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Re: How do we parents untie under one umbrella with all our different views ?

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a rambling thought & not sure if helpful...thinking along the lines of

mediation. Like when (just two ;) parents use mediation during divorce

to raise kids, when communication breaks down, to get past the

" offensive " point of view. Make it bigger, the thought, that

is...Diversity & divergent points of view totally rock, but can work

against you, especially when the very welfare of your children is at

stake. ..Another group might work to umbrella everyone together, but

thinking bigger - mediating the existing groups, in some fashion -

there are alot of diverse knowledgeable people & if they could be " put

under the same roof " and have some sort of supportive mediation going

on (is there a word for that idea?)...The people with the transferable

skills who could consolidate this, gather the existing groups &

people... to mediate, not so much the consolidation...big sigh, which

would probably not be the parents, (for the most part) who are

themselves too busy, too often, with their children, " disabled " or

not....I am often astounded and beyond impressed with those people who

are not parents, who are also " warriors " for the kids, yk? A more

skilled mediation type of thing - someone not quite soooo busy with

the up close & personal stuff, is more apt to feel helpful, when

opinions and beliefs and theories collide...Unfamiliar is another

component - getting around that comfort zone of " what works for me "

and the tendency to project that onto " everyone "

when it may or may not apply to Everyone. I know I have been

challenged by this dynamic, my own self..big sigh, not sure how much

sense that all made, but putting it out there anyway...wishing you,

and all, the best, elizabeth


> Input on this is greatly appreciated - parents HAVE the answers.

> Parents, Providers, Listmembers.. is this at all possible ?

> Regardless of indifference.. regardless of what some believe to be a

> 'cure' or a 'treatment' (Normally at really high costs that aren't

> covered by insurance companies)...we must unite as a strong Lobby in

> America. We have fought independently for quite some time, some

> groups have 'Speakers' - yet lately there's been alot of negative talk

> about who is 'Speaking' for us. It has to be someone or some

> group...why shouldn't it be every last person that can..in whatever

> way we can ?

> I personally believe we can make a difference if we unite under the

> two words " Childhood Disability " . The caucus could be quite

> large..literally millions could be members of something such as this.

> WE have tried so many things so many times as parents we

> sometimes..or alot of the time grow weary. With my case it's a bit

> easier for me physically as my exwife/momma bear of my 3 kids is in

> California and I don't get to spend as much time as I would like with

> my Son who is a BOY to me.. he may be Autistic and non verbal..but

> what am I. You know the old saying " I know you are but what am I "

> .... hmmm, now that's something to meditate on. We can make a

> difference, we just need to have the right non profit allow all

> parents input without regard to editing out what we dont' want to see

> (unless its rude, or uncalled for behaviors).. if these 'ideas' could

> be pushed forth directly to a contact person for the State and with

> the US Dept of Oversight on ASD's (Sounds like a great name for this

> yet to be made Org.).. if we don't get tied up in too much red tape we

> could really help our little ones and that's what it's all about to

> me. Once we get our own home in shape...we can then step outside of

> it with our own problems and provide some help to the next person.

> In a future legislative request I will request that parents be

> given some type of relief..whether it's more Respite time or even a

> small tax credit... for helping other parents of children with an ASD

> to navigate through our system. This sounds good..but not easy to

> implement as I don't think that EVERYONE wants to help everyone else.

> We as a society are made up of different people..thankfully.

> Otherwise the world would be very boring !! But we must remember that

> we can't justify our action by the actions of somebody else.

> We all must be held accountable for what we do and consider our

> neighbor/brother/best friend/old friend/cousin ....it's getting

> overwhelming..and it's getting time to create a Lobby that can't

> Fought. We CAN DO IT...Any suggestions to help this thought along

> will be not only accepted but appreciated. Lets stop the attacks upon

> our children and put up a WALL OF PARENTS..Family Members...

> VOTERS...PROFESSIONALS..Therapists... The Dreaded Advocates ( please

> don't throw eggs at me I'm only trying to help.. hahahaaha), and

> whoever else.. So email me offlist or reply on, and lets see if we

> can come up with a non taken name..something that everyone with any

> kind of therapy can join...Let's make it a huge Lobby.. one so big

> that not lawmakers, not ANYONE can turn their backs on..

> Please email me at Peace4kids@... and give me feedback, it helps

> to compile these needs. Information received onlist and through

> anything other then approved email has not been used other then to

> create an 'atmosphere' for change by sharing the Lists which I have

> already done. With who someone may ask.. 'The Transition Team - I

> mass emailed them " We have been given campaign promises.. history

> was made.. we want the promise kept. What do we do when someone

> promises us something and doesn't give it to us ??

> We certainly don't kick back and watch another episode of 'That 70's

> Show " !!! We get it ! If we are going to make change occur in a way

> that it should then all of us need to be mindful of the other

> childrens needs and act accordingly. We must meditate on the thought

> of every group of parents that think differently can join up and be

> part of one parental coalition.. Cast away our differences...this can

> happen.. a certain population will refuse to cast away anything..that

> is hurtful to the children. Please do email me as a I stated with

> any Idea's you may have towards working to this common goal. I don't

> think we should abandon our friends in groups we have online..but one

> strong group thats not taunting a treatment, etc. would be best.

> It would be nice to be in a Senate or House Hearing and see more then

> one other Lobbyist that is preparing to fight off teachers unions,

> Pharmy Lobbyists, other inflated special interests....To see 10,000

> parents are ready to tell their story or fight off whatever is being

> broght on the table we don't agree with. I know our lists have a

> great place in our hearts..and I think that should be preserved..but

> just Imagine.... What your eyes would see...what we would be able to

> do... . Lets stick together as much as possible..we will need to over

> the next year - take care and I hope all is well with everyone.

> Lets see 10,000 new Advocates next year.. put he ones charging people

> out of biz !!!!! http://officeofadvocacy.spaces.live.com/ temp site

> until reconstruction is complete. Check it out if you want a quick

> link to..... Take care and peace be with all this season.

> E. , Sr. The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children

> " We fight with all our might for the Civil Rights of all "


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> a rambling thought & not sure if helpful...thinking along the lines of

> mediation. Like when (just two ;) parents use mediation during divorce

> to raise kids, when communication breaks down, to get past the

> " offensive " point of view. Make it bigger, the thought, that

> is...Diversity & divergent points of view totally rock, but can work

> against you, especially when the very welfare of your children is at

> stake.

Using that as a jumping off point:

My general view is that the whole " bigger is better " mentality is a

fundamental part of the problem. Isn't that how these kids got

damaged to begin with? Because someone from on high mandated that

they were going to " protect " our kids (or whatever)? Vaccines, dental

work, etc. are big factors in this epidemic. Why is it an epidemic to

begin with? Because some people with power were able to work on a

large scale.

So, generally speaking, I would prefer to encourage the small scale

efforts. I would prefer that people donate money or otherwise lend

their support to all the little, independent websites and other small

efforts. I think that's part of why this group works so well: because

Dana and Andy are both " independent " . So they don't need to kowtow to

whoever pays the bills or kowtow whoever has the power. They can tell

you what they really think so you can try to get your kid(s) well.

Also: when you unite all your special interest groups for " handicapped

kids " , it becomes much harder to get the kids well. Why? Because in

order to qualify for all the " help " they are offering, you have to

make sure your kid remains " handicapped " . Which is why this list is

so awesome: you can actually get your kid well and they aren't going

to throw you out for no longer needing them or no longer qualifying

for medicare...etc... A little history lesson: Welfare was created

to " help poor single moms " at a time when most such women were widows

because very few kids were born out of wedlock. Defining it that way

has helped grow the population of " poor single moms " in part because

some women choose to not get married because they can count on their

welfare benefits more than they can count on some mane providing for

them and their kids. You want to make sure this problem never goes

away? Then go ahead and build some huge coalition to provide all

kinds of help to " handicapped kids " and put all kinds of time, effort

and money into making it desirable and rewarding to have handicapped

kids in your home or remain handicapped yourself.

In the mean time, I will continue to try to figure out how to light

one small candle in the dark (and then try to see if it can be grown

to a bonfire) -- even though at the moment I feel really burned out

and completely sick and tired of the lack of support for such efforts

and having to face that lack of support alongside being slapped in the

face daily with these efforts to raise money, awareness, etc for huge

multi-million dollar charities and such that are only researching what

the next great drug is to dope our kids up with and line the pockets

of the wealthy pharmaceutical companies that provide such a large

portion of their millions. The healthier my kids get, the more clear

it is to me that we need more full-time parents and we need more

people cooking wholesome foods and taking good care of their kids.

And when this country becomes more kid-friendly and more

family-friendly, then we will stop ruining so many of our kids to

being with and creating this epidemic.






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Michele's said...

My general view is that the whole " bigger is better " mentality is a

fundamental part of the problem. Isn't that how these kids got

damaged to begin with?


And when this country becomes more kid-friendly and more

family-friendly, then we will stop ruining so many of our kids to

being with and creating this epidemic.

===This is part of the big idea of (mediation vs consolidation) & ALOT

of small groups, working separately, could make a difference...but to

get from where things stand now, to where we want to be -

sooner-ish..kid friendly, for starters...consolidating the myriad

troops does seem a good idea...how to consolidate, that would be the

kicker, and 's basic dilemma, if I am understanding correctly...

wishing you the best, elizabeth

> >

> > a rambling thought & not sure if helpful...thinking along the lines of

> > mediation. Like when (just two ;) parents use mediation during divorce

> > to raise kids, when communication breaks down, to get past the

> > " offensive " point of view. Make it bigger, the thought, that

> > is...Diversity & divergent points of view totally rock, but can work

> > against you, especially when the very welfare of your children is at

> > stake.


> Using that as a jumping off point:

> My general view is that the whole " bigger is better " mentality is a

> fundamental part of the problem. Isn't that how these kids got

> damaged to begin with? Because someone from on high mandated that

> they were going to " protect " our kids (or whatever)? Vaccines, dental

> work, etc. are big factors in this epidemic. Why is it an epidemic to

> begin with? Because some people with power were able to work on a

> large scale.


> So, generally speaking, I would prefer to encourage the small scale

> efforts. I would prefer that people donate money or otherwise lend

> their support to all the little, independent websites and other small

> efforts. I think that's part of why this group works so well: because

> Dana and Andy are both " independent " . So they don't need to kowtow to

> whoever pays the bills or kowtow whoever has the power. They can tell

> you what they really think so you can try to get your kid(s) well.


> Also: when you unite all your special interest groups for " handicapped

> kids " , it becomes much harder to get the kids well. Why? Because in

> order to qualify for all the " help " they are offering, you have to

> make sure your kid remains " handicapped " . Which is why this list is

> so awesome: you can actually get your kid well and they aren't going

> to throw you out for no longer needing them or no longer qualifying

> for medicare...etc... A little history lesson: Welfare was created

> to " help poor single moms " at a time when most such women were widows

> because very few kids were born out of wedlock. Defining it that way

> has helped grow the population of " poor single moms " in part because

> some women choose to not get married because they can count on their

> welfare benefits more than they can count on some mane providing for

> them and their kids. You want to make sure this problem never goes

> away? Then go ahead and build some huge coalition to provide all

> kinds of help to " handicapped kids " and put all kinds of time, effort

> and money into making it desirable and rewarding to have handicapped

> kids in your home or remain handicapped yourself.


> In the mean time, I will continue to try to figure out how to light

> one small candle in the dark (and then try to see if it can be grown

> to a bonfire) -- even though at the moment I feel really burned out

> and completely sick and tired of the lack of support for such efforts

> and having to face that lack of support alongside being slapped in the

> face daily with these efforts to raise money, awareness, etc for huge

> multi-million dollar charities and such that are only researching what

> the next great drug is to dope our kids up with and line the pockets

> of the wealthy pharmaceutical companies that provide such a large

> portion of their millions. The healthier my kids get, the more clear

> it is to me that we need more full-time parents and we need more

> people cooking wholesome foods and taking good care of their kids.

> And when this country becomes more kid-friendly and more

> family-friendly, then we will stop ruining so many of our kids to

> being with and creating this epidemic.


> Peace.


> Michele

> http://www.healthgazelle.org

> http://www.kidslikemine.org

> http://www.solanorail.org


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> Michele's said...

> My general view is that the whole " bigger is better " mentality is a

> fundamental part of the problem. Isn't that how these kids got

> damaged to begin with?

> ...and....

> And when this country becomes more kid-friendly and more

> family-friendly, then we will stop ruining so many of our kids to

> being with and creating this epidemic.


> ===This is part of the big idea of (mediation vs consolidation) & ALOT

> of small groups, working separately, could make a difference...but to

> get from where things stand now, to where we want to be -

> sooner-ish..kid friendly, for starters...consolidating the myriad

> troops does seem a good idea...how to consolidate, that would be the

> kicker, and 's basic dilemma, if I am understanding correctly...


> wishing you the best, elizabeth


I don't see it that way.

Roe v Wade changed abortion laws at the federal level in this country.

It was basically one woman, backed by her lawyer or a law firm.

Brockovitch was the lynch pin in the campaign to get justice for

the entire small town poisoned by the big utility company. That's why

the movie about that incident bears her name. She personally got the

signature of every single person in that lawsuit so they could make a

deal and get something done. It's unheard of to get every last person

in a class action suit to agree on anything.

" Never doubt that a small group of dedicated citizens can change the

world; in fact, it is the only thing that ever has. "

— Margaret Mead





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chuckling - after reading this, my first thought was " david kirby "

could be that " one " person, eh? wishing you the best, elizabeth

> >

> > Michele's said...

> > My general view is that the whole " bigger is better " mentality is a

> > fundamental part of the problem. Isn't that how these kids got

> > damaged to begin with?

> > ...and....

> > And when this country becomes more kid-friendly and more

> > family-friendly, then we will stop ruining so many of our kids to

> > being with and creating this epidemic.

> >

> > ===This is part of the big idea of (mediation vs consolidation) & ALOT

> > of small groups, working separately, could make a difference...but to

> > get from where things stand now, to where we want to be -

> > sooner-ish..kid friendly, for starters...consolidating the myriad

> > troops does seem a good idea...how to consolidate, that would be the

> > kicker, and 's basic dilemma, if I am understanding


> >

> > wishing you the best, elizabeth

> >


> I don't see it that way.


> Roe v Wade changed abortion laws at the federal level in this country.

> It was basically one woman, backed by her lawyer or a law firm.


> Brockovitch was the lynch pin in the campaign to get justice for

> the entire small town poisoned by the big utility company. That's why

> the movie about that incident bears her name. She personally got the

> signature of every single person in that lawsuit so they could make a

> deal and get something done. It's unheard of to get every last person

> in a class action suit to agree on anything.


> " Never doubt that a small group of dedicated citizens can change the

> world; in fact, it is the only thing that ever has. "

> — Margaret Mead



> Michele

> http://www.healthgazelle.org

> http://www.kidslikemine.org

> http://www.solanorail.org


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