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ART coordination meeting in Cuttack, Orissa

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Utkal Sevak Samaj/ KIRAN- Community Care Centre

Minutes of the ART Co-ordination Meeting

Date :


Venue : Panthanivas, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack,

Utkal Sevak Samaj believes that, there are lots of issues of PLHAS which should

be focused and weak areas should be strengthening. It could be possible if all

the sectors keep co-ordination among each other and come forward to meet the

needs of PLHAS.

To bring attention on those problems, USS decided to organize open table

discussions through which the problems of PLHAS and problems of different

stake-holders working for the people living with HIV/AIDS can be identified and


On 28th March 2009, for second time a co-ordination meeting was organized by

Kiran, Community Care Centre (USS) Cuttack. This meeting was attended by Dr.

Jyotshna Pattnayak, Joint Director, Basic Services, OSACS, Mr. Neshant Ahmed,

Orissa state co-ordination of CBCI, Ms. Anusuya Behera, Asst. Director ( Nursing

), OSACS, Dr. Bijay Mishra, SMO, ART Centre SCB Medical College & Hospital, Dr,

R.K. Panda M.O. of Kiran C.C.C, Mr. Sritam Das, Secretary of SWAPNA (TI),

Counsellors from different ICTCs and P.C, Counsellors, Outreach workers of

Kiran C.C.C, Astha C.C.C and Jyoti C.C.C.

This meeting was started with welcome address by Dr. Reeta Sahoo, P.C. Kiran CCC

followed by self ¡V introduction of participants. The session was facilitated by

the Secretary of Utkal Sevak Samaj, Mr. Amiya Bhusan Biswal.

He shared the objectives of the program and the need of such co-ordination

meeting in regular intervals to activate the co-ordination chain among each

other and identify the gaps between different sectors. Minutes of last

co-ordination meeting was presented by Dr. Reeta Sahoo.

Then all the participants were asked to identify the issues to be discussed.

After vivid discussion some problems as well as suggestions have come out.

The Identified issues are -

1. Out reach visit to identify LFUs, identify uncovered PLHIVS.

2. Co-ordination among out reach workers of all organizations working on STD HIV

& AIDS Programme.

3. LFU tracing & mainstreaming.

4. Registration process in ART Centre.

5. Acceptance of referral slips by other departments in Hospitals.

6. Shortage of L.T. for out reach testing camps.

7. Role of C.C.C to ensure proper Co-ordination.

8. Other.

ľ Discussion on the Issue

a. Out reach visit ¡V Time Resource and distance are is found to be great

problem for reach out each & every PLHIV to track their status & problems.

Decision taken - proper management of time & little extra work with commitment

is required till other arrangements are done.

b. Co-ordination among out reach workers.

Decision taken Co-ordination meeting will be organized among out reach workers

of different units, institutions engaged in PLHA care, support, awareness

generation ART administration and adherence & general awareness.

c. LFU ¡V Lost to follow-up visit is very difficult without detail and

verifiable address.

Decision taken - After verification, ART centre will give detail & accurate

address of LFU list (both present and Permanent ) to all concern. Both hard

copy and soft copy report of LFU will be sent to ART centre and OSACS on regular


d. Registration in ART centre ¡V For 1st registration in ART centre some

documents are needed. But both PLHA and referrer are not aware or informed about

the documents.

Decision taken - In this meeting the Counsellor of ART centre informed about the

documents needed at the time registration in ART centre.

Those are ¡V

(i) Xerox copy of HIV positive report (Govt.)

(ii) ID card /driving license/ BPL card/ residential proof written by Sarapanch.

(iii) Pass port size photo graph (1).

e. Referral slip- Referral slip which is given by C.C.C to PLHA is not accepted

by different department of S.C.B Medical College and hospital that¡¦s why

referrer can¡¦t know about the treatment status of the clients.

Decision was taken that C.C.C will sent two copies of the referral slip with the

client to ART centre and for other department. Individual rapport should be

developed to get this thing done rather than official order.

f. Shortage of L.T. ¡V It is very difficult for T.I project partners to collect

blood sample through Out Reach Camp. They are facing problems because of

shortage of L.T. Decision taken. This problem will be informed to higher

authorities for possible arrangement through this report.

g. About C.C.C ¡V The State Co-ordinator of Orissa, CBCI Mr. Neshant Ahmed gave

some information about community care centre for it¡¦s better running and

facilities of PLHIVS & it is decided that any PLHA identified in TI partners,

counselor, (ICTC, ART, PPTCT) should refer them to CCC to avail available


Discussion on other issues

(i) Blood collection in ART centre for CD4 count is on every Monday of the week.

(ii) Those PLHAS taking ART from Berhampur ART centre and registered there

should transfer their name & start it from Cuttack if it¡¦s more convenient to


(iii) The link ART centers are authorized to provide drugs but for ART

side-effects treatment is only done in main ART centre.

Once, a PLHA start ART he/she should not stop it to take TB Medicine, in that

case regimen of ART may be changed by ART medical officer taking in to the

consideration the CD4 & other health conditions of the patient.

Besides, it was decided to keep relationship among each other (staffs and

leaders) over telephone & E-mail to communicate the information & share the

support required by each other. So telephone Number and email Id of individual

and institutions participated this meeting should be registered and USS will

circulate it with the report.

The slogan of this meeting was ¡§working together and support each other to

achieve the common goal¡¨.

At last the meeting was closed with vote of thanks.


Co-ordination Meeting

Venue: Panthanivas, Buxibazar, Cuttack.

Date : 28.03.2009

Time: 4 PM to 6 PM

Sl. Name of the participants Designation Contact Number Email I.D

1 Dr Jyotsna Pattnaik J.D. (BS) OSACS 0674-2393235

2 Mr. Neshant Ahmed Orissa State Co-ordinator, CBCI 09338824519


3 Ms. Anusuya Behera Asst. Director (Nursing), OSACS 0674-2393235

4 Dr. R.K. Panda MO, Kiran - CCC 9437269986

5 Dr. Bijaya Mishra SMO, ART Centre, Cuttack. 9437163541

6 Mr. Amiya Bhusan Biswal Secretary, Utkal Sevak Samaj, 9437004821


7 Mr. Sritam Das P.D, SWAPNA (TI) 9337515152

2312346 (O) sritamswapna@...

8 Sumitra Routray Counsellor, ESI, Hospital, Choudwar 9437851659

9 Sachala Panda Counsellor, City Hospital 9861148363

10 Anjali Das Counsellor, ICTC - II, Ctc. 9437026762

11 Smita Mohanty Counsellor, ICTC, CHC, Salipur 9437279121

12 Trupti Rekha Jena Counsellor, ART Centre 9938359293

13 Braja Sundar Das Project Manager, SWAPNA. TI. 9437377954

14 Dipti Prangyan Sahoo Counsellor, Astha C.C.C, BBSR 9437363996


15 Purandar Barik ORW, Astha, CCC, BBSR 9437752534 purandarbarik@...

16 Raja Saha ORW, Jyoti CCC, Balasore 9937404358 jccc@...

17 Hari Narayan Dash Counsellor, ICTC, Jajpur Road 9937745187

18 OM Prakash Mohanty Counsellor, ICTC, Kendrapara 9777229676

19 Srikanta Das OMRAH

20 Dr. Reeta Sahoo P.C, Kiran CCC (USS) 9437272663 reetac@...

21 Mr. Hemanta Mohanty ORW, Kiran CCC, CTC 9178051770

22 Malatee Tripathy Nurse, Kiran CCC 9937552620

23 Bharati Muduli Staff, USS

24 Minati Behera Staff USS 9778563624

25 Rasmita Behera Counsellor, Kiran CCC 9778429613

Dr Reeta Sahoo

Utkal Sevak Samaj

e-mail: <ussngo@...>

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