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Re FREE LDN BOOK - HEALTH SUCCESS STORIES - over 1000 copies have been downloaded

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I paid to have that wonderful book made into a trade paperback. It

can be purchased at cost ($7.42) at my storefront.

I originally did it when I submitted my proposal to 60 minutes to try

to get them to do a story on this. I never heard back from them.

Anyway, a lot of sick people have trouble reading from a computer or

dealing with sheaves of printed paper. This book is for them.

You can buy it at: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=2889773




> As an update, over 1000 copies of 'Those Who Suffer Much Know Much' (the

> free LDN book) have now been downloaded.


> Your case study contributions, continuing collaboration, and efforts in

> sharing the book freely forward with others has, collectively, raised

> awareness of LDN as a treatment option - and this awareness is growing

> exponentially.


> Every time the book is passed on, someone new learns of LDN through your

> eyes, and from your experiences.


> This means the value of each and every one of your personal


> is also growing immeasurably.


> Thank you ... and thank you all for the continuing work you do to

help and

> support others in times of need.


> May your Christmas be serene and joyful,

> filled with love and good will,

> and may your dreams and hopes for 2009 be fulfilled,


> Cris (with apologies to those who didn't receive this email due to email

> blocks)


> " The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

> until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common

life. "

> Jane Addams


> PS In response to questions, no approval has been given to anyone to


> Case Health's free LDN book.





> Dear New Members,


> For those who don't know, there is a free LDN book available on

> casehealth.com.au.


> The book 'Those who suffer much, know much' features 29 case studies

> attributing low dose naltrexone (LDN) with improved health.


> Book Content:

> 20 Multiple Sclerosis case studies

> 2 HIV/AIDS case studies

> 1 Hepatitis B case study

> 1 Primary Lateral Sclerosis case study

> 2 Cancer case studies

> 2 Crohn's Disease case studies

> 1 Multiple Benefits case study


> The book includes an explanatory article, and interviews with


> familiar with LDN - Dr. Gluck, Dr. Tom Gilhooly, Dr. Jaquelyn

> McCandless, and Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharmacist.


> The book is in the safest readily available format, Adobe pdf. It's free

> and can also be freely shared forward with family and friends.


> We all hope you too will benefit from LDN, and will be able to


> your own health success story in the near future - perhaps to next


> free book?


> If you'd like to contribute your story to help build the collective

> evidence - you can email it to me at casehealth@... and we can

> begin creating your health case study. (Your identifying information

is not

> required or requested.)


> Kind regards,

> Cris Kerr

> Administrator

> Case Health - Health Success Stories

> casehealth.com.au




> Over 900 LDN book downloads since published online 8/8/08

> plus those shared directly, plus those hosted/available elsewhere

> (with unlimited capacity for sharing forward .......................)


> " The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

> until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common

life. "

> Jane Addams


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You gotta be kidding me...

$7.42 is what Lulu charges to print the book. I never made and don't

want to make any money from it.

I did it as a service for those who can't deal with reading ebooks on

their computer. Old, sick people. People who need your book more

than anyone else.

I invested my own money to have your book reproduced word for word

without any modification whatsoever on paper for the benefit of people

you were trying to help.

I also wrote to you informing you of this and received no reply.

Far from a " misuse " , what I did was as much of a public service as

what you did and was completely within the " pass it forward "

philosophy that you espouse.

Perhaps you misunderstood and thought I was making money. In that

case I understand your objecting. Otherwise I make no sense out of it.

As far as Google is concerned, it has gone into the language as a verb

long ago and I can use it in the title of the book with no fear of

retribution. I'd love to have them come after me. Think of the

publicity that would glean for our mutual cause....

Remember, I'm a graduate of Columbia Law School and know the law

pretty well.

I don't appreciate your tone which you have taken without getting any

facts first. If you think I'm in this " for profit " you should have

your head examined.

You are in no position to judge or know a thing about the Desoxyn

which saved my mind as much as LDN did my body and I would ask you to

keep your ignorant medical advice to yourself. I have both a GP and

an ADD specialist who prescribed the drug to me.

Since the LDN halted the progression of my disease, my brain had begun

rewiring itself around the portions destroyed by the MS. I have gone

from 5 pills a day to 2 and hope to be completely done with them

within the next few months.

In the meantime it has allowed me to complete the work on my book

which I hope will do even more good for immune system sufferers that

yours did.

I hope this answers any concerns you have. If you still insist that I

not provide your excellent book in paper form to people who need it

that way, I will remove it from Lulu.

Just be aware that everybody here has seen your letter and mine.


ph Wouk


> Dear Joe,

> My email reply may have gone astray, so a copy follows,

> Cris


> ______________________________




> Dear New Members,


> For those who don't know, there is a free LDN book available on

> casehealth.com.au.


> The book 'Those who suffer much, know much' features 29 case studies

> attributing low dose naltrexone (LDN) with improved health.


> Book Content:

> 20 Multiple Sclerosis case studies

> 2 HIV/AIDS case studies

> 1 Hepatitis B case study

> 1 Primary Lateral Sclerosis case study

> 2 Cancer case studies

> 2 Crohn's Disease case studies

> 1 Multiple Benefits case study


> The book includes an explanatory article, and interviews with


> familiar with LDN - Dr. Gluck, Dr. Tom Gilhooly, Dr. Jaquelyn

> McCandless, and Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharmacist.


> The book is in the safest readily available format, Adobe pdf. It's free

> and can also be freely shared forward with family and friends.


> We all hope you too will benefit from LDN, and will be able to


> your own health success story in the near future - perhaps to next


> free book?


> If you'd like to contribute your story to help build the collective

> evidence - you can email it to me at casehealth@... and we can

> begin creating your health case study. (Your identifying information

is not

> required or requested.)


> Kind regards,

> Cris Kerr

> Administrator

> Case Health - Health Success Stories

> casehealth.com.au




> Over 900 LDN book downloads since published online 8/8/08

> plus those shared directly, plus those hosted/available elsewhere

> (with unlimited capacity for sharing forward .......................)


> " The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

> until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common

life. "

> Jane Addams


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Regardless of your motives I don't understand how you have the gall to

take what was someone else's FREE booklet put together with their time

and effort and sell it. If not illegal it is certainly immoral,

whatever your motives!!

As Cris says in her PS " In response to questions, NO approval has been

given to anyone to sell Case Health's FREE LDN book! "

joe wouk wrote:

> Wonderful!


> I paid to have that wonderful book made into a trade paperback. It

> can be purchased at cost ($7.42) at my storefront.


> I originally did it when I submitted my proposal to 60 minutes to try

> to get them to do a story on this. I never heard back from them.


> Anyway, a lot of sick people have trouble reading from a computer or

> dealing with sheaves of printed paper. This book is for them.


> You can buy it at: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=2889773


> Warmest,


> jOE


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It's OK Joe - I just read your reply to Cris and can see where you are

coming from now.

C wrote:

> Joe,


> Regardless of your motives I don't understand how you have the gall to

> take what was someone else's FREE booklet put together with their time

> and effort and sell it. If not illegal it is certainly immoral,

> whatever your motives!!


> As Cris says in her PS " In response to questions, NO approval has been

> given to anyone to sell Case Health's FREE LDN book! "




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I'm sorry, but thoughtless sanctimony has no place in this forum.

I'm not " selling " anybody's book. I made it possible for people who

need to get it in paper to do so. Period. If they want it in paper

they now have the option to pay Lulu to print it for them. That's

all. If you bother to look at the listing you'll see that it clearly

points to the free link if they want the ebook.

Think before passing judgment.


> > Wonderful!

> >

> > I paid to have that wonderful book made into a trade paperback. It

> > can be purchased at cost ($7.42) at my storefront.

> >

> > I originally did it when I submitted my proposal to 60 minutes to try

> > to get them to do a story on this. I never heard back from them.

> >

> > Anyway, a lot of sick people have trouble reading from a computer or

> > dealing with sheaves of printed paper. This book is for them.

> >

> > You can buy it at: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=2889773

> >

> > Warmest,

> >

> > jOE

> >


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Thanks, ....

I have to remember to read from the bottom up on this group to get the

latest. Please ignore my earlier response.

> > Joe,

> >

> > Regardless of your motives I don't understand how you have the

gall to

> > take what was someone else's FREE booklet put together with their


> > and effort and sell it. If not illegal it is certainly immoral,

> > whatever your motives!!

> >

> > As Cris says in her PS " In response to questions, NO approval has


> > given to anyone to sell Case Health's FREE LDN book! "

> >

> >

> >


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I too find mail confusing sometimes yet. At times it is hard for me to figure out who is saying what. Took me forever to learn how to delete old text

and still sometimes it doesn't work without taking an exorbient amount of time.

[low dose naltrexone] Re: Re FREE LDN BOOK - HEALTH SUCCESS STORIES - over 1000 copies have been downloaded

Thanks, ....I have to remember to read from the bottom up on this group to get thelatest. Please ignore my earlier response.>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.19/1855 - Release Date: 12/18/2008 10:16 AM

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Please download and look over the appendix to my book which I have

posted at the new googleldn/

In it I included a link to the free download of your book together

with a short excerpt.

If you object to what can only help spread the word of your book

further, I will remove it.

After all, I actually do make a whole $4 from each book that is sold,

and I wouldn't want you to feel that I was taking advantage.




> Dear Joe,

> My email reply may have gone astray, so a copy follows,

> Cris


> ______________________________




> Dear New Members,


> For those who don't know, there is a free LDN book available on

> casehealth.com.au.


> The book 'Those who suffer much, know much' features 29 case studies

> attributing low dose naltrexone (LDN) with improved health.


> Book Content:

> 20 Multiple Sclerosis case studies

> 2 HIV/AIDS case studies

> 1 Hepatitis B case study

> 1 Primary Lateral Sclerosis case study

> 2 Cancer case studies

> 2 Crohn's Disease case studies

> 1 Multiple Benefits case study


> The book includes an explanatory article, and interviews with


> familiar with LDN - Dr. Gluck, Dr. Tom Gilhooly, Dr. Jaquelyn

> McCandless, and Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharmacist.


> The book is in the safest readily available format, Adobe pdf. It's free

> and can also be freely shared forward with family and friends.


> We all hope you too will benefit from LDN, and will be able to


> your own health success story in the near future - perhaps to next


> free book?


> If you'd like to contribute your story to help build the collective

> evidence - you can email it to me at casehealth@... and we can

> begin creating your health case study. (Your identifying information

is not

> required or requested.)


> Kind regards,

> Cris Kerr

> Administrator

> Case Health - Health Success Stories

> casehealth.com.au




> Over 900 LDN book downloads since published online 8/8/08

> plus those shared directly, plus those hosted/available elsewhere

> (with unlimited capacity for sharing forward .......................)


> " The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

> until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common

life. "

> Jane Addams


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Dear Joe,

Re Those who suffer much, know much (free LDN book)

I need you help to understand why I should be okay with you modifying Case

Health's free LDN book, and with Lulu.com selling Case Health's free LDN

book for $7.42.

I'd also like to know how Lulu.com calculated their cost recovery at $7.42?

Is that for printing and postage?

The book is available in the safest format, an Adobe pdf.

The book can be read online, it can be saved, it can shared-forward, and it

can be printed as a hard copy - all without any limitation - and no-one has

written to say they've had any problems.

As far I know, this means every person can access the free LDN book, one

way or another, and so I'm still at a loss trying to understand how anyone

could be disadvantaged.

Who is it that you feel was disadvantaged, unable to access the book

through one of the present options available?

7b. Re: Re FREE LDN BOOK - HEALTH SUCCESS STORIES - over 1000 copies hav

Posted by: " joe wouk " joseph.wouk@... joewouk

Date: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:25 pm ((PST))

You gotta be kidding me...

$7.42 is what Lulu charges to print the book. I never made and don't

want to make any money from it.

I did it as a service for those who can't deal with reading ebooks on

their computer. Old, sick people. People who need your book more

than anyone else.

I invested my own money to have your book reproduced word for word

without any modification whatsoever on paper for the benefit of people

you were trying to help.

I also wrote to you informing you of this and received no reply.

Far from a " misuse " , what I did was as much of a public service as

what you did and was completely within the " pass it forward "

philosophy that you espouse.

Perhaps you misunderstood and thought I was making money. In that

case I understand your objecting. Otherwise I make no sense out of it.

As far as Google is concerned, it has gone into the language as a verb

long ago and I can use it in the title of the book with no fear of

retribution. I'd love to have them come after me. Think of the

publicity that would glean for our mutual cause....

Remember, I'm a graduate of Columbia Law School and know the law

pretty well.

I don't appreciate your tone which you have taken without getting any

facts first. If you think I'm in this " for profit " you should have

your head examined.

You are in no position to judge or know a thing about the Desoxyn

which saved my mind as much as LDN did my body and I would ask you to

keep your ignorant medical advice to yourself. I have both a GP and

an ADD specialist who prescribed the drug to me.

Since the LDN halted the progression of my disease, my brain had begun

rewiring itself around the portions destroyed by the MS. I have gone

from 5 pills a day to 2 and hope to be completely done with them

within the next few months.

In the meantime it has allowed me to complete the work on my book

which I hope will do even more good for immune system sufferers that

yours did.

I hope this answers any concerns you have. If you still insist that I

not provide your excellent book in paper form to people who need it

that way, I will remove it from Lulu.

Just be aware that everybody here has seen your letter and mine.


ph Wouk


Dear New Members,

For those who don't know, there is a free LDN book available on


The book 'Those who suffer much, know much' features 29 case studies

attributing low dose naltrexone (LDN) with improved health.

Book Content:

20 Multiple Sclerosis case studies

2 HIV/AIDS case studies

1 Hepatitis B case study

1 Primary Lateral Sclerosis case study

2 Cancer case studies

2 Crohn's Disease case studies

1 Multiple Benefits case study

The book includes an explanatory article, and interviews with professionals

familiar with LDN - Dr. Gluck, Dr. Tom Gilhooly, Dr. Jaquelyn

McCandless, and Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharmacist.

The book is in the safest readily available format, Adobe pdf. It's free

and can also be freely shared forward with family and friends.

We all hope you too will benefit from LDN, and will be able to contribute

your own health success story in the near future - perhaps to next year's

free book?

If you'd like to contribute your story to help build the collective

evidence - you can email it to me at casehealth@... and we can

begin creating your health case study. (Your identifying information is not

required or requested.)

Kind regards,

Cris Kerr


Case Health - Health Success Stories



Over 900 LDN book downloads since published online 8/8/08

plus those shared directly, plus those hosted/available elsewhere

(with unlimited capacity for sharing forward .......................)

" The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. "

Jane Addams

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Thank you for the change in tone. I really appreciate it.

I don't know exactly how Lulu calculates their charges, but page count

has something to do with it.

Here's what shows up at myLulu for your book:



Pricing and Creator Revenues:

Print Your Revenue $0.00 Price $7.42

Download Your Revenue $0.00 Price $0.00

Please review the free preview of the book at my site and if there

have been updates since, I'll be happy to add them. If the page count

goes up, so does the cost.

The price does not include shipping, which they tack on after the fact

depending on how many books you are buying and how quickly you want it


The people I was concerned about are elderly technophobic people for

whom a computer is scarier than a slasher movie. I know plenty of

people like that, don't you?

It's also intended for physically impaired people who would have

difficulty handling the ream of loose paper that they would have to

deal with even if their computer savvy kids downloaded and printed it

for them.

The book is small, easy to hold and easy to read. I might even have

considered buying it rather than having to read it on my computer.

It's something that you should make clear is an option for those who

want it and are willing to pay. No one expects you to be able to

print up books to give away free. How could you or I afford that?

Anyway, if you have any other questions I'll be glad to answer them.

Please review the small excerpt from the book that I added to the

appendix together with the link to the free download. If you would

like me to remove it or change it I can do that.

The entire appendix can be downloaded in the files section of:


You may need to join the group to access the files, but since the

group is meant for activists who are fighting to get the word out

about LDN, you might find joining to be useful.




> Dear Joe,


> Re Those who suffer much, know much (free LDN book)


> I need you help to understand why I should be okay with you

modifying Case

> Health's free LDN book, and with Lulu.com selling Case Health's free LDN

> book for $7.42.


> I'd also like to know how Lulu.com calculated their cost recovery at


> Is that for printing and postage?


> The book is available in the safest format, an Adobe pdf.


> The book can be read online, it can be saved, it can shared-forward,

and it

> can be printed as a hard copy - all without any limitation - and

no-one has

> written to say they've had any problems.


> As far I know, this means every person can access the free LDN book, one

> way or another, and so I'm still at a loss trying to understand how


> could be disadvantaged.


> Who is it that you feel was disadvantaged, unable to access the book

> through one of the present options available?


> 7b. Re: Re FREE LDN BOOK - HEALTH SUCCESS STORIES - over 1000 copies hav

> Posted by: " joe wouk " joseph.wouk@... joewouk

> Date: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:25 pm ((PST))


> You gotta be kidding me...


> $7.42 is what Lulu charges to print the book. I never made and don't

> want to make any money from it.


> I did it as a service for those who can't deal with reading ebooks on

> their computer. Old, sick people. People who need your book more

> than anyone else.


> I invested my own money to have your book reproduced word for word

> without any modification whatsoever on paper for the benefit of people

> you were trying to help.


> I also wrote to you informing you of this and received no reply.


> Far from a " misuse " , what I did was as much of a public service as

> what you did and was completely within the " pass it forward "

> philosophy that you espouse.


> Perhaps you misunderstood and thought I was making money. In that

> case I understand your objecting. Otherwise I make no sense out of it.


> As far as Google is concerned, it has gone into the language as a verb

> long ago and I can use it in the title of the book with no fear of

> retribution. I'd love to have them come after me. Think of the

> publicity that would glean for our mutual cause....


> Remember, I'm a graduate of Columbia Law School and know the law

> pretty well.


> I don't appreciate your tone which you have taken without getting any

> facts first. If you think I'm in this " for profit " you should have

> your head examined.


> You are in no position to judge or know a thing about the Desoxyn

> which saved my mind as much as LDN did my body and I would ask you to

> keep your ignorant medical advice to yourself. I have both a GP and

> an ADD specialist who prescribed the drug to me.


> Since the LDN halted the progression of my disease, my brain had begun

> rewiring itself around the portions destroyed by the MS. I have gone

> from 5 pills a day to 2 and hope to be completely done with them

> within the next few months.


> In the meantime it has allowed me to complete the work on my book

> which I hope will do even more good for immune system sufferers that

> yours did.


> I hope this answers any concerns you have. If you still insist that I

> not provide your excellent book in paper form to people who need it

> that way, I will remove it from Lulu.


> Just be aware that everybody here has seen your letter and mine.


> Sincerely,


> ph Wouk



> Dear New Members,


> For those who don't know, there is a free LDN book available on

> casehealth.com.au.


> The book 'Those who suffer much, know much' features 29 case studies

> attributing low dose naltrexone (LDN) with improved health.


> Book Content:

> 20 Multiple Sclerosis case studies

> 2 HIV/AIDS case studies

> 1 Hepatitis B case study

> 1 Primary Lateral Sclerosis case study

> 2 Cancer case studies

> 2 Crohn's Disease case studies

> 1 Multiple Benefits case study


> The book includes an explanatory article, and interviews with


> familiar with LDN - Dr. Gluck, Dr. Tom Gilhooly, Dr. Jaquelyn

> McCandless, and Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharmacist.


> The book is in the safest readily available format, Adobe pdf. It's free

> and can also be freely shared forward with family and friends.


> We all hope you too will benefit from LDN, and will be able to


> your own health success story in the near future - perhaps to next


> free book?


> If you'd like to contribute your story to help build the collective

> evidence - you can email it to me at casehealth@... and we can

> begin creating your health case study. (Your identifying information

is not

> required or requested.)


> Kind regards,

> Cris Kerr

> Administrator

> Case Health - Health Success Stories

> casehealth.com.au




> Over 900 LDN book downloads since published online 8/8/08

> plus those shared directly, plus those hosted/available elsewhere

> (with unlimited capacity for sharing forward .......................)


> " The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain

> until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common

life. "

> Jane Addams


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