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Dear ;

Mad cow disease is spread from " prions " which appear to act like viruses. It

would be present in all animal tissue of an infected animal. In the meat,

blood and glands.

Its not like Hulda 's flukes. They are relatively huge parasites that

exist in tissues and can be seen. Prions carry the mad cow pattern. No one

knows what prions are. But sometime, just for fun, go out to a feedlot and

see for yourself what they feed cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys. That alone

would make you vegetarian.

Best wishes,


RE: Armour

I am curious as to how you could get Mad Cow disease from a pill that is

made from Pigs?

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  • 2 months later...

Earl -

You wrote:

> If a person has an underactive thyroid, adrenal glands, thymus or


> the body does not want these hormones... " replaced " ! What the body wants


> for someone to ask: WHY are the glands not functioning as they should??

> Thyroid: in the case of hypothyroidism, the most useful answer is: the

> thyroid lacks iodine, B6, zinc, selenium, manganese, trace elements and


> vitamins, tyrosine and maybe glutamine.

> When you supply these elements [Thyrodine], the thyroid generally returns


> full function once again.

What happens if, as I am, you are very allergic to B vitamins...I have

tried, throughout my life to be healthy, eat right, exercise, etc., and I

still find myself diagnosed as 'hypothyroid.' And yes, I've had a lot of

stress in my life...

So, I've been thinking about your formula for some time, but B vitamins put

me asleep as fast as not taking my Armour...actually, faster. I would love

to get off Armour, but I know that I sleep about 22 hours a day without it

and have constant and chronic pneumonia...And I can't take any supplements

with B vitamins.

Any thoughts about alternatives? And yes, I've tried every 'pure, purer and

purist' B vitamins I could find. They still put me to sleep, upset my

stomach or both.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Susie,

No, you don't wait to do the switch. When my doctor took me 'off' Armour (I

really tried to talk him into keeping me on it, but to no avail) and onto

Synthroid (I am now on Levoxyl) I started immediately.


>From: " Susie Keener " <fredsus@...>



>I will be switching from synthroid to Armour thyroid...does anyone know


>sure* if I need to wait any amount of time after going off synthroid to

>switch to Armour or can I go straight into taking Armour?






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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Joy and Ann

Who do you think funds doctors? Pharmaceutical companies pay for a lot of


and where do you think they get their information? Those same

pharmaceutical companies who have NOTHING to gain by your doctor

prescribing Armour. It's way cheaper than the synthetics alternatives. I

wonder who put out the information about Armour being obsolete...

Way back in the dark ages before standardizing techniques, Armour was more

variable. However, now and for quite some time actually, armour is

standardized to the same tolerances as the synthetic preparations. So,

your doctors have not kept up with current information, for one thing.

Email Darryl Wesche, dwesche@..., and he will send you lots of

info about Armour and how it's processed.

What the doctors don't tell you is that Synthroid and the synthetic drugs

are not even approved by the FDA! They are currently undergoing

examination on their own merits....previously they were temporarily

accepted as a piggyback...they claimed they were not a new drug, just a

reformulation of Armour! Because of various problems, they are now being

forced to apply on their own merits! Drug companies had to submit the

applications last year, and approval, if given, will happen this year or

next! I would not trust Synthroid at all, as you may know there is a class

action suit against them, because they hired some researcher to prove their

preparation was " better " than others marketed, and the research showed it

was not. They moved to hide the research and prevent it's publication, all

the while charging more for their brand, claiming it was better. Now

they're having to repay customers who filed a class action suit against

them. I do not want to do business with a company as dishonest as that.

Also, I've read research that people using synthetic preparations are more

likely to have side effects, such as kidney problems, panic attacks,

depression and hair loss.

I could go on and on, but the point is here, 1. Don't believe everything

your doctor tells you. He may be misinformed or have received biased

information. Always ask for sources of information and check them out. 2.

No one cares more for how you feel than you do. Don't accept less than

feeling really well. 3. Educate yourself. You will be your own best

advocate. 4. If one doctor doesn't listen or isn't willing to work for

you, fire them, and get one who will.


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Thank you Ann, Pam, Karla and Kip for your suggestions and support!---


Hi Joy and Ann

Who do you think funds doctors? Pharmaceutical companies pay for a lot of


and where do you think they get their information? Those same

pharmaceutical companies who have NOTHING to gain by your doctor

prescribing Armour. It's way cheaper than the synthetics alternatives. I

wonder who put out the information about Armour being obsolete...

Way back in the dark ages before standardizing techniques, Armour was more

variable. However, now and for quite some time actually, armour is

standardized to the same tolerances as the synthetic preparations. So,

your doctors have not kept up with current information, for one thing.

Email Darryl Wesche, dwesche@..., and he will send you lots of

info about Armour and how it's processed.

What the doctors don't tell you is that Synthroid and the synthetic drugs

are not even approved by the FDA! They are currently undergoing

examination on their own merits....previously they were temporarily

accepted as a piggyback...they claimed they were not a new drug, just a

reformulation of Armour! Because of various problems, they are now being

forced to apply on their own merits! Drug companies had to submit the

applications last year, and approval, if given, will happen this year or

next! I would not trust Synthroid at all, as you may know there is a class

action suit against them, because they hired some researcher to prove their

preparation was " better " than others marketed, and the research showed it

was not. They moved to hide the research and prevent it's publication, all

the while charging more for their brand, claiming it was better. Now

they're having to repay customers who filed a class action suit against

them. I do not want to do business with a company as dishonest as that.

Also, I've read research that people using synthetic preparations are more

likely to have side effects, such as kidney problems, panic attacks,

depression and hair loss.

I could go on and on, but the point is here, 1. Don't believe everything

your doctor tells you. He may be misinformed or have received biased

information. Always ask for sources of information and check them out. 2.

No one cares more for how you feel than you do. Don't accept less than

feeling really well. 3. Educate yourself. You will be your own best

advocate. 4. If one doctor doesn't listen or isn't willing to work for

you, fire them, and get one who will.



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The drug companies have gained and do have a lot of control of what doctors

prescribe to their patients. I work in a clinic for a large HMO and they

have just recently set policy for NO drug company representation directly to

doctors or clinic offices. Every drug representative MUST work through the

purchasing department and ALL samples are taken only to the pharmacy for

distribution with a prescription.

They discovered (what we the little people have known for years!) that the

physicians and " influential " persons were receiving all sorts of wonderful

gifts like cruises, golf clubs, country club memberships, etc directly from

the drug companies for " pushing " their products. Bottom line is you must

research because you cannot trust anyone!!

Barb Kreuziger


Honor Society Member

Avon Representative Since C-22 1998

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Dear All:

Heres a little bit of data for those of you who feel that Armour [pig

thyroid gland] has some offering to make.

This was received from the not milk web site today, 14 May 2000.

The Food and Drug Administration has a mad cow disease committee and

will be conducting secret and private meetings on June 2, 2000.

If you're a bit skeptical about taking possibly infected meat sources and

you're not particularly elated about dosing yourself with drugs, there is

still another, far more successful and far less expendive way to go to

restore thyroid function... www.thyrodine.com

Best wishes,


From: Barb [mailto:ziger@...]

Sent: Friday, 12 May 2000 01:54


Subject: Re: Re:Armour

The drug companies have gained and do have a lot of control of what doctors

prescribe to their patients. I work in a clinic for a large HMO and they

have just recently set policy for NO drug company representation directly to

doctors or clinic offices. Every drug representative MUST work through the

purchasing department and ALL samples are taken only to the pharmacy for

distribution with a prescription.

They discovered (what we the little people have known for years!) that the

physicians and " influential " persons were receiving all sorts of wonderful

gifts like cruises, golf clubs, country club memberships, etc directly from

the drug companies for " pushing " their products. Bottom line is you must

research because you cannot trust anyone!!

Barb Kreuziger


Honor Society Member

Avon Representative Since C-22 1998


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


Armour is a natural thyroid med. It is derived from pig thyroid. It is a T3/T4

med and I think, was one of the original thyroid medicines, going back many

years. I think Armour is the trade/brand name. ;)

Take care,


> Hi guys,

> Just a question about armour. Is it a generic name? I have tried searching

> through the pharmacy directory using the name and nothing came up. Just

> wondering whether it might be a different name being used in Australia?

> Thanks.


> Ange

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I have the generic of Armour...NATURE....


--- rja86webtvnet <reneeandjerry@...> wrote:

> Ange,

> Armour is a natural thyroid med. It is derived from

> pig thyroid. It is a T3/T4 med and I think, was one

> of the original thyroid medicines, going back many

> years. I think Armour is the trade/brand name. ;)

> Take care,


> ----------------------------



> > Hi guys,

> > Just a question about armour. Is it a generic

> name? I have tried searching

> > through the pharmacy directory using the name and

> nothing came up. Just

> > wondering whether it might be a different name

> being used in Australia?

> > Thanks.

> >

> > Ange




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  • 4 months later...


I agree that your TSH is a bit too high. What dosage and what med are

you taking again? I'm taking 137 mcg. daily of Levothroid and my TSH

is 0.1 (just had it tested last week). I'm feeling really good, too.

Best wishes,


P. wrote:

> I was just curious if you can order Armour without a prescrip for


> I'd like to try it but my doc seems to be dragging his feet on

> changing my meds. ( my TSH was up to 2.92 and he's happy with that -

> I " M NOT)

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My current amount of Levoxyl is 75 mcg. I've got some 50's here and

thought about splitting it and taking it with the 75, that would put

me at 100. I could do what he did and that was alter the days that I

take it.

> > I was just curious if you can order Armour without a prescrip for

> it?

> > I'd like to try it but my doc seems to be dragging his feet on

> > changing my meds. ( my TSH was up to 2.92 and he's happy with

that -

> > I " M NOT)

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In a message dated 12/13/2002 12:21:56 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nabie67@... writes:

> I was just curious if you can order Armour without a prescrip for it?

> I'd like to try it but my doc seems to be dragging his feet on

> changing my meds.

Yes, you can order it over theweb. You can do a search for " medicines

without prescription " or something similar and you'll get listings for

business that sell this stuff. You can buy from Mexico, Canada,(which is

what my medical student friend does b/c she doesn't have health insurance and

it's cheaper to buy what her doc tells her to take from Canada than to go

through a pharmacy with a prescription) or from Europe. I'm traveling right

now and I don't have access to my favorite links but if youdon't have any

luck finding someplace, email the board again and in about five days I'll be

home and I can send you the places what I've used before. Try MedsMex.com.

That's one I think remember.

in LA

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  • 10 months later...



How do I switch from a levothyroxine T4-only drug to Armour®Thyroid?


If you are a patient, be sure to discuss any desire to change

medication with your doctor or other healthcare professional. Dosage

conversion information is provided below for guidance to the doctor

or other healthcare professional in selection of approximate

equivalent doses.

The basic " rule of thumb " in converting thyroid doses is that 100 mcg

of T4 is roughly equivalent to 25 mcg of T3, or 1 grain (60 mg) of

desiccated thyroid (Armour® Thyroid), or liotrix-1 (Thyrolar®– 1)a.

Please refer to the table below for approximate equivalent strengths

of various thyroid preparations, based on clinical responses as taken

from the USP-DI.1,2 1,2

Drug & #8594; Thyroid Tablets, USP

(Armour® Thyroid)

Liotrix Tablets, USP

(Thyrolar® a)

Liothronine Tablets, USP

(Cytomel® B)

Levothyroxine Tablets, USP

(Unithroid® c, Levoxyl® d, Levothroid® e, Synthroid® f)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 1/4 grain

(15 mg) 1/4 6.25 mcg 25 mcg (.025 mg)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 1/2 grain

(30 mg) 1/2 12.5 mcg 50 mcg (.05 mg)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 1 grain

(60 mg) 1 25 mcg 100 mcg ( .1 mg)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 1 1/2 grains (90 mg) 1 1/2 37.5 mcg 150 mcg

(.15 mg)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 2 grains

(120 mg) 2 50 mcg 200 mcg (.2 mg)

Approx. Dose Equivalent 3 grains

(180 mg) 3 75 mcg 300 mcg (.3 mg)

Note: Please keep in mind that dose adjustments may be required.

Thyroid dosing is highly specific and will need to be individualized

by your doctor or other healthcare professional to achieve maximum

benefit and optimal patient health.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Kim I would mail you some but I don't have enough right now. Also it

comes in different doses. Why not order Armour off the internet?


> dont suppose someone would mail me like 5 armour pills to see if I could

> handle.





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Hi Kim, Have you had a doctor prescribe armour for you? Where in the U. S.

are you? What state? email me more about your situation...have to be

careful not to take too much, gradually take so body gets used to it. write

me personally. D.G

>From: " Kim " <kckim@...>


><hypothyroidism >

>Subject: armour

>Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 21:32:17 -0800


>dont suppose someone would mail me like 5 armour pills to see if I could




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Kim,, armour is only like 12.00 for a 30 month supply, or it is here in indiana

anyways. you really wouldnt be losing much if you cant take them. I know my

phar,, let me taking my synthroid back since I couldnt take them anymore because

of how they made me feel and then I got on armour and feel great- I am not sure

though- Keisha

Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

Hi Kim I would mail you some but I don't have enough right now. Also it

comes in different doses. Why not order Armour off the internet?


> dont suppose someone would mail me like 5 armour pills to see if I could

> handle.





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my dr wont prescrbe armour

Re: armour

> Kim,, armour is only like 12.00 for a 30 month supply, or it is here in

indiana anyways. you really wouldnt be losing much if you cant take them. I

know my phar,, let me taking my synthroid back since I couldnt take them

anymore because of how they made me feel and then I got on armour and feel

great- I am not sure though- Keisha


> Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> Hi Kim I would mail you some but I don't have enough right now. Also it

> comes in different doses. Why not order Armour off the internet?

> Gracia


> > dont suppose someone would mail me like 5 armour pills to see if I could

> > handle.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome! Armour seems to be the thyroid drug of choice for a majority of the

members here. It saved my life. I was on synthroid for approximately 3 years-

I still felt like crap (that's putting it nice). If you aren't feeling like you

were before hypo- or don't remember what feeling good feels like- do yourself a

favor, check it out. I got caught up in the HMO thing a few years ago and a

doctor wanted to change me back to synthroid. I was quickly reminded what

feeling like crap felt like. I now self treat like a few others- all I have to

say is ARMOUR ROCKS!!!

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you can get info about Armour thyroid at http://www.armourthyroid.com

Most docs Rx $ynthroid b/c of aggressive drug company marketing practices

($$$$$). Most patients prefer Armour though.


> What type of medication is this? I have never heard of it. I have

> been on synthroid for over a year now - Is it similar to synthroid?

> Should I be looking into this medication? or Is it for something else?






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Armour is a natural thyroid product made from the thyroid glands of pigs. It

has all 6 of the T hormones in it. Synthroid has only T4 and it's synthetic

thyroid (you can see where the name, " Synthroid " comes from) hormone. There has

been at least one study that showed people tend to do better if they have some

T3 also, which Armour has.

mwcislo <mwcislo@...> wrote:What type of medication is this? I have never

heard of it. I have

been on synthroid for over a year now - Is it similar to synthroid?

Should I be looking into this medication? or Is it for something else?

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I was just curious about something. Those of you on armour:

was your T3 low? normal? before getting on the medication?

----Original Message Follows----

From: mphedding@...



Subject: Re: Armour

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:32:28 -0400

Welcome! Armour seems to be the thyroid drug of choice for a majority of

the members here. It saved my life. I was on synthroid for approximately 3

years- I still felt like crap (that's putting it nice). If you aren't

feeling like you were before hypo- or don't remember what feeling good feels

like- do yourself a favor, check it out. I got caught up in the HMO thing a

few years ago and a doctor wanted to change me back to synthroid. I was

quickly reminded what feeling like crap felt like. I now self treat like a

few others- all I have to say is ARMOUR ROCKS!!!


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I don't know, never had very good testing done before Armour.


> I was just curious about something. Those of you on armour:

> was your T3 low? normal? before getting on the medication?





> ----Original Message Follows----

> From: mphedding@...

> Reply-hypothyroidism

> hypothyroidism

> Subject: Re: Armour

> Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:32:28 -0400


> Welcome! Armour seems to be the thyroid drug of choice for a majority of

> the members here. It saved my life. I was on synthroid for approximately


> years- I still felt like crap (that's putting it nice). If you aren't

> feeling like you were before hypo- or don't remember what feeling good


> like- do yourself a favor, check it out. I got caught up in the HMO thing


> few years ago and a doctor wanted to change me back to synthroid. I was

> quickly reminded what feeling like crap felt like. I now self treat like


> few others- all I have to say is ARMOUR ROCKS!!!




> _________________________________________________________________

> Looking to buy a house? Get informed with the Home Buying Guide from MSN

> House & Home. http://coldwellbanker.msn.com/






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Mine was low normal...within range but at the low end of midrange.

K a r e n P <karlynn17@...> wrote:I was just curious about something.

Those of you on armour:

was your T3 low? normal? before getting on the medication?

----Original Message Follows----

From: mphedding@...



Subject: Re: Armour

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:32:28 -0400

Welcome! Armour seems to be the thyroid drug of choice for a majority of

the members here. It saved my life. I was on synthroid for approximately 3

years- I still felt like crap (that's putting it nice). If you aren't

feeling like you were before hypo- or don't remember what feeling good feels

like- do yourself a favor, check it out. I got caught up in the HMO thing a

few years ago and a doctor wanted to change me back to synthroid. I was

quickly reminded what feeling like crap felt like. I now self treat like a

few others- all I have to say is ARMOUR ROCKS!!!


Looking to buy a house? Get informed with the Home Buying Guide from MSN

House & Home. http://coldwellbanker.msn.com/

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You guys are great thanks so much!

What type of medication is this? I

have never heard of it. I have

> been on synthroid for over a year now - Is it similar to


> Should I be looking into this medication? or Is it for something






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