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Forget the Govt. Warnings....

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" Forget those government warnings that urge women and children to

limit the amount of fish they eat, says the Food and Drug

Administration. The benefits of eating seafood outweigh any health

risks and people should eat more fish, regardless of mercury content,

says the FDA, which is asking the government to change their health

advisory limiting the amount of fish recommended for women and children.

If the White House approves, the FDA would reverse government policy

that warns particular groups of people—children, infants, pregnant

women, nursing moms and even women who may become pregnant—to limit

their consumption of fish. The report, which the FDA sent to the White

House Office of Management and Budget, disputed the existing warnings

saying that the nutrients in fish, which include omega-3 fatty acids

and selenium, could boost a child's IQ. The " Washington Post " obtained

a copy of the report which said that the greatest benefits of fish are

realized when the diet contains more than 12 ounces of fish a week,

the limit currently advised.

In 2004, both the FDA, which regulates the amount of mercury that can

be in seafood sold in markets and restaurants, and the EPA

(Environmental Protection Agency) which investigates and regulates

mercury in fish caught recreationally, issued a joint advisory which

suggested limiting the amount of fish in vulnerable groups of people

as well as advising that same group not to eat four species of

fish—swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish and shark—that are high in


While some agencies denounce the FDA's report as simply being a pawn

of polluters, others agreed with the FDA, saying the benefits of

eating seafood outweigh the risks of mercury. "

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" According to Dr. Blaylock, you can't count on government agencies

like the FDA (which regulates commercial seafood) and the EPA (which

regulates fish from sports fishing) to protect you. He says they don't

share their concerns over contaminants with us — the general public —

through the media or through public alerts.

Why? Because they tread a very thin line trying to protect the public,

while at the same time not wanting to destroy the seafood industry.

After all, commercial fishing is our nation's oldest industry, and

also the world's last remaining industry for a truly wild food resource.

Unfortunately, independent studies have shown that methylmercury (the

type of mercury found in seafood) is highly toxic to many of your

organs and tissues — and especially to the developing brain of fetuses

and newborns.

And mercury tends to accumulate in fatty parts of the body (your brain

is about 60% fat) and remain for decades. Mercury triggers chronic

brain inflammation and plays havoc with your immune system. "

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