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valerie, are you sure about the dosages? that is an incredibly high

amount of diflucan. the usual dose is one 150mg pill every three

days. the dosage you describe is very risky for your liver and may

upset your stomach as well. i'd double-check...i'm surprised your

insurance (if you have insurance) would cover that much.

> My doc prescribed 4 tablets the first day and 1 tablet for 29 more


> at 200 mg a tablet. I feel better than have in a long time however

> still have the white coating on my tongue.


> diflucan


> my doctor is putting me on diflucan for 10 days. has anyone tried

> that & did it help? thanks,denise







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sinusitis was the problem that finally let me to realize that I have

had a fungal problem all your life. you can forget about your doc,

he can't help you. you need to do a whole body cleanse/detox to get

started healing. I started by following the instructions posted at


while drugs like difulcan may bring you some relief, they most likely

will not cure you... the same problems that let to fungal growth in

the first place will allow it to grow back when you stop the meds.

you need a life change. it sounds tough, and will take months if not

years, but you can and will feel like a new person.


> i'm not real sure if candidiasis is my problem...my doctor doesn't

> think it is...i think he is just going to humor me & let me try the

> diflucan..he says it won't hurt me & if it helps...well

> great! ..lol.. that was his words anyway. i just know i have been

> on a ton of antibiotics for sinus infectiions all my life. my nose

> stays stuffy r feels blocked all the time...i don't sleep good at

> night & i feel really depressed most of the time...i'm willing to

> try anything to feel better...i have been told, coffee enemas r

> really good to clean out the system.anyone know if that is true?

> thanks,denise

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Isn't it amazing how easily they give out antibiotics, but then are

stingy with the antifungal medications? When, in reality, it could

either be a bacterial or fungal infection that is causing your

problems? Same thing goes for parasitic infections, I really think a

lot of irritable bowel syndrome is probably just a worm infection,

but it seems like when you're past the age of 5, they quit looking

for things like that. That's one little quirk of medicine I guess

I'll never understand.


> i'm not real sure if candidiasis is my problem...my doctor doesn't

> think it is...i think he is just going to humor me & let me try the

> diflucan..he says it won't hurt me & if it helps...well

> great! ..lol.. that was his words anyway. i just know i have been

> on a ton of antibiotics for sinus infectiions all my life. my nose

> stays stuffy r feels blocked all the time...i don't sleep good at

> night & i feel really depressed most of the time...i'm willing to

> try anything to feel better...i have been told, coffee enemas r

> really good to clean out the system.anyone know if that is true?

> thanks,denise

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Yes, the dosage is correct. I agree it is a high dosage and I am aware

of the dangers. Yes, my insurance did pay for it. I went through my

mail order prescription plan which only cost me $40 for the entire

prescription. At this point I have been fighting Candida for over 2

years and have tried everything imaginable. For me the possible

benefits out way the risk.



> my doctor is putting me on diflucan for 10 days. has anyone tried

> that & did it help? thanks,denise







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  • 2 weeks later...

I took 250mg for seven days in a row, then three weeks later 250 mg

for ten days in a row because symptoms were returning. Continuous

use of Diflucan can be bad for your liver. Taking these doses kept

the yeast away for a month for me before it returned.

> Hi Everyone

> Can people please share with me their success (or if they had


> with Diflucan, including how much they took and for how long. I am


> a bit confused as I have read on the lists and elsewhere that


> people require 100 or 200mg (I am on 50mg) daily and that you


> only take it for short periods of time.

> Thanks


> Mickaela



> Digest Number 1794




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I think with Diflucan, they just try to give you the lowest effective

dose. Has the 50 mg a day been working for you?


> > Hi Everyone

> > Can people please share with me their success (or if they had

> none!)

> > with Diflucan, including how much they took and for how long. I


> just

> > a bit confused as I have read on the lists and elsewhere that

> sometime

> > people require 100 or 200mg (I am on 50mg) daily and that you

> should

> > only take it for short periods of time.

> > Thanks

> >

> > Mickaela

> >

> >

> > Digest Number 1794

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I think normal is just 150 mg to 200 mg. However, some people w/

systemic fungal infections take more. There's one really bad fungal

disease called Valley Fever. Here's the message board for it:

http://www.arl.arizona.edu/vfce/wwwboard/wwwboard.html . Some of

them are on up to 800 mg a day, so you can have higher doses. If you

get put on a higher dose, make sure to try to do things to protect

your liver, definitely don't drink, take milk thistle, drink

dandelion tea (or dandelion coffee, I bought some and it's yummy).

Anyway, just wanted to give you the info on the highest dosages I've

seen. That sucks about the resistant strain thing, it seems like

maybe they should have put you on a higher dose to begin with. I

read somewhere that's that's one of the most common failings of the

doctors with the fungal illnesses, they don't put the patient on a

high enough dosage to start. Then, the fungi are very good at

evolving, and become resistant.


> Hi,


> I was on Diflucan two years ago but it ceased to work and I


> a more resistant strain after a year. I am thinking of going back to

> it on a higher dose. Does anyone know the therapeutic dose so I can

> discuss it with my doctor?



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  • 1 month later...

Hi nn,I think that diflucan was more beneficial in my case because

nystatin is not absorbed and only works in the digestive tract.I had lots of

candida in my blood.I had severe die off from diflucan the first time that I

took it.I ,too,had constant thraot and sinus infecioons before I started


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  • 2 months later...


Just wanted to add my two cents worth about




was prescribed it by my doctor last year when I had extreme vaginal thrush for

about 6 months. She said I just had to take this one ‘wonder pill’

that would immediately kill off all the candida in my

body. Yeah right. It did absolutely nothing for me


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  • 1 year later...

I'm on Diflican 100mg once a day and Ceftin 500 twice a day. I herx

worse from the Diflican then the Ceftin. I have to back off the

Diflican every once in awhile because I get really sick. Been taking

them for 2 months. I was just diagnosed with lyme in April after

being sick for 19 years with what I thought was CFS, so am very new to

the whole lyme thing, so can't really tell yet if treatment is working.


> Hi,


> Has anyone tried Diflucan treatment for Lyme Disease? Just wondering

> how it went.


> Also, does anyone know of a LLMD in or near Tucson, AZ? How can I go

> about finding out?


> Thanks!


> Vicki

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Diflucan treats yeast infections, which come about as a result of

using antibiotics. If nothing else works (like oregano oil or caprylic

acid), Diflucan is the treatment of choice. As far as I know, the only

abx it interferes with is Biaxin.


> Hi,


> Has anyone tried Diflucan treatment for Lyme Disease? Just wondering

> how it went.



> Thanks!


> Vicki

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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 12/3/2005 8:01:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jeanniew58@... writes:

Did you ever try Carob?

Come to think of it I have heard of carob. I have never tasted it , does it

taste like chocolate ? I mean REALLY like chocolate ? Thanks!

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Did you ever try Carob? I used to get Carob covered rice cakes from the Health

Food store & they were awesome, tasted just like chocolate. Unfortunately they

stopped carrying them, but there is Carob covered peanuts, carob covered

raisins, etc. if you can find a store that carries them As long as you don't

have a peanut allergy or the sugar in the raisins isn't a problem!!!

If you are on Diflucan & eat sugar as to not worry about the yeast, isn't that

like being on Zocor & eating foods high in cholesterol??? LOL

Millie <millie_miller@...> wrote:

Can you put a lot of chocolate in it.



Let fate take it's course directly to your email.

See who's waiting for you Personals

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> Can you put a lot of chocolate in it.




> ---------------------------------

> Personals

> Let fate take it's course directly to your email.

> See who's waiting for you Personals



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In a message dated 12/3/2005 12:47:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

betneal@... writes:

GREAT suggestion Millie, Carob is delicious! I get a carob coated

peanut chewy, no sugar bar from my health food store. It is very


ya ..I bet ! Probably tastes just like a Reeses peanut butter cup !! NOT!!!

hahahaha !

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Yesterday was an eye-opener for me. I found out how much my family really does

not care about what happens to my Neice and Her husband or anyone who does not

make $100,000 a year.

The neice's husband has Fibro and I know he has Lyme. They live in Texas.

That Nephew I mentioned earlier called me last night at 10:30 way too late for

me. He has a dangerous temper having been raised in the prison systom. I

refuse to talk to him and intend to block his phone calls, If he tries again


I know what you mean about sleep. I get starved for it.

Have you ever eaten or tasted Chocolate, before we add butter and sugar it is

bitter. Surprised? I bet Not.

The LLMD I see does not deal with pain. My local Doc is new to me and is

getting to know me. I have had two surprise test for Drugs borth times nothing

there that was not Rx'd. Not even Medical Herb which she Rx's, and I have never

been able to acquire a taste for.

Same pharmacy now for Six years. Hopefully we will be able to work something


The Local MD I was seeing has started Pediatrics and Is why I have had to go

to another MD.

That test said my Viacoden was high. Now that is three pills a day. Anyway I

will try not to envy your meds anymore. :).

Thanks for the fun and knowledge on this site.

KATL1957@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/3/2005 12:47:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

betneal@... writes:

GREAT suggestion Millie, Carob is delicious! I get a carob coated

peanut chewy, no sugar bar from my health food store. It is very


ya ..I bet ! Probably tastes just like a Reeses peanut butter cup !! NOT!!!

hahahaha !

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  • 1 year later...

hello jamie,

regarding your symptoms, please review the list of common lyme symtoms

compiled by dr burrascano, which i posted recently.


you will find several of your symptoms listed there.

regarding using diflucan for long time, it is usually used to treat

overgrowth of yeast. are you following a strict anti-yeast diet? and

lowering stress in your life? if so, then with that diet and use of some

herbal yeast treatments and yeast enzymes (like Candicid), you may be able

to control your yeast without the difulcan.

blessings on your healing journey,


-----Original Message-----

Hi all,

Just have some questions maybe some of you can answer for me. I have

been taking diflucan for 3 months off and on now. It really helps my

symptoms out. My doctor doesn't like me to take it but says that

finding something that helps me out so much is good. It is a sign

that I will be able to get better. He said he would rather have me

taking it with liver support than going to the hospital freaking out

and crying from no sleep. I am one of those people who hates taking

pharmaceutical drugs but I have broken down and am also taking xanax

to get to sleep. I guess I should be thankful that god has provided

me with these for relief. I am currently not starting any protocols

as we are going on family trip for a week and don't want to get to

sick before we go.

Anyways, I just want to know if any of you have had any of these


-lots of phlem

-eyes feel really tender

-eyebrow bone is tender

-blurred vision

-body pounds when I lay down

-little blisters on fingers, hurt( maybe shilngles, since I have been

so sick I get cold sore also)

-severe insomnia( for me it is either extreme wiredness or totally

opposite and can't get enough sleep, this is the longest I have gone

with being wired, 7 months, it used to happen for a month and then it

would go away so I am worried that I will be perma wired)


-some shocking pains

-bottom teeth ache in roots

Anyways, It really seems as though the lyme is mainly liking my head.

So I was wondering if anyone has had this wired feeling for this

length of time and if you ever got it to go away. Maybe I will just

take diflucan forever. I wish.

Thanks and Blessings,

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Hi Kendra,

Thankyou for the info. I have read Burrascano,s lyme symptom list but I

never find anyone that has had this adrenaline problem for this long of a

time so I was just trying to find someone who can relate and has some


Also, Have been doing pretty well with diet but have cheats when I get to

busy, it is hard with a 2 year old sometimes.

I am actually not using the diflucan for yeast. I am using it because it

helps with my lyme symptoms a lot. There is a doctor that uses diflucan as

part of his lyme protocol. Dr. Schardt. If you google him, it explains why

it works on lyme. I actually don’t really understand. It just helps me out

so much, but I know that I need to treat my lyme.

Thanks so much and Blessings,



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of kendra

Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 7:30 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] diflucan

hello jamie,

regarding your symptoms, please review the list of common lyme symtoms

compiled by dr burrascano, which i postm syd recently.


< /message/6922>

/group/ /message/6922

you will find several of your symptoms listed there.

regarding using diflucan for long time, it is usually used to treat

overgrowth of yeast. are you following a strict anti-yeast diet? and

lowering stress in your life? if so, then with that diet and use of some

herbal yeast treatments and yeast enzymes (like Candicid), you may be able

to control your yeast without the difulcan.

blessings on your healing journey,


-----Original Message-----

Hi all,

Just have some questions maybe some of you can answer for me. I have

been taking diflucan for 3 months off and on now. It really helps my

symptoms out. My doctor doesn't like me to take it but says that

finding something that helps me out so much is good. It is a sign

that I will be able to get better. He said he would rather have me

taking it with liver support than going to the hospital freaking out

and crying from no sleep. I am one of those people who hates taking

pharmaceutical drugs but I have broken down and am also taking xanax

to get to sleep. I guess I should be thankful that god has provided

me with these for relief. I am currently not starting any protocols

as we are going on family trip for a week and don't want to get to

sick before we go.

Anyways, I just want to know if any of you have had any of these


-lots of phlem

-eyes feel really tender

-eyebrow bone is tender

-blurred vision

-body pounds when I lay down

-little blisters on fingers, hurt( maybe shilngles, since I have been

so sick I get cold sore also)

-severe insomnia( for me it is either extreme wiredness or totally

opposite and can't get enough sleep, this is the longest I have gone

with being wired, 7 months, it used to happen for a month and then it

would go away so I am worried that I will be perma wired)


-some shocking pains

-bottom teeth ache in roots

Anyways, It really seems as though the lyme is mainly liking my head.

So I was wondering if anyone has had this wired feeling for this

length of time and if you ever got it to go away. Maybe I will just

take diflucan forever. I wish.

Thanks and Blessings,

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I have/had a lot of the symptoms you list: vertigo (comes and go's), phlem,

heart palpitations at night, etc.

For the sleep, I use phosatidyl serine double dose. It normalizes your

cotisol levels so that you can sleep at night.

Don't feel bad about taking drugs. I feel if something van help you sleep

it is worth it, B/c staing up all night cqan drive you crazy(literally). I

have taken ambien with a valium to get to sleep. Now I just take a little


Take care,

-- [ ] diflucan

Hi all,

Just have some questions maybe some of you can answer for me. I have

been taking diflucan for 3 months off and on now. It really helps my

symptoms out. My doctor doesn't like me to take it but says that

finding something that helps me out so much is good. It is a sign

that I will be able to get better. He said he would rather have me

taking it with liver support than going to the hospital freaking out

and crying from no sleep. I am one of those people who hates taking

pharmaceutical drugs but I have broken down and am also taking xanax

to get to sleep. I guess I should be thankful that god has provided

me with these for relief. I am currently not starting any protocols

as we are going on family trip for a week and don't want to get to

sick before we go.

Anyways, I just want to know if any of you have had any of these


-lots of phlem

-eyes feel really tender

-eyebrow bone is tender

-blurred vision

-body pounds when I lay down

-little blisters on fingers, hurt( maybe shilngles, since I have been

so sick I get cold sore also)

-severe insomnia( for me it is either extreme wiredness or totally

opposite and can't get enough sleep, this is the longest I have gone

with being wired, 7 months, it used to happen for a month and then it

would go away so I am worried that I will be perma wired)


-some shocking pains

-bottom teeth ache in roots

Anyways, It really seems as though the lyme is mainly liking my head.

So I was wondering if anyone has had this wired feeling for this

length of time and if you ever got it to go away. Maybe I will just

take diflucan forever. I wish.

Thanks and Blessings,

Buy Healing Lyme: Natural Healing And Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis And Its

Coinfections by Buhner at one of these locations:


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, How interesting! I googled Dr Schardt and read the article. I

will have to study it and ask my doc to explain how the P450 detox

pathway affects borellia, but I thought it was a novel, interesting


I got sick when candida was considered to the 'the cause' of CFIDS so my

then doc put me on it and I stayed on it for 3 or 4 years! It didn't

cure me, unfortunately! lol! I was not given any abx because cfids was

not considered an 'infection' back in those days.

It might be that more of my illness is due to 'co-infections' than lyme

itself. Just ruminating about that..... Anyway, this was intersting so

thanks for posting. jo

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Hi ,

Yes, sounds like you do have a lot of the symptoms I have. I absolutely

hate the phlem. We went out to eat one night and up comes the phlem and I

had to run to the bathroom to spit it out. I know that is just so

attractive, Huh? Lol My husband just laughs and says now you are one of the

guys. Oh lovely. To tell you the truth though I would rather live with

this symptom that some of the others. I know, I just need to take the

drugs and not become crazy. They are here for a reason.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of susan

Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 6:16 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] diflucan

I have/had a lot of the symptoms you list: vertigo (comes and go's), phlem,

heart palpitations at night, etc.

For the sleep, I use phosatidyl serine double dose. It normalizes your

cotisol levels so that you can sleep at night.

Don't feel bad about taking drugs. I feel if something van help you sleep

it is worth it, B/c staing up all night cqan drive you crazy(literally). I

have taken ambien with a valium to get to sleep. Now I just take a little


Take care,

-- [ ] diflucan

Hi all,

Just have some questions maybe some of you can answer for me. I have

been taking diflucan for 3 months off and on now. It really helps my

symptoms out. My doctor doesn't like me to take it but says that

finding something that helps me out so much is good. It is a sign

that I will be able to get better. He said he would rather have me

taking it with liver support than going to the hospital freaking out

and crying from no sleep. I am one of those people who hates taking

pharmaceutical drugs but I have broken down and am also taking xanax

to get to sleep. I guess I should be thankful that god has provided

me with these for relief. I am currently not starting any protocols

as we are going on family trip for a week and don't want to get to

sick before we go.

Anyways, I just want to know if any of you have had any of these


-lots of phlem

-eyes feel really tender

-eyebrow bone is tender

-blurred vision

-body pounds when I lay down

-little blisters on fingers, hurt( maybe shilngles, since I have been

so sick I get cold sore also)

-severe insomnia( for me it is either extreme wiredness or totally

opposite and can't get enough sleep, this is the longest I have gone

with being wired, 7 months, it used to happen for a month and then it

would go away so I am worried that I will be perma wired)


-some shocking pains

-bottom teeth ache in roots

Anyways, It really seems as though the lyme is mainly liking my head.

So I was wondering if anyone has had this wired feeling for this

length of time and if you ever got it to go away. Maybe I will just

take diflucan forever. I wish.

Thanks and Blessings,

Buy Healing Lyme: Natural Healing And Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis And Its

Coinfections by Buhner at one of these locations:

http://tinyurl. <http://tinyurl.com/3bgm5d> com/3bgm5d

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When I was on 3 months of Doxycycline earlier this year, I got my

doctor to prescribe me Diflucan partly because I was scared the abx

would make my candidiasis even worse and partly because I had read an

interview with Dr S. and her small trial. If my memory serves me well,

she stipulates 200mg daily for I forget what period, as part of a

cycle with abx:- unfortunately, my doctor only agreed to prescibe

100mg, so I can't draw definite conclusions from my experience.

In the 3 months [of feeling very rough] of Doxy, Diflucan + the herbs

and other supplements, some of my yeast problems definitely improved,

notably Athletes foot and nail fungus. I can't tell how many of my

internal problems are due to candida or borrelia: whichever, that is

still there!

Would still be interested in hearing how people get on if they try

Diflucan at the higher dosage [always monitoring the liver],



> , How interesting! I googled Dr Schardt and read the article. I

> will have to study it and ask my doc to explain how the P450 detox

> pathway affects borellia, but I thought it was a novel, interesting

> idea.


> I got sick when candida was considered to the 'the cause' of CFIDS so my

> then doc put me on it and I stayed on it for 3 or 4 years! It didn't

> cure me, unfortunately! lol! I was not given any abx because cfids was

> not considered an 'infection' back in those days.


> It might be that more of my illness is due to 'co-infections' than lyme

> itself. Just ruminating about that..... Anyway, this was intersting so

> thanks for posting. jo


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I know I have Lyme becasue I had the rash. I used to get the

insomnia, although mild, the body pounding, and the electrical shock

pain that shoots across in big lines. I don't get any of the rest of

the symptoms and the only thing I get now is teh insomnia. I am on

Flagyl and doxycycline and salt/c at 8 -9 doses

(and magnesium, milk thistle, probiotics, zinc.). I haven't been

able to quit any ABX yet because when I skip even one dose, the

symptoms start coming back and I can't handle that..

The last one ahs stopped, thou


> Hi all,

> Just have some questions maybe some of you can answer for me. I


> been taking diflucan for 3 months off and on now. It really helps


> symptoms out. My doctor doesn't like me to take it but says that

> finding something that helps me out so much is good. It is a sign

> that I will be able to get better. He said he would rather have


> taking it with liver support than going to the hospital freaking


> and crying from no sleep. I am one of those people who hates


> pharmaceutical drugs but I have broken down and am also taking


> to get to sleep. I guess I should be thankful that god has


> me with these for relief. I am currently not starting any


> as we are going on family trip for a week and don't want to get to

> sick before we go.

> Anyways, I just want to know if any of you have had any of these

> symptoms.

> -lots of phlem

> -eyes feel really tender

> -eyebrow bone is tender

> -blurred vision

> -body pounds when I lay down

> -little blisters on fingers, hurt( maybe shilngles, since I have


> so sick I get cold sore also)

> -severe insomnia( for me it is either extreme wiredness or totally

> opposite and can't get enough sleep, this is the longest I have


> with being wired, 7 months, it used to happen for a month and then


> would go away so I am worried that I will be perma wired)

> -vertigo

> -some shocking pains

> -bottom teeth ache in roots

> Anyways, It really seems as though the lyme is mainly liking my


> So I was wondering if anyone has had this wired feeling for this

> length of time and if you ever got it to go away. Maybe I will


> take diflucan forever. I wish.

> Thanks and Blessings,



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Wow ,

You just prefectly described my symptom list and presentation. I can

so relate to you with all of your symptoms and the periods of

feeeling wired (but can't sleep) and then really tired during the day

(and sleep well at night). I also have eye twitcing and flashing

lights in my eyes. Although diflucan, flagyl and other abx have

really helped me, none caused the herx and improvement that

levaquin+bactrim combo did. I swiothced to these after I did a Fry's

lab blood smear that showed positive for Bartonella and so I added

these those two abx and within a month had the craziest herx so had

to stop for a bit. It's been two weeks on no meds and I have felt

more normal than ever, but I know I still have a ways yet to go. You

might consider Bartonella since it is known to cause the heavy CNS

involvement/anxiety/insomnia that appears in some folks. Hang in

there and have faith!




> Hi,


> I know I have Lyme becasue I had the rash. I used to get the

> insomnia, although mild, the body pounding, and the electrical


> pain that shoots across in big lines. I don't get any of the rest


> the symptoms and the only thing I get now is teh insomnia. I am on

> Flagyl and doxycycline and salt/c at 8 -9 doses

> (and magnesium, milk thistle, probiotics, zinc.). I haven't been

> able to quit any ABX yet because when I skip even one dose, the

> symptoms start coming back and I can't handle that..




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