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Hi ,

First off, don't say " what if its too late " .

When someone says " there is no cure " ..... what this really means is we

don't know how to over come that problem yet....

And more than likely if the statement " there is no cure " comes from

anywhere remotely connected to the pharmaceutical industry, then what

they really mean is... " we don't have a patent (legal monopoly) for a

solution to your problem, so it is not in our financial interests to

help you at this time..... "

You could also take some hope from the fact that when I do a search on

pubmed on " virus in the brain " I get 22,158 articles turn up. So

there's a lot of people looking into this issue in a broad sense.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered in this area.

Does the mercury and other heavy metals assault the body to the degree

that a chronic viral infection can take hold? Obviously there is direct

cellular damage from heavy metals, but what is the damage from the

viruses? We know that some metabolic processes get influences and

deranged by viruses, which will cause significant problems, but how much

of the damage comes from the immune response, more specifically an

autoimmune response that causes a " self destruction of mylein basic

protein and neuron axon filament protein?

I don't think anyone has definitive or absolute answers yet, so for now

the best we have is speculation based upon well considered observations.

That being said, we still have some fairly significant indicators that

we need to focus on removing mercury from the brain, reducing

inflammation of the brain, addressing autoimmune problems, addressing

viral infections.

It might be worth contacting Jeff Bradstreet MD, who I believe has done

some work with Vijendra Singh, who inturn has taken a serious look into

viral and autoimmune issues. I can't vouch for Bradstreet, I've never

even met him, but he might be worth talking to.

Has anyone else in the group seen Bradstreet?

Vijendra Singh has done a significant amount of work in this area:


Singh: I have recently summarized laboratory data of approximately 400

cases (autistic and controls) and found that up to 80% of autistic

children have autoantibodies to specific brain structures, in particular

a brain protein known as myelin basic protein (MBP) of the myelin

sheath, a fatty coating that insulates nerve fibers and absolutely

essential for higher brain functions. These autoantibodies are present

quite frequently (65-85%) in autistic children, but only rarely (0-5%)

in normal children and other disease controls. Accordingly, I postulated

that autism involves a specific autoimmune response to MBP -- an immune

assault that impairs myelin development in the developing brain, thereby

modifying the nerve cell functions of the brain. Ultimately, by way of

impaired wiring diagram in the brain, this results into autism.

Autoimmunity is commonly triggered by environmental exposures such as

viral infections. Virus serology (or virus antibodies) is an excellent

tool for studying virus infections in disease states. However, until

recently, such studies had not been performed for autism. Because of my

ongoing research, I became interested in examining a virus link with

autoimmunity in autism. I recently raised two specific questions: (1)

Does autistic children have a hyperimmune response (or increase of

antibodies) for a specific virus? (2) Is there a relationship between

virus antibodies and brain autoantibodies in autism? I conducted a

carefully designed study to address these two questions. Succinctly, I

made two very important observations: first, there was indeed a

hyperimmune response to a virus and it was specifically for the measles

virus (MV), but not for the other viruses tested [human herpesvirus-6

(HHV-6), rubella virus (RV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV)]; and secondly,

there was an association between measles virus antibodies and MBP

autoantibodies (i.e., the higher the measles virus antibody level the

greater the chance of brain autoantibody). Few months earlier in the

same year (February, 1998), I had already found that many autistic

children had antibodies to a specific protein of the

measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine (MMR vaccine preparation). These

viral antibodies were also related to positive titers of brain MBP

autoantibodies. *This was most probably the first laboratory-based

evidence to link measles virus and/or MMR vaccine to autoimmunity in

children with autism*. *Collectively, these observations led me to

speculate that autism may be caused by a measles- or MMR vaccine-induced

autoimmune response. *Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, I have not

been able to extend this research and the progress has been hampered.

Serological Association of Measles Virus and Human Herpesvirus-6 with

Brain Autoantibodies in Autism

Vijendra K. Singh, Sheren X. Lin and Victor C. Yang

References and further reading may be available for this article. To

view references and further reading you must purchase

<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WCK-45K0Y05-D & _user=\

10 & _coverDate=10%2F31%2F1998 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt=full & _orig=search & _cdi=6741 & _sort=d & _d\

ocanchor= & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=d4bde2\


this article.

* *

College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109-1065

Received 17 June 1998;

accepted 24 June 1998. ;

Available online 12 April 2002.


Considering an autoimmunity and autism connection, brain autoantibodies

to myelin basic protein (anti-MBP) and neuron--axon filament protein

(anti-NAFP) have been found in autistic children. In this current study,

we examined associations between virus serology and autoantibody by

simultaneous analysis of measles virus antibody (measles-IgG), human

herpesvirus-6 antibody (HHV-6-IgG), anti-MBP, and anti-NAFP. We found

that measles-IgG and HHV-6-IgG titers were moderately higher in autistic

children but they did not significantly differ from normal controls.

Moreover, we found that a vast majority of virus serology-positive

autistic sera was also positive for brain autoantibody: (i) 90% of

measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-MBP; (ii)

73% of measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for

anti-NAFP; (iii) 84% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic sera was also

positive for anti-MBP; and (iv) 72% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic sera

was also positive for anti-NAFP. This study is the first to report an

association between virus serology and brain autoantibody in autism; it

supports the hypothesis that a virus-induced autoimmune response may

play a causal role in autism.

Hope that helps.

And if you do see Bradstreet, please let us all know how it goes and

what he's like.

Now that we've got chelation running like clockwork, I'm going to be

spending a good chunk of my christmas time pondering over viral and auto

immune issues.

Arias wrote:


> I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It could be

> scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of people

> say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are better

> but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a virus

> from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more confident

> that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus really

> scares me. What if its too late. She is 9, and this happened at

> birth.I am going to start the B6... to stop some of the impulsivity at

> night, and then I will bring on the stuff that takes care of the

> virus. I will start with Vit. C.

> Do you know of a doctor that would be good to help with this? Any

> advice. Is Dr. Mercola a good one to consult? Thanks



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Hi .

Your brilliant! My deepest thanks. I will check him out.

On Nov 26, 2008, at 7:08 AM, Reynolds wrote:

> Hi ,


> First off, don't say " what if its too late " .


> When someone says " there is no cure " ..... what this really means is we

> don't know how to over come that problem yet....


> And more than likely if the statement " there is no cure " comes from

> anywhere remotely connected to the pharmaceutical industry, then what

> they really mean is... " we don't have a patent (legal monopoly) for a

> solution to your problem, so it is not in our financial interests to

> help you at this time..... "


> You could also take some hope from the fact that when I do a search on

> pubmed on " virus in the brain " I get 22,158 articles turn up. So

> there's a lot of people looking into this issue in a broad sense.


> There are a lot of questions that need to be answered in this area.

> Does the mercury and other heavy metals assault the body to the degree

> that a chronic viral infection can take hold? Obviously there is

> direct

> cellular damage from heavy metals, but what is the damage from the

> viruses? We know that some metabolic processes get influences and

> deranged by viruses, which will cause significant problems, but how

> much

> of the damage comes from the immune response, more specifically an

> autoimmune response that causes a " self destruction of mylein basic

> protein and neuron axon filament protein?


> I don't think anyone has definitive or absolute answers yet, so for

> now

> the best we have is speculation based upon well considered

> observations.


> That being said, we still have some fairly significant indicators that

> we need to focus on removing mercury from the brain, reducing

> inflammation of the brain, addressing autoimmune problems, addressing

> viral infections.


> It might be worth contacting Jeff Bradstreet MD, who I believe has

> done

> some work with Vijendra Singh, who inturn has taken a serious look

> into

> viral and autoimmune issues. I can't vouch for Bradstreet, I've never

> even met him, but he might be worth talking to.


> Has anyone else in the group seen Bradstreet?


> Vijendra Singh has done a significant amount of work in this area:


> http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org/newsletter/nlarticles/aug05/

> singhautism.html


> Singh: I have recently summarized laboratory data of approximately 400

> cases (autistic and controls) and found that up to 80% of autistic

> children have autoantibodies to specific brain structures, in

> particular

> a brain protein known as myelin basic protein (MBP) of the myelin

> sheath, a fatty coating that insulates nerve fibers and absolutely

> essential for higher brain functions. These autoantibodies are present

> quite frequently (65-85%) in autistic children, but only rarely (0-5%)

> in normal children and other disease controls. Accordingly, I

> postulated

> that autism involves a specific autoimmune response to MBP -- an

> immune

> assault that impairs myelin development in the developing brain,

> thereby

> modifying the nerve cell functions of the brain. Ultimately, by way of

> impaired wiring diagram in the brain, this results into autism.


> Autoimmunity is commonly triggered by environmental exposures such as

> viral infections. Virus serology (or virus antibodies) is an excellent

> tool for studying virus infections in disease states. However, until

> recently, such studies had not been performed for autism. Because

> of my

> ongoing research, I became interested in examining a virus link with

> autoimmunity in autism. I recently raised two specific questions: (1)

> Does autistic children have a hyperimmune response (or increase of

> antibodies) for a specific virus? (2) Is there a relationship between

> virus antibodies and brain autoantibodies in autism? I conducted a

> carefully designed study to address these two questions. Succinctly, I

> made two very important observations: first, there was indeed a

> hyperimmune response to a virus and it was specifically for the

> measles

> virus (MV), but not for the other viruses tested [human herpesvirus-6

> (HHV-6), rubella virus (RV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV)]; and secondly,

> there was an association between measles virus antibodies and MBP

> autoantibodies (i.e., the higher the measles virus antibody level the

> greater the chance of brain autoantibody). Few months earlier in the

> same year (February, 1998), I had already found that many autistic

> children had antibodies to a specific protein of the

> measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine (MMR vaccine preparation). These

> viral antibodies were also related to positive titers of brain MBP

> autoantibodies. *This was most probably the first laboratory-based

> evidence to link measles virus and/or MMR vaccine to autoimmunity in

> children with autism*. *Collectively, these observations led me to

> speculate that autism may be caused by a measles- or MMR vaccine-

> induced

> autoimmune response. *Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, I have

> not

> been able to extend this research and the progress has been hampered.


> Serological Association of Measles Virus and Human Herpesvirus-6 with

> Brain Autoantibodies in Autism


> Vijendra K. Singh, Sheren X. Lin and Victor C. Yang


> References and further reading may be available for this article. To

> view references and further reading you must purchase

> <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?

> _ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WCK-45K0Y05-D & _user=10 & _coverDate=10%2F31%

> 2F1998 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt=full & _orig=search & _cdi=6741 & _sort=d & _docanchor= & vi

> ew=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=d4bde26f

> 9aefc3b9fdb4df280cf5fe43>

> this article.


> * *


> College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,

> 48109-1065


> Received 17 June 1998;

> accepted 24 June 1998. ;

> Available online 12 April 2002.


> Abstract


> Considering an autoimmunity and autism connection, brain

> autoantibodies

> to myelin basic protein (anti-MBP) and neuron--axon filament protein

> (anti-NAFP) have been found in autistic children. In this current

> study,

> we examined associations between virus serology and autoantibody by

> simultaneous analysis of measles virus antibody (measles-IgG), human

> herpesvirus-6 antibody (HHV-6-IgG), anti-MBP, and anti-NAFP. We found

> that measles-IgG and HHV-6-IgG titers were moderately higher in

> autistic

> children but they did not significantly differ from normal controls.

> Moreover, we found that a vast majority of virus serology-positive

> autistic sera was also positive for brain autoantibody: (i) 90% of

> measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-MBP;

> (ii)

> 73% of measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for

> anti-NAFP; (iii) 84% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic sera was also

> positive for anti-MBP; and (iv) 72% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic

> sera

> was also positive for anti-NAFP. This study is the first to report an

> association between virus serology and brain autoantibody in

> autism; it

> supports the hypothesis that a virus-induced autoimmune response may

> play a causal role in autism.


> Hope that helps.


> And if you do see Bradstreet, please let us all know how it goes and

> what he's like.


> Now that we've got chelation running like clockwork, I'm going to be

> spending a good chunk of my christmas time pondering over viral and

> auto

> immune issues.




> Arias wrote:

> >

> > I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It

> could be

> > scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of

> people

> > say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are

> better

> > but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a virus

> > from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more confident

> > that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus

> really

> > scares me. What if its too late. She is 9, and this happened at

> > birth.I am going to start the B6... to stop some of the

> impulsivity at

> > night, and then I will bring on the stuff that takes care of the

> > virus. I will start with Vit. C.

> > Do you know of a doctor that would be good to help with this? Any

> > advice. Is Dr. Mercola a good one to consult? Thanks

> >

> >



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> I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It could be

> scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of people

> say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are better

> but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a virus

> from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more confident

> that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus really

> scares me. What if its too late.

I'm not fond of " too late " theories. Not saying it never applies,

just saying I'm not fond of these ideas.

I would suggest that in your " spare time " (this is an attempt at

humor, sorry if it is " lame " ) you read up on ozone therapy.

Start with " Oxygen healing therapy " by ial Altman.

And HBOT -- read " Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy " .

I'm not suggesting these INSTEAD OF mercury detox, but if the

viral issues continue, either ozone or HBOT would be worth


I make no claim that either one is a short learning curve -- each

has its own complexities. AND both of them are just amazing

and radical for viral and bacterial infections. And that's even

before I mention that HBOT is also generally good for brain


> She is 9, and this happened at

> birth.

Did she have vaccines @ birth? If she was oxygen deprived at

birth, then read about HBOT sooner.



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She had the Hep B vaccine at birth. Afterwards she got a walnut sized

lump under her ear, and was really agitated from that day on..... The

cord was also wrapped around her neck during the delivery. So do you

still suggest reading up on HBOT? I was planning on attacking the

virus with Vit. C and Lysine. Should I try this first? She has

seizures that keep her up around the clock. She is impulsive the

whole time, but I see it subside on B6.

Thanks for any information!

On Nov 26, 2008, at 3:01 PM, moriamerri wrote:


> >

> > I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It

> could be

> > scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of

> people

> > say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are

> better

> > but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a virus

> > from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more confident

> > that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus

> really

> > scares me. What if its too late.


> I'm not fond of " too late " theories. Not saying it never applies,

> just saying I'm not fond of these ideas.


> I would suggest that in your " spare time " (this is an attempt at

> humor, sorry if it is " lame " ) you read up on ozone therapy.

> Start with " Oxygen healing therapy " by ial Altman.

> And HBOT -- read " Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy " .

> I'm not suggesting these INSTEAD OF mercury detox, but if the

> viral issues continue, either ozone or HBOT would be worth

> considering.

> I make no claim that either one is a short learning curve -- each

> has its own complexities. AND both of them are just amazing

> and radical for viral and bacterial infections. And that's even

> before I mention that HBOT is also generally good for brain

> injuries.


> > She is 9, and this happened at

> > birth.


> Did she have vaccines @ birth? If she was oxygen deprived at

> birth, then read about HBOT sooner.


> best,

> Moria




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More food for thought:

Hallett WH, WJ (2006) *Positive and negative regulation of

Natural Killer cells: therapeutic implications.* Semin Cancer Biol. 16

(5), 367-82. PMID: 16934486

Natural Killer (NK) cells can mediate numerous anti-tumor and anti-viral

effector functions as well as play important immunoregulatory roles in

various disease states. Promoting the ability of NK cells to respond in

an immunotherapeutic setting has often been sought by the addition of NK

cell-stimulating factors. However, such therapies are often found to be

insufficient, which may in part be due to the presence of inhibitory

influences on the NK cell. NK cells can respond to a plethora of

cytokines which are generated by numerous cell types and these

interactions can markedly affect NK cell survival and activity. NK cells

also possess multiple activating and inhibiting receptors which can

alter their function. Whether the NK cell will become activated or not

can depend on a complex balance of activating and inhibitory signals

received by the cell and modulation of these signals may shift the

balance on NK activation. This review discusses the various activating

and inhibitory stimuli which can act on NK cells, and suggests that

future NK cell-based therapies consider not only activating stimuli but

also removal of possible inhibitory elements which could prevent optimal

NK cell function and/or survival.

Arias wrote:


> She had the Hep B vaccine at birth. Afterwards she got a walnut sized

> lump under her ear, and was really agitated from that day on..... The

> cord was also wrapped around her neck during the delivery. So do you

> still suggest reading up on HBOT? I was planning on attacking the

> virus with Vit. C and Lysine. Should I try this first? She has

> seizures that keep her up around the clock. She is impulsive the

> whole time, but I see it subside on B6.

> Thanks for any information!

> On Nov 26, 2008, at 3:01 PM, moriamerri wrote:


> >

> > >

> > > I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It

> > could be

> > > scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of

> > people

> > > say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are

> > better

> > > but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a virus

> > > from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more confident

> > > that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus

> > really

> > > scares me. What if its too late.

> >

> > I'm not fond of " too late " theories. Not saying it never applies,

> > just saying I'm not fond of these ideas.

> >

> > I would suggest that in your " spare time " (this is an attempt at

> > humor, sorry if it is " lame " ) you read up on ozone therapy.

> > Start with " Oxygen healing therapy " by ial Altman.

> > And HBOT -- read " Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy " .

> > I'm not suggesting these INSTEAD OF mercury detox, but if the

> > viral issues continue, either ozone or HBOT would be worth

> > considering.

> > I make no claim that either one is a short learning curve -- each

> > has its own complexities. AND both of them are just amazing

> > and radical for viral and bacterial infections. And that's even

> > before I mention that HBOT is also generally good for brain

> > injuries.

> >

> > > She is 9, and this happened at

> > > birth.

> >

> > Did she have vaccines @ birth? If she was oxygen deprived at

> > birth, then read about HBOT sooner.

> >

> > best,

> > Moria

> >

> >

> >



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> She had the Hep B vaccine at birth. Afterwards she got a walnut


> lump under her ear, and was really agitated from that day on.....


> cord was also wrapped around her neck during the delivery. So do


> still suggest reading up on HBOT?

yes, although if there was not the vaccine @ birth and it were

more clearly **lack of oxygen** @ birth, then I'd be more clear

that HBOT is uniquely appropriate.

As it is HBOT and/or ozone MAY be appropriate, but remember

they both have a steep learning curve with some pretty major

challenges. So, by all means, do whatever you've figured out

to try now. You can start reading too ( " in your spare time " ).

A year or two down the road you may be able to consider these

options and know enough to think through what is involved.

I'm not trying to sound discouraging -- and it would be good

to have these options in the bigger picture. I'm for having

more options :)

> I was planning on attacking the

> virus with Vit. C and Lysine. Should I try this first? She has

> seizures that keep her up around the clock. She is impulsive the

> whole time, but I see it subside on B6.

> Thanks for any information!

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Thanks so much. I will read up. I am not sure if oxygen deprivation

was the reason. My gut tells me that the vaccine was the culprit. Not

possitive though. I tried B6 today and I am seeing some amazing

results. For how long.... I am not sure. :(

On Nov 26, 2008, at 5:56 PM, moriamerri wrote:


> >

> > She had the Hep B vaccine at birth. Afterwards she got a walnut

> sized

> > lump under her ear, and was really agitated from that day on.....

> The

> > cord was also wrapped around her neck during the delivery. So do

> you

> > still suggest reading up on HBOT?


> yes, although if there was not the vaccine @ birth and it were

> more clearly **lack of oxygen** @ birth, then I'd be more clear

> that HBOT is uniquely appropriate.


> As it is HBOT and/or ozone MAY be appropriate, but remember

> they both have a steep learning curve with some pretty major

> challenges. So, by all means, do whatever you've figured out

> to try now. You can start reading too ( " in your spare time " ).

> A year or two down the road you may be able to consider these

> options and know enough to think through what is involved.

> I'm not trying to sound discouraging -- and it would be good

> to have these options in the bigger picture. I'm for having

> more options :)


> > I was planning on attacking the

> > virus with Vit. C and Lysine. Should I try this first? She has

> > seizures that keep her up around the clock. She is impulsive the

> > whole time, but I see it subside on B6.

> > Thanks for any information!




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Ohmygosh. I have to sit down and read this when everyone is sleeping

so that I can concentrate. :) It is soooo confusing for me. Thansk

. Happy Turkey Day. I do have to mention that I am seeing pretty

good results with B6.

On Nov 26, 2008, at 5:44 PM, Reynolds wrote:

> More food for thought:


> Hallett WH, WJ (2006) *Positive and negative regulation of

> Natural Killer cells: therapeutic implications.* Semin Cancer Biol. 16

> (5), 367-82. PMID: 16934486


> Natural Killer (NK) cells can mediate numerous anti-tumor and anti-

> viral

> effector functions as well as play important immunoregulatory roles in

> various disease states. Promoting the ability of NK cells to

> respond in

> an immunotherapeutic setting has often been sought by the addition

> of NK

> cell-stimulating factors. However, such therapies are often found

> to be

> insufficient, which may in part be due to the presence of inhibitory

> influences on the NK cell. NK cells can respond to a plethora of

> cytokines which are generated by numerous cell types and these

> interactions can markedly affect NK cell survival and activity. NK

> cells

> also possess multiple activating and inhibiting receptors which can

> alter their function. Whether the NK cell will become activated or not

> can depend on a complex balance of activating and inhibitory signals

> received by the cell and modulation of these signals may shift the

> balance on NK activation. This review discusses the various activating

> and inhibitory stimuli which can act on NK cells, and suggests that

> future NK cell-based therapies consider not only activating stimuli

> but

> also removal of possible inhibitory elements which could prevent

> optimal

> NK cell function and/or survival.


> Arias wrote:

> >

> > She had the Hep B vaccine at birth. Afterwards she got a walnut

> sized

> > lump under her ear, and was really agitated from that day on.....

> The

> > cord was also wrapped around her neck during the delivery. So do you

> > still suggest reading up on HBOT? I was planning on attacking the

> > virus with Vit. C and Lysine. Should I try this first? She has

> > seizures that keep her up around the clock. She is impulsive the

> > whole time, but I see it subside on B6.

> > Thanks for any information!

> > On Nov 26, 2008, at 3:01 PM, moriamerri wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > I think it is a virus in my dd brain causing the seizures. It

> > > could be

> > > > scaring too, causing the problem. She can't understand much of

> > > people

> > > > say to her. She is not all there. During the day... things are

> > > better

> > > > but at night she turns into a crazy child. I believe it is a

> virus

> > > > from the Hep B vaccine,or the mercury. <sigh> I feel more

> confident

> > > > that there is help for her if it is the mercury, but the virus

> > > really

> > > > scares me. What if its too late.

> > >

> > > I'm not fond of " too late " theories. Not saying it never applies,

> > > just saying I'm not fond of these ideas.

> > >

> > > I would suggest that in your " spare time " (this is an attempt at

> > > humor, sorry if it is " lame " ) you read up on ozone therapy.

> > > Start with " Oxygen healing therapy " by ial Altman.

> > > And HBOT -- read " Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy " .

> > > I'm not suggesting these INSTEAD OF mercury detox, but if the

> > > viral issues continue, either ozone or HBOT would be worth

> > > considering.

> > > I make no claim that either one is a short learning curve -- each

> > > has its own complexities. AND both of them are just amazing

> > > and radical for viral and bacterial infections. And that's even

> > > before I mention that HBOT is also generally good for brain

> > > injuries.

> > >

> > > > She is 9, and this happened at

> > > > birth.

> > >

> > > Did she have vaccines @ birth? If she was oxygen deprived at

> > > birth, then read about HBOT sooner.

> > >

> > > best,

> > > Moria

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

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