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Re: Pica & oppositional behavior - yeast or ntolerance to GSE? - Help please -

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>>It seems that the mouthing could be

> related to yeast, a new manifestation of it for us

I remember when my #2 started mouthing instead of not sleeping, way

too much giggling, and humping furniture. The mouthing was a major

improvement for us =)

>>and the addition of

> vitamin B6, which I understand can cause mouthing and whip up yeast as

> well as you informed me. I have lowered the B6 considerably, but he

> is still mouthing quite a bit, and is a very big pain in the butt in

> general, lots of hyperactivity and oppositional behavior, which is not

> typical for him.

The oppositional might be the lowered B6. Did he start being

oppositional before you lowered it? B6 was one of the supps that made

my son much more cooperative, until he no longer need it, at which

point it made him oppositional again.

But then again, yeast made him oppositional sometimes also.

> I am still concerned that the mouthing could be due to an intolerance

> to something as another possibility. Can this all be due to yeast

> alone?

Yes, possibly. Yeast overgrowth had many manifestations here, altho

not all of the manifestations at the same time.

Might be intolerance also, but increasing the GSE should give you an

answer on that.

>>I also recently added GSE within the last 2 weeks, as his

> Brainchild nutritionals protocol wasn't cutting it anymore, Oregon

> grape and Pau d'arco, they just were not up to the task anymore. Can

> the mouthing and opposition be a sign of intolerance of GSE?

Yes, but if you increase the GSE, and things get worse instead of

better, you have your answer. Or conversely, if you want to do it the

other way, drop the GSE for a day, see if that provides you with an


If one

> is intolerant to GSE, how does this manifest itself? Or is the

> opposition and mouthing die off?

Intolerance symptoms vary among children. So I would not know how

your child would manifest an intolerance.

You can try switching to biotin, see if that helps more.

> This is driving us absolutely crazy.

I have been there also. I hate when I consider my son's symptoms,

make the change that I think he needs, and an hour later I learn that

the change I made was NOT what he needed! But in the long run, the

information is good.

>>We just finished a round, and

> the oppositional behavior is worse than ever. We are going nuts, and

> are trying to find the source of the problem.

I gave my son a demineralizer, because he was toxic in calcium and

iron. At the point he no longer needed it, I gave him his next dose

[not knowing that he was finished], and he became HIGHLY oppositional.

Two doses of a multi mineral supplement corrected that problem. So

if you noticed the oppositional behavior just after a round, it might

be related to minerals also.


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