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Please help: Our DAN gave us this yeast protocol

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I somehow dont trust our DAN very well but I dont have that many

around that I can go to. Here is the yeast protocol he prescribed... I

think I am okay with most of the protocol except for Uva Ursi. My son

is 2 yrs old. I am scared that it may be hard on his liver/kidney.

Week 1 & 2

1/2 cap candex twice a day

Nystatin twice a day

Week 3 & 4

1/2 cap candex twice a day

Caprylic Acid in MCT oil twice a day

Uva Ursi twice a day

Week 5 & 6

1/2 cap candex twice a day

Diflucan 100 mg once a day

Week 7 & 8

1/2 cap candex twice a day

Formula SF 722 1 twice a day.

I have added GSE on my own.

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