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Manipur: To Whom we have to Appeal

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I on behalf of the PLHIV community in Manipur would like to draw for your kind

ATTENTION on ART medicine stock.

As due to unavailability of NPV medicine at one of the ART center in Imphal (JN

Hospital), authority has issue EFFV among the PLHIV patients immediately without

any prior information or baseline examination.

We even try to communicate with the JN hospital concern authority but they

inform us that NACO & Manipur SACS did't supply medicine in time.


It will be kind enough if NACO could response accordingly so that PLHIV

community may not suffer!


An Indian citizen,

Ranju Soram


Tomba Soraisham

e-mail: <tomba1694@...>

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Dear Ranju Soram and forum


Thanks for bringing it out this in open. It is not only in Manipur i feel it

should be in allover India, More over we got some information the EFFV is

nearing to Expiry date.

we received information from Andra and Tamil Nadu and Karnataka every were same

issue. In one of the hospital in Guntur Doctor threatening the patients that he

will give some other medicine and that will not be effective.

when we called one of the ART centre in Karnataka they said they are giving this

EFFV to new ART patients not to the old patients this EFFV creates many side

effects to patients those who are on ART and they were getting NPV.

I want to know from Dr. BB Rewari about this EFFV when this can be given to

patient as i got the information from some reliable source that it should be

given to the TB Patients and after all investigation this medicine should be

given, but EFFV is given as the patients come with out telling them and proper


There are many patients facing lot of side effects due to this medicine.

I would like to know about why NACO is not supplying NPV and i also doubt that

it is distributed as the stock needs to be cleared.

Can NACO take some initiative in this regard and save the lives of PLHAs.

Is there any remedy for this, SOS?

Awaiting your response and Action ASAP.



Coordinator IPACHA

e-mail: <williamwvi@...>

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Dear subscribers of AIDS INDIA,

Re: /message/12503

Whenever an urgent matter like this hits the international e-media it would be

helpful to get some names, salutations and email addresses so that the people

whose duties have failed.

This can be made known and the relevant bodies informed and possibly speed up

the fix required before viral drug resistance causes even bigger problems.

Wishing all the folks in the north east my continuing thoughts and good wishes.

Geoff H


Geoffrey Heaviside

e-mail: <geofheav@...>

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Dear all,

Re: /message/12503

Management and System can make “Universal Access” difficult and


This is related with NACO’s ART “medication re-allocation” stage. An

effort of utilizing remaining unused stock of ARV from different ART

sites in states or districts to those who need - stock balancing act.

Good plan!

Meanwhile the stock coming as unused depends on donor’s balance, which is fine

as long as it meets the essential daily dose of PLHIV.

I also know that NACO is making effort to quicken the pace of delivering meds

because there is always waiting time in storehouse which means distribution to

individuals is affected.

This created a change in decision to give 15 days ARV instead of 30

days because the demand is high so ART centers tried best means to

continue but with shortened days just to meet and make all gets ARV.

As professional doctors they felt obliged to change and the

consequences is every second person who takes the ARV will get the ARV wrapped

in paper.

The first one will get the bottle (usually 30 days meds are in one bottle) so

remaining (15 days meds) is given to the second person wrapped in paper.

Now, we can argue why the JN Hospital, Imphal can’t make effort to at least try

using some hygienic means, yes but “I” as a person from the state feels

otherwise because you buy your own basics and most of the “suppose to be

available” at emergency are not because of failed state in implementing

development or making proper utilization of source.

You name any factor its there and we have opportunity to see nice building

siphoned from the budget of health, AIDS, development, education to individuals

no offence I don’t mean all but majority.

Our state could have done better than this but only because of lacking

“commitment and responsibility” in their roles, we are hearing such stories.

I am sure our government PDS is even worst because there is

no mechanism like PLHA community to check and involve. In Maipur, any National

scheme is a boon for those who have a say from top to down.

And it’s no surprise that ANC is 1.4% in Manipur highest in India.

What, if the combination of the drugs is also forced to change for

example from Stavudine, Nevirapine and Lamivudine replaced with

Efavirenze, Zidovudine and Lamivudine?

Dr Priyo Kumar of ART, JN Hospital relayed that they did their part of

informing both SACS and NACO of stock position regularly even today there was


How can we make the management and system work towards effective

universal access?

Umesh Sharma

e-mail: <husharma@...>

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