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Re: HELP flaring, costco, back, fibro

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I don't understand why you were denied disability but you need a lawyer to help

you get it. You are definitly entitled to it . make sure you tell them about

your history of being hospitilized for mrntal problems . You should be entitled

to disability for your mental disability.[de[depression and anxiety] depression

is also considered a disability . You need to keep copies of all your medical

records . I really think that you are on too much medication .but the doctors

should have tapered you off the pain meds not just stopped them cold turkey.If

you are on oxycontion and vicodin at the same time that is excessive. I realize

that you have a lot of illnesses .and have pain Trust me I do too . I have had 3

hip replacements and need my shoulder replaced also . I have many of the

illnesses you have and more . I think that you need a new evaluation for your

illness . You can't go on taking all those powerful meds at your age . You are

going to damage your liver and lungs You are probably going through withdrawral

from your pain meds and should be in a hospital . You need to go to the .ER Make

them help you . Your doctor who is on jury duty must have a doctor who is

covering for him . Most doctors provide free care for those without insurance

but you have to ask for free care.if you are having problems breathing you need

to see a doctor and the doctor needs to address your pain issues . I know your

pain is real but you can't take those pain meds forever. You are not alone we

are here for you.

cathy from ma

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I am so sorry that you are hurting so.  I cannot make things better but wanted

to let you know that it is OK to vent and you are not alone though it may seem

like it.  I pray that God would put someone in your path who could help you. 


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Go to the Emergency room , and then get yourself to a clinic

that uses a sliding scale. Remember health care is NOT FREE. You need to

get a job, and or disability, and or be of age for medicare, or marry

someone that works.Even then, you may be rejected. or Write to your

congressman about the kind of health care reform we should have for you.

And by the way the Emergency room is NOT FREE. If there is room in the

Hospital budget you may be a charity case and they may waive their fee ,

and that they will not repeat. See your social worker in your town for

the update and needed advice for yourself. Good luck. Telling you how it

is out there. NO FREE RIDE. Even with insurance its no picnic.

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no those were all the meds i took the past 8 years. for the last 6 months the

only thing i take now is the ms contin and that's 45mg, that's nothing compared

to what i used to take and he gave me nothing for breakthru pain. also on

simponi, savella, prednisone and mobic. i was on alot of narcotics and i tapered

off cause it was too much but i'm under medicated now and without meds period.

i'm sure my body's going through withdrawl. even on the ms contin i was unable

to sleep from pain, takes me hours to get out of bed and get moving, my

apartments a mess and my poor dog suffers cause i can't walk her as much as i

should. funny thing, she has arthrits too and the stairs are killing us both.

i have med records from last 6 years which document 2 baker acts and suicide

attempts. i'm baring my soul now but i was abused as a kid and the 1st suicide

attempt was at 12 yrs. i was in 4 private hospitals 2 regular hospitals on

mental ward and county hospital mhmr. i was also in 2 homes. but the

hospitalizations from when i was a kid are gone. it's been 20 years so i'm sure

they purged the records. my mom filled out the 3rd party questionare for ssi but

she doesn't want to list everything because she doesn't want to admit i'm sick

and she's ashamed about what happened when i was a kid, and hurt. we try to

forget (my stepfather was a real bad man)

i went to the er and they gave me a shot of torodol which tore my stomach up.

told my mom that i was scaring kids because i was crying and being obnoxious

because i was begging them to help me.

my dr won't see me till feb 2nd and i don't know what to do.

i was on alot of pain meds and cut all of them out except for one. 45mg 3x a day

is a low dose epecially compared to what i weaned myself off of and i wasn't

pain free. just able to get out of bed each morning. i'm taking the simponi,

sevalla, waiting for insurance approval for lyrica, been on prednisone for

almost 9 years now. i've done accupuncture, hypnosis, injections, trigger point

injections, physical therapy, taking every anti inflammatory, tnf blocker,

dmard, anti depressant, etc. i'm at the end of my rope.

i can barely hang onto my part time job which is the first time i've worked in 5

years. i'm going to be homeless again.

this disability stuff is a joke. i don't want to take pain meds but i have to be

able to take care of myself and function on just a basic level. no one should

hurt so much that they are bed ridden and wish they were dead just so it would


i've begged for alternative medicine, phys therapy, injections. when you have no

insurance they treat you like a 2nd class citizen. i have a college degree, i'm

a good person, i'm smart and i was very sucessful and this disease and this

government have stolen it all away from me.

how can i get them to help me?



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i have the county healthcare program which is kinda like insurance with a

sliding scale. they covered my hopsitalization 2 months ago when i flared and

broke out into a rash all over my body. i have a part time job that i can barely

hold onto and they keep sending me home cause i look too sick. i applied for

disability, got denied appealed twice in florida and they re-opened my case in

texas when i moved back home.

i was supposed to get my meds filled on the 28th and my dr won't see me until

2\2. my rheumy does not do pain management and wants me to switch from the

levella to lyrica but i am waiting to get that approved. in the mean time i'm in

so much pain i can't function and probably going through withdrawl for being on

pain meds for the last 8 years.

all they did at the er was give me toradol which with the prednisone and mobic

is killing my stomach and not doing anything for the pain. the swelling went

down on my fingers but my back and chest are out of control.

" dvs_riotgrrrl " <dvs_riotgrrrl@...>

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thank you cathy. i will call my ss worker monday and see if she can get me info

on a lawyer and how to speed this up. i convinced my mom to write a letter

telling the truth about my mental problems as a child. i didn't want her to go

there but i think if they know how far back the mental problems have gone that

might help.



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thanks patty and everyone else who responded. back in 2002 2003 i spent alot of

time on this board. it helped me get through getting diagnosed at such a young

age and through my divorce, and my parents finally accepting that their daughter

is very sick. you guys are the only people who truly understand and i'm so

grateful that i can " disappear " for 5 yrs and come back for support again.

thanks and god bless

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