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Call for Tender: UNGASS country progress report

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Call for Tender: UNGASS country progress report

This is a call for tender from the local NGOs to facilitate civil society

participation in the preparation of the 2010 UNGASS Country Progress Report in


Does anyone has any idea about how this is done in India?. Editor




For a local non-government organization to facilitate civil society

participation in the preparation of the 2010 UNGASS Country Progress Report

In June 2001, at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS

(UNGASS), Viet Nam was one of 189 countries to adopt the Declaration of

Commitment on HIV/AIDS. As a result, every two years Viet Nam reports to the UN

General Assembly on progress made in the national response to HIV and AIDS.

Since the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS in 2001, Viet Nam has submitted

three Country Progress Reports, in 2003, 2005 and 2008. The Third Country

Report on Following up the Implementation to the Declaration of Commitment on

HIV (2008) is available at:

http://www.unaids.org.vn/sitee/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=28 & Item\


The fourth UNGASS Country Progress Report is due on 31 March 2010.

Registered local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are invited to submit a

proposal to facilitate civil society participation in the preparation of the

2010 UNGASS Country Progress Report, especially their contribution in preparing

the National Composite Policy Index (NCPI) Part B. The purpose of the NCPI is

to assess progress in development and implementation of national-level HIV and

AIDS policies, strategies and laws.

As part of this process, the successful local NGO will organize two workshops

(one in the North and one in the South of Viet Nam). The tentative agenda for

the workshops is:

- brief civil society organizations on the UNGASS history and process, with

highlights from the UNGASS 2008 report

- collect civil society organization inputs for NCPI Part B, facilitate

selection of civil society organization representatives for the NCPI Part B

Consensus Meeting and the National UNGASS Consensus Workshop for the overall


The local NGO will also be required to conduct a desk review of relevant

documents; interview key informants; collect data on NCPI Part B and conduct a

trend analysis on key NCPI data since 2003, where applicable. Guidelines on the

UNGASS 2010 reporting process and indicators are available at:


For more information on the UNGASS process please visit the UNAIDS website at:


Please also see the attached terms of reference for further details.


- A detailed work plan including a consultation plan, budget and timeline in

English language

- Registration documents of the organization

- Biography of key personnel

Applications should be emailed to GajjarD@... or sent to the following

address no later than 5 pm, Viet Nam time, on Friday 11 September 2009:



No 24, Lane 11

Trinh Hoai Duc


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The India UNGASS Report is available on the UNAIDS website and inlcudes the

process of incorporating the Civil society perspective into the report.



It is apparent in the report that the process was initiated by NACO through a

consultant. The civil societies contribution was was only to " vet " the report

after it was prepared. Neither the list of participating CBO or NGOs nor their

comments were inlcuded as a part of the report.

The report is an abstract of the government role and doesnot mention the

regional variations or issues.

Ideally, keeping in mind the watchdog role of civil society organisations, the

process of consultation should be a parallel process egining at the district

level and then proceeding to the state and ending at the national level.

I know several UN organisation accommodate a parallel country report

as is being done for Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), CEDAW, Beijing

+15 etc. and I have reported on behalf for the NGO reporting for Beijing +5 and

CRC for the state in Tamilnadu on previous occasions.

In the absence of this form of sytem the civil society response should get

incorporated into the country report since they are more likely to obtain the

direct feedback from vulnerable populations


Consultant Social Scientist


Ph +91 9841083544


e-mail: <efnegi@...>

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