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Yeast die off?

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Hi all,

ds has not been showing his usual yeasty behaviour but is very 'zoned

out', constantly repeats words letter by letter(is this classed as a

stim?), and putting his fingers in his mouth. I've recently started him

on GSE 3-4 drops/day in in his OLE and also a specific enzyme product

used on empty stomach that supposedly kills off the cell wall of the

yeast making it much easier for probiotics etc to eliminate it. If

anyone has had similar experience please let me know.


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Guest guest

> ds has not been showing his usual yeasty behaviour but is very 'zoned

> out', constantly repeats words letter by letter(is this classed as a

> stim?), and putting his fingers in his mouth. I've recently started him

> on GSE 3-4 drops/day in in his OLE and also a specific enzyme product

> used on empty stomach that supposedly kills off the cell wall of the

> yeast making it much easier for probiotics etc to eliminate it. If

> anyone has had similar experience please let me know.

Try increasing the yeast protocol. My son's yeast behaviors changed

over time, so that might be why you are not seeing the same yeasty

behavior as you have in the past.


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  • 2 years later...
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Stop the hbot, continue chelation.


[ ] Yeast die off?

Hi to all,

My son seems to have massive yeat die off in his head, cousing him terrible

headaches, makes him cry and hard to sleep at night, he is getting HBOT

treatments now, and it seems to be reactions from the oxygen, does any body

knows what can help with it, I do give him Motrin, and also doing chelation over

weekend with ALA, seems to help but just temporary

Any help appritiated



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