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OT: viral? or bacterial? Dana

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Here is the fun we have going on now:

My son and I both came down with a fever last monday. His was 103,

mine 100. Crazy sinus congestion, sore neck/body pain. My son had a

cold for the previous three weeks and this came in addition to that. I

had no cold.


dry itchy cough, sinus/throat congestion, sore neck, body aches,

fever, throat congestion, sore throat.

I began my son on OLE and virstop. His fever broke a few hours later.

He had continued to get better. I have kept him on the OLE and GSE

(stopped virastop) for what will be 7 days today because I think he

has a sinus infection due to the long running cold on top of this

virus. He still has some congestion, bad breath and only occasional

coughing. So improved, but not cured.

I had a fever for two days, fluctuating between 100 and 101. I could

hardly move my body hurt so bad. I also took OLE and virastop...no

change. I ended up taking a homoepathic remedy for sinus infection and

within four minutes I began sweating profusely and the fever dropped

to 99. For the next day it remained at 99 and then went away. I had

severe congestion in the throat/sinuses. The type that chokes you. I

used Neti pot, gse gargle, etc. I also have a sore throat. Anyway,

here we are a week later and I still have some congestion, starting to

cough up stuff now. I lost my voice for three days, it's back now but

very horse. My throat still hurts and for some reason the pain in it

gets really bad at night. A tickle in the throat still that makes me

cough. And can I say...I am exhausted.

I am on ole 500mg, GSE one tab, and just the basic vitamins. Drinking

Throat coat tea in the am. At night, swallowing becomes to painful. I

have never had a sore throat like this one, where it gets worse at

night. I don't have a fever anymore....and if it were strep..I should,

right? I have been trying to call my doc but the phone has busy all


What do we need to do to get rid of this?? My son is doing the best so

far, but not cold free. Everyone else in the house has it, some are

faring better, I'm faring the worse. For some reason I cannot get an

upper respiratory infection that does not become laryngitis!

I had this same thing last year too.

Any helps is appreciated.

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