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Re: Please help me by providing the right information-Frying w/ Flax oil

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If you read Budwig you'll probably find that cooking and especially frying

with flax oil and almost all oils is taboo. It was a conventional doctor

that awakened me to the problem with high heat and oil and how it changes

its composition. Some claim and it is probably true that virgin coconut

oil can handle more heat but I find the taste not palatable. How about

sautéing the food in liquid and adding some oil for taste? perhaps ,

much more knowledgeable on Budwig can clear this up. Joe C.


From: " Rahul yadav " <rahulyadav4785@...>

Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 3:56 AM

< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Please help me by providing the right information

> Thanks randall,


> It seems that you do have deep knowledge not only in the Alternative

> Treatments but also How do they work too........


> Randall i would like to ask that


> Can Cellect Budwing Protocol and Wheatgrass treatment be combined

> together???


> Which protocol is best suited for my mother ??


> And as you said that cancer spreads its self in the acidic envoirnment and

> one must not have the acidic diet.


> But the ph of tea is nearly 6-6.4 means tea is acidic in nature

> But somewhere i read that Green tea helps in curing the cancer.

> So one should have the Green tea or not due to its acidic nature ????


> Can the food of a Cancer patient is cooked(means fried) in Flaxseed oil(if

> patient has extreme wish to have something cooked) ???





> On 2/19/10, Randall Crossley <randall.crossley@...> wrote:





>> Hi Rahul yadav welcom to the Group sorry to hear about your mother has

>> stage 4 breast cancer. I know this this help explain a little bit about

>> how

>> it works and cancer toutor was talking about In your post You are

>> asking that you would like to make a request that if there is any person

>> who has gone through the PROTOCOLS listed in the site

>> like Cellect-Budwig protocol, Cesium Chloride protocol, DMSO-Vit C

>> protocol

>> etc. " I have only gone though some of it.

>> I have advance prostate cancer, it was in my lower back and my ribs, it

>> gone now, I cant have ADT hormone treatment because of a problem with my

>> heart, and I was told by my doctor that chemo dos not work on prostate

>> cancer, so I went on holistic treatments, and it work out well.

>> My PSA use to be 13.8 it now below one my prostrate use to be half way

>> inside my blader it almost back to normal now. all because of holistic

>> alterative treatments all the best Ray


>> It all got to do with a balance, From the time we were conceived, to the

>> moment we die, our body produce cancer cells. now the balance is between

>> how many cancer cells our immune system can kill off and how many cancer

>> cell our body are producing. I have read as we age, our internal organs

>> ages with us, and our internal organs are part of our immune system, so

>> as

>> we age our internal organs become less efficient. They produce a

>> different

>> comical balance in our internal systems though out our body, so though

>> our

>> mussels are still strong, and we can run mile after mile. Our internal

>> system in our body, are really weaker, then when we were young.


>> Now the immune system has a 101 different functions. Just one of

>> them is white blood cells, but it also uses the food we eat to fight

>> cancer.

>> Natural Foods like asparagus, all foods from the cabbage family, and all

>> foods from the onion family, like garlic, and fruits like pomegranate

>> extract help the immune system fight cancer. pomegranate extract and

>> pomegranate juice both slowed down the growth of the prostate cancer

>> cells

>> and increased the death rate of these same cells.

>> http://mensnewsdaily.com/2008/10/12/pomegranate-juice-prostate-cancer/

>> But other foods that are process foods like sugar bread trans fatty acids

>> saturated fatty acids are not part of our immune system, sugar help feed

>> cancer. But it also help feed every other cell in our body the thing is

>> when we have sugary foods we get a rush of to much sugar cancer cells

>> absorb

>> more sugar then normal cells just to make more cancer cells, I have found

>> if

>> one dos not have cancer fruit

>> is grate, but if you have cancer you should be carful the sugar in fruit

>> also help feed cancer.


>> There is a reason I some times minion in the holistic diet. Flack Seed

>> oil

>> and Cottage cheese. To explain this I must tell you about what Dr Ross

>> walker said in his book The Cell Factor, that Trans fatty acids and

>> saturated fatty acids are really bad for normal cells. though they cause

>> an

>> electrical problem in the cell, the main thing is trans fats and

>> saturated

>> fats are smaller then normal fatty acids.


>> Lets just talk about trans fats. The cell uses fats to repair it self.

>> Now

>> the cell dos not know one type of fat from any other type of fat, so when

>> a

>> Trans fat comes a long, it will us it to repair it outer membrane. The

>> problem is trans fats are smaller then normal fats so nutrients cant pass

>> though them as easily, as normal fats can, so if the cell get enough of

>> them in it outer membrane, it finds it cant get enough nutrients. Then

>> the

>> cell will start to starve, But the cell wants to live, and one way of

>> getting more nutrients is to make its surface area bigger, on it outer

>> membrane. To do this it has to chance the codes in it cell nucleus, and

>> when

>> it dos this, it can also change the codes that tell it when to die, its

>> then

>> only a few steps from becoming a cancer cell.


>> Now the cell can rid it self of the trans fatty acids that it has built

>> up

>> over time in it outer membrane, by replacing the trans fats with omega 3

>> fatty acids, and omega 6 fatty acids. One of the riches sauces of an

>> omega 3

>> fatty acids is flack seed oil but to replace the trans fats one has to

>> saturate the body with omega 3 fatty acids for a while it use to be three

>> months but now its about two years


>> Other part of the immune system is, the pancreas that produces enzymes.

>> The

>> pancreas produces enzymes from the natural foods we eat, but when we eat

>> foods that are cooked and foods that are process these foods have most of

>> the enzymes cooked out of them. We need enzymes to fight cancer. The

>> enzymes weaken the outer protein layer of cancer tumours so the immune

>> system can attack it easier, With a weaken immune system then add to

>> the process man made highly cooked foods, that have all the enzymes

>> cooked

>> out of them. add the high energy high carbohydrate sugary foods that we

>> consume some times every day, that help feed cancer, it no wonder we get

>> cancer.


>> I found out what damage this high energy food can do a few months ago I

>> finely give into my Doctor and all so my wife whose an Registered Nurse,

>> about my diet. When I ended up seeing my doctor who referred me to a

>> dietician. I remember she laugh at my holistic diet. with words like

>> " what

>> this " she told me. I have not got enough sugar in my diet. We have to

>> keep

>> up the insulin levels. She wrote me out a new diet. I felt such a fool,

>> why

>> did I not do this be for. The consultation fee cost me $150.00. but my

>> wife

>> said it was well worth it. The diet was great, not a lot of fruit. a few

>> snakes in it ever now and then, I love the food, I was on it about

>> three

>> months, I remember I even lost a few pounds, but after a while I found I

>> was

>> feeling pain in my penis again. But I keep at it. Then I had my PSA

>> test,

>> My PSA had gone up 4 points. And I was finding it difficult to pee. I

>> had

>> urine retention again So I had to say good by to the

>> dietician diet, and back on the old holistic diet again, A lot of us who

>> cant have conventional treatment are on Holistic treatment, because we

>> have

>> no choice, mainly be cause conventional treatment did not work for use as

>> it

>> did for some people . We have no other option. Like they do it either

>> that

>> or we die but it work out good for me Im in no pain and as long as I stay

>> away from sugary proscess foods I feel I will be OK I have a lot more

>> information to tell you but I think this will be all for now Take care

>> and

>> May God help you and you mother find the right Path God bless both of you

>> Ray Randall



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