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All testosterone not made by the human body is sythesized(lab produced) period

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" I hear you but did you know you T shots are made for yams. All the


used in meds for men are made from a type of plant like yams "

Yes this is true. Nearly all of the testosterone being produced and sold today

is produced

from yams and/or soy. This includes " bioidentical " T which is a marketing term

more so

than a true fact of exact chemical composition at an atom by atom level.

" She authored a book on hormone replacement therapy. She's an advocate of


or natural hormone replacement therapy. I read the section she dedicated to men.

It was

ok but I found these bioidenticals to be a bit over rated "

The only difference between the hormones that Suzzane is campaining for is that

they do

not have chemical groups attached to the testosterone molecule. If you use


cyponate, the testosterone molecule itself is identical to the " bioidentical "

hormones that

Suzzane is advocating. The only difference is the type of ester group attached

to the T

molecule ie cyponate, enthanate, propinate ect. These are named as such due to

the ester

group attached to the testosterone molecule that came from yams and soy.

This has nothing to do with the solvent or oils that are used to suspend the

ester group

attahced T in be it cotton seed oil or olive oil for that matter.

Making testosterone from chloesterol is very expensive and rarely done any more.


type of Testosterone would be the closest thing to " true bioidentical " as in an


duplicate of the T that your testicles would make as it came from a human



" Now I know the debate is still out there whether these hormones are any better

or not. I

remember a past arguement on this subject in the forum and it won't be resolved

here. It

works for some and not for others, just like a lot of other therapies "

This again is a matter of personal prefrerance, delivery consistancy,

absorbablity issues,

and how much topical vs injectible you are going to need to reach your targeted

T levels.

T is T, and the T molecule in T cyponate is not any stronger than the T in T

cream or

androgel or in T pellets. The key issue here is getting the desired number of T


in to the body. It is just that simple. Once a T molecule is locked in the

recptor, it makes

no difference how it got into the body as to how effective or powerfull it will


In order for ester based injectiable T to be useful, the estergroup has to be

detached from

the testosterone molecule inorder to be usefull to the body. This is the case

for all

injectables exept for a rare preparation of testosterone suspended in an


solvent--likely salt water.

" I used to use a " bioidentical " cream. It did assimilate into my body but I

wouldn't use it as

a primary source of hormone therapy. My pharmacist says he can make a

bioidentical in

the injectable form but no way for me. Give me cypionate or give me death "

The only thing that limits topical testosterone preparations or so called

bioidentical T is

the absorbablity and how much you you are willing to put on to achieve the

desired T

levels. You also bring in variables of increasing DHT and aromitization as the T


through subcutanious fat into the blood stream.

As absorbabilty varies from person to person and from topical preparation to


preparation, this is where the difference in efficacy for topical based TRT

comes in. These

topicals are typically labled as being " bioidentical " but this is not a 100%

accurate term.

This due to the fact that these sources of T were not derived from human

chloresterol and

made by the human body.

The only " bioidentical " injectable T would be a testosterone suspension. If


pharmacist says other wise, he is misinformed, and I would challenge him to give

you the

chemical formula for his alleged bioidentical injectable T as well as what he is

using for a

suspension or solvent.

The T cyponate that you like so much is merely yam/soy derived T with the

cyponate ester

group attached-- nothing more nothing less. Because the ester group has been


to the T molecule, this and other injectable T(with ester groups attached) are


" synthetic " Oral T preparations such as proviron are also synthetic and not

" bioidentical "

because a chemical group is added to prevent destruction in the liver, and the

molecule in

proviron is 100% man made and does not resemble T and it is only similar to true



If your liver was not able to cleave the estergroup or other chemical groups

attached to the

T (or E2 molecule for that matter) away from the T molecule you would not have


benefit from the T. Becuse adding the ester group increases the half life of


Testosterone molecule, this spreads the T doseage between shots out more evenly.


suspension will have a fairly short half life compared to T cyponate.

T undecanote has been made in to a pill and this survive the liver due to but it

is one of

the few orals that has an ester group attached. This would again be yam/soy


t with an added ester group. This pill is called Andriol

With Female based TRT, they have used pills derived from mare's urine or various

forms of

estrogen in pill form with chemical groups attached. Some women also take

estogen shots,

and this would be the same concept as injectiable T with the exception of an



So for a womans HRT program using soy and yam produced topical estrogen or


gives them a much closer match to the estrogen that their body is lacking or not

able to

produce due to a complete hysterectomy. There are no ester groups attached, it

is a very

close copy of human estrogen instead of modified chemical forms of estrogen


from horse urine and there are no chemical groups added to the E2 molecule to

allow it to

pass through the liver.

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