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flaxseed oil

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In a message dated 99-07-15 11:01:09 EDT, you write:

<< From: GJB12292@...

Forgive the subject but I know quite a few of you have the book

" Superimmunity for Kids " which I have been reading lately. Have any of you

put your children on Flaxseed oil? And, if so, have you noticed any

significant difference and how do you administer it? I just KNOW my


would fight it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Please E-mail me

privately so we don't clog up the vaccinations list. THANKS!!!

Blessings, Nadine

GJB12292@... >>

Our 2 1/2 year old usually takes it by teaspoon with no problems. It must be

bought refridgerated and kept that way. We also grind up flax seeds in a

coffee grinder and sprinkle it on other foods.


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  • 1 month later...

Ann, I wrote this earlier but since you mentioned you haven't been keeping up,

I'll repeat myself. My 12mos old has excema but had not had any symptoms in a

long time (+/- 5 months). Anyway, I tried a lot of common baby, gentle,

sensitive skin, extra moisturizing stuff to no avail. I now use extremely

gentle stuff on him head to toe; DHS shampoo, DML lotion, and cetaphil soap

(bar) - all these things can be purchased OTC, but may have to be ordered. I

also dress the baby lightly in only 100% cotton. I was advised to not give him

corn, citrus, or eggs. I do give him eggs and they don't seem to aggravate his



Rich & Ann Maxted wrote:

> From: Rich & Ann Maxted <crossbow@...>


> I am sorry if I am asking for repeat information as I have not been keeping

> up with the list lately. But the Eczema/Flaxseed oil caught my eye. My 10

> month old who has never been vaccinated has eczema and it seems to get

> worse after baths even though I try not to bath him that often due to this

> and I use Aveeno soap and Eucerin creme after the bath. How much do you

> give of the flaxseed oil and does it have any side effects (ie loose

> stools). Any other suggestions would be appreciated. My 5 y/o who was

> vaccinated up through his 15 month MMR has not had this problem with the

> eczema. You can e-mail me privately if you like. Thanks, Ann


> ---------------------------

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  • 11 months later...
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I have been reading the mail to find out what the ratio or formula might be

for the flax seed oil and cottage cheese. Some indicate the need to take the

" correct amount " ,

but do not specify what the correct amount might be. The closest I got to a

definite ratio was Cliff's " 5 tablespoons and 1 cup of cottage cheese " per

day formula. However, he seemed to have been experimenting with the amounts.

Is there a given ration that one may consider as standard?


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  • 1 year later...

Flaxseed oil is a good supplement and the body needs the oil regardless of the condition of the body. The key to beating cancer is to give the body an abundance of the nutrients it needs without making it work so hard to digest it all. Juicing is an excellent way to do that. The following webpage will give you more information about that too.

Abundant Health -- (888) 876-4688 God Bless


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Hello Pat,

Imo, you have nothing to lose, and much to gain, by checking out the great results folks have been getting with all kinds of cancer by using the Hallelujah Diet, a health ministry by Pastor Malkmus, of North Carolina @ http://hacres.com/home.asp

He does great job of separating the wheat from the chafe and has funded a Trust and hired researchers to do a study to up the evidence ante from amazing anecdotes to firm scientific studies.

God's blessings to you and yours...

richard strickland

Flaxseed Oil

Hello, I've just been informed that flaxseed oil is not good for prostate cancer. This is a let down to me because I thought it might be doing some good. The testimonials were glittering and it seemed so natural and right. I could tell my body liked it, or maybe it was my cancer that liked it. All this information from several news groups (100 messages per day-my wife says she's going to have me stuffed sitting here at the computer) befuddles me. Sometimes it seems like I'm learning about a life and not living it. I think I'm going to live my life more and try for some dignity and see how that works. This scientific mumbojumbo has my poor head spinning. And in the final analysis it's me who does the healing or dying. All these cures and therapies are just blind pokes in the dark, and when some guy heals himself, they take the credit. Naughty credit.

If anyone would like to contradict my fo/cc information, please respond.

I don't want to mention any names. Thanks, Pat in MexicoGet HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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  • 2 years later...

You need to grind the seeds and mix them with the cottage cheese. It

has sulfate in it. If he does not like the cheese mix a little of

flavored yogurt with it. I don't know how much to tell you. Some

times I mix it with the food but I don't know if it helps that way.

I have used the oil with the cheese. I also use the capsules of flax

oil. They have helped so much it is unbelievable. I tried the oil

and I can't stand the cottage cheese. Once in awhil I use that and

the seeds. I have some really cheap seeds and I think there is no

vitamins in them. The seeds that you bought are they expendsive? The

capsules I bought are from walmart and they have helped. Good luck

> I need advice and help with flaxseed oil. I just bought a good

size bag of the whole seeds from my health food store What do I do

now. I want to use them with my son. Should I have him chew them

whole, put them in a coffee grinder, by some sort of device to press

them myself ? How much should he take, he is 8 years old and weighs

65 lbs. Does he need to take yogurt with them ? Will acidophilus/

bifidus do the same thing as far as activation ?


> Thanks for the help all,





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  • 1 month later...
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I do take flaxseed oil. Being a vegetarian I don't eat fish, which is an

important source of omega 3s. I do buy omega 3 enriched eggs, and take the

flaxseed. I don't know if it effects my pain level. The prescription meds do

such a good job that the effects of supplements are hard to detect.

Flaxseed Oil

I tried Glucosimine and Chondrotin and didn't find any relief. My

doctor didn't encourage it either. Recently I started taking

flaxseed oil capsules. I'm not sure what the science is to this. I

don't take a lot of supplements besides vitamins and calcium. But I

am feeling less pain. I mentioned this in a post a few weeks ago,

but adding the flaxseed oil (contains alpha-linolenic acid an Omega 3

and linolei acid, Omega 6) is the only thing that I've really changed

in that time. I read that it may reduce inflammation. So maybe that

is the relief I'm feeling. I've also noticed a positive change in my

hair and skin. I've read about some side effects, none which

bothered me. Not recommending this - just reporting my experience.

Anyone else tried this?


Harrington - Luque 1983 T4-L4

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.


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I think the ground seeds may well provide the same nutrients and


Just as I was having some good days I pushed it and did too much on

Sunday and paid for it for two days. I get so frustrated because I

feel like I should be able to do activities and then end up

regretting it when I have the renewed stiffness and pain.

So my take on flaxseed now is it may help and have healthful benefits

but it all depends!


Harrington - Luque 1983 T4-L4

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  • 3 months later...
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In Detox book written by Kane Phd and Dr. Speight, it is

mentioned that PWCs sometime have more of omega3 and less of omega6

and she recommends an oil with omega6:omega3 ratio of 4:1. She

recommends sunflower oil for omega6 and flax oil for omega3.

If it were me, I would take this oil combo in teh ratio mentioned

with cottage cheese and see if it helps the symptoms better.

take care,


> I've been taking flaxseed oil (1 TBSB) and cottage cheese (1 qtr

cup) for

> two weeks and have started to feel worse (more vertigo, less

energy). Has

> anybody on the list experienced a down with flaxseed oil and

cottage cheese

> before they went up?


> Naomi

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I've read there are people who have digestion problems related to

flaxseed oil. If you will go to www.mercola.com and do a search on

flaxseed oil, this information will probably turn up. I'm pretty

sure that's where I read it. I'm lucky, the cc and flax oil worked

miracles for me over several years.

Go to this site, The Detoxx system info, and you will find some

other recommendations for the proper oils and combining them:


Best of luck,


> > I've been taking flaxseed oil (1 TBSB) and cottage cheese (1 qtr

> cup) for

> > two weeks and have started to feel worse (more vertigo, less

> energy). Has

> > anybody on the list experienced a down with flaxseed oil and

> cottage cheese

> > before they went up?

> >

> > Naomi

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Check the quality of flax seed oil. It may be rancid. If not you should not feel

worse at the beginning. I felt much better from the first day.


Re: flaxseed oil

In Detox book written by Kane Phd and Dr. Speight, it is

mentioned that PWCs sometime have more of omega3 and less of omega6

and she recommends an oil with omega6:omega3 ratio of 4:1. She

recommends sunflower oil for omega6 and flax oil for omega3.

If it were me, I would take this oil combo in teh ratio mentioned

with cottage cheese and see if it helps the symptoms better.

take care,


> I've been taking flaxseed oil (1 TBSB) and cottage cheese (1 qtr

cup) for

> two weeks and have started to feel worse (more vertigo, less

energy). Has

> anybody on the list experienced a down with flaxseed oil and

cottage cheese

> before they went up?


> Naomi

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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How much flax seed do you take?I am asking this question because I have also

taken flax seed for couple of years and ended up with some brain damage.Could

this happen because I did not use it with CC? If that is not the case than does

that mean that there are some things to think about about taking high dosage for

long term.

-some may not be able to metabolize fatty acids or some type of fatty acids

-some may not be deficient of omega 3

and may be others?



Re: flaxseed oil


I've read there are people who have digestion problems related to

flaxseed oil. If you will go to www.mercola.com and do a search on

flaxseed oil, this information will probably turn up. I'm pretty

sure that's where I read it. I'm lucky, the cc and flax oil worked

miracles for me over several years.

Go to this site, The Detoxx system info, and you will find some

other recommendations for the proper oils and combining them:


Best of luck,


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Hi bg,

here is part of the article you have posted

`If AA is depleted by overdosing with marine or flax oil through competitive

inhibition between the omega 6s and 3s, establishing the balance of the EFAs is

profoundly impaired. Often both prostaglandin one and two series relating to

omega six metabolism are compromised when flax and marine oils are overdosed or

lipid intake is insufficient. When AA, the lead eicosanoid of the body, is

suppressed due to excess intake of marine oils (w-3s), the balance of eicosinoid

control circuitry of the body is impaired as is clearly viewed in the patient's

presentation. Arachidonic acid is preferentially wasted in states of heavy metal

toxicity `

Are there any info on how to increase AA somewhere?



Re: flaxseed oil


I've read there are people who have digestion problems related to

flaxseed oil. If you will go to www.mercola.com and do a search on

flaxseed oil, this information will probably turn up. I'm pretty

sure that's where I read it. I'm lucky, the cc and flax oil worked

miracles for me over several years.

Go to this site, The Detoxx system info, and you will find some

other recommendations for the proper oils and combining them:


Best of luck,


> > I've been taking flaxseed oil (1 TBSB) and cottage cheese (1 qtr

> cup) for

> > two weeks and have started to feel worse (more vertigo, less

> energy). Has

> > anybody on the list experienced a down with flaxseed oil and

> cottage cheese

> > before they went up?

> >

> > Naomi

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Nil wrote:

Are there any info on how to increase AA somewhere?


> Thanks


> Nil


I feel sure it is in the " The Detoxx Book " Physicians Guide --

before I even look further, I will venture this GUESS: Get the

lipid's balanced correctly and this will take care of the AA. We

think of AA as being " bad " , but some of these " bad " eicosonoids are

needed we are finding out, and I believe we do this through a

balancing act with the right balance of lipids.

There are many articles on the Detoxx site. Suggest you go to the

site and click on the various articles, which should give us answers

to your question about AA.

Some of the protocols are also geared to detoxing the body of heavy

metals, which many of us have (myself included). The beauty of The

Detoxx System is that if the protocols are followed (supposedly

under the guidance of a " knowledgeable " physician (let us just try

to find one at this early stage! lol). For those knowledgeable and

with a medical background, having the book gives oral protocols

using these things that are available without a prescription. It is

written and recommended that the strengths and quality of the

recommended products be used.


> > > I've been taking flaxseed oil (1 TBSB) and cottage cheese (1


> > cup) for

> > > two weeks and have started to feel worse (more vertigo, less

> > energy). Has

> > > anybody on the list experienced a down with flaxseed oil and

> > cottage cheese

> > > before they went up?

> > >

> > > Naomi




> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences

with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested

in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.




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Nil wrote:

> bg, How much flax seed do you take? I am asking this question

because I have also taken flax seed for couple of years and ended up

with some brain damage.Could this happen because I did not use it

with CC? If that is not the case than does that mean that there are

some things to think about about taking high dosage for long term.

bg replies: Nil, I take one tablespoon of liquid flaxseed oil at

this time, mixed into my yogurt, etc. I also stir in one or two

tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed. MORE THAN THREE TABLESPOONS



have this substance. The seeds in the recommended amounts are

actually very good for us -- one of the best sources of fiber. We

should always drink plenty of pure water when we take any type of


For very ill people, with cancer, etc., one tablespoon of the OIL

for every 100 lbs of body weight is recommended, increasing the

cottage cheese or yogurt proportionally.

About your question, Nil: " ...ended up with some brain

damage.Could this happen because I did not use it with CC? "

Nil, Dr. Budwig always recommended pairing flaxseed oil with

a " protein carrier. " I've read flaxseed oil should always be taken

with such a protein carrier to avoid problems. I do not remember

the details of her writings on this. Her book(s) is available on

Amazon.com. Also, there is a Group [FlaxseedOil] where you

could get this type of information, I'm pretty sure. (You can also

do a search on the site for past discussions on subjects of interest

to you) Cliff Beckwith

is the moderator. He is in his 80's, a real gentlemen, and is a 10

year survivor of Stage IV Prostate Cancer. He credits this to the

use of Dr. Budwig's combination, and formed this group to help

others. I didn't even know about Dr. Budwig's work in 1997 when I

began using these ingredients. I just knew I was getting to be skin

and bones and started combining all these things together to try to

turn it around -- and turn it around it did! and then some!

Since Flaxseed oil mixed with the protein carrier repairs cells,

you might get some repair work on your brain cells by combining the

two -- but do your research FIRST!!!! This is part of the substance

of The Detoxx System -- lipid replacement. The Detoxx book or if

there is enough information on the subject online may be helpful to

you in repairing your brain damage. It is being used with good

results for Parkinson's and Autism, and more.

Good luck to you,


> bg


> How much flax seed do you take?I am asking this question because I

have also taken flax seed for couple of years and ended up with some

brain damage.Could this happen because I did not use it with CC? If

that is not the case than does that mean that there are some things

to think about about taking high dosage for long term.

> -some may not be able to metabolize fatty acids or some type of

fatty acids

> -some may not be deficient of omega 3

> and may be others?


> Thanks

> Nil


> Re: flaxseed oil




> Gayathri.


> I've read there are people who have digestion problems related


> flaxseed oil. If you will go to www.mercola.com and do a search


> flaxseed oil, this information will probably turn up. I'm


> sure that's where I read it. I'm lucky, the cc and flax oil


> miracles for me over several years.


> Go to this site, The Detoxx system info, and you will find some

> other recommendations for the proper oils and combining them:

> http://www.detoxxbook.com/main/articles/townsend_info.htm


> Best of luck,

> bg






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I am in trouble with heavy metal toxicity,liver and/or gallbladder and pancreas

problems.I can not take many of the supplements,

have problem with detoxing due to impaired detox functions,etc..I can not eat

meat for about at least 6 months for some reason that I don't know.That is the

biggest problem.I can eat eggs and butter from time to time.I am trying to detox

very slowly by using Chlorella and/or NDF.

Thanks for the info given.I have checked the articles at detox side but could

not find any info on how to increase AA. If you find any info would you please

inform me.



Re: flaxseed oil

Nil wrote:

Are there any info on how to increase AA somewhere?


> Thanks


> Nil


I feel sure it is in the " The Detoxx Book " Physicians Guide --

before I even look further, I will venture this GUESS: Get the

lipid's balanced correctly and this will take care of the AA. We

think of AA as being " bad " , but some of these " bad " eicosonoids are

needed we are finding out, and I believe we do this through a

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  • 1 year later...


> why is flaxseed oil bad? is seaweed good for u or dulse?

==>Lilly, I work during the week and cannot always answer messages that

quickly. I've answered your questions on these in previous posts.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

Flax seed oil is not recommended. Here is a note from Bee regarding flax

seed oil:

==>Flax oil isn't recommended because it goes rancid very easily and

the body needs to convert the omega-3 into a useable form which most

candida sufferers are able to do. While in cod liver oil omega-3s

are already in the form the body can use.

Also it is not good to cook with either flaxseed oil or olive oil. Coconut

oil, palm oil, and animal fats are better for cooking as they are very

stable in high temps.


Hi Everyone - I posted a bit ago - I'm brand new here!

I'm wondering why Flaxseed Oil is not on the good food list?

Unfortunately I am highly allergic to many kinds of fish (tuna,

salmon, flounder, haddock, etc.) scallops and shrimp or OK though.

I have been advised not to take an Omega 3 supplement (from fish)

because of my allergy.

Instead I cook with EVOO and Flaxseed Oil - I am going to pick up

Coconut oil as well.

Any info on alternative oils or why flaxsee oil is bad would be

greatly appreciaited!


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> Hi Everyone - I posted a bit ago - I'm brand new here!


> I'm wondering why Flaxseed Oil is not on the good food list?

> Unfortunately I am highly allergic to many kinds of fish (tuna,

> salmon, flounder, haddock, etc.) scallops and shrimp or OK though.


> I have been advised not to take an Omega 3 supplement (from fish)

> because of my allergy.

==>Some one else answered your question about why Flaxseed Oil is not

recommended. Please know that allergies are big business for

doctors, and the medical and drug industies. AND they are very

misunderstood and misinterpreted. In fact allergy tests shouldn't be

relied on because labs make food antigens from contaminated foods.

Also the antibody theory is totally false upon which allergy tests

are based. Allergic reactions are actually healing reactions (the

list for both are exactly the same). You body produces healing

reactions to both toxins, and good healthy foods because those foods

contain nutrients the body requires in order to affect healing in the

body. For more information see our Group's Files (left menu) for " C)

Allergies " and " C) Germ Theory and Antibody Theories Are False " .


> Instead I cook with EVOO and Flaxseed Oil - I am going to pick up

> Coconut oil as well.

==>It is not wise to cook with Extra Virgin Olive Oil; coconut oil is

the best fat to use for cooking - Dr. Mercola writes about this - go

to www.mercola.com and do a search.

The best, Bee

P.S. Please trim your messages - see " B) Candida Group Information

Folder for how and why. Thanks a bunch.

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Bee's statement that a quoted **should** read:

Flax oil isn't recommended because it goes rancid very easily and

the body needs to convert the omega-3 into a useable form which most

candida sufferers are **UNable** to do.

in the UK

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  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee,

> I went to an intuitive nutritionist. She told me to take Flaxseed

> oil. I know flaxseed is not on the diet, but is it okay to have

> the oil version.


> Also, I am taking digestive enzymes and pancreatic enzymes. How

> long do you recommend taking them. How do I know when to stop?


> I have been put on silverbiotics and a homeopathic dilution 200ck

> of Candida. She recommends taking vitamin E and Primrose for hormone

> balance. Also, Curbita (pumpkin seed)to nourish the bladder area.

> What do you think of this?


> Been to many doctors and everything is negative, but I still have

> vaginal external problems all the time and sometimes internal

> problems. How come the doctors have all this education and cannot

> help me at all?


> Thank you.

> June


no it will only cause more harm,as it travels down your intestine it

will go rancid and its high in omega 6 which is bad for you

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Hi June,

Bee's computer is down so I'm going to answer you:

" Flax oil isn't recommended because it goes rancid very easily and

the body needs to convert the omega-3 into a useable form which most

candida sufferers are unable to do. "

> Also, I am taking digestive enzymes and pancreatic enzymes. How

> long do you recommend taking them. How do I know when to stop?

if you have no digestive issues without them then you can stop.


> I have been put on silverbiotics and a homeopathic dilution 200ck of

> Candida. She recommends taking vitamin E and Primrose for hormone

> balance. Also, Curbita (pumpkin seed)to nourish the bladder area.

> What do you think of this?

I'll let Bee answer that when she comes back but since none of these

are part of her protocol I'm going to bet that she'll say no. If

you're doing the diet and taking all of the recommended supplements

you're giving your body everything that it needs.

For hormone balance check the articles contained in the " Women's

Health Issues " file. You might also do a search of older, archived

messages at our group site. I recall Bee recommending additional

bioflavanoids but I don't remember how much so you'd need to research

that at our group site.


> Been to many doctors and everything is negative, but I still have

> vaginal external problems all the time and sometimes internal

> problems. How come the doctors have all this education and cannot

> help me at all?

How long have you been on the diet, June? I remember Bee saying that

her vaginal issues were the last to clear up. The same was true for

me. I so wanted it to clear up quicker but it just takes as long as it



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> Hi Bee,

> I went to an intuitive nutritionist. She told me to take Flaxseed

> oil. I know flaxseed is not on the diet, but is it okay to have

the oil version.

==>No you do not need flaxseed oil because the best form of omega-3

is from fish oil or cod liver oil as recommended in my articles and

on the supplements lists.


> Also, I am taking digestive enzymes and pancreatic enzymes. How

> long do you recommend taking them. How do I know when to stop?

==>I do not recommend taking pancreatic enzymes; only take Betaine

hydrochloric acid tablets (HCl) according to the instructions in

the " C) Digestion " folder plus 2 tbl. of good unpasteurized

sauerkraut with every meal. The reason is because in order for the

pancreas to produce proper digestive enzymes the stomach contents

must contain enough hydrochloric acid to trigger the pancreas. The

pancreas also produces baking soda to alkalize food before it

continues into the small intestines. That is also triggered by

enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach contents.

==>When taking HCl if you get a burning sensation after taking them

it means you need to cut back on the amount. As your stomach

improves it will become more able to produce the correct amount. In

addition the stomach makes 1 molecule of baking soda for every

molecule of HCl. Baking soda protects the lining of the stomach from

being damaged by HCl, and it is also circulated directly from the

stomach throughout the body to help clean up toxins and help the body

regulate acidity levels. To alleviate the burning take 1/4 to 1/2

tsp. of baking soda in 4-5 ounces of warm water, sipping slowly.

Stop sipping when the burning is alleviated.


> I have been put on silverbiotics and a homeopathic dilution 200ck

of Candida.

==>I do not recommend taking silver biotics or collodial silver of

any kind. The purpose of these products is to boost the immune

system and my diet plus supplements does a fine job. Also silver is

only required by the body in trace amounts, and I believe taking too

much can cause mineral imbalances. The Homeopathic Candida is fine

to take.

> She recommends taking vitamin E and Primrose for hormone

> balance. Also, Curbita (pumpkin seed)to nourish the bladder area.

> What do you think of this?

==>Primrose is omega-6 and you get plenty in this diet; most people

have too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 - they must be balances

1:1 so omega-3 is taken in the form of fish oil or cod liver oil

according to my articles and candida supplements list. You do not

need to be concerned about balancing hormones. They will balance

themselves as you progress on this program. Candida causes hormone

imbalances because the toxins it puts out make all of the body's cell

go rigid/stiff, which means functions in the body that produce

hormones aren't as able to, and also hormones that are produced

aren't as able to get into rigid/stiff cells where they are needed to

to their job. In the meantime tampering with hormones is not a good

idea; it is better to concentrate on building up your immune system

so your candida can be cured instead of shooting off into different

directions treating this and treating that.

==>Pumpkin seeds are not allowed on this diet. If your bladder needs

help drink 2-3 cups of fresh parsley tea per day (recipe is in

the " C) Women's Health Issues " Folder in our Files (left menu) in an

article about Urinary Tract Infection. Also this diet plus

supplements will help your bladder.


> Been to many doctors and everything is negative, but I still have

> vaginal external problems all the time and sometimes internal

> problems. How come the doctors have all this education and cannot

> help me at all?

==>Doctors are trained to either cut out something or drug it, and if

they don't follow their medical assoc. guidelines they can lose their

license. It's all about the money, which is driven by hugh drug

companies that must satisfy their shareholders.

Doctors are only educated to suppress symptoms and not how to provide

the body with the overall nourishment it requires so it can heal

itself. In fact they don't believe the body can heal itself

naturally, but they only get about 5-8 hours of nutritional training

and no information on the healing mechanisms of the body. All drugs

and over-the-counter medicines are toxic/poisonous to the body.

Drugs appear to help because they suppress symptoms, however the

damage they do is not worth having a depressed immune system and

malfunctions, etc. that they cause.

==>Take good care June.


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Flaxseed oil is good stuff I take my horses:) and I also take their MSM now:)

http://www.horse.com/item/AniMed-Flax-Seed-Oil/BWB18%20GLN/?srccode=MRHSGOOG & mr:\

trackingCode=1D6AA06B-E581-DE11-B7F3-0019B9C043EB & mr:referralID=NA



> Have you guys researched Flaxseed oil to get your omega-3 and Omega-6 from?

> That is what I am taking now instead of fish oil.


> Amy


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