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Antibiotic Therapy

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the gary mentioned in this post is the guy i talk to in the arthritis insight chat, he told me about minocin and the herxing that first results from this therapy. Antibiotic Therapy While browsing, I came across the following references to Antibiotic Therapy for treating arthritis. It's one of the featured topics from the ArthritisInsight website: http://www.arthritisinsight.com/resources/webrarian/ Dear Webrarian, I have just found this web site and would be interested if you can find any information regarding a Dr. Brown who treated with anitbiotics - maybe Dicloxacillin, Minomycin and Clindomycin. I believe this treatment related to staph bacteria. I have read about this connected with Dr. Brown and maybe the Mayo Clinic. My GP was not impressed to hear of the use of high potency antibiotics without authority and substantial reports, tests etc. to support their use. Your reply would be appreciated. GREETINGS FROM THE WEBRARY! Welcome to Arthritis Insight! I believe you are referring to Dr. Brown, M.D. who developed the antibiotic protocol. Dr. Brown is now deceased, but there are doctors using his protocol and treating arthritis patients with antibiotics. The following sites should be helpful in your quest for information: The Roadback Foundation"...The Road Back Foundation promotes education about the treatment of rheumatic and some connective tissue diseases with low doses of antibiotics; serves as a patient and physician clearinghouse for the exchange and dissemination of information on research and the advances in treatment using such therapy; supports such research; and advocates for objectives stated above..." A Legacy of Health: The life and work of McPherson Brown M.D"...The information on this site is provided by physicians experienced in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases with low dose antibiotics according to the protocol developed by the late Dr. McPherson Brown, M.D. and by many of the multiple thousands of patients who have benefited from this treatment. The website includes all the information necessary to administer this therapy. Physicians should not attempt antibiotic therapy until they have read the protocol completely as this therapy is unlike any other they may be currently using. There are many components to these diseases and their treatment and antibiotic therapy must be tailored to the individual. Treatment periods are usually long and medication and dosage adjustments may be required..." You'll also want to check our Members Stories and look specifically at 's Antibiotic Journal. is one of our Community Members who has been generous enough to keep track of his progress on antibiotics. We also have Minocycline listed in our medication index. Hope this gives you a start and best of luck in your treatment!

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  • 5 years later...
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I'm currently on Doxy / Rifampin. I have not seen any " major " improvement

yet. I started w/ Doxy / Rifampin in February.... switched to Zithromax /

Rifampin in March ....back to Doxy / Rifampin in May. Slight improvement but

again nothing major.

I also started taking Wellbutrin XL. I find it helps me from an energy / mood





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You will read many different takes on antibiotic therapy. I will give you my


I contracted chlamydia sometime between August and October last year (about 6 to

8 months ago). I probably had it for some time with low symptoms and then they

got worse. I finally decided it was not just a flare up of a VERY old herpes

infection and went to see my doc. He did a serum antibody test for chlamydia

which came back above normal. He did NOT do a swab or urine test for it. He

prescribed doxycycline for 7 days with two refills (total 21 days). Within 1 day

of beginning the doxy, my symptoms got much much worse (Herxheimer? who knows,

but I doubt it).

My testicles became very swollen and painful (remember, this was immediately

upon beginning the doxy; I had had no testicular pain at all the day before I

started). I began to have all the symptoms of a bad case of ReA, and all the

symptoms were consistent with a chlamydia infection, but, once again, most of

them were nonexistent before I began the doxy.

After 3 weeks on doxycycline, I was fatigued, in constant pain, had a pounding

heart, and felt I was going to die.

I quit the doxy and have spent the last five months SLOWLY recovering. I am

better than I was in March, and March was better than January, but the day to

day progress is almost imperceptible.

Now. Was all this because of the (possibly long term) chlamydia? Because of ReA

(Reiters)? Because of a reaction to the doxycycline? Or a crazy jumble of all

the above?

I will probably never know. I do know that I will have to be near death before I

ever put doxycyline in my body again. I was exercising at the Y the day before I

started that antibiotic. I was laid up for months beginning the day after I

started it. Coincidence?

Proceed with care.



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I am glad you are taking the doctor's advice and taking the medication he

ordered. You may not notice much difference in the beginning because you

are battling a long standing disease process. Be patient my friend, time

will tell, like it did for me. I am also happy that you are finding the

Wellbutrin XL is helping you. Sometimes with that boost in your moods the

disease will not seem as nasty or pesky.


Fr. Dave

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Roy. I've been on the Doxy / Rifampin combo since 5/1/07. Prior to that I was

on the Zithro / Rifampin for two months. Prior to that Doxy / Rifampin for one

month but had to stop because I was taking the Doxy late at night just before

sleeping and caused my throat to swell. I really believe Chlamydia is to

blame for all of this. Totally ruining my life.

Thanks for sharing your experience w/ me and the rest of the board.

Thanks again.

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Thanks Fr. Dave. We'll see. I really hope this Doxy / Rifampin combo works.

We'll see I guess.


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Hi ,

I was on antibiotic therapy for my Crohn's Disease about 7 years ago. A

combination of Cipro and Flagel. My doctor did this before it was really

known as a possible treatment. It helped my Crohn's for awhile then stopped

working. The Cipro does help when I flare along with steriods, so I still

use it as needed. I know Crohn's is a different illness but thought it

might be helpful to share this information.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone.

I'm brand new to this board. Three questions (to start!)

1. Is this board specifically for people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area?

2. Is anyone here currently using antibiotic therapy for PsA? If so,

would you mind sharing about your dosage, how you got started etc.

3. Are we allowed to share info about doctors in our area that use this

protocol? If so, ARE there any doctors in this area that practice

antibiotic therapy for people with PsA?

" lninesling " <lninesling@...>

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I have a severe case of Psoriatic Arthritis that I am successfully

treating with the Harvard Antibiotic Protocol. 100mg Minocycline twice

daily and 50mg of diclofenac. I went form barely able to function or

sleep to being free of static pain on Minocycline. I also take

probiotic supplement to keep the gut flora healthy. I was able to get

off methotrexate and prednisone immediately after starting Minocycline.

My Primary Care Physician is treating me. Minocycline should be the

first drug tried before resorting to immune destroying drugs


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I was on the APfoe 11 months before I realized it was expensive quackery.

The proponents will blame micoplasma for everything and tell you that you

have to get worse before you get better because of the herxheimer effect

etc. They will tell you to use minocycline most likely, sometimes in

combination with zithromax. It is occasionally effective but not for the

reasons they say. Very, very rarely the cause of a particular arthritis is

misdiagnosed and caused by an infection , but usually when the AP is

effective it is because of the secondary side effect of minocine which is

attenuation of the immune system . It works analogous to the way MTX or

sulfasalizine works, but is not nearly as statistically effective. If you

do it make sure you use probiotic replacement supplements, etc. The AP

people have their own website and are fanatics. If you disagree with them

in the slightest way they will ban you. Nevertheless they know how to

semi-safely use the antibiotics long term. Usually you start turning grey

after a while and go into a flare like I did. IMO their recommended doctors

are all quacks that will charge you tens of thousands of dollars for

unnecessary non-standard tests and will x-ray you till you glow in the dark.

Think long and hard before you go down that road. I did and regret it.

Enbrel was the miracle drug for me.

Ronnie E.

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I was put on zithromax daily by a doctor in Ft. Worth along with methotraxate, 6

-2.5 tablets once a week, Remicade infusions every 7 weeks, and mobic, and

folic acid. It all has worked well together. I had trouble after 2 years, with

the antibiotic and had to go off it, now I juts take it if I have a bad flare. I

am also on gamogobulin infusions every 3 weeks, and I exercise 4 or 5 times a

week-all this leads to a better quality of life, the exercise can be tough, but

I push through and make it my priority.

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I have found Minocycline to be cheap, simple and effective treating

my Psoriatic Arthritis. Minocycline has been used for years treating

teenage acne. It should be the first line of drugs used to treat

rheumatic diseases, and move on to the more dangerous immune

suppressing drugs if it is not effective. I consider myself very

fortunate to be off Prednisone and Methotrexate and take only

Minocycline and Diclofenac.


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since I had to get off the biological meds because of my sinus problem last year

and beginning of this year I am doing better. I am on Biaxin because of the

sinus problems and Nizoral (anti fungal antibiotics) because the sinus problem

also created a fungus. I used to be on Enbrel, Prednison and Cellcept. What a

cocktail, at least now I can walk again



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