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Please Help... regarding DMSA chelation every other day

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Dear Andy,

Please Help... I research the listserv and found your site

talk about the dangerous of DMSA every other day chelation. So I

bought the Amalgan Illness book and reading it. My God, I wish I

find your book sooner, Unfortuantely, the harm is already been done.

I want to optimize his health before the chelation again, the

following is the vitamin supplement treatment he is getting now. I

hope you can give me some suggestion on what else I need to do or if

I miss anything else.

My son started in BioMed treatment this year 08, and he was 3 1/2 yr

old diagnosed as very high function Autism. We did Hair Toxic

Element Exposure Profile, The Titanium is 2.1 (<2.0), Arsenic 0.15

(<0.20), Chromium 0.64 (<0.80). The rest looks in normal range.

Our DAN DR recommended DMSA every other day 25mg capsules for 2

months (Feb08-Apri08) with no mineral supplement. The only

supplement my son took during chelation was Kirkman Nu-Thera liquid

1/2 tsp a day, Kirkman Glutathionne Lotion twice a day, Kirkman

Immuno-Aid twice a day, Nordic Natural fish oil liquid 3-6-9 1/2 tsp

a day. In the first week of Chelation, he had terrible diareah and

bed wetting. We stopped till the sympton went away, then continued

the chelation. My son made good improvement from chelation

especially language, as well as some negative effects such as lots

of hand stimming, like humming, high anxiety, shorter attention

span, mood swing, might ask the same question again and again, talks

to himself sometimes and repeats what he said quietly when

responding other people. Most of time he is a happy boy, and he is

learning to read now. No-one can tell he has ASD. So I am not sure

whether he is high in mercury toxic. But I want him to reach to his

max potential.

Lately, we plan for HBOT in next few months and we also drew a bunch

of lab test in October 08 just want to make sure he is healthy,

because we heard many autistic kids have health issue. We stop all

the vitamin supplement for 2 weeks before the lab test to get a

baseline. We did Organic Acid Test, Urinary Peptide, Comprehensive

Stool Profile, IgG Food Allergy Panel, Red Blood Cell Element,

Urinary Porphyrin Profile, Urinalysis Routine. We found some major

health problems from lab results. I wonder if that is all caused by

the wrong chelation protocol or he just got it all along.

Here are some questions I have for you. What other things I need to

check before I can start the chelation again. If chelate again,

will the mercury ever be removed from the brain? How soon I have to

start chelate again before the permanent brain damage is done? I

have a dr appt with new DAN dr next month, I want to hear your

suggestion/recommendation before the appt, so I can ask the DR right

question and do the right lab test. I saw 2 Dan DRs last 2 months,

and they don't seem to have experience for my son's case. The

following are some my main concerns in the lab result:

Urinalysis Routine from LabCorp:

1) His vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy is very low - 25.1 ng/ML Ref range 32 -


My DAN Dr recommend Vit D supplement with 5000IU, 1cap/day.

Would this be too high dose? How long I should take this? I have

my son taking half capsule, would that be adequate?

2) I worry the most is his Testosterone, Serum is 28 ng/dL

Reference range is 0 - 10. That is 3 fold rises of reference

range. TSH is also high 3.266uIU/mL (ref range 0.550-7.100). We

saw Pediat Dr yesterday and ordered blood work on Liver function,

Hormone and retest the Testosterone. Waiting for result. Both of my

DAN dr can't explain why is so high, they thought the lab made the

mistake. I think could that be caused by the chelation.

What are the treatment to reduced Tersosterone? Any

suggestion/comments on this one? I know this can be serious.

3) HHV-6, IgG Antibodies is high 1:320 ratio, That is 4 fold rises

in titer.

The book recommends antioxident. Which one is the best? Any


4) IgG - he is sensitive to almost different kinds of nuts, dairy,

gluten, grain and some fruit. Only food is not allergic to are

vegetable and meat.

He is taking Kirman Enzym-Complete DPP-IV and Vitamin C 500 mg

(Ascorbic acid, rose hips) every meal, MCT liquid 1 tsp every meal.

Anything else should be added?

In the Red Blood Cell Element from DDS:

5) Manganese is elevated - 0,039 ref range 0.007-0.030 But in

the Genova Metabolic Analysis Profile it indicated as deficient. It

indicates relative need for it is 2-10mg/d.

I remembered you mentioned that if using wrong protocol chelation,

the mineral level in the test is all messed up, it will not be

accurate. So there is no way I can find out the mineral level.

Should I supplement him with minerals anyway? How can I tell when

the mineral level back to normal? Will I be ever able to use the

mineral level in the test again?

In Genova Diagnostics - Metabolic Analysis Profile.

7) In Malabsorption Markers and Bacterial Dysbiosis

Markers indicated DHPPA is 1.9 ref range is <=1.6.

It indicates Amino Acid malabsorption. Niacin, B12,

Glutathione, Folic Acid and Glutathione inefficient.

He is taking Kirman Probiotic Gold twice a day. Pycnogenol

(pind bark extract) twice a day. B12 injection, Glutathione .5ml

twice a day. Any other suggestion?

8) Arabinose is 69.5 Ref range <=63.0

For this one, we are taking Nystatin 2times a day to treat the


9)Cis-Aconitic Acid is very high - 180.2 ref range 3.5-66.4

Isocitric Acid is 103.6 ref range 5.8-81.2

Fumaric Acid 3.0 ref range <=2.2

In Metametrix Gastrointestinal Function Profile

10)Parasites Protozone present; taxonomy unavailable. Positive

DAN DR prescribe medication Alinia, 3 days on and 1 week off.

Would the medication be too strong for little kid?

Vitamin supplement he is currently taking:

Kirkman Nu-thera with 50mg P5P

Nordic Natural ProDHA

Glutathione .5ml twice a day

Kirkman Calcium Bio0Max

Kirkman Buffered Magnesium Glycinate

Kirman Pro-Bio Gold (thinking about alternate it with Culturelle and

Sacchromyces Boulardii) Good idea?

Kirkman Enzyme-Complete/DPP-IV

Thorn Trace Minerals

Complementary Prescriptions VitD3(5000IU) (is this too high)

PURE encapsulations Pycnogenol(Pine Bark Extract)

Complementary Prescriptions Epicor Junior(Dry yeast fermentate) for

immune system

MCT liquid

Sorry being writing so much, Any help is appreciated. Thank you in

advance for your help.

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