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I agree with what Grady wrote to you.. In addition I can add one more

thing that is currently being experienced by a fair number of lp. My

daughter, who is a joy, was given up at 9 days of age by her birth parents

for the simple fact that she is a dwarf.. I learned while in Minneapolis at

nationals that this is not a rare or unusual happenstance. Think about it..

to give away or discard your own flesh and blood due to an " imperfection " in

their body.. (please lp readers don't get offended.. I just can't think of

any other way to describe it.. I think my daughter's body IS perfect! She is

not a mistake or an error in genetics!!) This is happening to lp infants

from all backgrounds and countries from my understanding.. IT'S AWFUL!!

Surely, you can see that lp's face all types of trials and challenges simply

due to their stature... and it's not right!! We all have things in our lives

that are less than perfect but I would venture to say that for lp's these

things are much more common and not to be taken lightly.. Gigi

----Original Message Follows----

From: " graydon roberts " <gradysir@...>


Subject: Dear

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 14:06:09 -0000

Dear , Hi, here's my opinion:). The problem with the " Try

having your entire culture burned at the stake, beheaded, drawn and

quartered. THEN come to me when you have problems " argument is that

we as a dwarf people can not claim exclusivity to one culture. In

other words, dwarfism, in all it's forms and variations can be found

in all cultures worldwide. So, asking us to answer the cultural

argument is like throwing a high fastball you know we'll never be

able to hit. hehe But one thing we can do is " enlighten " you and

others on how dwarfs during the ages in 'some' cultures were either

persecuted or abandon to die just due to being a dwarf and/or


During the Roman culture, anyone born with a handicap, be it:

blindness, mental retardation, dwarfism or just being born lame

oftentimes were brought to the outside of town, abandoned and left to

die. Now, that may not technically considered 'persecution' as we

weren't persected for any held beliefs, because what belief of any

type can be held by any infant? However, just the fact that we were

identified and singled out as a class of people not worth keeping

alive is wrong in and by itself. Only God has that right.

Second, a lesser known but a more recent example of LP persecution is

this one: The Nazi regime of Germany during World War II not only

sought to experiment, torture and eliminate the Jews but also the

Little People who's only misfortune was living there during that time

period. The Nazi's did some extremely sick experiments on the Little

People and often times right prior to killing them. All of this is

documented with pictures included. I only say this last sentence as a

point of historical record not to pique anyone's morbid curiousity. I

might add this too: Why did the Nazi Germans seek LP's for their

destructive dominance? Well, LP's (as well as other groups of people)

were seen as being the aberrants or defectives of society; less than

imperfect. Oddly enough, the true aberrants or defectives of society,

are not the ones who can be physically 'marked' just merely by

looking at them rather they are the ones who look 'normal' on the

outside but are 'markedly' different inside. They are the Ted

Bundy's, Dahmer's and Wayne Gacy's of society who walk

past you everyday and you don't even know it and not the LP's and/or

other handicapped people. To me, they are the most threatening

people to society, both big and small, and the scariest ones too.

Primarily because they can't be identified just by looking at them.

Think about that one folks. Freaky, huh? >>>>> It's just opposite

what (some) people do as (some) judge by appearances 'first' and not

the inside, thus letting the Ted Bundy's " walk right on by

unhindered. " Spooky, isn't it?

Third, another reason why the " Try having your entire culture burned

at the stake, beheaded, drawn and quartered " argument does not work

for us or you-for that matter. Is that you yourself even said that it

does not 'personally' apply to you as you've never gone through those

same things as those before you have or those outside of you are now.

So, , follow along, ok. So, when LP's talk of 'persecution' in

the present day, of the here and now, they're not talking about

being " burned at the stake " or even saying that what they're

experiencing is comparable to that rather they are talking about the

type of persecution of being singled out, made fun of and/or denied

certain opportunities just because of their dwarfism.

Lastly, being one myself and in the present tense (in these times)

and having been personally singled out (not talking about my

ancestors or far off relatives here), made fun and denied certain

things (eg. job opp's), etc. Trust me, there is no such experience as

going through it in the present tense, especially if you're the one

going through it. Because whatever may have even happened to my dwarf

kindred 'before me' or even now to my 'far off and removed from me'

kindred still does not affect me as much as to what I am presently

going through in my own body right now*. Why? Because I am alive and

feeling it right now. Does that make sense? That is not a put-down,

but an honest question.

sincerely, grady;)

*-I say this NOT to diminish what my dwarf ancestors went through or

what your ancestors (or even your present day but what your 'far

removed' from you relatives are now going through), because to go

through any persecution of any type is wrong. What I am saying is

this: When you are 'personally' going through it in the here and now,

as we are now, it's a whole different experiencing it now as compared

to you who is not experiencing it now, but can only make 'historical

references' of his people having gone through it before him. See my

point? Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe you are experiencing it too now too,

but that was not the picture I got from you. However, if I am wrong

then I am truly sorry as then you do know or should know what we are

going through? Or do you? Or are you the type who just loves a

rhetorical argument?:Þ


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I don't know you other than by what you post on the listserve.. We were in

MN and perhaps you were too, not that it matters... You are always so

willing to give all sides an even chance on most anything I can think of

offhand that has been on lately.. I certainly appreciate your positive

comments back this way!!! Sometimes you just don't know when something may

get misconstrued... Hugs and Smiles, Gigi


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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

You mentioned you learned Lymphatic maneuver--I have been looking and

looking for a book to learn to do lymphatic drainage--do you have any

websites or anything or could you describe the maneuver, I would be ever so


Thank you



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  • 1 year later...

" I still have my guns in case they would show up at my door.Eli "

Dear Man,

You know how occasionally we see each other at regionals, sit sipping

on our drinks and wonder why 2 such wonderful human beings are single?

Well we now know why you are!!! Next time we can concentrate on me!!

Keep warm dear Eli,

> i think there talking 4 legged deer I hunted at one time till I


> of being cold and sore over a dead animal,But they are kind of like


> legged dear once you have them then u have to do somthing with them

> and usally means spending money like the cost of


> off from work not to get the two confused about the butchering

> part.however I still have my guns in case they would show up at my

> door.Eli

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  • 4 years later...

Hi , Yep candida sure is hard to get rid of.... how long have you

been on LDN for your MS ?




> Chrystal is right about candida. It is very very hard to get rid of.

Take it from me. I have been trying for 9 months. I finally started

taking nystatin a month ago and am going to stay on it , plus staying

on the anti candida diet of which I have been on for 9 months. No

symptom improvement yet for my MS, but you gotta keep on it. good luck

> keith


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