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Re: weight loss?

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I've been on Synthroid for 3 years and have not

lost any weight, actually I've gained some more in the

past 6 months. Though I must admit I feel it's more my

eating habits that make me gain weight rather than my

thyroid disease. The thyroid disease may make it harder

for me to lose the weight but I eat out of stress,

boredom, sadness, happiness....how can I not gain weight

doing that?<br><br>I know most people reccommend a low

carb diet for those with thyroid disease, cut out the

sugar and drink your water. I've had some luck with

that but then I got sick with the flu and I haven't

been eating much.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br><br>Tyra

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In the book the " THYROID SOLUTION " <br>there is a

whole section about a diet for hypothyroidism, it goes

into great detail about everything you should be

eating and everything you should not eat, I also have

been on the ATKINS DIET and while I was on it I lost

13 lbs, but I have since heard alot of bad things

about this diet and have since stopped it.<br>It all

boils down to eating right and getting exercise, but if

your like me you have no energy to work out after

chasing around kids and running after kids to after

school activities and work, the only thing I want to do

after they go to bed is to crash on the couch and

vegitate for an hour or two.<br>I have asked my doctor to

refer me to an endocrinoligist, I hope she will and

maybe I can finally get some releif from these symptoms

I have had ever since I was diagnoised.<br>good

luck with you weight loss<br>sunflower

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone,

Lately I have been losing weight and eating like crazy! I don't get it.

Also I'm very foggy and get a loss of equalibrium at times. Obviously the

joints too. The meds just aren't working so I switched back to doxy 2 -

2xday. Now I think I have a yeast problem so I went off the abx for awhile.

I just don't understand the weight loss thing. Does it have anything to do

with the AG Immune that I'm taking? At first I was excited, I look great,

but now I'm losing too much. Any ideas?


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Hi Irene,

Going back on the Doryx might help. Most of our patients, (including myself) gain weight on doryx. That might help then to level out whatever is going on with the weight loss. Mention it to your doctor though. Sometimes Lyme also affects metabolism and endocrine system. A thyroid workup might be in order.

By the way, is AG Immune like Transfer Factor? I wouldn't mind the weight loss side effect! I can't seem to shed the extra 15 pounds I put on with this disease.

Good health to you,

Lorraine :)

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I suggest you get a glucose tolerance test. The unexplained loss of weight

and unusual appetite could be symptoms of diabetes.


Re: [ ] weight loss?

> Hi everyone,

> Lately I have been losing weight and eating like crazy! I don't get it.

> Also I'm very foggy and get a loss of equalibrium at times. Obviously the

> joints too. The meds just aren't working so I switched back to doxy 2 -

> 2xday. Now I think I have a yeast problem so I went off the abx for


> I just don't understand the weight loss thing. Does it have anything to


> with the AG Immune that I'm taking? At first I was excited, I look great,

> but now I'm losing too much. Any ideas?

> irene



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> Hi everyone,

> Lately I have been losing weight and eating like crazy! I don't get it.

> Also I'm very foggy and get a loss of equalibrium at times.

> Obviously the

> joints too. The meds just aren't working so I switched back to doxy 2 -

> 2xday. Now I think I have a yeast problem so I went off the abx

> for awhile.

You need to see your doctor- could be diabetes with weight loss and yeast.

> I just don't understand the weight loss thing. Does it have

> anything to do

> with the AG Immune that I'm taking?

I doubt it...I take AG Immune also and it certainly hasn't had that effect

of me. <g>. You're not take Actos are you? That can cause weight loss....but

really go see the doc.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

A low carbohydrate diet will get the weight off quickly and without

hunger for most people, but this is probably not the answer you were

looking for. Most Americans find it difficult to follow because it

essentially eliminates all snacks and comfort foods, with the exclusion

of nuts.


> Dear Group,


> Does anyone on the group have any recommendations of an herb, amino


> etc., that helps with weight loss? What has really worked well for



> Thank you,

> Mike


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First, read dr. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries For Water,

to get some info on weight loss that will make some sense. He explains

how absence of water is involved in weight gain, as well as exercise &

amino balance & why they need each other to work.

It is a great book for anyone who has anything wrong with them, because

cellular dehydration is a component in many disorders.

jim :)

bbtristate@... wrote:


> Dear Group,


> Does anyone on the group have any recommendations of an herb, amino acid

> etc., that helps with weight loss? What has really worked well for you?


> Thank you,

> Mike


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

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I forgot to mention in my forst post that eating raw meats and fats will

drop weight off without doing anyting else. It is cooked fats that your

body is storing. Try the caveman diet.

jim :)


> > Dear Group,

> >

> > Does anyone on the group have any recommendations of an herb, amino

> acid

> > etc., that helps with weight loss? What has really worked well for

> you?

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Mike


carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Simply eliminate or cut way back on all refined (cooked or processed)

carbohydrates in the diet. You will loose weight, guaranteed. You will

also become healthier as you replace the refined carbs with raw veggies,



On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 14:56:44 EDT bbtristate@... writes:

> Dear Group,


> Does anyone on the group have any recommendations of an herb, amino

> acid

> etc., that helps with weight loss? What has really worked well for

> you?


> Thank you,

> Mike


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies,

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Well put Lana...

Mike, you might also want to consider adding a ginseng supplement to your

daily regimen. I find that even when I have no motivation to get up and

exercise, ginseng can give me that extra " get-up-and-go " , while still being

good for you. Caffiene on the other hand, may give ya some get up and go,

but with far less health benefits than ginseng. Ginseng is also known to aid

in cellular oxygen uptake. If anyone needs the reference for that info, I'll

look it...for now, I've found it to be a great help in mood elevation and

physical motivation....that in conjunction with lower carb/higher protien

diet can really be beneficial in getting ya where you want to be with your



> A low carbohydrate diet will get the weight off quickly and without

> hunger for most people, but this is probably not the answer you were

> looking for. Most Americans find it difficult to follow because it

> essentially eliminates all snacks and comfort foods, with the exclusion

> of nuts.




wes bennett


<A HREF= " http://www.wesbennett.com " >wes bennett photography & design</A>

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Thanks JP,


In a message dated 04/18/2001 11:01:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jhprice@... writes:

<< Mike, it has worked for me. Since I had a glucose of 226 showing in my

last blood test, I've cut out the refined carbs, and in only 2 weeks, I've

lost weight that I couldn't before, have lost inches and can fit into pants

that I couldn't before, and feel overall much better, and this morning my

blood sugar was 127, so I'm on the way. It amazed me how quick I started to

turn around.

jp >>

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Mike, it has worked for me. Since I had a glucose of 226 showing in my last

blood test, I've cut out the refined carbs, and in only 2 weeks, I've lost

weight that I couldn't before, have lost inches and can fit into pants that I

couldn't before, and feel overall much better, and this morning my blood sugar

was 127, so I'm on the way. It amazed me how quick I started to turn around.


Re: Weight loss?


Simply eliminate or cut way back on all refined (cooked or processed)

carbohydrates in the diet. You will loose weight, guaranteed. You will

also become healthier as you replace the refined carbs with raw veggies,



On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 14:56:44 EDT bbtristate@... writes:

> Dear Group,


> Does anyone on the group have any recommendations of an herb, amino

> acid

> etc., that helps with weight loss? What has really worked well for

> you?


> Thank you,

> Mike


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies,

> and other alternative self-help subjects.




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  • 1 year later...

I have had the biggest loss of appetite during my sickest periods since the

Lyme's hit. Now I have loss of appetite due to a depression that hit hard. I

had to diet my whole life, now I have trouble keeping weight on! I am also

allergic to diary, so that makes my diet very limited. Don't know if that helps

you at all!


ba102200 wrote:Not that I couldn't spare a few pounds, but I've lost 18 pounds


the last couple of months-haven't tried to and am less active-is it

Lymes causing it, you think?

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I lost tremendous amounts of weight when I first got sick even though

I was slowing down and did not decrease my appetite. I'm a 6' 1 "

male and have dropped from 192 to 158 in six months and probably

still dropping. Now I eat low carb because of sugar problem and

yeast avoidance but I was going to lose most of this anyway. I guess

it is the lyme--I'm assuming I have lyme--whatever it is, it's

wasting me away.


> Not that I couldn't spare a few pounds, but I've lost 18 pounds in

> the last couple of months-haven't tried to and am less active-is it

> Lymes causing it, you think?

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Lyme did that to me too. I've been as high as 160 got as low as 125

with lyme and now back up to 140 and feel like I just need to get

well enough to start working and putting on muscle mass again. very

little of that was fat. Never lost my appetite though, and I've

eaten really well throught the whole disease.


>I lost tremendous amounts of weight when I first got sick even though

>I was slowing down and did not decrease my appetite. I'm a 6' 1 "

>male and have dropped from 192 to 158 in six months and probably

>still dropping. Now I eat low carb because of sugar problem and

>yeast avoidance but I was going to lose most of this anyway. I guess

>it is the lyme--I'm assuming I have lyme--whatever it is, it's

>wasting me away.



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when I was first diagnosed with lyme and was having a major bout with it I lost

about 50lbs. I am 5'8 " and weighed 100lbs soaking wet. For the past 5 years I

have battled with trying to keep weight on everytime Iwould get to a decent

weight it would just start dropping off again. well now i am putting weight and

it is all water retention so i think it just really messes with our metabolism

to point of our bodies dont know what weight is right for us anymore

[ ] Re: weight loss?

I lost tremendous amounts of weight when I first got sick even though

I was slowing down and did not decrease my appetite. I'm a 6' 1 "

male and have dropped from 192 to 158 in six months and probably

still dropping. Now I eat low carb because of sugar problem and

yeast avoidance but I was going to lose most of this anyway. I guess

it is the lyme--I'm assuming I have lyme--whatever it is, it's

wasting me away.


> Not that I couldn't spare a few pounds, but I've lost 18 pounds in

> the last couple of months-haven't tried to and am less active-is it

> Lymes causing it, you think?

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  • 1 year later...

My mom has been taking her meds for two months now and has lost 20

pounds, really amazing!!!

> has anyone experienced weight loss as soon as you took thyroid


> if so how long did it take and how much were you losing a week?

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I just started taking adrenal rebuilder and am very impressed with some results

I have had with it. I lost 8 lbs in a week and the Adrenal Rebuilder was all I

have changed.

I haven't yet found a doc in this area to consult over my thyroid. I did see a

general prac doc who has gotten into holistic means to treat her patients. She

had put me on synthroid but I felt worse on it and was getting no results.

She had did different test on my Adrenal Gland and found it was very low

fucntion. She put me on DHea and progesterin. I realized after reading info on

my Celiac group and then finding this group that my Adrenal Gland really needed

to be treated.

Once I have been on the Adrenal Rebuilder and also another one my Chiropractor

has recommended I will see if that is helping my Thyroid or if I will need to

pursue that too.

I really appreciate all the helpful information I have found through this list.

I came across this list while doing a search for the Adrenal Rebuilder and so I

joined and spent 2 hours just reading some of the past post. Thanks for all the

help you give to each other.


Re: weight loss?

My mom has been taking her meds for two months now and has lost 20

pounds, really amazing!!!

--- In

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Hi Kim,

Well since I became stable on my levothyroxine I have actually felt " with it "

enough to take a serious look at my health and my weight was my first priority

to tackle.

I joined Slimming World (kind of like Weight Watchers here in the UK) and I have

lost 3 stones 4 pounds (46 lbs) since Feb 2003. Now I know that is with the help

of a slimming club but to be honest I am not as strict as I should be in

sticking to the plan and I still lose on average 2-4 lbs a week. The only times

I find I gain or remain static is when I am having a bad time with my thyroid

and need my meds reviewing. I feel that is too much of a coincidence. I feel

that the slimming club only gave me a kick up the backside to do something about

my health but think I can attribute such a dramatic weight loss in a short space

of time (without really trying) to becoming stable on my thyroxine dose and

learning to listen to my body when I need my dose increasing.


Kim <kckim@...> wrote:

has anyone experienced weight loss as soon as you took thyroid supplements?

if so how long did it take and how much were you losing a week?

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this is just the best news for all of us to hear!!! It makes everyone

happy to hear someone doing better!!!

one of the reasons why you are doing so well on the adrenal rebuilder

is that is also contains other glandulars---I'll send that info just

in case others want to see this.

we used this one along with all the other supplements ect. --did not

know if it really worked because we were taking so many of them at

once. So this info helps me a lot!!!

And my sister is awaiting her bottle in the mail--so I'll send her

your letter as well---thanks for responding!!!!!!!!!! tina

> I just started taking adrenal rebuilder and am very impressed with

some results I have had with it. I lost 8 lbs in a week and the

Adrenal Rebuilder was all I have changed.


> I haven't yet found a doc in this area to consult over my thyroid.

I did see a general prac doc who has gotten into holistic means to

treat her patients. She had put me on synthroid but I felt worse on

it and was getting no results.


> She had did different test on my Adrenal Gland and found it was

very low fucntion. She put me on DHea and progesterin. I realized

after reading info on my Celiac group and then finding this group

that my Adrenal Gland really needed to be treated.


> Once I have been on the Adrenal Rebuilder and also another one my

Chiropractor has recommended I will see if that is helping my Thyroid

or if I will need to pursue that too.


> I really appreciate all the helpful information I have found

through this list. I came across this list while doing a search for

the Adrenal Rebuilder and so I joined and spent 2 hours just reading

some of the past post. Thanks for all the help you give to each



> K

> Re: weight loss?



> My mom has been taking her meds for two months now and has lost


> pounds, really amazing!!!



> --- In



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I have been taking a multitude of minerals, vitamins and herbs for all kinds of

problems. I have CFS, Fibro, Celiac, high cholesterol, low blood pressure, low

temps, aches and pains galore and recently my sugar started staying up above


The supplements helped to a degree with some of the pain, made it possible to go

grocery shopping and to go for walk sometimes again, but nothing I have taken

has caused me to loose weight. I was on a fairly strict diet just to try to

keep from gaining. I was failing miserably at that.

I couldn't believe I lost so rapidly those first few days. This week has been a

bit more stable, but then again I pushed the envelope as far as I could and then

beyond. I had salty pickles, red meat, potatoes none of which I should have

eaten or would normally eat. But still I lost 1/2 a lb.

I guess I am in a state of anticipation. Anticipation of being in a dream and

the weight all comes back. LOL

Thanks for that info. I have the book on Adrenal Fatigue, 21st Century Stress

Syndrome and am slowly reading it and doing a lot of research and reading on the


I know a lot of the people on my Celiac Group are using the Adrenal Rebuilder.

That is where I first read about it.

Re: weight loss?

this is just the best news for all of us to hear!!! It makes everyone

happy to hear someone doing better!!!

one of the reasons why you are doing so well on the adrenal rebuilder

is that is also contains other glandulars---I'll send that info just

in case others want to see this.

a.. to the Terms of Service.

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Hello Kim, I have been on my meds since thanksgiving day, and I am not sure on

the " weight " loss but I know I have lose inches- I went from a size 24 to a size

18/20. I feel great- I can tell a big change since I started on my meds- I mean

the weight doesnt melt off or nothing but I can see from before when i couldnt

lose weight to now when it is just coming off gradually. what meds are you on? I

am on 100 mg of synthroid. keisha

has anyone experienced weight loss as soon as you took thyroid supplements?

if so how long did it take and how much were you losing a week?

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