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New to group and have tons of questions

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Hello, I joined this group because I need some help and guidance and was hoping

someone could help me.

I live in Pa and I have a son who is 8 years old.my son became ill in 2006 I

took him to his dr on a wed and he said it was flu he needed rest, so Thursday

came and he had a high fever I took him to a hospital ( in jersey where I was

living at the time) they said flu like symptoms went home Friday he spiked

another fever I took him to another hospital as I didn't feel like it was the

flu and that dr said he prob has the flu and go get rest, sat he woke up and was

limp and didn't look him self, I called my dr that I had in Pa (just moved from

pa to nj) and he said get him to st marys medical hospital, I took the 1 hr and

15 minute ride and with in 30 minutes they had children's hospital of phila on

the phone and had him flown to chop and they said that he has a bacterial

infection and because it was a week that he had it they didn't know what it was

and they thought it was bacterial meningitis but didn't know, ever since that

trip to children's I live in and out of hospitals and to this day my son was

diagnosed with the following conditions, ( sit down its long)

1. Encephalopathy

2.delayed milestones

3.developmental venous anomaly

4.heart murmur/ ireg heart beat...( we have another apt with top peds

cardiologist this month)

5.familiar Macrocephaly

6.Developmental delay/Learning Disabilities

7.tourette's syndrome

8. adhd

9. ODD

10. CD

11. borderline mental retardation ( I cant believe the Nurologist said its

because of the IQ test school did last year)

12. Encopresis

12. agresive behavior

he lost eye sight in one eye, starting to have problems with other

he is in a learning support group at school

he dont make freinds well if he does they are younger kids

he crys allot and has been getting very emotional

he is such a great kid and i love him to death and i dont know what to do for

him, i have been to drs after drs and i mentioned to his peds dr about lyme and

she said THIS IS THE MOST RIDEULAS THING I HEARD....and I cryed...i have been

thru 3 pediatric drs in last 4 months because they say he has to many medical

conditions/issues for them to help him, i dont know where to turn, i have had

psycho doctors tell me they will not see him because he has way to man y

issues.... they are drs, correct?

now with all that said to me that is WAY to much for a little boy to have..( My

opinion) I talked to friends, family and people in support groups and so many

people have asked me if I ever had him tested for lyme, With what I am going

thru with my little boy sound like lyme?

Can someone offer me any answers, support etc......

Any help is appreciated....

Thank you for reading and sorry so long....

in PA

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Find a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) and see if that is what is cusing

your son's problems. There are many in PA and NJ - tell the group where you

live and they can give recommendations.

Do it as quick as you can, because the longer he has lyme, if he does, the

harder it is to treat!



Ann Prow


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Thank you, I am in Bucks County, PA near Phila Pa.

[ ] Re:New to group and have tons of questions


Find a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) and see if that is what is cusing

your son's problems. There are many in PA and NJ - tell the group where you

live and they can give recommendations.

Do it as quick as you can, because the longer he has lyme, if he does, the

harder it is to treat!



Ann Prow


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