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Re: weight loss?

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hi Kim, i started losing almost right after starting on Levoxyl. I believe i

lost around 30 pounds in 4 months. I don't need to lose anymore, and I've

levelled off, maintaining the same weight since. Take care, Sheila

Kim <kckim@...> wrote:has anyone experienced weight loss as soon as you

took thyroid supplements?

if so how long did it take and how much were you losing a week?

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that rocks! Hugs! Sheila

tina83862 <tina8386@...> wrote:My mom has been taking her meds for two

months now and has lost 20

pounds, really amazing!!!

> has anyone experienced weight loss as soon as you took thyroid


> if so how long did it take and how much were you losing a week?

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  • 1 year later...
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I lost about 20 pounds in two months. It stabilized about a month ago.


leila5340 wrote:

>i've been on lex 5mg for about 6 days. i have no appetite and have

>actually lost weight. anyone else experience this?









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  • 4 months later...

Hi Debby,

It sounds like you had a great

experience. About the weight loss, don’t forget you had IV’s in you

pumping you with liquids so there is some fluid retention that takes place. Don’t

worry about getting on the scale right now (I know, easier said then done). You

WILL lose but also remember it is BONUS weight until you have restriction with

a fill.





From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Debby B.

Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005

8:40 AM


weight loss?

Hi everyone,

If you read my first email you know I was banded on the 17th. I

feel really good. I had no side effects from the surgery at all. The

only incision I even feel is where the port is and that soreness is almost

gone. I've been able to get all my liquids down without any

problem. No nausea, no feeling of heart burn. The only problem I am

experiencing is the " runs. " I am more hungry in my head

then in my stomach. Food commercials are driving me crazy but I find if I

grab some broth, I am satisfied. It's a strange feeling of not being

" full " , but not being really hungry either. I hope it stays this way

until I am ready for my first fill.

The experience at the hospital was wonderful. Yolanda could not

have been nicer, the nurses were all sweet as could be and always trying to

help, even with the language barrier. Dr. A was great. He explained

everything before surgery and came to visit 3 times a day after the

surgery. The entire experience was great except for the ride from the

airport to Mexicali.

I was wonder one thing though. I have been on liquids since

Tuesday and haven't lost a pound. How long does it take for it to show up

on the scale? I would have thought by now at least a pound or two would

have come off???


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  • 2 years later...


When was 12yrs old she was skinny as a bean pole to some but she was good health wise. She ate and ran and played like the other kid's. By looking at the other kid's she was thin and shorter. She weighed 79 pounds. Give or take a 5 pound difference is ok. Summer is a active time for kid's. So see what her weight is in a couple of months. If she is eating fine and still losing then there would be a concern.

My Son use to weigh 175 at 15 and 16 he was Muscle all around. In 1 month he had lost 30 pounds. The Dr was very concerned. She ran all kinds of tests on him just to find it all came back normal. The reason he lost all that weight was his Metabolism hit high gear. He is 145 pounds still after 12 yrs of being this weight.

He can still eat and never gain a pound. lolol

though after diagnosed with JA 1 pill ballooned her from 79 pounds to 130 pounds at 12 yrs old.

She lost back down to 80 and stayed there for a while then that growth spurt hit 1 inch to 1 pound lolol

Keep a eye on it but if she is doing all ok just make sure she eats. This age could be a growth spurt as well so grow some lose some weight and then gain some and later grow some more.

RobbinGet a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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Sheila,what did the dr think? It wasn't but a few weeks ago that Miranda was so sick with the mesenteric adenitis was it? Any growth spurts? If the dr wasn't alarmed, perhaps ask him to check her weight in another few weeks and make sure she is holding steady.I will check with 's rheumy about the additional folic acid when we see her next. Glad Miranda's appt went well overall.nancy (amanda, 17, poly)Sheila <mannas_mom@...> wrote: Hello everyone. Miranda had a recheck with her rheumy on

Thursday (her first missed day of school for this year- school started 08/27), and the appointment went fairly well, but... she has lost 4.5 pounds since her last visit in June. She is not overly thin, just normal for a 12 year old girl. Not sure if the weight loss is due to summer activity, age, or medications. She is on MTX, Indocin, Folic Acid, Leucovor, and Zantac. She did have a recent illness (mouth sores and mesenteric adenitis) so did not eat much over the last couple of weeks. Does anyone have similar experiences with their kids losing weight, or am I perhaps overreacting to normal stuff? Thanks for the input. Sheila Miranda, 12, JIA/MMD

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Hi ,

Miranda's rheumy always takes the 'let's wait and see' approach to

things. He wants to see her again in 2 months, and see how she is

doing. It is possible that she has simply been more active lately, and

has certainly eaten less over the last several weeks because of

illness. My concern was that her rheumy may be missing something wrong

with her meds, maybe an unusual reaction or something that is making

her get so sick from such a little thing as a virus. She also bruises

horribly, but her rheumy is not concerned as long as her labs are okay.

I think she is okay, but she is growing taller without weight gain (not

that she is currently too thin; she is perfectly 'normal' weight-wise

right now), so the mom in me worries that something is wrong and is

being missed.

Thanks for the support.


Miranda, 12, JIA/MMD


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HI, Sheila. did grow taller without

gaining weight (lost some) and after awhile the dr did check for Crohn’s.

It was not a concern at first, but did become one. He was tested and it was

negative. With the type of arthritis has, it is not unheard of to have GI

problems. He was also checked with an upper GI, which basically proved that he

had a very fast metabolism, as Robbin stated about her son.

As for the bleeding, when was on

high doses of Celebrex (an NSAID) he did bruise a lot. If Miranda is taking a

lot of ibuprofen or another NSAID she will probably bruise from that. As long

as the labs were good, we just took it as a side effect of the meds. Good luck,

Michele ( 20, spondy)


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sheila

Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007

4:48 PM

Subject: Re: weight loss?

Hi ,

Miranda's rheumy always takes the 'let's wait and see' approach to

things. He wants to see her again in 2 months, and see how she is

doing. It is possible that she has simply been more active lately, and

has certainly eaten less over the last several weeks because of

illness. My concern was that her rheumy may be missing something wrong

with her meds, maybe an unusual reaction or something that is making

her get so sick from such a little thing as a virus. She also bruises

horribly, but her rheumy is not concerned as long as her labs are okay.

I think she is okay, but she is growing taller without weight gain (not

that she is currently too thin; she is perfectly 'normal' weight-wise

right now), so the mom in me worries that something is wrong and is

being missed.

Thanks for the support.


Miranda, 12, JIA/MMD


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  • 1 year later...

All I can say is when my levels are good I can lose 3 lbs on avg. a week doing

Weight Watchers program.



> From: Dan Lee <nvestnyuth@...>

> Subject: weight loss?


> Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 4:30 PM

> I've been on TRT for just over a year now.  It has

> helped me tremendously (well-being, libido, muscle tone,

> strength, etc.)


> However, I have kind of come to a place were I can't

> seem to lose any weight.  I am 5'9 and weigh 220 right

> now.  I watch my carb & fat intake and do not drink

> soda drinks.  I haven't in 2 or 3 years.  But I am

> over weight.  In no way do I want to look like

> " Arnold " but would like a extra edge on weight

> loss.  Who wouldn't, right? 


> I posted my results just over a week ago and got some

> good replies about my T levels and such but did not have a

> E2 test, which I hope to ask for in about 2 months.


> One of the main reasons is my Dr. told me if I could lose

> about 20 pounds in 2 months he would take me off my blood

> pressure medicine.  My blood pressure has been really good

> for over 6 months but the Dr. is contributing that to my T

> injections and the high blood pressure medicine

> (lisinopril). 


> Any weight loss success stories from those that has been on

> T therapy?


> nvestnyuth






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I have lost about 100 pounds this year, but a lot of that was

due to thyroid hormone replacement. I lost 25 lbs during

the first month I was on Armour. I lost 15 lbs the first month

I was on TRT. I lose between 5 & 10 lbs a month now,

depending on how much I can work out. If I do nothing,

I lose 5 lbs a month. You might want to get a thyroid panel.

Just be aware that the labs are still using the old ranges

of .5 to 5.0 for TSH, but by the new guidelines, anything

over 3 is hypo. Also the longevity medicine community

suggest a TSH of 1 and free T3 & 4 in the top 1/4 of their

range. That really works!

Oh, and cortisol... Yeah, that will make you put on weight,

especially in the belly. If your cortisol rhythm is upside

down, that is too much at night and not enough during

the day, pounds just pile on, so a 4 x saliva cortisol

test is also a good idea.


> I've been on TRT for just over a year now.  It has helped me tremendously


libido, muscle tone, strength, etc.)


> However, I have kind of come to a place were I can't seem to lose any weight. 

I am 5'9

and weigh 220 right now.  I watch my carb & fat intake and do not drink soda

drinks.  I

haven't in 2 or 3 years.  But I am over weight.  In no way do I want to look

like " Arnold " but

would like a extra edge on weight loss.  Who wouldn't, right? 


> I posted my results just over a week ago and got some good replies about my T


and such but did not have a E2 test, which I hope to ask for in about 2 months.


> One of the main reasons is my Dr. told me if I could lose about 20 pounds in 2


he would take me off my blood pressure medicine.  My blood pressure has been


good for over 6 months but the Dr. is contributing that to my T injections and

the high

blood pressure medicine (lisinopril). 


> Any weight loss success stories from those that has been on T therapy?


> nvestnyuth






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I will give you my weight loss experience.

Eighteen months ago, I was diagnosed as pre diabetic. I weighed 185

and am 58 & 5' 7 " tall. The diabetic dietician put me on a 2000

calorie High protein/Low Carb diet. At the end of a year I had lost

10 pounds.

That was about the time my Endo put me on Androgel. I now do 8 pumps

(ten grams). In the six months I have been on Androgel, I have lost

an additional 15 pounds. I am still on the high protein diet. But I

think this additional weight loss was primarily due to the increased

energy I get from the Androgel.

I started lifting weights and have put on quite a bit of muscle in my

arms, shoulders, and chest. My belly fat is decreasing but not

totally gone.

My lipid panel is now perfect and my cardiologist is recommending to

his other older male patients that they consider HRT based on my


My best advise for anyone wanting to lose weight is to cut the sugar,

potatoes, and pasta and increase the protein.


> I've been on TRT for just over a year now.  It has helped me

tremendously (well-being, libido, muscle tone, strength, etc.)


> However, I have kind of come to a place were I can't seem to lose

any weight.  I am 5'9 and weigh 220 right now.  I watch my carb & fat

intake and do not drink soda drinks.  I haven't in 2 or 3 years.  But

I am over weight.  In no way do I want to look like " Arnold " but

would like a extra edge on weight loss.  Who wouldn't, right? 


> I posted my results just over a week ago and got some good replies

about my T levels and such but did not have a E2 test, which I hope

to ask for in about 2 months.


> One of the main reasons is my Dr. told me if I could lose about 20

pounds in 2 months he would take me off my blood pressure medicine. 

My blood pressure has been really good for over 6 months but the Dr.

is contributing that to my T injections and the high blood pressure

medicine (lisinopril). 


> Any weight loss success stories from those that has been on T



> nvestnyuth






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reduce carbs and do cardio... walk, bicycle, spin, stair-steppers,


I watch carbs and do all the protein I easily can and sit around

190-200 at 5'9 " with pretty good muscle tone... but need to work more


since going on T I've dropped a lot of fat and about 20-25 pounds...

but I'm reaching a point where the FAT isn't dropping but the inches

(like my waist/but) are dropping... muscle is denser than fat.


> I've been on TRT for just over a year now.  It has helped me

tremendously (well-being, libido, muscle tone, strength, etc.)


> However, I have kind of come to a place were I can't seem to lose

any weight.  I am 5'9 and weigh 220 right now.  I watch my carb & fat

intake and do not drink soda drinks.  I haven't in 2 or 3 years.  But

I am over weight.  In no way do I want to look like " Arnold " but would

like a extra edge on weight loss.  Who wouldn't, right? 


> I posted my results just over a week ago and got some good replies

about my T levels and such but did not have a E2 test, which I hope to

ask for in about 2 months.


> One of the main reasons is my Dr. told me if I could lose about 20

pounds in 2 months he would take me off my blood pressure medicine. 

My blood pressure has been really good for over 6 months but the Dr.

is contributing that to my T injections and the high blood pressure

medicine (lisinopril). 


> Any weight loss success stories from those that has been on T therapy?


> nvestnyuth






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That is great your doing so good and did you know getting your T levels up helps

with diabetic's.



> From: rogermv <rogermv@...>

> Subject: Re: weight loss?


> Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 7:51 PM

> I will give you my weight loss experience.

> Eighteen months ago, I was diagnosed as pre diabetic. I

> weighed 185

> and am 58 & 5' 7 " tall. The diabetic dietician

> put me on a 2000

> calorie High protein/Low Carb diet. At the end of a year I

> had lost

> 10 pounds.

> That was about the time my Endo put me on Androgel. I now

> do 8 pumps

> (ten grams). In the six months I have been on Androgel, I

> have lost

> an additional 15 pounds. I am still on the high protein

> diet. But I

> think this additional weight loss was primarily due to the

> increased

> energy I get from the Androgel.

> I started lifting weights and have put on quite a bit of

> muscle in my

> arms, shoulders, and chest. My belly fat is decreasing but

> not

> totally gone.

> My lipid panel is now perfect and my cardiologist is

> recommending to

> his other older male patients that they consider HRT based

> on my

> results.

> My best advise for anyone wanting to lose weight is to cut

> the sugar,

> potatoes, and pasta and increase the protein.





> >

> > I've been on TRT for just over a year now.  It

> has helped me

> tremendously (well-being, libido, muscle tone, strength,

> etc.)

> >  

> > However, I have kind of come to a place were I

> can't seem to lose

> any weight.  I am 5'9 and weigh 220 right now.  I

> watch my carb & fat

> intake and do not drink soda drinks.  I haven't in 2

> or 3 years.  But

> I am over weight.  In no way do I want to look like

> " Arnold " but

> would like a extra edge on weight loss.  Who wouldn't,

> right? 

> >  

> > I posted my results just over a week ago and got some

> good replies

> about my T levels and such but did not have a E2 test,

> which I hope

> to ask for in about 2 months.

> >  

> > One of the main reasons is my Dr. told me if I could

> lose about 20

> pounds in 2 months he would take me off my blood pressure

> medicine. 

> My blood pressure has been really good for over 6 months

> but the Dr.

> is contributing that to my T injections and the high blood

> pressure

> medicine (lisinopril). 

> >  

> > Any weight loss success stories from those that has

> been on T

> therapy?

> >  

> > nvestnyuth

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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