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Re: Aluckower

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so do you have normal bile flow now, or do you still need to do more


i was curious, because it sounded like you would maek alot of progress after

that experience. if it happened to me i would be glad, since i'm still

passing stones.

if you have parasites in your liver i would be concerned about doing

flushes. but parasites in the colon are not as bad as people make them out

to be. i dont care what hulda clark says about it. there was a guy on

oxyplus who dumped a load of liver parasites from using a zapper, not the

hulda clark one which he said didn't work for him. he was also doing coffee

colonics which he said worked better than the flushes.

search the archives for my posts on parasites and it will make some sense of

your experiences. if you go after parasites too aggressively it will make

you feel horrible. better to do slow and steady colon cleansing through

proper diet, and the parasites will die off naturally, you won't need herbs.

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kelly, i'm glad you're feeling better so far

i don't agree with hulda clark about alot of her conclusions. i can see

radiation or metal poisoning as primary causes but not parasites and

viruses. i came to these conclusions through personal experience of ridding

myself of parasites and not experiencing any health benefit. there are two

ways to go, either with pasteur or bechampes. hulda clark is a pasteurist.

kill the bacteria and viruses and you will feel well. the bechampes

philosophy is that the health of the host is more important than any

'invading' pathogen. with pasteur, unfortunately you have to live the rest

of your life in fear and paranoia about germs. i did this for some years and

it just didn't work for me. i started eating raw a few years ago and it

changed alot of things for the better. for example i dont get flus or colds

anymore. i dont have to worry about yeast or any bacteria for that matter.

the price you pay for this peace of mind is healing crisis.

personally, i think that all these doctor terms like lupus, cfs, cancer, are

all bs. at a physical level for my own illness it has come down to chronic

mercury poisoning.

if and when you feel strong enough to do the cleanses again, i'm sure you

will make more progress with your health.

when i was in my pasteur mindset taking herbs and pills to kill off

pathogens i never felt strong enough to do any real cleansing. after a year

of eating raw meats, green juices, milk. i felt very very strong, and

decided to go into the flushes.

the allopathic model of lupus is that the body attacks itself. this is an

absurd notion. the body knows exactly what to do to heal itself. this is

evidenced in part by everyone here who does flushes and feels steadily

better. our livers are not attacking us!

it's not my place to offer advice to you, but i would encourage you to look

at things with a different perspective. you say that lupus attacks your

organs. i would offer the perspective that lupus is your body's way of

trying to detoxify itself. bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites are a

natural part of our body's ecology. when they are no longer needed they will

go away of their own accord.

i would also check into metal poisoning if i were you.

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the synchrometer is about as useful as a pendulum... the limitations are

with the mindset of the person using it.

one thing i never have to worry about for the rest of my life is parasites.

i spent a number of years clearing them from my digestive tract. they are

all gone. got it?

one of the ways i SPED up the process of parasite removal was by the

introduction of raw foods to my diet. in particular, raw dairy, green

juices, raw eggs, raw meats, etc. etc.

parasites are ever present in the food chain. as are viruses and bacteria. i

used to live my life in fear and paranoia like you and hulda clark. but

thankfully i came upon a more enlightened way to approach the subject.

bacteria found in raw foods may act as a temporary discomfort to your

health, but ultimately they serve the purpose of cleaning out waste tissue

from the body. in this way i was able to pass tremendous amounts of impacted

waste from my intestines. as you remove this waste it also removes the

environment that parasites thrive in. this is a much more elegant solution

to the problem of parasites.

it is not practical to live one's life always thinking about bugs and germs.

cooking is a relatively new invention in the history of man. the parasites

would have gobbled us up long ago if raw foods were as dangerous as hulda

clark suggests...every caveman without access to a zapper would have died.

there is also the issue of the life force contained in raw foods vs cooked

food. this is apparent to anyone who has gone down that road. i hope you can

get over your fears some time and enjoy the health benefits.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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i'm an o blood type.

the way i see it is that it is not the bacteria that is present in meat,

rather it's what not in it which is any form of carbohydrate, therefore

yeast dies faster with this than any other method. then the bacterial

content of the intestines changes radically, and allows beneficial flora to

flourish and the body's natural cleansing mechanism is maximized.

the acid theory and lectin theory may also be correct and play a role in

what goes on.

i was trying to illustrate that things don't always work so predictably. i

also do very well with meat eating during liver flushes. if i have a steak a

few hours before the flush there is almost no discomfort or weakness from

the flush. or if i eat a steak the morning after, there is no negative

reaction, and it actually seems to chill my liver out.

green juices also have a similar cleansing effect on my intestine, but not

as dramatic as meats and fat. if i leave the dirt on the veggies before i

juice them, then the cleansing is even better. poor man's sbo.

i know that gout is associated with meat eating, but i'm not sure that there

is causative proof.

i know people on the primal diet, which involves raw meats, that are of

varied blood types. there doesnt seem to be any correlation within that

context. most people have similar experiences on that diet regardless of

blood type, mainly positive experiences.

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