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What does your psoriasis look like?

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This is a weird question, I know! Most of the pictures I see online are on

elbows and knees. Mine isn't. It is all over my stomach, chest, back and upper

arms. It gets really bad as the weather gets cooler, so right now it is

horrible. For years, I thought it was eczema. None of the meds for that worked,

though. Then my RN friends looked at it and said no, it was psoriasis. I am

going to the rheumy soon now that the rash is really bad so he can see what I

am talking about. This is small spots that meld into big patches and they are

dry. Itchy sometimes, sometimes they burn. They look terrible. Does it sound

like any of yours? Thanks for putting up with my nosy question!!

Tami in KC

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Right now I have only a few patches... for the record though I've never had it

on my knees or elbows!  I have one round patch next to my knee cap.. one on my

shin.. one that for some odd reason always shows up along where the bottom of my

bra sets... needless to say I only wear one if I'm going out! And then there is

the endless patch that has been on my head since elementary school.  I never do

anything common!


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For years I thought I was allergic to shampoos. The back of my head

would itch in the same spot every month. I also had scabs on my elbows

but I just thought they were dry all of the time and would try different

creams. Then I got a nasty rash behind my ears and on my eyelids. I

thought it was poison ivy, that is what it looked like. I used to work

in my yard a lot and that was the first thing that came to my mind. I

went to a General Practice Dr and he did not know what is was. He just

gave me a Medrol dose pack and it got better. About 8 years later I

developed joint pain in my thumbs that within 2 months spread to all of

my joints. After two years I was diagnosed with PA. I went to a

Rheumatologist then Dermatologist. Nothing would show up on the blood

work. It was the Dermatologist that really got me the diagnosis. He

said that I had Psoriasis over 80% of my body. Even though the

scalp,ears and elbows was the only part that broke out. I mentioned the

outbreak 8 years earlier. He said that was Psoriasis. The rest of my

body has a fine silvery scale that takes a trained eye to see. It is bad

in the winter time or during stressful times. I have patches on my hips

and breasts. I have it on my knees too. Ask your doctor for Kenalog Cream.

It helps. It is prescription but is available as generic and is very

cheap. For Scalp Luxiq Foam is available by prescription. 1 can will

last me a year.

" beth_madron " <bmadron@...>

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Beth, thank you so much. My scalp always itches too, and I scratch at it so

bad I get scabs. I have used Head & Shoulders dry scalp shampoo and

conditioner and it helps for a few hours! I hope to get in with the doc this


Since I am a patient of his already, it shouldn't take long. My elbows started

hurting so bad a few years ago that I couldn't even move them. Now it is all

my joints too. This growing up thing really sucks sometimes!

Thank you again.


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your story about the scalp sounds so much like mine, i use eves arnica neem

shampoo these days and nothing else and my scalp has cleared up almost

completely now, you can find eves arnica neem shampoo at nutrition4skin.com

store it is the only shampoo I will use after trying it, my head hasn't felt so

good since i was a kid. i guess they are just putting too many chemicals in

shampoos anymore. good luck i hope you get relief

Cherry <ch3rry_1@...>

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