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Re: question for Nikki

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Nikki, my story is very close to yours. You said your daughters were diagnosed

when they were 11 but then at 15 your one daughter took a severe turn for the

worse. Having 2 daughters also with congenital Lyme, not diagnosed till 5 and

8, on antibiotics for 3 years but now off because they seem to be better...your

daughter getting so ill again makes me wonder if we should still be treating

them?? What treatment were you using for your girls? Did the other daughter

get better? Im sorry for all you have been through, I will be praying for you

and your family. Barbara

Re: [ ] Naturopath


she's treated my two daughters, my husband & myself. I got bitten by a tick in

Japan in 1987 & got Lyme Disease, gave it to my husband (that was fun to explain

to my grandmother about how he got it from me), and then I gave it to my two

girls before they were born. They are 15 now (they are twins). One has mild LD,

one has it severely (which makes them very interesting research material


We are from Australia & I didn't know I had LD until the girls were 11 (the

Dr's thought I had ALS). The daughter with severe LD has been sick all her life

but the Dr's could never work out why - in 2009 she rapidly deteriorated over 6

months and is now in a wheelchair and can't use her arms properly either, and

often has trouble swallowing, and is in constant pain. Dr Nicola was able to

diagnose the girls & my husband (it is hard to get your blood to the IgenX lab

from Australia, so we waited until we got to the US, knowing it would be

easier). Having said all that Dr Nicola has helped myself, my other daughter &

my husband a lot, and my sicker daughter is starting to turn around (we are no

longer worried that she is going to die). It will be a long slow recovery for


We like Dr Nicola - she was the first Dr/Naturopath that I went to who knew

more about LD than I did. She is very good with both my girls, who don't like

the other Dr's who are treating them. We found that because we don't have

insurance she is actually much much cheaper than a LLMD who we also see (we are

only in the US for 9 months, so we thought that we'd get as many treatment

options as we could). I also like the fact that she can continue to treat us

when we get back to Australia via telephone consultations (but that is probably

something you don't have to worry about).

I'm pretty sure that Dr Nicola works with kids, because she also specialises in

Aspergers/Autism in kids, as well as Lyme Disease.

Hope this helps. Best of luck with your son.



> >

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > we've used Dr Nicola McFazden (a medically trained naturopath, so she can

> > prescribe abx). We've found her very very good. She uses abx, herbs,

> > supplements, drops etc. She has an office in San Diego and Connecticut

> > (she's just setting up the office there, I think she'll be doing consults

> > there very soon, but she may have already started) & she does phone


> > (she also does a visiting clinic in Australia once or twice a year). She


> > treated all my family for Lyme & we are really happy with her, she's give


> > some amazing results.

> >

> > She has a chapter in the book " Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: 13

> > Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies "

> > (which is a really good resource by the way -

> > http://www.amazon.com/Insights-Into-Lyme-Disease-Treatment/dp/0982513801

> >

> > She goes to all the conferences and is very up to date with the latest lyme

> > disease research (which I like).

> >

> > Her website is here - http://www.drnicola.com/

> >

> > She treats every person differently, doesn't use a one protocol fixes all

> > (all 4 of us in our house were treated differently, with good success).

> >

> > Hope this helps

> >

> > Cheers

> >

> > Nikki

> >

> >

> >




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we have an unusual story in a way, because we are from Australia - here is the

timeline & what treatment has worked/not worked.

1987 - I was living in Japan as an exchange student and was bitten by a tick at

the Nara Temple in Japan, whilst patting a deer (if only I knew then what I knew

now, I'd give those deer a VERY wide berth). I had the classic rash, and

remember the tick bite (my friend just picked off the tick with her fingers). I

started to get sick within a month, and experienced chronic fatigue like

symptoms in the summer that year (and every year since). I returned to

Australia in 1988, much sicker than when I went to Japan in 1987 (I was there

for a year).

1994 - my twin girls were born after a very troubled pregnancy, where I spent 3

months in hospital before they were born. The Dr's couldn't work out what was

wrong with me, but I had a number of problems with my lungs, my brain

( " autoimmune encephalitis " ), and my uterus (I had an " irritable uterus " and went

into labor at 30 weeks - they kept me in hospital and gave me ventolin every

four hours for 6 weeks until my girls were born- every 3.5 hours the ventolin

would wear off and the contractions would start up again. I breast fed both my

girls until they were 7 months old, until I got so sick I couldn't continue.

2000 - between 1994 & 2000, I had been having horrible digestive symptoms

(diagnosed as all of the following at one time or another - irritable bowel

syndrome, inflamatory bowel disease, proctitis, chrons disease). By 2000 it was

chronic & I was really starting to struggle (also I'd just started a super

stressful job, and I think that tipped me over the edge). I was very tired, but

struggled on - I was worse in the hot weather. By 2001 I was retired by the

church I worked for (as a minister), as I was having trouble standing up and

walking. By 2002 I was walking with a stick and by 2003 I was in an electric


My daughters had very different health when they were babies & children. H had

a lot of trouble breathing when she was born & both girls ended up in the

intensive care nursery when they were born (but only for 1 week). J was healthy

all through her childhood, but H was constantly sick with ear infections,

stomach problems, diagnosed as having a hearing impairment, ADHD, Dyslexia & had

seizures from when she was about 4 until she was 13. Interestingly the Dr's

could never find a reason for her seizures, and the medication didn't work to

control them. Interestingly when her seizures stopped, her chronic fatigue

issues started.

In 2009 we moved from Australia to the US (via 2 months in Europe). This was

very stressful for H, as she was leaving her boyfriend and all her close friends

behind (we were always only going to be away for a year, but that feels like an

eternity for a 15 y.o.). She got very sick when we got to europe, but it wasn't

until we got to the US that she lost the use of her arms & legs & had trouble

swallowing. H went through all my symptoms (in the same order), but instead of

over a decade, experienced them in 6 months, so it was a very frightening time

for us.

What has worked (for all of us)....

- in 2003, when I was really at my sickest, I started having Bowen Therapy (see

here about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowen_Technique ). This made a big

difference, and I think kept me alive long enough to get a diagnosis and proper

treatment for Lyme Disease. I think that the Bowen therapy helped to strengthen

my immune system, and get rid of toxic chemicals (I know that there has been

some research that says that Bowen therapy can be very beneficial for Lyme

Disease sufferers). My daughters were having regular Bowen Therapy at the time

as well, & their health was good (although when we look back on it now we know

that they had Lyme Disease at that stage as well).

- in 2006 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, but there was no specialist in

Australia to treat me (Lyme disesase is much rarer in Australia, although

becoming more common). My local Dr put me on the Bursascano guidelines (5 months

IV, then oral abx), and that worked really well (until I got a c.diff infection

because I hadn't been taking probiotics - I know how vital it is now). I had a

huge surge in good health. When I look back on it now though I realise that it

didn't treat the co-infections (that I didn't know existed). I think the

Burascanno guidelines have now changed to take that into account, but I'm not


- in 2008/9 I was finding that I was no longer able to drive, and I was

continuing to have to use my electric wheelchair. I came across Dr Nicola

McFadzean through the Australian Lyme Disease email list. She diagnosed me with

co-infections, & put me on a combination of abx, drops & supplements. By

September I was not needing my wheelchair very much. At that point Dr Nicola &

I decided that I would swap over to Dr H in Hyde Park, NY, because it was my

only chance to have a " big gun " treat us - I think that this was Dr Nicola

underselling herself a lot, and very gracious of her to hand me over to Dr H and

be focusing on what was best for me, rather than her bank balance. We will be

returning to her treatment when we go back to Australia )via phone. She was

proposing the same treatment as Dr H when he took over, so I don't see a huge

difference between the two, except that my girls much prefer Dr Nicola & she us

MUCH cheaper (especially if you don't have insurance). BTW, by December I

wasn't using my wheelchair at all, and by February I was starting to not use my

walking stick all the time.

- Oct 2009 - Dr H (Hyde Park NY) was very concerned when he heard that I'd had

active Lyme when I was pregnant, & insisted that we bring my 2 girls to see him

(we had hoped he would ask to see H at least - Dr Nicola had started to treat

her, but had only just started when Dr H took over). He eventually diagnosed

them as having LD (as well as my husband, who also got it from me). My daughter

H has stopped her deterioration, and has finally started to turn around,

although she is still in her wheelchair, some of her symptoms are much better,

which is a huge relief (we are no longer frightened she will die). My other

daughter J did a short round of abx, then went on to the Limited Cowden

protocol, and this has helped her energy levels and general health a lot - she

only had mild LD - manifesting itself in mild chronic fatigue).

So in summary, what has worked for all of us

- Bowen Therapy (and some acupuncture when I couldn't get Bowen Therapy)

- long term abx (both IV & oral)

- PROBIOTICS - I can't stress enough how vital they are, as you can die from a

c. diff infection, which is a side effect of long term abx

- seeing Dr Nicola & taking her herbs, drops & supplements (as well as her abx)

as well as seeing Dr H

- taking Mepron - truly this is liquid gold, but it costs $1000 a bottle

(although Glaxo Kline has a very generous assistance program (called

Bridges to Access), which is how I get it).

- getting counselling - helps with the stress, and working through things, which

in turn helps with the healing

- having as low a toxic chemical life as I can (we either eat organic or wash

fruit & vege thoroughly), we don't use regular cleaners in the house (we use

vinegar, bi-carb soda & microfiber cloths, which work really well), no air

freshners, scented shampoos, fragrance etc.

- lots of rest & pacing myself (a good way of explaining pacing yourself to kids

is through spoon theory - you can see it here


ten-by-christine-miserandino/ If you can't get the link to work (I couldn't)

google spoon theory & you'll come across it.

I'm very sorry that this is so long. I hope it helps to answer some of your


Best of luck with you & your family's Lyme Disease journey. You will be in my

prayers too.




> Nikki, my story is very close to yours. You said your daughters were

diagnosed when they were 11 but then at 15 your one daughter took a severe turn

for the worse. Having 2 daughters also with congenital Lyme, not diagnosed till

5 and 8, on antibiotics for 3 years but now off because they seem to be

better...your daughter getting so ill again makes me wonder if we should still

be treating them?? What treatment were you using for your girls? Did the other

daughter get better? Im sorry for all you have been through, I will be praying

for you and your family. Barbara


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Did your children have IV also?


From: Nikki <ncoleman@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 4:23:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] question for Nikki



we have an unusual story in a way, because we are from Australia - here is the

timeline & what treatment has worked/not worked.

1987 - I was living in Japan as an exchange student and was bitten by a tick at

the Nara Temple in Japan, whilst patting a deer (if only I knew then what I knew

now, I'd give those deer a VERY wide berth). I had the classic rash, and

remember the tick bite (my friend just picked off the tick with her fingers). I

started to get sick within a month, and experienced chronic fatigue like

symptoms in the summer that year (and every year since). I returned to Australia

in 1988, much sicker than when I went to Japan in 1987 (I was there for a year).

1994 - my twin girls were born after a very troubled pregnancy, where I spent 3

months in hospital before they were born. The Dr's couldn't work out what was

wrong with me, but I had a number of problems with my lungs, my brain

( " autoimmune encephalitis " ), and my uterus (I had an " irritable uterus " and

went into labor at 30 weeks - they kept me in hospital and gave me ventolin

every four hours for 6 weeks until my girls were born- every 3.5 hours the

ventolin would wear off and the contractions would start up again. I breast fed

both my girls until they were 7 months old, until I got so sick I couldn't


2000 - between 1994 & 2000, I had been having horrible digestive symptoms

(diagnosed as all of the following at one time or another - irritable bowel

syndrome, inflamatory bowel disease, proctitis, chrons disease). By 2000 it was

chronic & I was really starting to struggle (also I'd just started a super

stressful job, and I think that tipped me over the edge). I was very tired, but

struggled on - I was worse in the hot weather. By 2001 I was retired by the

church I worked for (as a minister), as I was having trouble standing up and

walking. By 2002 I was walking with a stick and by 2003 I was in an electric


My daughters had very different health when they were babies & children. H had a

lot of trouble breathing when she was born & both girls ended up in the

intensive care nursery when they were born (but only for 1 week). J was healthy

all through her childhood, but H was constantly sick with ear infections,

stomach problems, diagnosed as having a hearing impairment, ADHD, Dyslexia & had

seizures from when she was about 4 until she was 13. Interestingly the Dr's

could never find a reason for her seizures, and the medication didn't work to

control them. Interestingly when her seizures stopped, her chronic fatigue

issues started.

In 2009 we moved from Australia to the US (via 2 months in Europe). This was

very stressful for H, as she was leaving her boyfriend and all her close friends

behind (we were always only going to be away for a year, but that feels like an

eternity for a 15 y.o.). She got very sick when we got to europe, but it wasn't

until we got to the US that she lost the use of her arms & legs & had trouble

swallowing. H went through all my symptoms (in the same order), but instead of

over a decade, experienced them in 6 months, so it was a very frightening time

for us.

What has worked (for all of us)....

- in 2003, when I was really at my sickest, I started having Bowen Therapy (see

here about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowen_Technique ). This made a big

difference, and I think kept me alive long enough to get a diagnosis and proper

treatment for Lyme Disease. I think that the Bowen therapy helped to strengthen

my immune system, and get rid of toxic chemicals (I know that there has been

some research that says that Bowen therapy can be very beneficial for Lyme

Disease sufferers). My daughters were having regular Bowen Therapy at the time

as well, & their health was good (although when we look back on it now we know

that they had Lyme Disease at that stage as well).

- in 2006 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, but there was no specialist in

Australia to treat me (Lyme disesase is much rarer in Australia, although

becoming more common). My local Dr put me on the Bursascano guidelines (5 months

IV, then oral abx), and that worked really well (until I got a c.diff infection

because I hadn't been taking probiotics - I know how vital it is now). I had a

huge surge in good health. When I look back on it now though I realise that it

didn't treat the co-infections (that I didn't know existed). I think the

Burascanno guidelines have now changed to take that into account, but I'm not


- in 2008/9 I was finding that I was no longer able to drive, and I was

continuing to have to use my electric wheelchair. I came across Dr Nicola

McFadzean through the Australian Lyme Disease email list. She diagnosed me with

co-infections, & put me on a combination of abx, drops & supplements. By

September I was not needing my wheelchair very much. At that point Dr Nicola & I

decided that I would swap over to Dr H in Hyde Park, NY, because it was my only

chance to have a " big gun " treat us - I think that this was Dr Nicola

underselling herself a lot, and very gracious of her to hand me over to Dr H and

be focusing on what was best for me, rather than her bank balance. We will be

returning to her treatment when we go back to Australia )via phone. She was

proposing the same treatment as Dr H when he took over, so I don't see a huge

difference between the two, except that my girls much prefer Dr Nicola & she us

MUCH cheaper (especially if you don't have

insurance). BTW, by December I wasn't using my wheelchair at all, and by

February I was starting to not use my walking stick all the time.

- Oct 2009 - Dr H (Hyde Park NY) was very concerned when he heard that I'd had

active Lyme when I was pregnant, & insisted that we bring my 2 girls to see him

(we had hoped he would ask to see H at least - Dr Nicola had started to treat

her, but had only just started when Dr H took over). He eventually diagnosed

them as having LD (as well as my husband, who also got it from me). My daughter

H has stopped her deterioration, and has finally started to turn around,

although she is still in her wheelchair, some of her symptoms are much better,

which is a huge relief (we are no longer frightened she will die). My other

daughter J did a short round of abx, then went on to the Limited Cowden

protocol, and this has helped her energy levels and general health a lot - she

only had mild LD - manifesting itself in mild chronic fatigue).

So in summary, what has worked for all of us

- Bowen Therapy (and some acupuncture when I couldn't get Bowen Therapy)

- long term abx (both IV & oral)

- PROBIOTICS - I can't stress enough how vital they are, as you can die from a

c. diff infection, which is a side effect of long term abx

- seeing Dr Nicola & taking her herbs, drops & supplements (as well as her abx)

as well as seeing Dr H

- taking Mepron - truly this is liquid gold, but it costs $1000 a bottle

(although Glaxo Kline has a very generous assistance program (called

Bridges to Access), which is how I get it).

- getting counselling - helps with the stress, and working through things, which

in turn helps with the healing

- having as low a toxic chemical life as I can (we either eat organic or wash

fruit & vege thoroughly), we don't use regular cleaners in the house (we use

vinegar, bi-carb soda & microfiber cloths, which work really well), no air

freshners, scented shampoos, fragrance etc.

- lots of rest & pacing myself (a good way of explaining pacing yourself to kids

is through spoon theory - you can see it here http://www.butyoudo ntlooksick.

com/articles/ personal- essays/the- spoon-theory- written-by- christine-

miserandino/ If you can't get the link to work (I couldn't) google spoon theory

& you'll come across it.

I'm very sorry that this is so long. I hope it helps to answer some of your


Best of luck with you & your family's Lyme Disease journey. You will be in my

prayers too.




> Nikki, my story is very close to yours. You said your daughters were diagnosed

when they were 11 but then at 15 your one daughter took a severe turn for the

worse. Having 2 daughters also with congenital Lyme, not diagnosed till 5 and 8,

on antibiotics for 3 years but now off because they seem to be better...your

daughter getting so ill again makes me wonder if we should still be treating

them?? What treatment were you using for your girls? Did the other daughter get

better? Im sorry for all you have been through, I will be praying for you and

your family. Barbara


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Thank you Nikki for all your info and your story!  I'm so glad to hear you all

are improving with treatment.  When I get a chance I will explain my story too

but I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. 

Both my kids were treated by Dr. Ray of New Haven, CT, are you

aware of him?  If you are on the East coast he is a pediatric Lyme specialist

who is the BEST.  I would highly recommend him for your girls.  If you need

more info about him please let me know.  Thanks again, Barbara

From: Nikki <ncoleman@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] question for Nikki

Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 1:23 PM



we have an unusual story in a way, because we are from Australia - here is the

timeline & what treatment has worked/not worked.

1987 - I was living in Japan as an exchange student and was bitten by a tick at

the Nara Temple in Japan, whilst patting a deer (if only I knew then what I knew

now, I'd give those deer a VERY wide berth). I had the classic rash, and

remember the tick bite (my friend just picked off the tick with her fingers). I

started to get sick within a month, and experienced chronic fatigue like

symptoms in the summer that year (and every year since). I returned to

Australia in 1988, much sicker than when I went to Japan in 1987 (I was there

for a year).

1994 - my twin girls were born after a very troubled pregnancy, where I spent 3

months in hospital before they were born. The Dr's couldn't work out what was

wrong with me, but I had a number of problems with my lungs, my brain

( " autoimmune encephalitis " ), and my uterus (I had an " irritable uterus " and

went into labor at 30 weeks - they kept me in hospital and gave me ventolin

every four hours for 6 weeks until my girls were born- every 3.5 hours the

ventolin would wear off and the contractions would start up again. I breast fed

both my girls until they were 7 months old, until I got so sick I couldn't


2000 - between 1994 & 2000, I had been having horrible digestive symptoms

(diagnosed as all of the following at one time or another - irritable bowel

syndrome, inflamatory bowel disease, proctitis, chrons disease). By 2000 it was

chronic & I was really starting to struggle (also I'd just started a super

stressful job, and I think that tipped me over the edge). I was very tired, but

struggled on - I was worse in the hot weather. By 2001 I was retired by the

church I worked for (as a minister), as I was having trouble standing up and

walking. By 2002 I was walking with a stick and by 2003 I was in an electric


My daughters had very different health when they were babies & children. H had

a lot of trouble breathing when she was born & both girls ended up in the

intensive care nursery when they were born (but only for 1 week). J was healthy

all through her childhood, but H was constantly sick with ear infections,

stomach problems, diagnosed as having a hearing impairment, ADHD, Dyslexia & had

seizures from when she was about 4 until she was 13. Interestingly the Dr's

could never find a reason for her seizures, and the medication didn't work to

control them. Interestingly when her seizures stopped, her chronic fatigue

issues started.

In 2009 we moved from Australia to the US (via 2 months in Europe). This was

very stressful for H, as she was leaving her boyfriend and all her close friends

behind (we were always only going to be away for a year, but that feels like an

eternity for a 15 y.o.). She got very sick when we got to europe, but it wasn't

until we got to the US that she lost the use of her arms & legs & had trouble

swallowing. H went through all my symptoms (in the same order), but instead of

over a decade, experienced them in 6 months, so it was a very frightening time

for us.

What has worked (for all of us)....

- in 2003, when I was really at my sickest, I started having Bowen Therapy (see

here about it http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Bowen_Technique ). This made a big

difference, and I think kept me alive long enough to get a diagnosis and proper

treatment for Lyme Disease. I think that the Bowen therapy helped to strengthen

my immune system, and get rid of toxic chemicals (I know that there has been

some research that says that Bowen therapy can be very beneficial for Lyme

Disease sufferers). My daughters were having regular Bowen Therapy at the time

as well, & their health was good (although when we look back on it now we know

that they had Lyme Disease at that stage as well).

- in 2006 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, but there was no specialist in

Australia to treat me (Lyme disesase is much rarer in Australia, although

becoming more common). My local Dr put me on the Bursascano guidelines (5 months

IV, then oral abx), and that worked really well (until I got a c.diff infection

because I hadn't been taking probiotics - I know how vital it is now). I had a

huge surge in good health. When I look back on it now though I realise that it

didn't treat the co-infections (that I didn't know existed). I think the

Burascanno guidelines have now changed to take that into account, but I'm not


- in 2008/9 I was finding that I was no longer able to drive, and I was

continuing to have to use my electric wheelchair. I came across Dr Nicola

McFadzean through the Australian Lyme Disease email list. She diagnosed me with

co-infections, & put me on a combination of abx, drops & supplements. By

September I was not needing my wheelchair very much. At that point Dr Nicola &

I decided that I would swap over to Dr H in Hyde Park, NY, because it was my

only chance to have a " big gun " treat us - I think that this was Dr Nicola

underselling herself a lot, and very gracious of her to hand me over to Dr H and

be focusing on what was best for me, rather than her bank balance. We will be

returning to her treatment when we go back to Australia )via phone. She was

proposing the same treatment as Dr H when he took over, so I don't see a huge

difference between the two, except that my girls much prefer Dr Nicola & she us

MUCH cheaper (especially if you don't

have insurance). BTW, by December I wasn't using my wheelchair at all, and by

February I was starting to not use my walking stick all the time.

- Oct 2009 - Dr H (Hyde Park NY) was very concerned when he heard that I'd had

active Lyme when I was pregnant, & insisted that we bring my 2 girls to see him

(we had hoped he would ask to see H at least - Dr Nicola had started to treat

her, but had only just started when Dr H took over). He eventually diagnosed

them as having LD (as well as my husband, who also got it from me). My daughter

H has stopped her deterioration, and has finally started to turn around,

although she is still in her wheelchair, some of her symptoms are much better,

which is a huge relief (we are no longer frightened she will die). My other

daughter J did a short round of abx, then went on to the Limited Cowden

protocol, and this has helped her energy levels and general health a lot - she

only had mild LD - manifesting itself in mild chronic fatigue).

So in summary, what has worked for all of us

- Bowen Therapy (and some acupuncture when I couldn't get Bowen Therapy)

- long term abx (both IV & oral)

- PROBIOTICS - I can't stress enough how vital they are, as you can die from a

c. diff infection, which is a side effect of long term abx

- seeing Dr Nicola & taking her herbs, drops & supplements (as well as her abx)

as well as seeing Dr H

- taking Mepron - truly this is liquid gold, but it costs $1000 a bottle

(although Glaxo Kline has a very generous assistance program (called

Bridges to Access), which is how I get it).

- getting counselling - helps with the stress, and working through things, which

in turn helps with the healing

- having as low a toxic chemical life as I can (we either eat organic or wash

fruit & vege thoroughly), we don't use regular cleaners in the house (we use

vinegar, bi-carb soda & microfiber cloths, which work really well), no air

freshners, scented shampoos, fragrance etc.

- lots of rest & pacing myself (a good way of explaining pacing yourself to kids

is through spoon theory - you can see it here http://www.butyoudo ntlooksick.

com/articles/ personal- essays/the- spoon-theory- written-by- christine-

miserandino/ If you can't get the link to work (I couldn't) google spoon theory

& you'll come across it.

I'm very sorry that this is so long. I hope it helps to answer some of your


Best of luck with you & your family's Lyme Disease journey. You will be in my

prayers too.




> Nikki, my story is very close to yours. You said your daughters were

diagnosed when they were 11 but then at 15 your one daughter took a severe turn

for the worse. Having 2 daughters also with congenital Lyme, not diagnosed till

5 and 8, on antibiotics for 3 years but now off because they seem to be

better...your daughter getting so ill again makes me wonder if we should still

be treating them?? What treatment were you using for your girls? Did the other

daughter get better? Im sorry for all you have been through, I will be praying

for you and your family. Barbara


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