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(In case anybody didn't see this when I posted it a few weeks ago)

Issues and Proposals of Interest to Persons with Disabilities


Community Services

Community Choice Act of 2007 to provide equal access and resources for community

services for persons eligible for institutional care, but who choose to remain

in their homes and communities

McCain Opposed

Obama Co-Sponsor

Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act of 2007 to create

a national insurance program to be financed by voluntary payroll deductions to

provide cash benefits to adults who become disabled

McCain No Position

Obama Co-Sponsor

Health Care

Expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to increase

access to health care for uninsured children living in households earning up to

3 times the federal poverty level

McCain Voted No

Obama Voted Yes

Ending the Medicare Waiting Period (S. 2102) to eliminate the 2 year wait for

Medicare Coverage for persons who become disabled and qualify for Social

Security Disability Insurance

McCain No Position

Obama Co-Sponsor

Mental Health

Mental Health Parity Act of 2007 (S. 558) to require that health plans that

provide medical and mental health coverage insure that mental health benefits

are no more restrictive in deductibles or co-pays and no more limited in

frequency or duration of services than medical benefits

McCain No Position

Obama Co-Sponsor


Combating Autism Act of 2006 to require Secretary of Health and Human Services

to develop and implement a strategic plan for research, screening, intervention

and education

McCain Co-Sponsor

Obama Co-Sponsor

Expanding the Promise to Individuals with Autism Act of 2007 to expand

treatment, intervention and support services for individuals and families, to

carry out research and demonstration programs, to expand training of

professionals and to support protection, advocacy and legal services

McCain No Position

Obama Co-Sponsor


Fully funding through appropriations the Individuals with Disabilities Education

Act to provide the 40% federal support for free and appropriate education for

students with disabilities as authorized in the original legislation

McCain Supports

Obama Supports

Higher Education Act (S. 1642) to expand opportunities and assistance to

individuals with disabilities on post secondary and higher education

McCain No Vote

Obama Co-Sponsor



Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Restoration Act to revise ADA’s definition

of disability to extend protections beyond restrictions imposed in recent

Supreme Court rulings, especially for people whose impairments are fully or

partially managed by medications or assistive devices

McCain Supports

Obama Supports

Help America Vote Act to ensure that all polling places and voting areas are

physically accessible to persons with disabilities, that voting ballots and

voting procedures are accessible, including non-visual accessibility for persons

with visual impairments and that election officials and poll workers are trained

in promoting access and participation of persons with disabilities

McCain Voted For

Obama Voted For

UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities to include the US in an

international treaty recognizing human rights for persons with disabilities

consistent with principles of dignity and freedom, non-discrimination, full

participation, equality of opportunity, accessibility, gender equality and the

right and capacity of children to develop

McCain No Position

Obama Supports US Ratification


Medical Transcription Training

Click here to find Medical Transcription Training programs.



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