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lead poisoning

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> I have a question. Does anyone know anything about the effects of

> lead poisoning, esp from people poisoned in the early 1970's? I


> that my health problems come from the plant, but I am wondering if


> was a pre-cursor to me being sensitive to the metal dust and metal-

> working fluids. My nerologist says he would have seen nerve damage

> if that was the cause, but I am not so sure he is correct. The

> research I did on the net and in the library said just the basics.


> am wondering if there is any alternative or MD inf that is not the

> status quo.


> Any inf would be appreciated.


> God Bless,

> Hazelpone

Hi Hazelpone,

I know a lot more about mercury poisoning than lead. I do know

a bit about lead detox though, picked up along the way. I've

been reading autism treatment for about a year, and also have

been doing mercury detox ( " chelation " ) on myself. I'll post

some URLs for that list for you-- esp check out the one called

ANDY_INDEX -- look for items under " other metals " about lead.

I don't remember how much is in there about that, but it is

worth a look.

DMSA will remove lead from the body. HOWEVER you should NOT use

DMSA if you have amalgam fillings (you have to get them replaced

first). Also, it is very important to use the right schedule for

taking DMSA. The URLs I'm listing are a good starting point.

I am not sure if I know what you refer to about your health

problems from " the plant " . I have skin allergies which occur

when I touch plants at times. I am told that mercury poisoning

has a know effect of hypersensitivity in this way--- that is,

contact sensitivity. But I don't know if that's what you meant.

Finally, please consider that you may be mercury toxic as well

as lead toxic. Many doctors do not know how to test for mercury,

and it is NOT exactly the easiest thing to figure out!



For anyone who would like to pass on URLs to the autism treatment list,

here are some URLs

to pass along. Please post or forward to anyone you wish.

The autism treatment list is an email list for parents of children with

ASD and related

conditions. It is about the connections between mercury poisoning,

autism, and vaccines.

Dozens of parents on the list are working to detoxify their children

from mercury posioning,

most with great results. How to do mercury detoxification

( " chelation " ) is discussed

on the list in great detail. The list has over 1000 members, and

currently runs between

1000 and 2000 messages a month. The material at the following URLs can

be read without

" joining " the group. This is a great resource for anyone interested

in mercury poisoning

and detoxification.

This is the main page for the autism treatment list. From here, click on

" messages " to get to

a list of the latest messages. You can also " join " the list from this




Frequently Asked Questions file. Covers some basics about autism and

mercury poisoning,

determining whether a child (or adult) is toxic, and the process of

mercury detoxification.


This file is a list of links. Each of the links goes to a post on the

list which includes a " progress

report " . Many of these posts are very inspiring. Together, these

posts are quite a large collection

of material on the results of chelation.


An index to some informative posts written by Andy Cutler. Andy is

something like a local expert

on the list. The information indexed includes mercury poisoning,

determining whether a child

(or adult) is toxic, and the process of mercury detoxification.

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Hi Hazelpone,


>ANDY_INDEX -- look for items under " other metals " about lead.

>I don't remember how much is in there about that, but it is

>worth a look.

Tried ANDY_INDEX ....no luck but thank you anyway. :o)


>DMSA will remove lead from the body

Good idea, I will look into that, and I dont have any cavities/fillings ect.

All I have is teeth in my mouth!! lol

However, I don't necessarily think the lead is still in me, I just think it

did damage that made me more sensitive than most and want to know if anyone

had any info on this as all I could find on the net was children and how it

affects the at the time and after-effects that don't apply to me.

>I am not sure if I know what you refer to about your health

>problems from " the plant " .

I work in a car factory and am exposed to metal working fluids and metal

dust and it reaks havoc on my body.




>For anyone who would like to pass on URLs to the autism treatment list,

>here are some URLs

>to pass along. Please post or forward to anyone you wish.


>The autism treatment list is an email list for parents of children with

>ASD and related

>conditions. It is about the connections between mercury poisoning,

>autism, and vaccines.

Yes, I am familiar with the effects of vaccines (interesting) and autism. I

even heard the secratary of health admit there would be a certain amount of

people who would become ill if all of us in the US were forced to take a

vaccine, though none of the companies want to admitt to an autism/vaccine

connection. $ you know. :o(

I know many who are dealing with the effects of being sensitive to mercury

and having it in thier system. They are having a rough time and I will give

them the URL's when I see them.

Thank you again for the info.

God Bless,

Hazelpone is KJ

PS I will check again as it was a year ago and there is so much more info

on many different topics today than there was even then. I will let the

group know if I find anything useful. Thanks again.







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Hello again KJ (?),

> >DMSA will remove lead from the body


> Good idea, I will look into that, and I dont have any

cavities/fillings ect.

> All I have is teeth in my mouth!! lol

good for you!

> > However, I don't necessarily think the lead is still in me, I just

think it

> did damage that made me more sensitive than most and want to know if


> had any info on this as all I could find on the net was children and

how it

> affects the at the time and after-effects that don't apply to me.

Actually, reading this note I also thought of the book

" Turning Lead into Gold " . About autistic (or other? not sure)

lead poisoned kids who recovered. I haven't read it, have heard

it is great-- just ordered it. Anyway, this is probably more

of what you say you found--- stuff about kids that you find

does not apply to you ;)

> I work in a car factory and am exposed to metal working fluids and


> dust and it reaks havoc on my body.

That sounds serious. :( I would want a hair test if I were you.

I wonder if you should treat it differently due to on-going

exposure. I would think your employer should be seriously

studying the whole thing and passing on useful info.

(Notice I said " should " --- I realize this may have no reality.)

Mercury poisoning will make you more sensitve to lots of things,

(!!) including that it seems to make people sometimes retain

OTHER metals. (great huh?) (By the way, if you get a hair test

DO NOT trust the mercury number.)

> Yes, I am familiar with the effects of vaccines (interesting) and

autism. I

> even heard the secratary of health admit there would be a certain

amount of

> people who would become ill if all of us in the US were forced to

take a

> vaccine, though none of the companies want to admitt to an


> connection. $ you know. :o(

Yeah, vaccines seem to be the " biggie " -- although there are

other ways kids get poisoned-- such as mercury passed on in

gestation or breast milk.

> I know many who are dealing with the effects of being sensitive to


> and having it in thier system. They are having a rough time and I

will give

> them the URL's when I see them.

Good! Some good info there.



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Hi Moria,

" That sounds serious. :( I would want a hair test if I were you.

I wonder if you should treat it differently due to on-going

exposure. I would think your employer should be seriously

studying the whole thing and passing on useful info.

(Notice I said " should " --- I realize this may have no reality.) "

You know what? My employer (big name) knows and has doctors who play

retarded. They act like they don't know even though the info is on the

material safety data sheet. So I have to go to Comp. It is a real ordeal.

I had a hair test done, I don't think it was bad in terms of mercury. But

it didn't matter. From what I see, my body heals when I leave the plant and

gets sick when I go in. So I know what the cause is, they just make it so

difficult for you to get out without having to lose everything. I will let

everyone know how it goes.

God bless,

Hazelpone is KJ






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> You know what? My employer (big name) knows and has doctors who


> retarded. They act like they don't know even though the info is on


> material safety data sheet. So I have to go to Comp. It is a real


> I had a hair test done, I don't think it was bad in terms of

mercury. But

> it didn't matter. From what I see, my body heals when I leave the

plant and

> gets sick when I go in. So I know what the cause is, they just make

it so

> difficult for you to get out without having to lose everything. I

will let

> everyone know how it goes.


> God bless,

> Hazelpone is KJ

Dear Hazelpone,

Well, I don't suppose it will help that I am appalled, but,

oh well, I am appalled. Or horrified. Or whatever.

By the way people who are mercury toxic OFTEN have a normal

reading for mercury on hair tests. (The mercury is hidden

elsewhere, doing its damage.) See the counting rules in

the FILES on autism treatment list. Good luck with the job




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  • 7 years later...

You can get lead test kits at most hardware stores and test things yourself. If

the individual attends school or preschool in a public school, find out the

testing results of the water fountains. About 5 years ago nearly all the

Seattle school system fountains were found to have high lead levels. At home,

check your bathtub, plumbing pipes, paint, and soil (fallout from leaded

gasoline). See www.danasview.net/metals for more sources of exposure.



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