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Re: Homeopathic Chelation agent Ch77

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Take a look at the actual " study " . First there are only 15 subjects,

rendering it absolutely meaningless. Then there is no control group.

Which means blood levels of the elements in question could

fluctuate/reduce on their own regardless of whether this " Ch77 " is

taken. And blood is not a reliable indicator of mercury body burden

anyway (it shows perhaps only ongoing exposure). So it appears this

doctor may not know very much about chelation if he/she is

recommending you take this product.

Regardless of what any DAN doctor may say, you owe it to yourself to

look at the Cutler protocol of frequent-dose DMSA and ALA chelation.

Much info is avalable in the files and archives here. Why don't you

post your son's hair test so we can have a look?


>I have been advised by the DAN doctor who conducted hair tests on my

>3.5 yr old son to use a homeopathic chelation agent Ch77. Does anyone

>have any experience using this?


>More info on




>Thanks for any input.






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Hi Sharmin,

This is one of the complexes that have been mentioned previously -

product that combines several homeopathics in the one bottle. Their

effectiveness varies from person to person, depending if the needed

remedy has been included in the bottle, and the closeness of match

between the remedy and the person's symptoms.

The main concern with using this complex is that it is a superficial

treatment only. Because it is a 'one size fits all' approach to

chelation it can start shifting the mercury but is not able to get deep

enough to address the reason why the child (or person) is retaining

rather than naturally excreting the mercury in the first place. If you

were to use this product alone, and were able to get rid of the mercury,

upon stopping it you would soon end up mercury toxic again because the

underlying problem had not been resolved.

Especially since sitting on this list and reading what you good folk all

say about mercury chelation, I do wonder about these complexes (or even

the straight prescription of homeopathic mercury which can also act as a

'chelator') and what they are doing. While I have no concerns at all

about a constitutional prescription and its ability to normalise

excretion pathways so the body starts to excrete naturally, as the whole

body is being supported by a constitutional prescriptions, I now do

wonder if I should have concerns about these complexes because of their

partial approach. I hasten to add that I have never used them because

they do not act as deeply or wholistically as a well-prescribed

constitutional remedy, even in regard to 'chelation.'

Is there any risk of mercury redistribution - I don't know? I have heard

a few stories of people 'chelated' by these one dimensional complexes

who improved on some levels but then developed tics, as if some sort of

neurological damage had taken place. I am still trying to work out

whether or not this is nothing more than scare-mongering so if anyone

has had any experience with these products, postive or negatively, I

would love to hear from you by private email.

Kind regards,

Fran Sheffield

Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Remedies - Treatment)


Homeopathy for Autism (Guidelines for Treatment)


Do No Harm Initiative (Homeopathic Immunisation)


Sharmin R. vanHolsteyn wrote:


> I have been advised by the DAN doctor who conducted hair tests on my

> 3.5 yr old son to use a homeopathic chelation agent Ch77. Does anyone

> have any experience using this?


> More info on


> http://www.harmonology.com.au/ch77.htm

> <http://www.harmonology.com.au/ch77.htm>


> Thanks for any input.


> Sharmin




Kind regards,

Fran Sheffield

Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Remedies - Treatment)


Homeopathy for Autism (Guidelines for Treatment)


Do No Harm Initiative (Homeopathic Immunisation)


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Yes Sharmin,

My homeopathic practice mirrors what Fran has shared on these

products. I've seen pretty deep pathology develop from superficial

treatments, which can then take longer for us to unravel.

Fran, would you share that information people report in?

Best wishes,


> >

> > I have been advised by the DAN doctor who conducted hair tests on


> > 3.5 yr old son to use a homeopathic chelation agent Ch77. Does


> > have any experience using this?

> >

> > More info on

> >

> > http://www.harmonology.com.au/ch77.htm

> > <http://www.harmonology.com.au/ch77.htm>

> >

> > Thanks for any input.

> >

> > Sharmin

> >

> >


> --


> Kind regards,


> Fran Sheffield

> Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Remedies - Treatment)

> http://www.homeopathyplus.com.au

> Homeopathy for Autism (Guidelines for Treatment)

> http://www.homeopathy4autism.com

> Do No Harm Initiative (Homeopathic Immunisation)

> http://www.d-n-h.org


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