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How Long Does It Take

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After my first colonic it took 2 days for my bowels to move.

But then they moved each day after that. However after the

4th colonic I seemed to stop up and I think I had to help

things along after the 3rd one. But I noticed that when

things slowed down that soon there was junk to pass out.

You must eat a proper diet during this cleanse, try to stay

off of breads, this seems to clog me up quickly.

Perhaps one of the things you should be looking at is how

much water you can hold during the colonic before it moves

out of you. I don't mean holding it by force, but when the

water goes in, how long does it stay in before it flies out

in a gush?

When I had my first colonic this was a short period of time.

My last visit, I must have been on the table for 5 minutes

before the water began to rush out of me. And it seemed like

it was not going to stop flowing out. My therapist said that

when you are really cleaned out that you can release water

for as long as 5 minutes in length.

Hope this helps give you some rule of thumb and what to look


Liz D.

What I

> would like to know is when did most people start to feel the


> of the colon cleansing. I started this past Friday and I haven't


> a real bowel movement yet. Did it take a couple of days, a week?


> long should I expect. Thanks

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Are you doing colonics are a colon cleanse. I use Dr.

Schulze products and you are supposed to use the intestinal formula 1

until you get 3 movements a day before you start any other

cleansing. He suggestes if you are just cleansing to do mainly raw

foods with juices, but if you have an incurable disease to use juice

only during this time. You can get his hand book by calling -800-

HERB DOC. You can also do a web search on him and find all kinds of

info, but I think his website is down. There are more herbal drs that

you can search yo find out more about colon cleansing. Dr

, Dr Hulda , relfe, curezone.

Good luck


> I'm on the quest to bettering my health by fully cleaning my colon.

> My weight has balloned to an unbearable amount and I know it


> due to eating the wrong foods and eating at the wrong times. What


> would like to know is when did most people start to feel the


> of the colon cleansing. I started this past Friday and I haven't


> a real bowel movement yet. Did it take a couple of days, a week?


> long should I expect. Thanks

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  • 4 years later...
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On 25/04/07, janita morris <heartinmymouth@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone


> I would just like to ask the group how long does it take for their posts to

come down?


> Janita

Hi Janita

You could change that question to *How long is a piece of string*. :-)

It really depends on how user friendly is feeling. Last week it

loved me so much it delivered up to 20 copies of some mails - going

back to March....! I woke up one day with 1000 - Yes that is 4 O's -

in my in box...

HTH ;-)


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> Hi everyone


> I would just like to ask the group how long does it take for their posts

> to come down?


> Janita


I am owner of 3 and moderator of another few.

The time it takes for posts to appear varies depending on conditions.

If is " busy " it can take a while for posts to appear for approval and

a while for them to be distributed once they are approved.

If is under attack it can take a while.

If is upgrading it can take a long time.

If you are getting your mail from through an ISP then you have to

worry about problems at your ISP ... delays in transmission between

and your ISP ... broken links between and your ISP, etc.

I have seen delays of a few seconds to a few days. When was providing

coverage for the world cup things were really taking forever.

I have also seen 'eat' posts.

Owners and moderators of lists do not sit at the computer screen all day

hitting the refresh button of their browser waiting for something to appear

in the " pending " area of the list. However, I can tell you that most all of

us try to get the messages approved as quickly as we see them ... most mods

and owners check the pending messages several times a day if possible.

So, I can't give you a real estimate of how long it takes for messages to

come down. There are just too many factors related to , the internet

and your ISP ... not to mention your connection to your ISP.

Hope this helps.


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On 25/04/07, janita morris wrote:

> Hi everyone


> I would just like to ask the group how long does it take for their posts to

come down?


> Janita

Hi Janita

I woke up one day with 1000 - Yes that is 4 O's -

in my in box...

HTH ;-)


yowza pallowza !!!!!! I just find it very frustrating when there is a thread

going on and the post you send takes foreva ..... I sent one over 2 hours ago

and it still hasn't come down yet this one came down straight away...... aaaargh

my creative outburst getting the betta of me :-)

anyone else?



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--- janita morris <heartinmymouth@...> wrote:



> yowza pallowza !!!!!! I just find it very

> frustrating when there is a thread going on and the

> post you send takes foreva ..... I sent one over 2

> hours ago and it still hasn't come down yet

Hi Janita,

This is happening to me too and it's driving me nuts!

Nothing is showing up until hours after the fact.

Some things haven't shown up at all. This isn't the

moderators fault, folks. Janita's not moderated and I

am a moderator so... we'll just have to wait until

clears it up.


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> I would just like to ask the group how long does it take for their posts

> to come down?


> Janita


If is " busy " it can take a while for posts to appear for approval and

a while for them to be distributed once they are approved.

.... most mods

and owners check the pending messages several times a day if possible.


Hope this helps.


Thanks Phil ...... I was told that I am not on moderation and posts just come

down ???????? Moderators please advise on this one.... so does all posts get

checked then or held up by any of the moderators if they want to?

every good wish


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On 25/04/07, PhilBear <philbear696969@...> wrote:

> Janita,


> I am owner of 3 and moderator of another few.


> So, I can't give you a real estimate of how long it takes for messages to

> come down. There are just too many factors related to , the internet

> and your ISP ... not to mention your connection to your ISP.


> Hope this helps.

> phil

Hi Phil

Thanks for that :-) Better explanation than my string <giggle!>

I just checked Mod board and there are reports of delays <again>

our own Mod is having problems...

So looks like we may be in for another bout of *Yahell* <here we go again>


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Hi everyone

how long does it take for their posts to come down?

I replied to this over a couple of hours ago.... yet this one came down

straight away... this has been happening alot to my replies....... replies from

suppliers in the US are quick as responses here in the UK yet ones from NP group

tend to fluctuate depending on response....


> > Hi iel,

> >

> >

> > In my first trial I used carrot seed as a top note, with juniper(!!)

> > and lavender eo. Not good, I think the juniper note was out of

> place,



> The carrot seed is very tenacious. >

> iel

Hi iel,

>>>>>>>>>> when I smelled it the first time I thought it seemed

like such a mellow and soft note, that wouldn't take over any blend, I


Hi |iel and Ruth

Carrot seed seems to me to have a fatty note to it...

its principle constituents are Pinene, carotal, limonene, daucol,bisabolene,

elemene, geranial, geranyl acetate, caryophyllene, among others.

You could try some spices, geranium, citrus... mimosa.....maybe pine needle

instead of juniper.. or even that gawjus jammy pine abs I keep raving about.

If it is too tenaceous for you dilute it down and add ........bit by bit

hope this helps




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: On 25/04/07, PhilBear




> So, I can't give you a real estimate of how long it takes for messages to

> come down. There are just too many factors related to , the internet

> and your ISP ... not to mention your connection to your ISP.


> Hope this helps.

> phil

Hi Phil

Thanks for that :-) Better explanation than my string


our own Mod is having problems...

So looks like we may be in for another bout of *Yahell*


My hat goes off to all of you moderators here and anywhere else.... you must

have so much to deal with........ and this group with over 1200 ....... I like

to get down to the nitty gritty of things and see it at base level...... human

element always plays a part in the circle of life LOL.....I have a searching

enquiring mind.... as I see here so does a lot of us here at NP.....always

searching the where and why and whatfore...

has certainly been giving you guys a run for the money recently......

must be very frustrating.... why can't it just run smoothly.....make everyones

lives so much easier..... oh I forgot :-) we live in the 'real' world....

warmly and fragrantly



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Snipped for brevity


> yowza pallowza !!!!!! I just find it very frustrating when there is

a thread going on and the post you send takes foreva .....

> anyone else?

> Janita

The irregularity of the timing of posts is frustrating to me, as

well. I post a response as soon as I read the e-mails, but sometimes

by the time my response is up, everyone has gone on to other topics,

so my post is irrelevant to the current conversation, and seems out

of place. It's enought to keep me from posting at all.


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--- Becky <nocauseinme@...> wrote:

> The irregularity of the timing of posts is

> frustrating to me, as

> well. I post a response as soon as I read the

> e-mails, but sometimes

> by the time my response is up, everyone has gone on

> to other topics,

> so my post is irrelevant to the current

> conversation, and seems out

> of place. It's enought to keep me from posting at

> all.


Hi Becky,

I know it's frustrating but bear with us.

usually straightens out in a few days... then they

start doing some other weird thing! I've had several

of my posts in the last two days take many, many hours

to appear and some are still not showing up.

And now to put on my moderator hat... Ahem... (and

this is not directed at you, Becky) Lots of people

are on moderation and sometimes it takes us a little

while to edit all those wonderful posts that our

lovely members send in every day. If you want to

speed up the arrival time of your posts, then snip,

snip, snip and never, ever toppost (even though I

accidentally did it the other day. Do as I say, not

as I do!) and we will take you off moderation. Some

of our mods are very particular about the snipping and

trimming rule and we are all trying to keep the

previous posts that we reply to as short as possible.

So keep posting and snip, snip, snipping!


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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

I'm new to this group, so I apologize ahead of time if this is a naive

question or if it has already been answered (I wasn't quite sure how

to search for the answer to this particular question). I'm wondering

how long LDN takes to start working, i.e. how much times passes before

one begins to experience noticeable positive effects from it. I just

started taking LDN for ME/CFS, and I'm trying to get a rough idea as

to how much time I have to be on it to feel as though I've given it a

fair try. I'm guessing this is on the order of months and not weeks

even, but I have read a couple of accounts of people experiencing

improvement within the first week or two even. I would be grateful

for any feedback about this (or if you can direct me towards other

threads that address this topic, that would be helpful as well).



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I can only tell you related to MS. With MS LDN seams only to stop the mechanism that makes you sick. If you take LDN with MS in a stable state then you may not feel it work at all, over time however you should observe that the disease does not get any worse. If however you start taking it when you are going downhill fast that may well stop immediately as it did for my wife. We are all different and some with MS do experience symptom improvement but I believe symptom improvement should be regarded as a bonus if it happens. The assessment of if it is working should be made on disease progress.

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