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I really need ANYONE who can relate to me to let me know. I have been losing my

hair literally in handfuls for months now. I was diagnosed with PA 22 years ago.

At the same time hypothyroidism and my hair started falling out. Over the years

the hairloss was never noticeable and would come and go. I went on Humira a

couple of months ago (have stopped it),and my hair will not stop coming out! I

have given up on regular drs. I have probably seen over 200. They think my

hairloss is insignificant, keep giving me drugs that cause other problems, and

do not listen to me. I just began seeing a holistic dr. Currently I am on no

meds but my Armour for my thryoid. The pain is bad in my neck but watching my

hair continue to fall keeps me in a state of terror. I feel so alone. I have

googled this over an over and still can't find anyone to relate to.

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When I first went on sulfasalazine years ago for some reason I had hair loss

from that. My hair has always been if anything on the very thick side so it

was a bit of a shock and my cousin who is a hairdresser thought it was quite

bad. I shaved my head and it grew back thick again. Not sure if that would

work for everyone or if everyone would be willing to go those extremes but

that's what I did. Every few years for a number of years I shaved it. Now as

a 42 year old female I feel I am a bit too old for the bald look though.


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