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Chelation Survey Submission

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--Name of person filling out survey:


--Please list email addresses you've used to post to the

autism treatment list:

paxlforme@..., or queenvavee (Jan)

--Are you willing to answer email questions about your chelation


Yes, you can email me through the board.

--Are other family members also being chelated?

Yes, myself and other child

--What is your state or country of residence (this is merely for

" curiousity " ):

New York...lots of Hg in this county.We live on the " Atomic

Lake " near two coal fired power plants.


--Date started chelation:

April 2006

--Age at start of chelation:

AGe 3

--Date today:

July 29, 2008

--Age today:

5 years, 10 months

--SECTION 2: GENERAL HISTORY prior to chelation:

--Diagnoses and age(s) at these diagnoses.(Include comments on dx if

you wish):

Diagnosis was PDD, sensory integration disoder and fine motor

delay. Age 3 years.

--Age when " regression " became apparent (if applicable):

two months, began screaming all night long following two month

vaccinations. Each vaccination session yielded odd reactions,

such as crying, fever. He began rocking on all fours all the time

in infancy. We noticed a loss of eye contact following his 14

month vaccines.

--ATEC score prior to chelation (if known): 118

--Other health problems prior to chelation:

constipation, eczema on upper arms

--Comments on health prior to chelation:

he ate very little, he was pale and thin, his eyes were dull.

He did not exhibit the usual gleam and energy a child should

have.He only ate a few foods. He was socially withdrawn.

--If hair test prior to chelation is available, what metals are high?:

High Metals were: Aluminum, Arsenic, Antimony, Lead, Silver, Tin,

Cadmium. Showed less than .03 mercury, so none detected.

--Date of test? What lab?

April 2006, Doctors Data Inc

--Does test show " disordered mineral transport " (counting rules) (if


It was close to meeting rules. Heavy metals were very high.

--Other relevant test results prior to chelation:

Blood work up and Blood Lead. Confirmed Zinc was low as per hair

test. Blood Lead was only 2 and did not reflect the very high

levels in his hair

--What other interventions or treatments were used PRIOR TO chelation:

Probiotics and putting him on Spectrum Complete Multi vitamin from

Kirkman Labs

--On GFCF diet prior to chelation? If yes, for how long?

No GFCF. Feingold diet used.


--List vaccinations received and age:

Vaccines Received Age

Hep B Birth-two days old

ComVax (Hep/Hib), IPV, DTaP, Prevnar Two months old

Comvax,IPV, DTaP, Prevnar Four months old

Comvax, IPV, DTaP, Prevnar Six months old

MMR , Varivax 14 months

DTaP 2 years

--Any noticeable/immediate vaccine reactions?

Became fussy at the hospital the day we brought him home, after he

had his Hep shot. Fevers, usually came down sick within a few

weeks. Began screaming and crying all night long after his two

months vaccines and would not sleep unless you rocked him

vigourously..the whole night. He was fussy and had fevers with

all his shots. With his 14 months shots he lost eye contact.

This improved somewhat but then happened again with his 2 years


--Number of amalgam " silver " fillings (in person being chelated):


--When was amalgam replacement completed (if applicable)(date): N/A

--Number of amalgam " silver " fillings present in the biological mother

during gestation:

14 Teeth with large amalgams, some with multiple surfaces.

--Any dental work done on mother during gestation (amalgam placed, or


None, but had amalgam break in early pregnancy.

--Any vaccinations or Rhogam injections of biological mother during



--How long breastfed (if known):

Four Months

--Any comments on sources of mercury exposure or exposures to other


Mercury exposure through mom's amalgams, breast milk, vaccines and

the place where we live. Also exposed to Lead through house and

dad's job.

--SECTION 4: CHELATION METHODS USED (Please answer in detail)

--Chelation agent(s) used:


--Dose (amounts per dose):

Began at 12.5mg of dmsa and 12.5mg of ala. After 18 months we

increased to 20mg of dmsa and 15mg of ala.

--Weight of person chelated:

40 pounds

--Dose schedule (how often are doses given):

three hours during the day and four hours at night

--Cycle length (how many days on/off):

was Three days/two nights on followed by four or more days off

--How many rounds/cycles of chelation have been completed:

43 rounds down and counting.

--Are you still chelating?


--If multiple chelation agents or multiple protocols or methods have

been tired,please comment on differences or similarities noted:

No other methods/ protocols tried.


--Please list changes you have noticed since starting chelation:

Wow that is a long list. My son had symptoms of Pervasive

Developmental Delay before beginning chelation. He had sensory

integration problems and fine motor delay. He also was not able

to be toilet trained. He began urinating in the toilet on round

one without any provocation from us. He became more affectionate,

happy, began to pretend play. He developed apathy. He gained

better auditory processing functions. He used to be fearful and

unsocial. Now he talks to everyone. He is fairing well in a

regular school classroom. We continue to see improvements. In

fact, part of his sensory problem including being uncomfortable

in clothing and not wearing any most of the day. He began wearing

clothes after round 45. He has been able to tolerate foods better.

His motor skills have improved and are close to his age level.

He is reading, writing etc. His OT therapist was amazed at how one

week he could not do something and the next week he could. She

would ask us what we were doing at home because children normally

don't gain skills so quickly. Consequently, my son would have

completed a round that weekend! He no longer spins, or uses toys

inappropriately. He doesn't bounce off people anymore for sensory

stimulation. He is less sensitive to noise/light/ touch. He also

gained the ability to notice smells. When he was younger, no

smells bothered him, even foul ones. He also was dull to pain when

he got injured. He is more sensitive to it now. And now notices

and comments when things don't smell right. He also regained full

eye contact with us and with everyone. No more stimming behaviors.

I could go on and on. We keep a journal of his progress.

Basically,what chelation has done is given us our son back.

--Do you believe these changes are from chelation?

Certainly. Nothing else has been done that could cause such

profound changes. We began vitmains and minerals and probiotic

before any chelation and did not see such improvements.

--How chelation has effected your child, yourself, your family:

It has given us our son back and made us a family again. My son can

enjoy things and enjoy us. He is affectionate and loving and so

intelligent. I now know he will have a normal life and will be

successful. It has been hard on us as a family to have a child with

challenges and disabilities, but chelation has cured him and is

continuing to yield further gains. As a mother this is the greatest

dream, that my son will be ok. I know he's going to be OK.

--Using one the following ratings, what is the OVERALL effect of

chelation, so far: -RATINGS: 7: extremely negative effect; 6:

very negative effect; 5: somewhat negative effect; 4: neutral; 3:

somewhat positive effect; 2: very positive effect; 1: extremely

positive effect

A rating of One: extremely positive effect.

--ATEC scores during/after chelation (if known):

Current Score is 5!!..way down from the initial 118

--If a hair test is available from during/after chelation, any change

noted? Date of test?

I have pre-chelation from April 2006. Two from after we began

chelation 2007, 2008. We do one each year at the same time to

track progress. The original one was very high in aluminum,

arsenic, antimony, Lead and tin. It was close to meeting rules.

He had no mercury in his hair. His follow up showed a decrease in

all those metals, and clearly met counting rules for mercury. His

third hair test shows an increase in Lead and antimony, as we hit

deep stores for lead with chelation and other metals are continuing

to fall. We also saw the appearance of some metals he has not had

on the initial test like thallium. So it appears we have hit his

metal stores. He still meets counting rules. We will test again in

April 2009.

--Other test results from during or after chelation? Date of test? (If

excretion test:

blood labs before chelation for lead, CBC and zinc. He was

deficient in zinc and his pre-chelation Lead was 2. Which we found

ironic because his hair was loaded with it. No other labs since or

testing since. Just hair tests.

--what metals were being excreted?)

aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, silver, tin, Lead, bismuth,

thorium, nickel, and titanium, thallium, uranium via hair anyway.

--Issues/symptoms which have NOT been changed by chelation:

none, it's all changed, gone away or improved

--Please comment on side effects and problems during chelation:

for us mainly yeast of the gut. Initially we saw irritability and

low grade fevers for the first three or four rounds. This

disappeared. Then we began to see that he was getting cold on or

right after rounds. We dealt with this by giving Echinacea, extra

C and zinc on rounds. We also use grapefruit seed extract and

probiotics to treat yeast. At times we saw hyperactivity or

irritability and we treated this successfully with Epsom salt

baths. The first year of chelation he has problems falling asleep

while on dmsa and for a few days after, we used melatonin for

this. At this stage, the only side effect we have is yeast, but he

has yeast all the time anyway. It just increases from chelation.

--Comment on treatments used for side effects:

see above.

--Supplements used during chelation (please list)

Spectrum Complete by Kirkman Labs, Jarrow Acidpohilus, Milk

thistle, Vitamin C, B complex with P5P, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium

w/D, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Cod Liver Oil, chromium, molybdenum,

FortiFlax, Echinacea, Taurine, biotin. Adrenal cortex extract,

vitamin K. Selenium.

--Supplements added/deleted (and reason for adding/deleting):

Molybdenum, we used it for 16 months then he began waking at 5am

everyday. When we removed this supplement he stopped and went

back to his own schedule. Chromium is used but not consistently

because we no longer see his having low blood sugar symptoms.

Echinacea is used as needed. Selenium has been discontinued

because it caused him to be hyper.

--What other interventions or treatments used DURING chelation:

OT therapy for fine motor for 9 months. Vision exercises at

home to correct convergence insufficiency. No other biomedical


--GFCF during chelation?

No. Never tried it. Feingold diet worked for him. After 2 years of

chelation he has been able to tolerate occasional foods



--If you have stopped chelation, how did you decide to stop?

Still chelating, no plans to stop.

--Would you recommend chelation to others?

Yes, I do frequently when asked for advice.

--Do you have a doctor (or health provider) assisting you with


No. But Andy has interpreted hair tests for us and given some

guidance on some things.

--Please describe the role of health provider (e.g. directing,

monitoring, other): N/A

--Any comments on your doctor or other health providers, relative to

chelation: N/A

--Are you willing to discuss your health provider(s) (in private

mail)? N/A

--Anything else you would like to add?

I am willing to discuss or provide information to others. I have a

website set up detailing our progress. Andy's protocol has been a

life saver for my son, and it's helping the rest of us too.

View more about our story:


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