blood work

> > > > > > retested.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Since I was first diagnosed with this disease at the age of 15,

> > > > > over

> > > > > > 13 years ago, I don't remember much about my first tests. Is it

> > > > > > possible to get your own medical records from my 1st doctor to

> > > see

> > > > > > the numbers from when he first decided to put me on

> > > medication? I

> > > > > am

> > > > > > not sure the rules with the new HIPPA laws.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As I stated in my previous message post, the reason that the

> > > doctor

> > > > > > took me off the medication is because my test had come back

> > > normal

> > > > > > after he decided to stop the medication. My T4 at the last test

> > > > > ran

> > > > > > at 10.2 and my TSH is at 1.65. The labs are stating that this

> > > is

> > > > > > within mormal ranges. Do your ranges very depending on where

> > > you

> > > > > are

> > > > > > at in your menstral cycle? I also have done research on basel

> > > > > temps

> > > > > > that are below 97.8 preovulatory are also an indication of

> > > > > > hypothyroidism. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Mine temps

> > > > > are

> > > > > > below 97.8.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Has anyone else ever taken researched info to their doctor

> > > family

> > > > > or

> > > > > > OBGYN and had him/her look it over and not relied solely on lab

> > > > > > results?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Again,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks for all of your help.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Audra

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

H ,

sounds lke you have been through a lot-I too had the childhood

problems but my hip was dislocated and got a sucessful surgery nine

months ago aged 32.

I dont think that we need fear revisions if the initial surgery

wasn't great. I have been on these boards about a year and have

heard of people who either had fractures during their initail

surgery and heaven forbid-infections-who are now on their 2nd THR's

and pain free and doing good. Some younger people here have had 3, 4

and 5 sucessful surgeries.

Before my surgery, the head of my femour was squashed like SCFE

except that I had a dislocated hip and the head of the

femour 'died'. They removed 2 inches from my femour by breaking my

leg at the trocheanter as well as adding 2 inches of grafts to my

socket-I have a plate in the greater trocheanter and pins in the

pelvis plus the THR-but I am doing great 9 months post op! Going to

the gym, working full time etc and getting my career back on track

now that the chronic pain has gone. I think you might get back to

that with the help of a good surgeon who deals with young peoples

hips and revisions.

Your surgery may be hard but find a surgeon who takes things like

this in his stride. I think my surgery was as hard as they get but a

good surgeon likes the challenge! What I am trying to say is that

surgeons want us to accept that things can go wrong-I had/have a

high chance of infection as I had 10 years of bone infections from

childhood surgery. When my surgeon added up the risks of nerve

damage 4%(I had the leg lengthened 2 inches), infection-at 4 % as I

had numerous post op bone infections prior to the THR, dislocation

5%-as I had a congenitally dislocated hip and previous surgeries the

muscles weren't in great shape. I forget all the other risks but

they were approaching 25%-STILL i WAS IN PAIN AND WANTED MY LIFE


BEFORE-i ALSO KNOW A FEW OF HIS PATIENTS who did well so I went for

it-actually I had to insist on surgery-my choice..

I really feel for what you have been through and when you feel

strong enough, and in the right hands I think you can get a

sucessful surgery-your surgeon need to be THE top guy at whatever

hospital you are at and not one who does 'routine' THR's

Once the bones are in place, the muscles amazingly recover, even

ones that have been cut as much as mine! My x-rays look like I have

been hit by a truck at the same time as getting the THR but I had a

good outcome and have zero pain now. I would recomend my surgeon

except i'm in Scotland-he only does difficult cases :-)Is your

surgeon good-I hope he is not the one who did the old surgery?

It is lovelly to hear your storyy. You can teach us a thing or two

about coping with all this I think,

best wishes,



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  • 2 months later...

-Dear Nan,I love to hear the stories of folks. I am knew to the site

and have been so absorbed in reading everthing I can about all the

folks on the site..I found it so comforting to know I was not

crazy,these things were really happening to me, I was not a cry

baby...I have been in such god awful pain from flatback which I never

heard of until 8/16th after I visited my Ortho and after sveral

emergency room trips for unbelievable pain..I wanted to

die,seriously, I thought please just take me, I could not walk,stilll

can't without server pain..I now go to the Mall with my 14 year old

daughter who wants to shop til you drop and she must push me in a

wheelchiar!!!!!This all just started happening over the last few

months,yeah, I always had those achy knees,lower back pain but not

this....It is freigtening....Please share anything you feel

comfortable with, I feel so much better to know I am not alone in

this...-- In , " dams4all "

<dams4all@y...> wrote:

> I have been reading all your posts for awhile & I thought maybe

> you'd like to hear my story, so here goes.


> I was diagnosed at age 14 with ideopathic scoliosis. At the time


> my diagnosis, my curve, was not bad enough to consider surgery. We

> decided to wait it out and I began physical therapy and wore the

> lovely brace. By the time I was 16, the curve had progressed to

> 90/56. Surgery was performed at Hospital for Special Surgery in

> 1967 by Dr. Doherty. We lived in Ct. at the time. I was told

> that I would require one, maybe two surgeries, however it turned

> into four & I was in the hospital for three months. After the

> second surgery, I developed a staph infection from the rods. I was

> then put on massive doses of antibiotics, which did not clear up


> infection, and so the decision was made to remove the rods. Before

> they could remove them, the fusion had to take. I laid there for

> weeks with a drainage tube in me, removing the infection, all the

> while being a teenager & stuck in an isolation unit because of the

> staph. Weeks later, the rods eventually came out. As everyone


> can remember, there were months of bedrest in a body cast and

> learning how to walk all over again. However when it was all said


> done my curve was corrected as well as it could be and I was on my

> way. Done forever with back surgeryy, or so I thought. (I was

> initially fused from T-3 to L-4.)


> I went on to college, married, had two kids,(minus the epidurals),

> and stayed fairly active. There really wasn't anything that I

> could'nt do, except bend from the waist. About 1982, I began to

> experience a lot of lower back pain. I have a pretty high tolerance

> for pain, and tried to ignore it, but soon became so bad that I


> to see an ortho in Knoxville, Tn, where I was living then. His

> theory was that I was putting too much pressure on my remaining

> unfused discs, so he suggested fusing those lower discs.L-5 thru S-

> 2. He fused them both anterior & posterior, two weeks in between.


> was then back in a brace again,for a few months.


> All was well again, until at the grand old age of 38, I became

> pregnant again. ( Can you say OOPS!) I'm kidding, she keeps me


> When she was about 10 months old, I started to notice that when I

> would walk or stand for long periods at a time, my legs and hips

> would hurt so badly. I went from doc to doc in search of an answer.

> My husband was transferred about every two years, so I sought help

> in Tampa,Orlando and Gainesville, Fl. and Atlanta Ga. I was

> beginning to think I was crazy! Everyon said they couldn't explain

> it. As the years progressed, the amount of time that I could stand

> or walk decreased rapidly.


> In 1999, I was in a severe car accident, and had two additional

> cervical fusions on top of everything else. Finally in 2004, we

> moved back to Knoxville, where I am now, and I have found a

> wonderful ortho who has diagnosed flatback. It was such a welcome

> relief. I came home & couldn't get enough of reading & absorbing

> every thing I found online. It was so inspirational! Then I found

> you all, and I now look forward to a well prepared journey with new

> found acquaintances who can so appreciate what we all are going

> thru.


> I am just in the beginning of my journey, & I am prepared to get


> revision surgery done. I have 3 grandkids and I want to be able to

> walk with them when they are able & I am too!


> Bless you all!

> Nan

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-Dear Nan,I love to hear the stories of folks. I am knew to the site

and have been so absorbed in reading everthing I can about all the

folks on the site..I found it so comforting to know I was not

crazy,these things were really happening to me, I was not a cry

baby...I have been in such god awful pain from flatback which I never

heard of until 8/16th after I visited my Ortho and after sveral

emergency room trips for unbelievable pain..I wanted to

die,seriously, I thought please just take me, I could not walk,stilll

can't without server pain..I now go to the Mall with my 14 year old

daughter who wants to shop til you drop and she must push me in a

wheelchiar!!!!!This all just started happening over the last few

months,yeah, I always had those achy knees,lower back pain but not

this....It is freigtening....Please share anything you feel

comfortable with, I feel so much better to know I am not alone in

this...-- In , " dams4all "

<dams4all@y...> wrote:

> I have been reading all your posts for awhile & I thought maybe

> you'd like to hear my story, so here goes.


> I was diagnosed at age 14 with ideopathic scoliosis. At the time


> my diagnosis, my curve, was not bad enough to consider surgery. We

> decided to wait it out and I began physical therapy and wore the

> lovely brace. By the time I was 16, the curve had progressed to

> 90/56. Surgery was performed at Hospital for Special Surgery in

> 1967 by Dr. Doherty. We lived in Ct. at the time. I was told

> that I would require one, maybe two surgeries, however it turned

> into four & I was in the hospital for three months. After the

> second surgery, I developed a staph infection from the rods. I was

> then put on massive doses of antibiotics, which did not clear up


> infection, and so the decision was made to remove the rods. Before

> they could remove them, the fusion had to take. I laid there for

> weeks with a drainage tube in me, removing the infection, all the

> while being a teenager & stuck in an isolation unit because of the

> staph. Weeks later, the rods eventually came out. As everyone


> can remember, there were months of bedrest in a body cast and

> learning how to walk all over again. However when it was all said


> done my curve was corrected as well as it could be and I was on my

> way. Done forever with back surgeryy, or so I thought. (I was

> initially fused from T-3 to L-4.)


> I went on to college, married, had two kids,(minus the epidurals),

> and stayed fairly active. There really wasn't anything that I

> could'nt do, except bend from the waist. About 1982, I began to

> experience a lot of lower back pain. I have a pretty high tolerance

> for pain, and tried to ignore it, but soon became so bad that I


> to see an ortho in Knoxville, Tn, where I was living then. His

> theory was that I was putting too much pressure on my remaining

> unfused discs, so he suggested fusing those lower discs.L-5 thru S-

> 2. He fused them both anterior & posterior, two weeks in between.


> was then back in a brace again,for a few months.


> All was well again, until at the grand old age of 38, I became

> pregnant again. ( Can you say OOPS!) I'm kidding, she keeps me


> When she was about 10 months old, I started to notice that when I

> would walk or stand for long periods at a time, my legs and hips

> would hurt so badly. I went from doc to doc in search of an answer.

> My husband was transferred about every two years, so I sought help

> in Tampa,Orlando and Gainesville, Fl. and Atlanta Ga. I was

> beginning to think I was crazy! Everyon said they couldn't explain

> it. As the years progressed, the amount of time that I could stand

> or walk decreased rapidly.


> In 1999, I was in a severe car accident, and had two additional

> cervical fusions on top of everything else. Finally in 2004, we

> moved back to Knoxville, where I am now, and I have found a

> wonderful ortho who has diagnosed flatback. It was such a welcome

> relief. I came home & couldn't get enough of reading & absorbing

> every thing I found online. It was so inspirational! Then I found

> you all, and I now look forward to a well prepared journey with new

> found acquaintances who can so appreciate what we all are going

> thru.


> I am just in the beginning of my journey, & I am prepared to get


> revision surgery done. I have 3 grandkids and I want to be able to

> walk with them when they are able & I am too!


> Bless you all!

> Nan

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-Dear Nan,I love to hear the stories of folks. I am knew to the site

and have been so absorbed in reading everthing I can about all the

folks on the site..I found it so comforting to know I was not

crazy,these things were really happening to me, I was not a cry

baby...I have been in such god awful pain from flatback which I never

heard of until 8/16th after I visited my Ortho and after sveral

emergency room trips for unbelievable pain..I wanted to

die,seriously, I thought please just take me, I could not walk,stilll

can't without server pain..I now go to the Mall with my 14 year old

daughter who wants to shop til you drop and she must push me in a

wheelchiar!!!!!This all just started happening over the last few

months,yeah, I always had those achy knees,lower back pain but not

this....It is freigtening....Please share anything you feel

comfortable with, I feel so much better to know I am not alone in

this...-- In , " dams4all "

<dams4all@y...> wrote:

> I have been reading all your posts for awhile & I thought maybe

> you'd like to hear my story, so here goes.


> I was diagnosed at age 14 with ideopathic scoliosis. At the time


> my diagnosis, my curve, was not bad enough to consider surgery. We

> decided to wait it out and I began physical therapy and wore the

> lovely brace. By the time I was 16, the curve had progressed to

> 90/56. Surgery was performed at Hospital for Special Surgery in

> 1967 by Dr. Doherty. We lived in Ct. at the time. I was told

> that I would require one, maybe two surgeries, however it turned

> into four & I was in the hospital for three months. After the

> second surgery, I developed a staph infection from the rods. I was

> then put on massive doses of antibiotics, which did not clear up


> infection, and so the decision was made to remove the rods. Before

> they could remove them, the fusion had to take. I laid there for

> weeks with a drainage tube in me, removing the infection, all the

> while being a teenager & stuck in an isolation unit because of the

> staph. Weeks later, the rods eventually came out. As everyone


> can remember, there were months of bedrest in a body cast and

> learning how to walk all over again. However when it was all said


> done my curve was corrected as well as it could be and I was on my

> way. Done forever with back surgeryy, or so I thought. (I was

> initially fused from T-3 to L-4.)


> I went on to college, married, had two kids,(minus the epidurals),

> and stayed fairly active. There really wasn't anything that I

> could'nt do, except bend from the waist. About 1982, I began to

> experience a lot of lower back pain. I have a pretty high tolerance

> for pain, and tried to ignore it, but soon became so bad that I


> to see an ortho in Knoxville, Tn, where I was living then. His

> theory was that I was putting too much pressure on my remaining

> unfused discs, so he suggested fusing those lower discs.L-5 thru S-

> 2. He fused them both anterior & posterior, two weeks in between.


> was then back in a brace again,for a few months.


> All was well again, until at the grand old age of 38, I became

> pregnant again. ( Can you say OOPS!) I'm kidding, she keeps me


> When she was about 10 months old, I started to notice that when I

> would walk or stand for long periods at a time, my legs and hips

> would hurt so badly. I went from doc to doc in search of an answer.

> My husband was transferred about every two years, so I sought help

> in Tampa,Orlando and Gainesville, Fl. and Atlanta Ga. I was

> beginning to think I was crazy! Everyon said they couldn't explain

> it. As the years progressed, the amount of time that I could stand

> or walk decreased rapidly.


> In 1999, I was in a severe car accident, and had two additional

> cervical fusions on top of everything else. Finally in 2004, we

> moved back to Knoxville, where I am now, and I have found a

> wonderful ortho who has diagnosed flatback. It was such a welcome

> relief. I came home & couldn't get enough of reading & absorbing

> every thing I found online. It was so inspirational! Then I found

> you all, and I now look forward to a well prepared journey with new

> found acquaintances who can so appreciate what we all are going

> thru.


> I am just in the beginning of my journey, & I am prepared to get


> revision surgery done. I have 3 grandkids and I want to be able to

> walk with them when they are able & I am too!


> Bless you all!

> Nan

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Dear Nan,

That is quite a story. Many of us had to deal with that rotten cast

but suffering in ICU with a staph infection for all that time must

have been terrible. I am sorry.

It sounds like you took the long route around to get where most of us

are...and have already the better part of the fusion done...do I

understand correctly that only L4-L5 is unfused? Is is possible that

you will have the lordosis re-established there and have a smaller

surgery that some of us? Who will do you surgery...are you already


I look forward to helping any way I can. Thanks for sharing your

story. Cam

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> Dear Nan,


> That is quite a story. Many of us had to deal with that rotten cast

> but suffering in ICU with a staph infection for all that time must

> have been terrible. I am sorry.


> It sounds like you took the long route around to get where most of


> are...and have already the better part of the fusion done...do I

> understand correctly that only L4-L5 is unfused? Is is possible that

> you will have the lordosis re-established there and have a smaller

> surgery that some of us? Who will do you surgery...are you already

> scheduled?


> I look forward to helping any way I can. Thanks for sharing your

> story. Cam


Thanks for the kind words. No, I have not had my revision surgery

yet. I was just diagnosed last week. My doctor here recommended Dr.

Boachie and I have certainly heard good things about him, but I just

started looking. I have United Health Care insurance, so that will

play a major part in it. In a perfect world, I would choose to go to

Boston or New York as I have family there & would make it easier. But

we shall see. Will keep you posted.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

This is my first post. I will try to give you the short version of my

history as its a long story. I am 38 years old. I've spent the better

part of the last 18 years suffering from depression, axiety, extreme

fatigue, lethargy, mentle fog. This was extremely different from my

normal state of being as I was a sucessful athlete, had a lot of

friends and an optomistic outlook on life. After years of sufferning,

which included multiple voluntary hospitilizations for " treatment-

resistant depression " and every medication and therapy under the sun

(including ECT) I was left unchanged, with very little if any hope

for improvement.

During my 30s, all the while attempting to stay involved socially

through club sports and having a very supportive girlfriend, I

experienced gradual loss of libido and erectile function issues. And

finally last September, I started to feel physically weak and

experience fatigue unlike any I had felt before. It was this that

finally brought me to my family practictioner who caught the low

testosterone during standard blood work. My testosterone at the time

was 298 (Free 15.5). My Estradiol was 38.

I was referred to an endocrinologist who at the time was

hesistant to prescribe TRT because technically I fell within the

normal range of 241-827. After a pituitary MRI which was negative she

hesitantly agreed to prescribe TRT in the form of Androderm 5mgs/day.

Upon starting therapy I felt slight improvement during the first

month or so and then gradually diminishing results.

Last week, six months into therapy I started to feel the same

extreme weakness and fatigue again and had blood drawn as a followup

for me next meeting with the Endocrinologist. My testosterone had

gone from 298 to 236. My Estradiol did drop from 38 to 21. I have

since upped the Androderm to 7.5 and feel substantially better

mentally and physically. At times, better than I have for 20 years.

My Endo, while not of much help, mentioned that it can take up

to a year for my levels to normalize. My question is...is this

accurate? I haven't really heard this mentioned in the posts I've

read. Also, is there some reason why my T level would DROP after 6

months of therapy instead of rise?

I have considered switching to a new delivery system (i.e.

Testim or Androgel) but am hesitant to make the change since I seem

to be stabilizing to some degree. Any feedback you might have would

be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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Thanks for your response Bill. I live outside NYC so finding a good

doctor should not be a problem. I tried not to rush to judgement w/ my

current endo, but unfortunately seem to have had the same experience

many others have reported in this group. Thanks again.

> >

> > This is my first post. I will try to give you the short version of my

> > history as its a long story. I am 38 years old. I've spent the better

> > part of the last 18 years suffering from depression, axiety, extreme

> > fatigue, lethargy, mentle fog. This was extremely different from my

> > normal state of being as I was a sucessful athlete, had a lot of

> > friends and an optomistic outlook on life. After years of sufferning,

> > which included multiple voluntary hospitilizations for " treatment-

> > resistant depression " and every medication and therapy under the sun

> > (including ECT) I was left unchanged, with very little if any hope

> > for improvement.

> > During my 30s, all the while attempting to stay involved socially

> > through club sports and having a very supportive girlfriend, I

> > experienced gradual loss of libido and erectile function issues. And

> > finally last September, I started to feel physically weak and

> > experience fatigue unlike any I had felt before. It was this that

> > finally brought me to my family practictioner who caught the low

> > testosterone during standard blood work. My testosterone at the time

> > was 298 (Free 15.5). My Estradiol was 38.

> > I was referred to an endocrinologist who at the time was

> > hesistant to prescribe TRT because technically I fell within the

> > normal range of 241-827. After a pituitary MRI which was negative she

> > hesitantly agreed to prescribe TRT in the form of Androderm 5mgs/day.

> > Upon starting therapy I felt slight improvement during the first

> > month or so and then gradually diminishing results.

> > Last week, six months into therapy I started to feel the same

> > extreme weakness and fatigue again and had blood drawn as a followup

> > for me next meeting with the Endocrinologist. My testosterone had

> > gone from 298 to 236. My Estradiol did drop from 38 to 21. I have

> > since upped the Androderm to 7.5 and feel substantially better

> > mentally and physically. At times, better than I have for 20 years.

> > My Endo, while not of much help, mentioned that it can take up

> > to a year for my levels to normalize. My question is...is this

> > accurate? I haven't really heard this mentioned in the posts I've

> > read. Also, is there some reason why my T level would DROP after 6

> > months of therapy instead of rise?

> > I have considered switching to a new delivery system (i.e.

> > Testim or Androgel) but am hesitant to make the change since I seem

> > to be stabilizing to some degree. Any feedback you might have would

> > be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

> >


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Hi finnsmith36 and welcome,

Androderm at 5mgs is a low dose and old treatment when I was on this I did

10mgs and was still to low. And everytime I checked the patch it was off or

when I took it off it left a bad red make that hurt. I need a script for some

HC cream to help this heal. When the Gels come out I was dam happy but even

they caused me problems. My joints and muscles started to hurt very back so

much so I could hardy walk when I got up to walk.

About 3 yrs ago I stopped the gels my levels were going down. I believe your

skin gets thicher and it does not get through your skin and your levels start

falling off.

Today I do shots if you switch from the patch go to shots you can learn to do

them your self. Start at 100mgs a week. Then test in 6 to 8 weeks if your

still not feel your best and your levels are not up into the upper 1/3 of your

labs range go up on the dose say 125mgs a week. Later when your leveled off add

in HCG on the 5th and 6th days each this will keep your testis working so they

don't get real small and keep your levels up until your next shot.

You can read about doing this at Dr. 's site he puts this info out on his

site free for you and your Dr. he is one of the best Dr.'s for low testosterone

and men come to MI. to see him from all over the world. www.allthingsmale.com

And keep your Estradiol down near 20 you should feel get and get your sex life


finnsmith36 <finnsmith36@...> wrote: This is my first post. I

will try to give you the short version of my

history as its a long story. I am 38 years old. I've spent the better

part of the last 18 years suffering from depression, axiety, extreme

fatigue, lethargy, mentle fog. This was extremely different from my

normal state of being as I was a sucessful athlete, had a lot of

friends and an optomistic outlook on life. After years of sufferning,

which included multiple voluntary hospitilizations for " treatment-

resistant depression " and every medication and therapy under the sun

(including ECT) I was left unchanged, with very little if any hope

for improvement.

During my 30s, all the while attempting to stay involved socially

through club sports and having a very supportive girlfriend, I

experienced gradual loss of libido and erectile function issues. And

finally last September, I started to feel physically weak and

experience fatigue unlike any I had felt before. It was this that

finally brought me to my family practictioner who caught the low

testosterone during standard blood work. My testosterone at the time

was 298 (Free 15.5). My Estradiol was 38.

I was referred to an endocrinologist who at the time was

hesistant to prescribe TRT because technically I fell within the

normal range of 241-827. After a pituitary MRI which was negative she

hesitantly agreed to prescribe TRT in the form of Androderm 5mgs/day.

Upon starting therapy I felt slight improvement during the first

month or so and then gradually diminishing results.

Last week, six months into therapy I started to feel the same

extreme weakness and fatigue again and had blood drawn as a followup

for me next meeting with the Endocrinologist. My testosterone had

gone from 298 to 236. My Estradiol did drop from 38 to 21. I have

since upped the Androderm to 7.5 and feel substantially better

mentally and physically. At times, better than I have for 20 years.

My Endo, while not of much help, mentioned that it can take up

to a year for my levels to normalize. My question is...is this

accurate? I haven't really heard this mentioned in the posts I've

read. Also, is there some reason why my T level would DROP after 6

months of therapy instead of rise?

I have considered switching to a new delivery system (i.e.

Testim or Androgel) but am hesitant to make the change since I seem

to be stabilizing to some degree. Any feedback you might have would

be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. "



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  • 1 year later...

Your local doctor probably and most likely will not know the true story about Lymes disease or appropriate testing. I tested negative at Kaiser for Lymes and the doctors would not and could not help me. I tested positive for LD as did my husband with IGenex. We did have to get a special Lyme literate doctor to treat us and it has cost us a huge amount of money. My husband has finished treatment (a year), but mine is ongoing. I had co-infections as well as Lymes and the Lymes is in the stage now where I've developed biofilm so will need to change course on the internal treatment to get past the biofilm which protects the spirochete from death. Like I said before I had babesia and bartonella too, so those are treated with different drugs/herbs. Bartonella treated with Samento and Babesia treated with Artemisinin. Don't confuse Artemesia with Artemesinin--they both come from worm wood, but Artemesia is not a fraction of the strength of Artemesinin. That is why good Artemesinin is so expensive--don't buy the cheap stuff--get one of the good brands made by Nutricology from Allergy Research Group or someplace like that. We do not have anything in the outer environment any longer after two years. But because I have major immune system problems I attract organisms to me, so I don't garden any more, or go on nature walks or anything of that sort and I love nature. When I'm completely well I can do it again I suppose.This (or these) organisms have to be treated at the same time (outer and inner). Re: My history

,Are you free of iting and crawling internal infestation now? Are you free of Lymes Disease?We will both go get tested ASAP now that we know that whatever has been bitng us may have caused Lymes Disease or that Lyme Disease may be cause=ing us to get these bites and crawling (or perhaps both. Is it a good idea to see our local physician for the Lymes test or would it be better to use a 'special' lab?> > > >> > > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible "bugs".> > > > > > > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms. After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing my sheets and clothes every day. > > > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I felt worse! but later things got better. > > > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that brings the insurance cost up > > > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can help me with. I contacted the "San Center for Medical Micology" and nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What else can I do?> > > > > > > > amycuriosagirl> > > >>

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Thanks for the clarification. Did you use Ammonia/H20 to spray in the house to

spray the ceiling and walls mainly or did you use windex ocassionally for the

walls and ceiling too? I assume you only used windex in the car and at work so

one breathed in the ammonia/H20 while not wearing a face mask.



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a

good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible " bugs " .



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy

sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am

and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the

sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting

doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it

was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is

when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing

my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital

camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms.

After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I

tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By

that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing

my sheets and clothes every day.



> >



> >



> > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I

was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus

headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails

braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar

cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving

things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I

felt worse! but later things got better.



> >



> >



> > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control

medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that

brings the insurance cost up



> >



> >



> > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that

people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in

the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but

I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so

what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an

expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can

help me with. I contacted the " San Center for Medical Micology " and

nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr

from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My

husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not

believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What

else can I do?



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > amycuriosagirl



> >



> >



> > >



> >


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I have found using anything inside chemically is not a good thing for me.

Formula 409:Butyl Cellosolve: Neurotoxic. Eye and skin irritant. Damages central

nervous system, kidney, and liver. Readily absorbed through the skin. Damages

blood and body's ability to make blood. Windex Aerosol Glass Cleaner: Butyl

Cellosolve (see above)




http://www.pink-link.org/article.php?from=/announcements.php & source=all & type=A & i\

nfo_category_id= & article_id=89



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a

good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible " bugs " .



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy

sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am

and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the

sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting

doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it

was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is

when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing

my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital

camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms.

After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I

tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By

that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing

my sheets and clothes every day.



> >



> >



> > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I

was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus

headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails

braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar

cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving

things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I

felt worse! but later things got better.



> >



> >



> > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control

medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that

brings the insurance cost up



> >



> >



> > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that

people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in

the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but

I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so

what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an

expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can

help me with. I contacted the " San Center for Medical Micology " and

nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr

from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My

husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not

believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What

else can I do?



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > amycuriosagirl



> >



> >



> > >



> >


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http://www.greenhealthlive.com/index.php?main_page=document_general_info & cPath=8\

5 & products_id=196 & zenid=99aa0f33ebcef4e743a28f28811521ef



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a

good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible " bugs " .



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy

sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am

and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the

sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting

doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it

was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is

when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing

my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital

camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms.

After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I

tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By

that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing

my sheets and clothes every day.



> >



> >



> > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I

was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus

headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails

braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar

cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving

things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I

felt worse! but later things got better.



> >



> >



> > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control

medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that

brings the insurance cost up



> >



> >



> > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that

people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in

the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but

I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so

what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an

expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can

help me with. I contacted the " San Center for Medical Micology " and

nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr

from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My

husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not

believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What

else can I do?



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > amycuriosagirl



> >



> >



> > >



> >


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When we did spray we used Windex on several occasions by itself and then discovered ammonia does as well (with water) on other separate occasions, but it has to be the strong ammonia. Everything was sprayed in the house except wiring. All carpets were thrown away or torn up and disposed of. Re: My history

Thanks for the clarification. Did you use Ammonia/H20 to spray in the house to spray the ceiling and walls mainly or did you use windex ocassionally for the walls and ceiling too? I assume you only used windex in the car and at work so one breathed in the ammonia/H20 while not wearing a face mask.> > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible "bugs".> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms. After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing my sheets and clothes every day. > > > > > > > > > > > > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I felt worse! but later things got better. > > > > > > > > > > > > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that brings the insurance cost up > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can help me with. I contacted the "San Center for Medical Micology" and nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What else can I do?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > amycuriosagirl> > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > >>

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Hi, please don't take it the wrong way as this is in no way a personal attack.

I've been down this road. Applying the strongest thing I can find to the house,

the car, my own body... you name it, I've done it. I did beta-cyflutherin all

around the house, bifen, RP, cedarcide, windex, menthol, literally everything. I

took baths in RP, I would rub anti-bacterial gels on my skin, you know, all the

crazy stuff. But I did not care; I had to get rid of this " thing " .

Then I came to a point where my health was suffering so bad, I quit all the

poison and focused more on things that aren't so harsh on the body. No more RP,

no more windex, no more pesticides. More supplements, more vacuuming, air

filters, etc. My body is still afflicted but it's " under control " if that makes

any sense.

The point I'm trying to make is that everyone is convinced in the beginning that

they have bugs. Mites or whatever. So if they hit the environment hard enough,

the buggers will die and all will go back to normal, right? But for so many of

us here, we know this not to be the case. Even after repeated hits with the

strongest stuff, we still have this whatever... by this time, our bodies are

infested, not just the environment and probably infested with something that's

not what originally started it all to begin with. A very bad fungal infection or

infection by some new breed of genetically modified organisms are popular

theories. Regardless what the true cause is, what's important to realize is,

once your body is afflicted, continuing to use chemicals (re: windex,

pesticides) isn't really going to do much good. You can kill off everything in

the house but your body will still be manufacturing these pests... whatever

these are. What you will end up doing in the process is a continued compromise

of your health. And things keep spiraling downward more and more and you keep

wondering why you still have it despite the fact you're hitting it with the

strongest stuff out there. Trust me, I've been down this path... so have many

others. Talk to the old timers out there... we've all done this. And at some

point, we stop everything and then seriously re-examine what we're doing and end

up changing our protocols.

So Amy, hang around, but what I can say is, try not to go down the chemical

path. I know in times of desperation, we could care less but it really does

come back and bite us harder.



> >



> >



> > >



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> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a

good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible " bugs " .



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy

sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am

and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the

sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting

doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it

was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is

when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing

my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital

camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms.

After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I

tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By

that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing

my sheets and clothes every day.



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I

was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus

headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails

braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar

cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving

things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I

felt worse! but later things got better.



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control

medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that

brings the insurance cost up



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that

people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in

the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but

I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so

what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an

expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can

help me with. I contacted the " San Center for Medical Micology " and

nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr

from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My

husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not

believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What

else can I do?



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > > amycuriosagirl



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >



> >



> > > >



> >



> >



> > >



> >


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Hi KixxI think you are basically correct in most all you stated and I do agree. I just never did find anything that would give us safe surfaces without going the chemical route. I tried other things that did nothing. I didn't want to make it sound like that was all we did as it was a complex road trying so so many things; the inner environment is very important and getting the immune system up and running as it should is so important, so I agree with you on that. We did go down the chemical route and have to live with the damage that was done but there is something to be said for nothing biting or stinging anymore and so an aggressive chemical route may have been worth it for us, that is for sure. But just like being tested for Lyme disease and co-infections, one has to make a decision as to whether or not to go the herbal route or a combination of western medicines or just western medicines to combat the Lyme. It is a choice we have to live with and try to overcome the damage that is done - hopefully the positive outweighs the negative with medications. Some people have done really well with medications. Re: My history

Hi, please don't take it the wrong way as this is in no way a personal attack. I've been down this road. Applying the strongest thing I can find to the house, the car, my own body... you name it, I've done it. I did beta-cyflutherin all around the house, bifen, RP, cedarcide, windex, menthol, literally everything. I took baths in RP, I would rub anti-bacterial gels on my skin, you know, all the crazy stuff. But I did not care; I had to get rid of this "thing".Then I came to a point where my health was suffering so bad, I quit all the poison and focused more on things that aren't so harsh on the body. No more RP, no more windex, no more pesticides. More supplements, more vacuuming, air filters, etc. My body is still afflicted but it's "under control" if that makes any sense.The point I'm trying to make is that everyone is convinced in the beginning that they have bugs. Mites or whatever. So if they hit the environment hard enough, the buggers will die and all will go back to normal, right? But for so many of us here, we know this not to be the case. Even after repeated hits with the strongest stuff, we still have this whatever... by this time, our bodies are infested, not just the environment and probably infested with something that's not what originally started it all to begin with. A very bad fungal infection or infection by some new breed of genetically modified organisms are popular theories. Regardless what the true cause is, what's important to realize is, once your body is afflicted, continuing to use chemicals (re: windex, pesticides) isn't really going to do much good. You can kill off everything in the house but your body will still be manufacturing these pests... whatever these are. What you will end up doing in the process is a continued compromise of your health. And things keep spiraling downward more and more and you keep wondering why you still have it despite the fact you're hitting it with the strongest stuff out there. Trust me, I've been down this path... so have many others. Talk to the old timers out there... we've all done this. And at some point, we stop everything and then seriously re-examine what we're doing and end up changing our protocols.So Amy, hang around, but what I can say is, try not to go down the chemical path. I know in times of desperation, we could care less but it really does come back and bite us harder.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in a good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible "bugs".> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms. After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing my sheets and clothes every day. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and I was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I felt worse! but later things got better. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that brings the insurance cost up > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can help me with. I contacted the "San Center for Medical Micology" and nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What else can I do?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > amycuriosagirl> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > >>

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Hi Kixx and Everyone,

I agree that this problem might really be Morg. I tried the standard

insecticides so many times and NOTHING worked so now I want to try the cedarcide

poor guy idea. Also my new scope finally came in. It's still a cheap one but at

least it works. Oh man what I saw under that scope did not look like an insect

or mite whatsoever. A black specs I took off my hand looked like a brown glob

under the scope. It had lighter colored yellowish spots in it. What the hell?

The other specs I took off my hand looked like the purple fiber crap i've seen

on Morg sites. Also when I sit at my computer they magically appear as if out of

nowhere. I would like to know what it is about the computer that drives them

crazy. I took a wet wipe and wiped around and on my computer and thats where I

find the black specs. Also on my bed sheets. Anyway I don't care if it's not a

real bug I still want to kill this bastard and make it suffer terribly. The

problem is I read they survive even after being blasted with 1000 degree temps.


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> > > > > Hello group, thanks for let me be part of this place. Although I am in

a good place at the time, I am suffering like you with invisible " bugs " .

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> > > > > In the fall of '07 I started having trouble sleep(I am a very heavy

sleeper) for first time in my life I was waking up for no reason at 3 or 4 am

and unable to fall sleep again. A few weeks later I started to feel the

sensation that there was something on my bed. I started my jorney visiting

doctor after doctor. Some just gave a pat on the shoulder and told me that it

was in my head. Finally one of them flat ask me if I have seen one and then is

when I bought me a microscope. I spent hours looking at my clothes (and washing

my hair with all kind of medicated shampoos for bugs). I even bough me a digital

camara for the microscope and I never was able to find bugs with legs and arms.

After a process of elimination I have concluded that was possible a fungus. I

tried antifungal shampoos and really calmed the moving things on my head. By

that time, I was already living on my living room on an air mattress and washing

my sheets and clothes every day.

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> > > > > I have eye irrations, at one point my legs hurt so much that I cry and

I was not able to sleep. The pain was unbearable. I suffered of headaches, sinus

headaches, skin irritations, arthritis, uncontrolable cough, my fingernails

braking constanly, flaking, my toenails thickening, I am lossing my hair, sugar

cravings, a lot of stomach disorders, things inside my nose like little moving

things. Recurrent yeast infections and when my obgyn prescribe me antifungal I

felt worse! but later things got better.

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> > > > > I have spend so much on doctors that one company that helps control

medical expenses for companies contacted me. I guess I am part of that 5% that

brings the insurance cost up

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> > > > > All the pain and suffering was not the only bad thing. I believe that

people around me are getting whatever I have, but I can not spray anything in

the office because the strict rules. I talked with about 10 people at my job but

I was told that I need a note from my doctor. None of the doctors believe me, so

what can I do? I started contacting people like a Dr Casavell from NY, he is an

expert on fungi(I hear him on NPR) and he told me that there is nothing he can

help me with. I contacted the " San Center for Medical Micology " and

nobody answered my emails. I tryied to make an appointment with doctor Dr

from there, but no luck. So, here I am: fighing this battle alone. My

husband starting to suffering many of the problems I have, but he does not

believe me so he might die but he do not want to try the stuff I am using. What

else can I do?

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

{Moderator: Please trim posts. Those who receive email notifications have

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I believe I have had problems all my life, but especially since 1970

when I contracted a bad flu which I later believe was undiagnosed mono

(EBV). I was sick for months while trying to attend college, and had

worse issues after that. I have always had high spurts of high energy

followed by the need to sleep (always napping since childhood, probably

food allergies as they cause the need to sleep for me). I was diagnosed

with food allergies in 1975 (had them all my life but not diagnosed),

had serious Chronic Fatigue issues in 1991 (I found a printout I wrote

back then of problems), remember crashing and burning in June 2001 after

a grueling school year, was officially diagnosed in 2003 with CFS/FMS,

found Dr. Dantini in 2005 and after positive blood tests went on

Valtrex 1 gm 3 x daily for a year for four viral issues. I was fortunate

it helped me. I can't afford higher doses of the generic version but

take it when I feel my glands swelling and feel tired. I take l-lysine

1500 mg daily and that helps a lot. When I forget, I regress and have

sore throat and gland issues. I also add grapefruit (not grape) see

extract to my daily Emergen-C in orange juice that helps for energy.

I sleep 10-12 hours a day; am up for about two hours in the morning then

feel the need to eat and nap most days. My naps (2-3 per day) can be as

short as 15 minutes if I am doing well, or 2-1/2 hours if I am overdoing

it and eating incorrectly. I used to have extreme post-exertional

malaise but have learned to pace myself and say NO to extra stuff that I

know would put me over the top. When we travel, I do NOT get up before

7:00 AM as my body will rebell, and we usually don't leave until just

before or after noontime. I travel with tempur-pedic pillows for my back

and neck, a sleep pillow and mattress pad. I plan trips for one day to

travel, one day to rest, then I can do things, then one day to travel

home, one day to rest after. I cannot jump right into work or activities

after traveling. It's all about pacing yourself. If someone asks me to

do something extra and I can't make up my mind, I've learned the answer

is NO!!! My husband is very patient with me (a blessing) and my bosses

are understanding that I am limited).

I used to be superwoman, in control of so many things, helping

everywhere, helping everyone, doing 2+ part-time jobs plus church stuff

and family stuff, and it almost killed me. I am active, work at a school

kitchen 4-7 hours a day but only five days in a row max with 2-4 days

off per week. I was working 6 days in a row and it overdid my energy

levels. I can garden for 1/2 hour, no more or I pay for it. I do miss

being able to chop wood, garden more, mow the lawns, etc. I get weekly

chiropractic treatment, massages once a month. I take Advair for asthma,

Nasonex and allegra for year-round allergies, estrodial and progesterone

for HRT (my cost for generic progesterone is only $15 difference,

bummer), voltaren or diclofenac for anti-inflammatory (I was fine on

Vioxx), 3 mg melatonin to sleep (wonder drug for me), plus a slew of

vitamins and minerals I've found works for me (D, C, beta carotene,

calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, Quercetin, malic acid, etc.).

I've found a lot that didn't work (can't tolerate coQ10, sam-e, other

oils) and have spent lots like everyone else experimenting. Learned

about Recuperation from this website (thank you everyone) and still use

it for the calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium it provides. It made me

weird for a couple of weeks then I got the health benefits of more

energy, stronger nails and hair, less leg cramps.

I am allergic to wheat (not celiac), corn, rice (who is allergic to

rice?), soy, (so that takes care of a lot of herbal menopause

supplements, none of which worked for me anyway), bananas, grapes &

strawberries give me laryngitis, chicken (and chicken eggs), tomato

sauces, garlic, onion (combined onion & garlic ensures a bloated

stomach), etc. I know I need to keep my diet simple as if we go out to

eat and I get too many things or sauces too rich, I will throw it up

later (not worth it). Eating out is usually beef, turkey or salmon

grilled with NO seasonings or sauces, salad with dressing on the side so

I can decide if my body wants it or not. I can do olive oil and butter,

but not the rich sauces that comes with most dishes. Tomato sauce on

things will make me throw up later also. I spent 15 years being a

vegetarian and then learned everything I was eating I was allergic to.

My body does crave higher protein, don't eat it every day, but really

crave beef for some reason. I get bad brain fog from certain foods or

combination of foods (I know I am a highly intelligent articulate woman

but the words get stuck and won't come out) and viral overload. I've

been bad with foods this school year and am paying for it with more leg

and muscle issues/cramping and less energy.

I have a wonderful female doctor (after years of not so wonderful MDs)

who is willing to let me try things. We work together on my hydrocodone

prescription so that I don't become addicted (I take 250 mg as needed,

some days one for several days) but to minimize pain, soma (1/4 of a 350

mg tab) is the only muscle relaxant that seems to work and only if I use

it with the hydrocodone. I was seeing Dr. Dantini for a couple of years

but no longer can afford his care. We have no health insurance other

than dental now. I do have a fabulous chiropractor who sees me for only

$35 per visit and does a whole-body adjustment. I get a massage once

monthly but have to be careful as I hurt for three days after. I've

probably had 12-15 different doctors, tried 100+ drugs and supplements

to figure out what works for me. If the doc or meds don't work, I am

comfortable with saying, NEXT?!?!

Praying and working for health for all of us.

in La Selva Beach CA

On 5/1/2012 3:26 PM, certainlights wrote:



> " was going on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) as I was also

> awakening every hour with hot flashes (now only once about 4 AM). It

> took six months on a food allergy rotation diet, antiviral meds,

> melatonin, HRT to get enough rest to where I feel like I kind of " woke

> up " and was more me again. I got more done in the seventh month than I

> had two years prior. "


> Hi ,


> It sounds like you're in a much better place now than when this all

> began.... do you have time to say any particulars, as in which HRT

> you're doing, what anti-viral meds- whether pharma or herbal, etc-

> seem to help, & perhaps some you tried that bombed? Were you allergic

> to any foods?

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