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Kate - toys with lead paint

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Hi, Kate.

Regarding lead toys, did he say anything about them being risks if they

don't mouth the toys or scrape off the paint by rough handling, etc? I'm on

CPSC recall list, and so far none of his toys have been on the list yet, but

that doesn't guarantee anything, KWIM? And all the toys that he did mouth as

a baby... And we have plenty of junk toys from the dollar store. We're still

waiting on my 4yo's hair test results (our house was built in the last 10

years, so we are at low risk for lead so was never tested).


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Kate Dorn <katedorn@...> wrote:

> Hi Kellie,

> I just wanted to say that the lead specialist that met with us also

> believes that it's impossible to never be exposed to metals, he just meant

> to not chelate while we have really high lead in our water and high lead in

> some of our toys. Something I myself in all my years of biomed have never

> heard, and my dan also has never said anything, so I'm not sure if it's true

> or not, but this guyseems to know his stuff.


> Kate


> I'm glad you appreciated this info to kind of chew over in your head. I'm

> getting slammed left and right for doubting some of these DAN! tests. People

> are just really loyal I guess.




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