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How many decades ILO, NACO and ESIC need to Implement Tripartite Agreement?

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Dear Forum,

On 26/04/10 I was invited in 2nd Birth Anniversary programme at the seminar room

of ESIC Main Hospital of West Bengal, Kolkata by OLSP+( Organised Labour Society

for People Living with HIV).

OSLP+ is the only organisation of PLWH under ESIC Scheme in West Bengal having a

membership of near about 500 PLWH.

Where surprisingly I found that still today no ESIC Hospital throughout West

Bengal including the " Main Hospital " in Kolkata admits or treat any " HIV

Positive Stakeholder " forget about ART even emergency " Pregnancy or Accidental

Cases " . They " Only Refer " to any other hospital.

The Hon'ble guests of the programme including Superintendent of Main Hospital

and Nodal Officer from ESIC Regional Office of Kolkata admitted openly the above

mentioned situation and also informed that there are only two ICTC are

functioning at Main Hospital and in ESIC Kamarhati Hospital.But, the process of

only ART Center in Main Hospital is still in " Pipe Line " !

As a matter of fact when I asked to all of the dignitaries there asked about

" GIPA', all of them " Just Fallen from Sky " ! All of them never heard the about

" GIPA " before I asked and explained to them!

Although, the " Tripartite Agreement " in West Bengal among ILO(International

Labour Organisation),NACO and Ministry of Labour(Govt. of West Bengal) has been

signed about seven years back at " The Staddle " in Salt Lake, Kolkata. I was also

present or eye witness of that.

Where it had been decided and declared in presence some of top most ESIC

Officials that ART will be provided from all ESIC Hospitals in West Bengal.

The ultimate progress of that " Tripartite Commitment " regarding " Implementation

in Last Seven Years " is only " TWO ICTC " .

Under this circumstances I would like to humbly request three signatories i.e.

ILO, NACO and Ministry of Labour(Govt. of west Bengal) to realise and act

immediately to get read of the most pathetic situation of HIV+ " ESIC

Beneficiaries " to run " Pillar to Post " to " Access any sort of Treatment

including CD4 and Viral Load Test and " Promotion of GIPA " among ESIC.

" Keep Your Promise Now for Universal Access to " Human Rights " at " All ESIC

Programmes/Hospitals " !

Thanking you,

In solidarity,

Snehansu Bhaduri, Kolkata.



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