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Was: When to add ALA/Seizures on ALA

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Thanks for everyone's input on this issue. I did not mean to scare

anyone away from ALA chelation and stated how profoundly different

everyone is...which is I think the most important thing to truly

realize, whether you are treating your kiddo or reading and trying

to learn from other people's experiences.

> On the one hand, I am more confused than ever. And candidly


> story scares the heck out of me. But I would rather know the


> than not, ignorance is definitely not bliss, as evidenced by our

> experience with vaccines and what it did to our boy, and our lives


> a result.

I think everyone should be cautious when using chelators, esp. ALA

because it crosses the BBB. Yeast can be very bad for many kids

also. I think my main lesson from this whole episode is that I did

not have a clear picture of my son's issues until some imaging

studies were ordered after the onset of his seizures. They were just

never considered necessary before....although I had annual follow

ups with neurologists, been seeing DANs and just never was brought

up to me that an EEG would be necessary. Now in retrospect I think

I should have pushed for it. I think I should have pushed for that

and an MRI as my son simply can not tell me what his symptoms are as

he is non-verbal. MRIs are normally ordered for headaches or other

neurological symptoms that can sometimes be behavioral as well, but

mainly they produce other symptoms such as pain, memory issues,

sensory issues just to mention a few that the patient experiences at

times and is able to talk about.

See, the problem is, I think, that the diagnosis of autism often

halts all further looking for causes, and I am not talking

necessarily about biomedical causes 'cause those I have searched for

as much as I possibly could.........but I am talking about looking

at the brain, MRIs, EEGs that in my opinion should automatically

given at the time of the first diagnosis, or any concerns, but

especially in the case of a child that can not talk. Yes, I saw the

behaviors but can I truly understand what symptoms my son has when

he can't tell me? and I am not him? All of the observable traits and

characteristics fall nicely under the autism umbrella and so our

neuros did not order the tests. I did not push, I was happy I was

one of the lucky ones without a seizure disorder.

Had we had an MRI or EEG earlier, we may have found maybe the cyst

earlier at the least. We could have had it looked at earlier...and

this may have influenced our treatment decisions. If it affects my

son's seizures, and one doc thinks it does, than we would have known

to address the cyst first, much-much earlier. It is not something

that anyone should ignore in my son's case because the cyst is in

the area where learning and language functions reside, and my son's

learning has been very inconsistent, slow, and his language never

really developed. Severe apraxia of speech and limbs, too. What

mainstream docs and their patients usually say is that a growing

cyst could cause seizures and other serious symptoms depending on

its location and on what area of the brain it is pressing upon. So

yes, it would have been a significant finding. It is our major

concern besides the seizures today.

I am on multiple groups for epilepsy and arachnoid cysts as well and

have been reading a lot about those folks' experiences. Most people

who have a cyst 'not big enough' face rejection by maintream neuros

b/c they think that these people's symptoms are not real or that

they are psychological. If the cyst is small (like Evan's) the

neuros usually don't operate or even take concerns seriously.

There are very few specialists in this area and there are none in

Cleveland. I am going to look for other docs that will take this

seriously. Not that I want to have brain surgery for my son, but we

must follow up on this issue and learn as much as we can.

Unfortunately, as I said, there is much controversy around treatment

of a small cyst and in particular even around the fact whether our

cyst can cause my son's seizures or not. One major doc we consulted

at the Cleveland Clinic denies that there could be any relationship

between Evan's cyst and the seizures or his symptoms of autism. This

doc does not even think that they are real seizures although the EEG

was abnormal first; he diagnosed them as non-epileptic spells once

he was on two antiseizure meds and monitored for 24 hrs. The other

neuro we see diagnosed Evan with partial complex seizures and we

tried 4 anticonvulsants - some of which stopped the seizures (on the

EEG) but not the surrounding behaviors and altered consiousness

(they call it the aura). Some of these meds, or I should say all of

them, have had horrifying side effects that compromised my son's

safety BIG TIME. And, ours too, to an extent. Quality of life?

forget about it. He also started poking his own eyes out, just to

mention the worse of behaviors from the meds, but we tried different

ones, all of which just made things worse. Really...

But I did want to comment on 's note there about Evan's

preexisting seizures. See, I am not completely sure if he had them

before. Truth be told, although I did observe my son once to stare

away for about 5 seconds (about 2.5 years ago) and thought this may

have been an absent seizure I dismissed this, sort of, later because

it never repeated again and it was very very very slight. I may have

even been reading into it a bit because at the time he was taking

Flagyl for bacterial issues so I was very vigilant with observing

him and perhaps did not really see a seizure but thought I did... if

that makes any sense? I thought I would rather err and be on the

safe side than allow my son to develop a seizure disorder as a side

effect of the drug so we discontinued it.

What happened with the ALA was stranger than anything I have ever

experienced before. I took ALA along with my son also on these two

weekends, in a bit higher dose, but adhering to the AC protocol.

The first weekend, as far as I can recall (may have to check my

older notes to be exact) I felt very sharp, kind of like a

superwoman, my English was really good (I am Hungarian) and Evan did

fine also. I remember him being 'with it' more, and his urinary

accidents stopped, out of the blue. I thought, what a huge gain and

right at the beginning! I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day that I

started feeling cramping in my hand and shoulder, the right one that

was affected after amalgam fillings and a root canal while in grad

school. Months of swimming and therapy alleviated the pain but I

was pretty sick back in 1999/2000. Anyhow, this 1st round of ALA

brought back memories of that time, the pain, the numbness, the

cramping. Evan also started his posturing with his hands, and

dragging them along the walls as he paced, episodically. I talked

to at the time and she advised that I give extra potassium.

It seemed like it helped some with the stiffness/posturing of his

hands as this subsided in the two weeks we were between the 2

rounds. Then I started round #2 and he started up the

posturing/stiffenning of his arms and legs more intensely and so

after 3 doses it became so bad that I stopped the round all

together. He would do this episodically with a maybe a few seconds

of stopping/pausing and some drooling (=the actual seizure),

chomping, some crying and screaming, and then the frantic

moving/pacing/dragging hands would follow (=the aura). I also felt

my numbness/crampy symptoms more intensely again.

The following week we saw the neurologist and she ordered the EEG,

bloodwork, etc. Evan's EEG was abnormal and she diagnosed him with

complex partial seizures. Then later we had the MRI (June) that

found the cyst.

So, in other words, I think that the metals, possible inflamation,

yeast, cyst and seizures have created a unique environment in my

son's brain where the ALA may have done some good but also may have

shifted things OR put some extra stress on my son's already

sensitive system..... I also thought about extreme YEAST as culprit

in actually triggering the seizures during ALA (Yeast has always

been a very bad side effect for us). This was actually confirmed by

an OAT from May 2008 (seizures started early April 2008) which had 7

strains of yeast extremely high and I think 3 bacterial markers were

also extremely high. RBC from May showed extremely low zinc again

and high Ca, that was probably caused by the depletion that many

seizure drugs create, plus neurologist wanted me to stop/decrease

zinc and calcium.......... so I did this for a few months, what was

I to do? I was so frightenend. Things just went downhill from that

point until I got my son off the first three anticonvulsants that

did not work, went back to our two DANs and started up the

treatments again.

Both of these docs have been talking with my neurologist and I am

comfortable with them working together. I am seeking everyone's

opinion and then I make a decision once I hear what everyone has to


Anyhow, working with one of the DANs we adding zinc and selenium

back in and it was a nice improvement in only a few days! Ran more

tests, turned out Evan has strep in his gut (PANDAS!?) and DAN

suggested curcumin. I fessed up to him eventually and told him

about the ALA, eventually. He mentioned TTFD/Glutathione as a

possible way to reverse any shifting of metals that may have

occurred. He urged me to see someone about the cyst, which I am

doing tomorrow and will seek a second opinion as soon as I can. We

started eventually with two different antifungals b/c high yeast but

both drugs increased Evan's seizures. Interestingly, once we stopped

both drugs after a week of therapy because of intolerance, we had a

terrific week with only 2-3 mild seizures (compared to 8-10 a day

prior to antifungal therapy). Then we swithed to Uva Ursi, and after

a month of that we are doing caprylic acid b/c he could not swallow

the Uva ursi no more. So the plan was to first knock down yeast,

and then try HBOT. We dived one session in early August in a mild

chamber which 'seemed' to increase seizures but I am not sure. I

just wasn't sure and did not want to risk trying anything anymore

unless clearly beneficial to Evan.

So here's where we are right now. Now avaiting new OAT after

antifungals, awaiting also pyrulia testing results, and RAST tests

for allergies (Evan's IG-E count in over a 1,000 - outrageously

high). CSA was negative for parasites though. So it must be

allergies. He has been doing NAET for over 4 years now off and

on....so this is really puzzling to me. Anyhow, we also need to

repeat test for ammonia in a few weeks as his latest (about 6 weeks

ago) was quite high (205).

The other doc we are working with told us to use YUCCA for ammonia

and she has been researching a steroid/prednisone program for Evan.

Not sure about this program yet. It is very involved but may be the

treament to quickly address any brain inflamation. This doc is not

concerned about the cyst at all. She thinks the seizures and ALA was

coincidental. I don't think I agree with this 100% but anyways...

This doc also mentioned B12 shots for seizures...but I am not sure

about this either.

The other (first) DAN we see wants to exhaust everything else before

prednisone - curcumin, HBOT (on hold), LDN, but we have tried LDN

before with mixed results. So not sure what to do next.

I am gonna have to research all of these options FAST because we

don't have any time to waste. My son is 6 and 1/2 and he is

seizing about 20 times a day (ballpark figure). Will also do the

mito tests this Sat to rule that out.....so will have some more good

information available soon.

But the main point to Irene and those wanting to try ALA is that I

am not trying to blame or scare people away from ALA. I am just

saying that sometimes it is impossible to know the exact picture of

the issues a child may have and thus you see different responses. My

kid could be 1 in a thousand and I certainly hope that everyone's

kiddo will do wonderfully on ALA. But there are some negative

experiences, like mine, in which case ALA did trigger seizures, or

this is my conclusion at least - you can draw your own.

However, 's response is helpful that you have to look

> at the other possible explanations for the seizures and the

> preexisting evidence of seizure prior to ALA.

Again, I am not sure if there was a preexisting seizure in our case.

> get that you

> eventually have to use ALA if you want heavy metals out of the


> like mercury, but you must do so cautiously. I also get that the


> burden should not be dismissed out of hand, and that by using DMSA

> alone for a month or two, it is not like we are not doing anything


> our son. He is doing very well on the DMSA and it is clearly



Yes. This sounds very good. I am happy things are progressing well

for you!

Thanks for everyone's input and support, I have to go sleep cause Ev

will be up at 5:30 am! Please feel free to comment or make

suggestions again.....I appreciate it...and need it bad!

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----- Original Message -----

From: egerpatt

But I did want to comment on 's note there about Evan's

preexisting seizures. See, I am not completely sure if he had them



I'm sorry if I misspoke but I remember you telling me that you did see some

minor posturing " before " you used Ala. It was slight but I distinctly remember

talking about that with you. And Ala did exacerbate it.

Since your report of Evan's arachnoid cyst I have run across about 4 other

reports of the same kind of cyst being found in ASD kids. So may not be that

uncommon but I think given the symptoms he is displaying you are right to pursue

some additional opinions on whether this cyst might be connected to his current


Please let us know what you find. My computer crashed so I lost your email

addy, . I know people say that the email address is right on people's

email but I don't have that feature on my computer or I'm too inept to see

it/use it. Feel free to contact me.

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Thanks , I will try to pull up my old notes and see....I may

not remember well. I will post a correction soon. Either way, the

symptoms got so much worse while I chelated with ALA...I actually

feel it was good for him in a way, partially, but also it somehow

created a more stressed environment where he started seizing, much

more obviously and impairingly than before (if he did even


Thanks for your concern and input , I will email you off line

when I have something new to report. Now I am off to the




> ----- Original Message -----

> From: egerpatt




> But I did want to comment on 's note there about Evan's

> preexisting seizures. See, I am not completely sure if he had


> before.


> ===>,


> I'm sorry if I misspoke but I remember you telling me that you

did see some minor posturing " before " you used Ala. It was slight

but I distinctly remember talking about that with you. And Ala did

exacerbate it.


> Since your report of Evan's arachnoid cyst I have run across

about 4 other reports of the same kind of cyst being found in ASD

kids. So may not be that uncommon but I think given the symptoms he

is displaying you are right to pursue some additional opinions on

whether this cyst might be connected to his current issues.


> Please let us know what you find. My computer crashed so I lost

your email addy, . I know people say that the email address

is right on people's email but I don't have that feature on my

computer or I'm too inept to see it/use it. Feel free to contact me.
















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>>He also started poking his own eyes out, just to

> mention the worse of behaviors from the meds,

This is a common symptom of calcium deficiency. Did that medication

deplete calcium?

>>I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day that I

> started feeling cramping in my hand and shoulder, the right one that

> was affected after amalgam fillings and a root canal while in grad

> school. Months of swimming and therapy alleviated the pain but I

> was pretty sick back in 1999/2000. Anyhow, this 1st round of ALA

> brought back memories of that time, the pain, the numbness, the

> cramping. Evan also started his posturing with his hands, and

> dragging them along the walls as he paced, episodically.

Most of these symptoms were mineral deficiency at my house. ALA did

deplete minerals, which for two of my kids was good, because they were

mineral toxic. But for the other two kids, plus myself, we had

mineral deficiency issues, including what you wrote above. Magnesium

and potassium helped, along with selenium, chromium, and a multi.

> Anyhow, working with one of the DANs we adding zinc and selenium

> back in and it was a nice improvement in only a few days!

Selenium was major at my house.

>> Ran more

> tests, turned out Evan has strep in his gut (PANDAS!?)

I eliminated strep with OLE.


> started eventually with two different antifungals b/c high yeast but

> both drugs increased Evan's seizures. Interestingly, once we stopped

> both drugs after a week of therapy because of intolerance, we had a

> terrific week with only 2-3 mild seizures (compared to 8-10 a day

> prior to antifungal therapy).

I used biotin and GSE for yeast. The biotin was essential for my

son's body to start fighting yeast on its own.


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With all the talk of the dangers of ALA, I just wanted to add that

mineral watch is important when using ALA. Our ASD son is doing find

with minerals, but we had a couple rounds that ended in worse symptoms

for our NT daughter than they relieved. She went to bed crying with

headaches, and had miserable " day after " when the round ended. We added

more magnesium, more water (though she protested she was already

drinking a lot), and kept a stricter watch on her intake of food,

supplements. That pretty much relieved the problems, but it could have

easily looked as though we were jogging backwards those two weeks, and

that was doing 1/16 mg per pound every 3 hours, 4 hours at night. What

I may have attributed to the ALA was actually minerals, as Dana posts

all the time what it was " at her house. "

So, for those who are experiencing problems, just post about it here, as

I did. I found immediate help, and good advice. That's not so say

we'll have all the answers, but I'm glad I did and was able to continue

chelating her. Before coming to this board, I wouldn't have known the

danger of using ALA as a supplement, as it is being touted among the

health community. It may be a great supplement for mercury free people

(if there are any left), but it is a tool for those of us battling

mercury. And, as with any tool, it needs to be used wisely and with a

lot of knowledge and support. I took almost a year getting my minerals

and supplements in place, yeast under control, and all around health

improved for the kids before I would even start. Then, I started even

lower than recommended. I've been tickled pink by the results, but

still ever watchful.

Andy posted a couple times with something that really helped my

perspective. He chastised parents who expressed fear. Bad paraphrase:

fear isn't going to help the kids. So, rather than being fearful, I

became cautious and watchful. Each of the kids is an individual, each

will react differently, and if we are watchful and alert, we can help

them. If we are fearful, our reactions may not be helpful. So, when my

little girl regresses, rather than get scared, I got on the computer and

figured out what to do. Thanks to all of you!!


danasview wrote:



> >>He also started poking his own eyes out, just to

> > mention the worse of behaviors from the meds,


> This is a common symptom of calcium deficiency. Did that medication

> deplete calcium?


> >>I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day that I

> > started feeling cramping in my hand and shoulder, the right one that

> > was affected after amalgam fillings and a root canal while in grad

> > school. Months of swimming and therapy alleviated the pain but I

> > was pretty sick back in 1999/2000. Anyhow, this 1st round of ALA

> > brought back memories of that time, the pain, the numbness, the

> > cramping. Evan also started his posturing with his hands, and

> > dragging them along the walls as he paced, episodically.


> Most of these symptoms were mineral deficiency at my house. ALA did

> deplete minerals, which for two of my kids was good, because they were

> mineral toxic. But for the other two kids, plus myself, we had

> mineral deficiency issues, including what you wrote above. Magnesium

> and potassium helped, along with selenium, chromium, and a multi.


> > Anyhow, working with one of the DANs we adding zinc and selenium

> > back in and it was a nice improvement in only a few days!


> Selenium was major at my house.


> >> Ran more

> > tests, turned out Evan has strep in his gut (PANDAS!?)


> I eliminated strep with OLE.


> >>We

> > started eventually with two different antifungals b/c high yeast but

> > both drugs increased Evan's seizures. Interestingly, once we stopped

> > both drugs after a week of therapy because of intolerance, we had a

> > terrific week with only 2-3 mild seizures (compared to 8-10 a day

> > prior to antifungal therapy).


> I used biotin and GSE for yeast. The biotin was essential for my

> son's body to start fighting yeast on its own.


> Dana



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> With all the talk of the dangers of ALA, I just wanted to add that

> mineral watch is important when using ALA.

Thanks for reminding us of that. Can someone remind me of where to

find the symptoms of mineral deficiencies? Dana must have info about

it but I don't have the link at hand.

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Is there a test to check for mineral depletion?

On Aug 28, 2008, at 9:05 AM, P. wrote:

> With all the talk of the dangers of ALA, I just wanted to add that

> mineral watch is important when using ALA. Our ASD son is doing find

> with minerals, but we had a couple rounds that ended in worse symptoms

> for our NT daughter than they relieved. She went to bed crying with

> headaches, and had miserable " day after " when the round ended. We

> added

> more magnesium, more water (though she protested she was already

> drinking a lot), and kept a stricter watch on her intake of food,

> supplements. That pretty much relieved the problems, but it could have

> easily looked as though we were jogging backwards those two weeks, and

> that was doing 1/16 mg per pound every 3 hours, 4 hours at night. What

> I may have attributed to the ALA was actually minerals, as Dana posts

> all the time what it was " at her house. "


> So, for those who are experiencing problems, just post about it

> here, as

> I did. I found immediate help, and good advice. That's not so say

> we'll have all the answers, but I'm glad I did and was able to

> continue

> chelating her. Before coming to this board, I wouldn't have known the

> danger of using ALA as a supplement, as it is being touted among the

> health community. It may be a great supplement for mercury free people

> (if there are any left), but it is a tool for those of us battling

> mercury. And, as with any tool, it needs to be used wisely and with a

> lot of knowledge and support. I took almost a year getting my minerals

> and supplements in place, yeast under control, and all around health

> improved for the kids before I would even start. Then, I started even

> lower than recommended. I've been tickled pink by the results, but

> still ever watchful.


> Andy posted a couple times with something that really helped my

> perspective. He chastised parents who expressed fear. Bad paraphrase:

> fear isn't going to help the kids. So, rather than being fearful, I

> became cautious and watchful. Each of the kids is an individual, each

> will react differently, and if we are watchful and alert, we can help

> them. If we are fearful, our reactions may not be helpful. So, when my

> little girl regresses, rather than get scared, I got on the

> computer and

> figured out what to do. Thanks to all of you!!


> P.


> danasview wrote:

> >

> >

> > >>He also started poking his own eyes out, just to

> > > mention the worse of behaviors from the meds,

> >

> > This is a common symptom of calcium deficiency. Did that medication

> > deplete calcium?

> >

> > >>I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day that I

> > > started feeling cramping in my hand and shoulder, the right one

> that

> > > was affected after amalgam fillings and a root canal while in grad

> > > school. Months of swimming and therapy alleviated the pain but I

> > > was pretty sick back in 1999/2000. Anyhow, this 1st round of ALA

> > > brought back memories of that time, the pain, the numbness, the

> > > cramping. Evan also started his posturing with his hands, and

> > > dragging them along the walls as he paced, episodically.

> >

> > Most of these symptoms were mineral deficiency at my house. ALA did

> > deplete minerals, which for two of my kids was good, because they

> were

> > mineral toxic. But for the other two kids, plus myself, we had

> > mineral deficiency issues, including what you wrote above. Magnesium

> > and potassium helped, along with selenium, chromium, and a multi.

> >

> > > Anyhow, working with one of the DANs we adding zinc and selenium

> > > back in and it was a nice improvement in only a few days!

> >

> > Selenium was major at my house.

> >

> > >> Ran more

> > > tests, turned out Evan has strep in his gut (PANDAS!?)

> >

> > I eliminated strep with OLE.

> >

> > >>We

> > > started eventually with two different antifungals b/c high

> yeast but

> > > both drugs increased Evan's seizures. Interestingly, once we

> stopped

> > > both drugs after a week of therapy because of intolerance, we

> had a

> > > terrific week with only 2-3 mild seizures (compared to 8-10 a day

> > > prior to antifungal therapy).

> >

> > I used biotin and GSE for yeast. The biotin was essential for my

> > son's body to start fighting yeast on its own.

> >

> > Dana

> >

> >



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----- Original Message -----

From: P.

With all the talk of the dangers of ALA,

====>No " all " that much talk. Just one report.

I just wanted to add that

mineral watch is important when using ALA.

====>I think the point is that although most if not almost everyone uses Ala

and does so safely, sometimes this doesn't happen, it didn't happen for .

It's a lot more complicated for than just adding minerals and minerals

are not the reason that the Ala was problematic, for her. I'm sure you didn't

mean to say it was or that it was this simple.====>

Andy posted a couple times with something that really helped my

perspective. He chastised parents who expressed fear. Bad paraphrase:

fear isn't going to help the kids. So, rather than being fearful, I

became cautious and watchful.

===>Yes, thanks for telling us what you did that was successful, this is an

important point.

Each of the kids is an individual, each

will react differently, and if we are watchful and alert, we can help

them. If we are fearful, our reactions may not be helpful. So, when my

little girl regresses, rather than get scared, I got on the computer and

figured out what to do. Thanks to all of you!!


danasview wrote:



> >>He also started poking his own eyes out, just to

> > mention the worse of behaviors from the meds,


> This is a common symptom of calcium deficiency. Did that medication

> deplete calcium?


> >>I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day that I

> > started feeling cramping in my hand and shoulder, the right one that

> > was affected after amalgam fillings and a root canal while in grad

> > school. Months of swimming and therapy alleviated the pain but I

> > was pretty sick back in 1999/2000. Anyhow, this 1st round of ALA

> > brought back memories of that time, the pain, the numbness, the

> > cramping. Evan also started his posturing with his hands, and

> > dragging them along the walls as he paced, episodically.


> Most of these symptoms were mineral deficiency at my house. ALA did

> deplete minerals, which for two of my kids was good, because they were

> mineral toxic. But for the other two kids, plus myself, we had

> mineral deficiency issues, including what you wrote above. Magnesium

> and potassium helped, along with selenium, chromium, and a multi.


> > Anyhow, working with one of the DANs we adding zinc and selenium

> > back in and it was a nice improvement in only a few days!


> Selenium was major at my house.


> >> Ran more

> > tests, turned out Evan has strep in his gut (PANDAS!?)


> I eliminated strep with OLE.


> >>We

> > started eventually with two different antifungals b/c high yeast but

> > both drugs increased Evan's seizures. Interestingly, once we stopped

> > both drugs after a week of therapy because of intolerance, we had a

> > terrific week with only 2-3 mild seizures (compared to 8-10 a day

> > prior to antifungal therapy).


> I used biotin and GSE for yeast. The biotin was essential for my

> son's body to start fighting yeast on its own.


> Dana



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> Thanks for reminding us of that. Can someone remind me of where to

> find the symptoms of mineral deficiencies? Dana must have info about

> it but I don't have the link at hand.

At my house, mineral depletion symptoms [depending on the specific

mineral], were hand posturing, pacing, hyper, headache, restless legs,

leg and other cramps, back pain in kidney area, constipation, thyroid

issues, pre-diabetes/blood sugar issues, major defiance/behavior

problems, and intolerance of certain foods.


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Oh man, my dd has all of that. How do I know what minerals are

depleted? I want to give her something to help... but what?

On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:41 AM, danasview wrote:


> > Thanks for reminding us of that. Can someone remind me of where to

> > find the symptoms of mineral deficiencies? Dana must have info about

> > it but I don't have the link at hand.


> At my house, mineral depletion symptoms [depending on the specific

> mineral], were hand posturing, pacing, hyper, headache, restless legs,

> leg and other cramps, back pain in kidney area, constipation, thyroid

> issues, pre-diabetes/blood sugar issues, major defiance/behavior

> problems, and intolerance of certain foods.


> Dana




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> Oh man, my dd has all of that. How do I know what minerals are

> depleted? I want to give her something to help... but what?

Some of the things I listed, were caused by more than just mineral

depletion. You can try adding a multi mineral supp, see if that

helps. Or, list each specific thing that applies to your child, and I

will tell you which mineral/s [and other things] eliminated that for

my kids.


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Hi all,

Just wanted to thank for everyone for weighing in on the issue of ALA and my

son's seizures in relation to ALA use.  I will be posting more about our

experience but just wanted to let you know that right now we are off the AEDs

(anti epileptic drugs) and will pursue new biomedial avenues to help my kiddo. 

I will let you know what we decide to do.  As soon as I have more to report,

hopefully good things, I will write in again for everyone's good and for the

sake of learning :-)

Thanks to everyone, again!

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