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Re: Dana/was: some questions on your daughter's recovery with AC protocol

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Hi Dana,

I did send something to the list, but if you send me an email, I'll shoot it

back to you and not put it on the list again.

[ ] some questions on your daughter's recovery

with AC protocol

Hi !

I posted a question a couple of days ago asking if you minded sharing what

your daughter was like before chelation. You mentioned in a post that you saw

cognitive gains with chelation. Did she have cognitive delays? My guys are

very, very cognitively delayed and nonverbal but I think it is due to their very

high lead levels. I have ordered DMSA and plan to start AC chelation in


Do you mind sharing what your daugher was like before, what all interventions

you did, and what she is like now?

You may have answered my post already. I don't know. I just found out that a

bunch of messages from the autism mercury were going straight to my spam

folder for some reason and being immediately deleted. I changed the settings so

I can now check my spam folder and reroute messages that are not spam back to my

inbox. I would like to hear your daughter's recovery story.


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